May 10, 2021

6:00 P.M.


Supervisor Thomas Wood opened the meeting at 6:00 p.m.


Roll call: Town Clerk, Linda McCabe, called the roll:  Supervisor Thomas Wood- present, Councilman Michael McLoughlin – present, Councilman James Jennings – present, Councilman Gary Squires - present, Councilwoman Ruth Drumm - present.


Also present:  Cristina Connolly, SLPID, Deputy Town Clerk Michelle Conover, Building Inspector/Zoning Officer Gil Albert, Zoning Chairman William Moreau, Walter Borisenok, Planning Chairman Ian Murray, Highway Superintendent Don Ormsby Jr., Town Attorney William Reynolds, Wendy Lukas.


Recognitions/Presentations/ Bid openings/Public Hearings: Supervisor Thomas Wood stated that he and Councilman Gary Squires spoke with Cristina Connolly last month but he invited her to join the meeting as he wanted everyone to hear from her directly on the five legislation changes SLPID seeks to obtain more power and control at the Lake.  He told the Board he notified Cristina Connolly that he and the Board want to see everything in writing.  He then introduced Cristina Connolly, SLPID Lake Administrator.   

Cristina Connolly stated last month at SLPID’s meeting they discussed water quality and the popularity of new homes around the lake.  SLPID recognizes all the hard work and great jobs the planning departments, of all the municipalities around the lake, do.  There are very strong stormwater regulations in effect and they don’t want to change that.  What they do want to do, is work closer with municipalities to protect the lake water quality and prevent stormwater runoff from private properties, as that is a major concern of hers with water quality.  They have concerns of properties that do not trigger a stormwater review, so they propose setting standards for properties that abut the lake within 500’ of the shoreline and properties that are within 500’ of riparian zones.  For example, they’d like silt fences to be used during construction, no drains directed into the lake, no concrete patios over hanging the lake, no private asphalt boat ramps with runoff into the lake; small things like those have impacts on the lake.  They’d like control of those smaller projects which, she feels, are not currently overseen and she’d also like Saratoga County Soil & Water, SLPID and the towns to work together, to come up with a plan and a way to administer it.  She said she spoke with Blue Neils, Saratoga County Soil & Water, and he told her he thought it could be something simple. 

She then stated when you drive around the lake after a storm, you can see with clarity where someone is doing a project.  They are looking to amend SLPID legislation, which was created in 1986 and needs some updating.  Small legislation changes are needed, for example, when they do their herbicide treatments, NYS DEC doesn’t see SLPID as a governmental agency, so SLPID can’t even sign their own treatment permits.  They have to have a riparian homeowner sign their permits for them.  They’d like to revisit district boundaries and possibly remove some properties that pay into the district but receive no benefit from the district, and add properties, such as Regatta View, as they’re not in the district, yet all those houses have access to the lake and have docks and boats, etcetera.  They’ve met with the Town of Saratoga, Malta, Stillwater and city of Saratoga Springs and everyone seems to be very positive about this and happy that there is a SLPID Board that is very diverse and taking its legislation very seriously and wanting to work closer with the municipalities in any way to make the lake better for the communities and the county.


Supervisor Thomas Wood asked her to address SLPID’s thoughts on docks and boat washing.


Christina Connolly stated they do get a lot of calls and emails from property owners and recreational users for dock regulations.  Currently there aren’t any.  In 2012, SLPID drafted dock and boat regulations, though she wasn’t on the Board then, and it wasn’t pursued any further.  A lot of complaints she receives are that property owners rent out their dock spaces, so there are a lot of strangers going in and out of owner’s properties and people on the lake are not comfortable with that.  Plus, the popularity of the lake in boats, especially with covid, more than doubled the amount of boats on the lake last year.  She thinks it may be worth getting together to discuss the possibility of some sort of dock regulation.  She said the Town of Malta feels strongly this should happen and she believes Stillwater agrees, but is unsure of the City of Saratoga Springs.  She added that DEC has no control over the docks.


Supervisor Thomas Wood responded he’s certainly heard concerns about the docks on Saratoga Springs side of the lake, Lake Local (now called 550 Waterfront) and on the downstream side of the bridge as well.  He recently learned they took out the old railroad piers and added substantially more docks to that area, which he’s been told has caused concerns.


Cristina Connolly added if there were dock regulations in place, they wouldn’t have that situation.  The Lake Local (now called 550 Waterfront) moved some of their docks away from the bridge to open up the navigation channel there, however the other marina has not moved theirs yet.  They sent several requests to DEC Permits asking them to handle it but nothing has happened to date.  Cristina Connolly said she was told, in the last conversation she had with DEC, that DEC has no jurisdiction over docks and it falls to the local authorities. 


Supervisor Thomas Wood asked her about boat washing. 


Cristina Connolly responded a lot of people ask why Saratoga Lake doesn’t have mandatory boat washing.  She spoke with David Wink at Lake George about their program and Saratoga Lake is a very busy lake with boaters, much more so than Lake George, and it’s a much smaller lake.  The boats come into Saratoga Lake, leave the lake and go to Lake George, the Adirondacks and other lakes.  They’ve talked about a tagging system but that would be a waste of time and effort without mandatory boat washing sites in place.  With boat inspections it would streamline folks going in and out of the lake, making it more efficient for boaters that return to Saratoga Lake, so they could either have a sticker or a pass, so when they go through the boat launch, they could bypass the inspection and just launch the boat and the same coming out, if you’re just going to return to Saratoga Lake.  You’d have the sticker or pass so you wouldn’t have to worry about ‘clean, drain and dry’.  The same with property owners, they’d have the sticker on their boat; it’d be like an honor system.  If their boats are staying in the lake, they wouldn’t have to worry about it.  It’s more for other boats coming into the lake from other areas and bringing in invasive species or taking them from Saratoga Lake into other waters.


Supervisor Thomas Wood stated SLPID had talked with him about the SEQR process and how currently SLPID is an interested party.  They want to increase their involvement in that process to an involved party, to have a voice of greater impact in that process.  He said a point was made to him that as it is now, for example, the Town of Saratoga Planning Board might refer something to the County Planning Board for input and the County Planning Board would give their input, although the Town is not obligated to follow the County Planning Board’s suggestions.  SLPID said that might be an agreeable approach to give SLPID voice in the SEQR process.  The ultimate decision will be up to the Town’s Planning Board. 


Cristina Connolly said she will let the SLPID Board know that.  She then stated she knows with smaller projects SEQR is not triggered, correct? 


Supervisor Thomas Wood responded that is correct.  He then asked her to speak to SLPID wanting control of parcels within 500’ of the shoreline of the lake.


Cristina Connolly said yes, maybe have an overlay of 500’ around the lake of all municipalities and get everyone in agreement with a list of requirements.  For example, during construction you have to have a silt fence up to prevent anything washing into the lake, small items like that, which are currently overlooked. 


Supervisor Thomas Wood asked Cristina Connolly if her next step will be putting together all their wants in writing for all the municipalities and she replied yes.  She said they then could have another meeting, whatever the Town is comfortable with. 


Supervisor Thomas Wood then asked for questions or comments concerning SLPID’s reach for more powerful legislation:


Walter Borisenok stated he’s been on the lake most of his life, as his parents purchased their property in 1955/1957.  He has witnessed a lot of changes with the lake and the SLPID organization has been a part of that improvement, like back when the lake was pea green with weeds.  There have been tremendous amounts of improvements at the lake over the years and he compliments the towns and city around the lake for that and for putting in the sewer line back in the late ‘70s, early ‘80s, which was a major improvement there.   Right now, the quality of the lake is great and proof of that is why you now see the driving of everyone wanting to be at the lake.  He doesn’t want to see some perceived crisis going on, which turns into some regulatory issues for people like himself, who has 2,000’ of lake frontage.  When Cristina says oh, it’s about the small projects, oh, 500’ from the lake, well we have significant amount of dollars that are invested around the lake and the property values could be affected based on the decisions that an organization basically makes.  Not that SLPID hasn’t brought value, but he’s sitting there thinking, wow, there’s been such an improvement in water quality, in lake management, every one of the new homes that go up have tremendously better stormwater management than the old camps that were on the lake.  He knows, as he’s probably taken out 7 old septic tanks as the sewer lines went in.  He questioned why she thinks they need another regulatory body on top of what is already in place?  Why now?  Why is that flag waving now – oh, there’s something going on that we need this expanded regulatory body?  There’s been a lot of improvement and this is not needed. 


Cristina Connolly responded she doesn’t think SLPID wants to be the regulatory body, they just want to work closer with the municipalities that already have that authority.


Walter Borisenok responded that she’s saying that SLPID doesn’t want to have control and approval within 500’ of the lake?


Cristina Connolly replied they want a say in it; to give suggestions.


Walter Borisenok responded but not in the approval process?


Cristina Connolly said not that she’s aware of, it’s still in the early stages.


Walter Borisenok responded okay, so yes or no; does SLPID want the approval of the approval process of the homes within 500’ of the lake?


Cristina Borisenok replied yes. 


Walter Borisenok responded thank you.


Cristina Connolly then asked if he’d read the Times Union article, written by Wendy Liberatore, that was published last Sunday.


Walter Borisenok responded he read it and in case she didn’t know, that paper has been critical of his agriculture business.  He then said just to make things clear, if he was to talk to his neighbors on Rt. 9P where he lives, and explain to them that SLPID is looking to have a piece of the approval process on smaller projects of homeowners that live within 500’ of the lakeshore – which are the projects that affect individual homeowners the most - not developers, the homeowners, that would be correct? 


Cristina Connolly responded yes.


Walter Borisenok said, so basically you want to oversee the individual land owners that live within 500’ of the shoreline of Saratoga Lake and you want to have an approval process over that. 


Cristina Connolly responded yes.  Not necessarily SLPID doing the approval, but maybe the Town’s take it over or SLPID, the Towns and County Soil & Water work together on it somehow. 


Walter Borisenok stated this gets interesting.  This is where it needs to be vetted out because there’s a big difference there.  He’s got no problem with SLPID in the organization they’ve done at the lake, like back in Dave Wallingford’s days of SLPID.  They’ve done a great job with weed control, harvesting and being an advocate for the lake.  He has no problem with that and he endorsed their organization.  But if SLPID becomes a regulatory agency overseeing property owners around the lake - that’s a huge concern.  This affects homeowners, not developers.


Cristina Connolly said thank you.  She then stated in the Times Union article, when Wendy Liberatore asked her, she said the same thing Walter Borisenok said earlier, which is, development has been a good thing for Saratoga Lake and people wanting to live there shows it is a quality lake.


ZBA Chairman Bill Moreau said SLPID does a fabulous job with weed harvesting and control.  It’s unfortunate since they wanted to get their teeth into something back in 2012, they didn’t continue reigning in the dock issues, because that is becoming a bigger issue due to the popularity of the lake.  He thinks the Town’s master plan was developed with a lot of thought and foresight and the Town has the tools in place with our zoning regulations to address a lot of those problems.  Cristina Connolly brought up they want to see silt fences.  The first thing you have to do with every construction project is put up a silt fence, and in this town every construction project already has them, as it’s state law.  For another government agency to come in and say we have to do this, it's unnecessary.  It’s already a law and our Building Department enforces that.  We don’t need another government body, another regulatory agency.  We have plenty of regulations, great Planning and Zoning Boards and processes that serve our Town well, and to echo Walter, we don’t have crisis development in our Town, that’s just not happening here.  A lot of what Cristina Connolly has brought up are already under laws of the state and town.


Cristina Connolly questioned if silt fences are needed for 2 acres and less in the Town of Saratoga and is it okay to put asphalt boat launches into the lake


Zoning Officer/Building Inspector Gil Albert responded yes and it doesn’t matter what size a property or project is, if there is a potential of water runoff, silt fencing is required during construction per NYS regulations. 


Cristina Connolly stated she doesn’t believe they are required in other towns.


Zoning Officer/Building Inspector Gil Albert responded it’s a NYS regulation so all the municipalities should be enforcing that.  Silt fences are mandatory for any size project with the potential of water runoff near any waterway and they should be enforcing that.  He also said the Town has no regulation on asphalt; some municipalities include asphalt and concrete in their coverage formula, that’s how they control some of that.  In other words, we have in our regulations, that you can’t cover more than 35% of the property, but we don’t include any pathways or concrete in that coverage and maybe we need to think about that.  He doesn’t think that’s a bad thing as they make many, many forms of surface coverage that absorb water without it running into waterways.


Cristina Connolly thanked him.


Planning Chairman Ian Murray stated, to echo Walt and Bill, he’s lived here his whole life and SLPID’s done a great job to this point, but he remembers as a kid, you could walk across the lake as it was so polluted.  So, when CT Male came up with a design for a sanitary system around the lake, that was great.  Look at how all the communities cleaned up their act and how the county grew and how it’s prospered to this day due to that.  He missed the beginning of today’s presentation, but he did see the zoom meeting that was proposed to the Town Board members before.  He is not a lakefront owner and doesn’t own a boat.  He’s okay with the docks as that’s been problematic for a long time.  That issue has been kicked around planning and zoning meetings in the past, but it’s hard for them to get their arms around it and nothing has ever been resolved with it.  Concerning boat washing, he’s unsure as he doesn’t own a boat and, as a side note, he didn’t know there are invasive species in Saratoga Lake.  He does have issue with the balance of her proposal:  Mr. Mazzotti said SLPID wants enforcement powers and that is a major problem as it can be very much politicized.  If you don’t agree with the group you can certainly be singled out and harassed and he believes that is a very wrong thing.  He is not in favor of SLPID involvement with SEQR.  The Planning Board follows all state and local regulations, hold open meetings, open public hearings, open comment periods, additional materials can be submitted, they work with Soil and Water Conservation as well as with Blue Niles, the Stormwater Coordinator for Saratoga County.  The Town has all the agencies they need in their tool box and he believes the Boards are all set with that.  The Town needs no more involvement with control of properties 500’ from the lake water’s edge.  Our Boards do an outstanding job.  We’ve had zoning in place since 1984 and the Town has a lot to show for it.  The Town doesn’t need SLPID control there. We have great Boards in this Town.


Supervisor Thomas Wood agreed. 


Cristina Connolly said she took notes and will let the SLPID Board know the Town’s opinions.  As far as the dock issue, what she understands right now is jurisdiction is with each municipality and they can have their own enforcement.  Or, if all Towns around the lake want, SLPID can take that on.  It would be SLPID working with municipalities, not having full authority.



ZBA Chairman Bill Moreau questioned if she’s talked with all other municipalities.


Cristina Connolly responded yes and they seem positive, they just want more information and discussion; the next step is to get it all on paper and send it to each Town.


Walt Borisenok said yes get it on paper, as he was unclear to what she wants because earlier she said yes, SLPID wants authority, then she said no, SLPID doesn’t want authority.  He suggested she be very clear on paper to exactly what SLPID is asking for, especially for lake property owners, and so the Town can see exactly what she wants.  He then asked will this be a legislative act?


Cristina Connolly stated yes, it’s from the NYS legislature.  Vic Mazzotti already went to Carrie Woerner’s office about changing the legislation and to get her backing of it.  She felt municipalities need to be aware he did that and then go from there.  Next step is to put it all on paper, get it to the municipalities and get it going.


Walt Borisenok responded that Vic Mazzotti lives up the road from him, on Putnam Rd, not within 500’ of the lake.  Saratoga Lake Association, which used to be a social group where neighbors used to have get togethers, now is an environmental group run by John Cashin who also doesn’t live within 500’ of the lake.  The people who seek these regulations don’t even live within 500’ of the lake.  The homeowners who do live within 500’ of the lake should certainly be the ones who have a significant say in what happens here.  If Carrie Woerner is the person that is the legislative body moving this forward, then he thinks they need to be totally transparent and should be reaching out to the homeowners within 500’ of the lake to see if they think this is a good idea or not.  And they should also notify the homeowners within 500’ of the lake who they should contact with questions they may have concerning all this.


Ian Murray said he just wanted to point out that everyone can read the 1986 SLPID legislation on the SLPID web page.


Supervisor Thomas Wood stated he believes nothing will happen this legislative session; probably a year out at best and believes communication such as this is valuable and important.   Cristina Connolly will carry this back to the SLPID Board for their review.  Each municipality has the opportunity to communicate their opinions with representatives Carrie Woerner and Daphne Jordan and any other legislators as well.  He asked if there were any further questions or comments; there were none.


Cristina Connolly thanked the Board.


Approval of Minutes: A motion was made by Councilmember Gary Squires and seconded by Councilmember Michael McLoughlin, to accept the minutes of the April 12, 2021 Remote Town Board meeting as written.  Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye, Councilman James Jennings – aye, Councilman Gary Squires - aye, Councilwoman Ruth Drumm - aye.  

Carried  5 – 0


Town Clerk’s report for April 2021:  Fees paid to the NYS Dept. of Agriculture and Markets for the Animal Population Control Program $58.00. Fees paid to New York D.E.C. for hunting and fishing licenses $70.86. Fees paid to the New York State Health Department for Marriage licenses $22.50.  Dog license fees to Supervisor Thomas Wood $250.00. Clerk fees to Supervisor Thomas Wood $131.64.  Total State and Local Revenues received were $533.00.


Zoning Officer’s report for April 2021: 18 Building Permits, 26 Building Inspections, 2 Certificates of Occupancy, 1 Junkyard Permit, 2 Complaints, 0 Fire Inspections, 0 Order to Remedy, 3 misc., 9 Building Permit Renewals and 0 Property Maintenance Inspections.  A check for $4,468.00 was given to Supervisor Thomas Wood. 


Dog Control officer’s report for April 2021: Ed Cross, Dog Control Officer answered 2 complaints, took 1 dog to the shelter, 0 bite case, traveled 40 miles, issued 1warning and 0 summonses.  


Town Court report for April 2021:  33 Traffic tickets closed, 3 Criminal/penal law cases closed, and 11 DWI cases closed, with the court collecting $3,930.00 in fees & fines. 


Tax Collector’s report for April 2021:  The Tax Collector has completed collecting taxes for the year and has handed her books in to the County Treasurer’s office in April, 2021.

Please Take Notice:  All Town & County tax payments must now be paid and sent to:

Saratoga County Treasurer

40 McMaster St.

Ballston Spa, NY 12020 


Any & all questions you have concerning unpaid taxes & proper amount due, should be directed to the County Treasurer’s office at: #518-884-4724.


Historian’s report for April 2021:  No report


Assessor’s report April 2021: No report.


Highway Superintendent’s report for April 2021:

v  Filled potholes, lawn and sign repairs

v  Painted STOP lines on Burgoyne Rd., speed bumps at Schuyler Park and Town Hall

v  Welding on deck mower and tractor maintenance

v  Swept developments with Elgin

v  Graded Swamp Rd.

v  Removed wings and plows from trucks

v  Brake inspections, filter and oil changes on trucks

v  Truck 1 - tarp frame repair

v  New brakes and seals on Truck 2

v  Brake adjusters and rear seals on Truck 6

v  Starter on truck 3 and 1 tire on Truck 5

v  Ditching and construction signs on Brown Rd.

v  Restocking scalping and stone dust piles

v  Looking to trade in and purchase new 2021 721G loader


Highway Superintend Don Ormsby noted that he received a call from a resident on Caldwell Rd. asking for a 40 mph speed limit sign to be posted, as people speed down that road.  Supervisor Thomas Wood responded to have her get a petition to the Board with neighbor signatures and once received, will go forward with that process.





Supervisor’s report for April 2021:

                        SUPERVISOR’S REPORT APRIL 2021


                  GENERAL FUND – TOWNWIDE (A FUND)                                       

                  Balance on hand 4/1/2021                   $1,117,971.75

                  Revenues                                              +     36,868.22

                  Disbursements                                      -     68,686.21

                  Balance 4/30/2021                               $1,086,153.76



                  Balance on hand 4/1/2021                   $1,875,953.35

                  Revenues                                             +        1,421.39

                  Disbursements                                     -    261,212.10

                  Balance 4/30/2021                               $ 1,616,162.64



                  Balance on hand 4/1/2021                    $   823,656.89

                  Revenues                                               +    98,599.76

                  Disbursements                                       -    81,754.97

                  Balance 4/30/2021                                $  840,501.68


                  SCHUYLER PARK CAPITAL PROJECT  4/30/2021      $ 164,053.56


YOUTH RECREATION & SERVICE  4/30/2021                    $     8,673.85                                      

HIGHWAY EQUIPMENT RESERVE 4/30/2021                          $ 302,418.69


                  BUILDING RESERVE  4/30/2021                                            $ 411,862.49


                  TRUST & AGENCY  4/30/2021                                     $    25,897.70


                        HOME IMPROVEMENT GRANT 2 4/30/2021                       $         113.53

                        (holding checks until funds are deposited)


                                    HISTORIC HUDSON HOOSICK RIVER 4/30/2021                           $    12,877.65



                        CDBG PROJECT  4/30/2021                                                              $            9.29


                  SCENIC BY WAYS QRTRLY  4/30/2021                               $        311.81


                        PARKS RESERVE  4/30/2021                                                         $ 426,956.55


                        PROPERTY TAX CAP RESERVE 4/30/2021                                    $     1,311.16


                                    GFNB Certificate of Deposit  4/30/2021                                          $ 753,145.78


                                    NYCLASS 4/30/2021                                                                           $ 702,070.08


Sales Tax Received April 2021- $153,161.00

Mortgage Tax Received March 2021- $25,461.50


Public comments on agenda items: Wendy Lukas addressed the Board.



Committee reports:

Landfill: Supervisor Thomas Wood stated a week ago samples were taken at the landfill and all went well.


Insurance: Supervisor Thomas Wood stated Schuyler Park insurance policy has been renewed.


 Youth: No report.


Senior Citizens: Councilman Michael McLoughlin stated the Basin Grill will be hosting the Old Saratoga Seniors with a buffet luncheon at noon on May 19th, at no cost to members. 


Park Committee: Supervisor Thomas Wood stated he has received complaints from residents that people have been driving ATVs and dirt bikes on the hills and slopes of Schuyler Park, coming into the park from the top of the hill.  Motorized vehicles are banned from driving on the park fields and hills and signs will be going up around the park stating this. 


Office of Emergency Management (OEM): No report.


WEMS, QSFD Reports:

Fire Chief Don Ormsby reported that Quaker Springs Fire Department has had a total of 32 calls to date.  He also stated they are looking for a midsize fleet truck and they’re replacing all the floors at the fire house, except for the bays.


WEMS: No report.


Old Business:

Comprehensive Plan: The comprehensive plan committee met on April 22, 2021, with Tracey Clothier and they’re beginning to move ahead. 


Tenant Update: Adirondack Advocacy will be vacating at the end of the month as her business is slow.  The new tenant, Grassland Bird Trust, is now moved in.


New Internet Firewall: The Town’s insurance company had the Town complete a survey form on internet security and told us we must update.  The Town is working with Chris Dudek for this significant upgrade, costing $2,000.00 with annual updates which we will need to budget for.  The court system will be separated, so if they get hacked, the other offices will be protected and if the other Town offices get hacked, the court will be protected.  The Board agreed this is a necessary expense.


New business:

Supervisor Thomas Wood stated there is another opportunity available for the Town to receive a boat launch grant in the amount of $40,000 - $50,000.  The LA Group, at a cost of $1500.00, are willing to apply for the grant, if the Board agrees.  Councilman Michael McLoughlin agreed he should go ahead with the application.  Councilman James Jennings questioned how much more is needed to complete the project and Supervisor Thomas Wood replied a lot more.  He said they want to put a canoe and kayak launch area in south of the current boat launch, they need signage directing traffic flow and showing exactly where to park vehicles and trailers.  The Board agreed he should go forward with applying for the grant.


Highway Superintend Don Ormsby stated NYSDOT has informed him they will be resurfacing

Rt. 32 from Stillwater into Schuylerville.  He asked NYSDOT since they’ll be milling and repaving, if they’ll bring their fill to the boat launch area and then the Town highway employees can put in a new paved 8’ apron from the road into the boat launch.  He also stated the Rt. 4 Boat Launch signs will be going in.


On a motion by Councilmember Michael McLoughlin and seconded by Councilmember Gary Squires, the following Resolution #21-55 – Authorization to Purchase a new 2021 721G CASE Loader, was adopted by vote: Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye, Councilman James Jennings – aye, Councilman Gary Squires - aye, Councilwoman Ruth Drumm - aye. 

Carried  5 – 0.

RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Saratoga, authorizes Highway Superintend Don Ormsby to go forward with ordering the new 2021 721G CASE Loader, per attached specifications, with a list value of $309,397.00, along with a trade in value of $139,000.00 for the Highway’s current Case Loader, bringing the total cost to $32,553.00, subject to a 30 day permissive referendum, at which time transferring $32,553.00 from Highway Equipment Reserve into Highway Equipment-DB5130.2.


Communications: Supervisor Thomas Wood noted that the new storage closet on the first floor for the seniors is coming along nicely.  Once the new door is delivered, it will be installed by Tim Blanchard and the space will be ready for use. 


Privilege of the floor: Wendy Lukas addressed the Board.


v  Upcoming meetings: Regular Remote Town Board meeting – Mon., June 14, 2021 at 6 p.m.


On a motion by Councilmember Ruth Drumm and seconded by Councilmember James Jennings, the following Resolution #21-56 – Approving the payment of bills – Abstract 5G, was adopted by vote: Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye, Councilman James Jennings – aye, Councilman Gary Squires - aye, Councilwoman Ruth Drumm - aye. 

Carried  5 – 0.

RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the Town of Saratoga to authorize payment of the bills listed in Abstract 5G of 2021 in the following amounts:


            General Fund DB      No. 301 – 321                                    $  12,043.20

            General Fund A        No. 272, 275, 278, 293 – 295,            $  17,438.64

329 - 359

            General Fund B        No. 322 - 325                                      $    1,308.77

            H Schulyer Park       No. 296, 297, 326 & 327                    $    6,520.49

CDBG                         No. 276, 299 & 300                            $  45,216.00

            HH                              No. 328                                               $         10.73

            (Historic Hudson-Hoosic Rivers)

                                                                                    Grand Total  $  82,537.83


A motion was made by Councilmember Michael McLoughlin, seconded by Councilmember Gary Squires, to Enter into Executive Session at 7:40 p.m. to discuss personnel and litigation





issues.  No action will be taken.  Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Michael

McLoughlin – aye, Councilman James Jennings – aye, Councilman Gary Squires - aye, Councilwoman Ruth Drumm - aye. 

Carried  5 - 0


A motion was made by Councilmember Michael McLoughlin and seconded by Councilmember Gary Squires, to Exit Executive Session at 8:09 p.m.  No action was taken.  Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye, Councilman James Jennings – aye, Councilman Gary Squires - aye, Councilwoman Ruth Drumm - aye.

Carried  5 – 0


A motion was made by Councilmember Michael McLoughlin and seconded by Councilmember  Ruth Drumm, to adjourn the meeting at 8:10 p.m.  Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye, Councilman James Jennings – aye, Councilman Gary Squires - aye, Councilwoman Ruth Drumm - aye.  

Carried   5 - 0

Meeting Adjourned


Respectfully Submitted,


Linda A. McCabe

Town Clerk