The Town of Saratoga is home to many places of interest and attractions. 

Most all are free  and are designed for the entire family to enjoy. 

They offer everyone the opportunity to learn about our heritage while enjoying physical activity. 

As you visit our sites we are sure that you will receive great pleasure and hope that you return often.

Below is a list of some of the area attractions with links to more information.









Home | Attractions | Town Departments & Contact Information |History | News | Useful Links

Town Board | Planning Board | Zoning Board of Appeals | Town Court | Tax Collector | Assessor | Town Clerk

Town Supervisor | Zoning Officer/Building Inspector | Permits, Licenses, Certificates, Applications | FOIL Requests

Town Highway Department | Town Office of Emergency Services | COVID News | Town Calendars

Old Saratoga Seniors | Quaker Sunshiners | Quaker Springs FD | Schuylerville FD | Victory Mills FD | Emergency Squad

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