September 27, 2006 - 7:30 PM



Chairman Ian Murray called the meeting to order at 7:33 p.m.


Planning Clerk Catherine Cicero called the roll.Chairman Ian Murray � present, Ralph Pascucci � present, Paul Griffen � present, Robert Park � present, Laurie Griffen � absent [Ms. Griffen arrived at 9:13 p.m.], Patrick Hanehan � present, and Robert McConnell � present.

Also attending: Town Supervisor Tom Wood, Town Engineer Kenneth Martin and many interested members of the public (Sign-In Sheet on file in the Minute Book).


Approval of Minutes: All board members present had read the minutes of the August 30, 2006 meeting. A motion was made by Paul Griffen, seconded by Patrick Hanehan, to accept the minutes of August 30, 2006 as written. Chairman Ian Murray � aye, Patrick Hanehan � aye, Robert Park � aye, Paul Griffen � aye, Ralph Pascucci � aye, and Robert McConnell � aye. Carried 6 � 0.


Order of Business:




Saratoga Builders, LLC, Applicant������� ����������� Valente Realty Partners, Owner

8 Campion Lane��������������� ����������� ����������� 315 Partition St.

Saratoga Springs, NY 12866����������� Rensselaer, NY 12144

S/B/L 155.-1-27.1&3 Rural Residential


Returning Applicant proposes a conservation subdivision consisting of 39 building lots on 80.41+/- acres.39.11+/- acres of open space has been set aside, which will include 27.14+/-acres for a park, 1.05+/- acres for the Quaker Springs Fire District, and 10.92 +/- acres of greenspace.The proposed subdivision would be located at the intersection of NYS Rte 29 and Louden Road.


Sam Palazzole and Mike Brooks appeared on behalf of the Applicant, explaining updates to the file and providing a copy of the archaeological report, the well drilling report, the neighbor notification list, and a copy of the letter sent to the neighbors.Mr. Palazzole said that he expects a final archaeological report and purity reports from each well by the next meeting.


Mr. Palazzole said that all 61 neighbors who received the notice of hearing were invited to coffee at the Farmer�s Daughter on Saturday, September 23, to discuss any concerns regarding the development.He said that the main concerns were with neighboring wells, fencing the park to keep children off of neighboring property, and increased traffic on Route 29.


There followed a brief discussion concerning the wells on Chelsea Drive.Mr. Palazzole said that he would look into obtaining records regarding those wells prior to digging wells for the proposed development.

Chairman Ian Murray noted that separation distances for the wells and septics have to be doubled on the slopes and that requirement has been met.He also noted that there would be more clearing than he originally thought; therefore, a street clearing plan would be necessary.


Mr. Palazzole said that DOH has approved all the test holes.He has not received a letter from DOT, but did not anticipate any problems with that.


Proof of notice having been furnished by newspaper on September 20, 2006, Chairman Ian Murray opened the Public Hearing at 7:43 p.m., asking that anyone having comments provide their name, address, and state whether they were for or against the proposal.


Anthony Holland�Raised concerns about water. Mr. Holland passed out copies of 2 letters to the Board, which are attached to the minutes in the Minutes Book, and a set has been made a part of the permanent file in this application.Mr. Holland�s concerns pertain to whether the development will affect the availability and quality of the water in the area.Mr. Holland wanted to know if the Town could hire an expert to study the water situation.

Sandra Reulet�Raised concerns about water.Chairman Ian Murray explained the new Town water standards.There followed a lengthy discussion in which Chairman Ian Murray, Ralph Pascucci, & Paul Griffen shared information on this issue.

Curtis Bratge�Raised concerns.Mr. Bratge was concerned about overweight traffic on Route 29, the additional traffic, and asked whether the stumps would be buried on site or removed.

Kenneth Harrington�Raised concerns about traffic.Town Supervisor Tom Wood explained that the State is responsible for installing a traffic light on Route 29 and has determined that it is not necessary.He said that the Town has sent a letter to the State requesting that the intersection at Route 29 and Louden Road be re-aligned.

Patricia Villano�Raised concerns about traffic and about the proposed park.Town Supervisor Tom Wood assured Ms. Villano that the Village of Schuylerville has no plans to remove the current athletic fields at Fort Hardy Park.He said that the Town has a vision for the new proposed park and that there is a park committee working on the project, but nothing has been determined as yet.

Mary Rose�Raised concerns about lack of information on the proposed park.Chairman Ian Murray said that issue will be addressed at the Town Board level at a later date if the proposed subdivision is approved.

James Bulgey�Asked for more information regarding the proposed fire station.Fire Commissioner Stephen Bodnar explained the proposed plans for the building, which will be a modest garage-type facility not intended for any community functions, but limited to housing necessary trucks and equipment.In answer to his question regarding the proposed houses, Mr. Palazzole explained that the price would range from $250,000-500,000.

Stephen Bodnar�For.Mr. Bodnar stated that this would be good for the community and a good use for the property.


Everyone wishing to speak having done so, the Public Hearing was closed at 8:30 p.m.


Chairman Ian Murray asked the Board if there were any further questions.There were none.









Lawrence Mitchell, Applicant

115 Schuyler Street

Victory, NY12884

S/B/L 170.38-1-8 Village Extension


Applicant proposes to subdivide a trailer from the rest of the property containing a house and barn.The trailer would be replaced with a newer trailer or a house.If the subdivision is approved, a well would be drilled for the existing trailer, which has its own septic system. Tammy Mitchell explained the proposal to the Board.


The Board determined that the proposed subdivision would create two non-conforming lots.Chairman Ian Murray explained to Mrs. Mitchell that if she wanted to go forward, she would have to take the proposal to the Zoning Board of Appeals for road frontage and area variances.

Ralph Pascucci made a motion, seconded by Paul Griffen to deny the application.Chairman Ian Murray � aye, Patrick Hanehan � aye, Robert Park � aye, Paul Griffen � aye, Ralph Pascucci � aye, and Robert McConnell � aye. Carried 6 � 0.DENIED


Joseph Mack, Applicant

P.O. Box 4544

Saratoga Springs, NY12866

S/B/L 193-1-29 Rural District 2


Applicant proposes to subdivide a 2.05+/- acre lot from a 4.22+/- acre parcel at 1059 County Route 70 for a possible future residence.Joseph Mack explained his proposal to the Board, stating that he currently resides on the property but would like to eventually build a residence for himself on the subdivided piece.He said there is good visibility in both directions for a new driveway.


Chairman Ian Murray stated that a raised septic system would be needed for the new parcel due to the existence of rock on the property.There followed a lengthy discussion on the type of system needed.Mr. Mack said that he would have the system designed now in order to have the subdivision approved even though he does not intend to build right away.RETURNING


Douglas Lafferty, Applicant

407 County Route 68

Saratoga Springs, NY12866

S/B/L 168.-2-55 Rural


Applicant proposes to subdivide a 4.0+/- acre lot from a 10.809+/- parcel for a possible future residence.Mr. Lafferty explained to the Board that the proposed subdivision had been approved in 1988, but he had never filed the approved maps with the County.


Chairman Ian Murray directed Mr. Lafferty to have the soil engineering and perc test done, and to place stakes where the proposed driveway will be so sight distances can be determined.


Town Engineer Kenneth Martin raised concerns regarding the septic system due to the slopes on the property.RETURNING


MKN Development, LLC, Applicant

c/o Jones Ferradino

68 West Avenue

Saratoga Springs, NY12866

S/B/L 206-1-34 Rural


Applicant proposes a 16 residence Planned Unit Subdivision (PUD) on an 84.83+/- acre parcel on Brown Road.[There will be a special workshop meeting on this matter on October 4, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. in the lower level of the Town Hall.]TABLED AT THE REQUEST OF THE APPLICANT


The BH Group, Inc., Applicant������� �����������������������

173 Co. Rd. 69

Schuylerville, NY12871������ ����������������������� �����������

S/B/L 182.-2-15.11 Rural


Applicant proposes a 36 unit subdivision of single family homes on 121.82+/- acres to be called Arlington Ridge.


Attorney Robert Pulsifer represented the Applicant, explaining that Mr. Taras, owner of the property, has remediated the problems which led to the Board denying his original application last April.Chairman Ian Murray made a motion, seconded by Ralph Pascucci to rescind the denial and reinstate the original application. Chairman Ian Murray � aye, Patrick Hanehan � aye, Robert Park � aye, Paul Griffen � aye, Ralph Pascucci � aye, and Robert McConnell � aye. Carried 6 � 0.�� [In future, this application will be referenced as Saratoga Farms, Inc./Taras.]


Mr. Pulsifer presented a map of the parcel showing a conventional subdivision.He stated that the DOT would probably frown on the resulting number of driveways exiting onto the road.Mr. Pulsifer then presented a second map in which several of the Board�s concerns were addressed.The new proposal includes 37 lots, some of which would have deed restrictions to retain forever wild property as a buffer.Gavin Villaume of EDP also explained the new proposal.


There followed a discussion on the open space contained in the new proposal.The Board explained its position regarding its intention to retain the rural character of the Town.There followed a brief discussion on the creation of pocket parks in the Town.


Paul Griffen and Ralph Pascucci requested that the Applicant add the wetland area to the unbuildable areas on the property and recalculate the number of lots.Ralph Pascucci raised concerns that the open space is not contiguous.Paul Griffen raised concerns about the look of the development behind the gentleman�s farm, which does not have a buffer.


There followed a discussion on the idea of buffering the development and what characterizes a �rural� look.


Town Engineer Kenneth Martin said that he would ask Town Highway Superintendent David Hall to review the proposed cul-de-sac.


There followed a discussion of the various proposals that have been presented by the Applicant thus far and what the Board is looking for in the development.

Town Engineer Kenneth Martin recommended that instead of investing in a berm area, the development would probably look better from the road if the lots had more trees and plantings.There followed a discussion of the proposed landscaping from a previous plan.


Ralph Pascucci said that he is still against having 2 buildings on the estate lot.Mr. Villaume said that the second residence could be removed.


Robert Park said that he preferred the original proposal containing 35 lots.

Ralph Pascucci emphasized that he would like to retain the remaining trees on the property.


Patrick Hanehan requested that the Applicant add more landscaping to the front of the development.


The Board directed the Applicant to work from the plan presented in November of 2005. The lots should be squeezed somewhat and the Applicant should retain the trees.



Special Use Permits


Jeffrey & Deborah Dooley, Applicants

111 Condon Rd.

Stillwater, NY12170

S/B/L 193.-1-7.3 Rural


Applicants are requesting a Special Use Permit to operate a home industry on their property for a storage facility on their 4.6+/- acre lot.This application was before the Board previously; however, the Applicants lacked the necessary road frontage under the definition of a boat storage facility.Since then, the Town has amended the definition of a Home Industry to include boat storage.


Proof of notice having been furnished by newspaper on September 20, 2006, Chairman Ian Murray opened the Public Hearing at 9:56 p.m., asking that anyone having comments provide their name, address, and state whether they were for or against the proposal.


Stephen Bodnar�For.Mr. Bodnar stated that this would be a good use for the property.


Everyone wishing to speak having done so, the Public Hearing was closed at 9:57 p.m.


Ralph Pascucci made a motion, seconded by Robert McConnell, to grant the application as a one-year renewable Special Use Permit. Chairman Ian Murray � aye, Patrick Hanehan � aye, Robert Park � aye, Paul Griffen � aye, Ralph Pascucci � aye, Laurie Griffen � aye, and Robert McConnell � aye. Carried 7 � 0. GRANTED


SBA Network Services, Inc., Applicant

5900 Broken Sound Parkway, NW

Boca Raton, FL33487-2797

S/B/L 169-1-64 Rural


Returning Applicant is seeking a special use permit to construct an unmanned telecommunications facility on Hayes Road consisting of a 195� monopole tower with provisions for up to five future wireless telecommunications providers on the tower and at the tower base for antennas and equipment.The proposed tower site property is owned by the Town of Saratoga.TABLED AT THE REQUEST OF THE APPLICANT


SBA Network Services, Inc., Applicant

5900 Broken Sound Parkway, NW

Boca Raton, FL33487-2797

S/B/L 183-1-49 Rural


Returning Applicant is seeking a special use permit to construct an unmanned telecommunications facility in Coveville consisting of a 150� monopole tower with provisions for up to five future wireless telecommunications providers on the tower and at the tower base for antennas and equipment.The proposed tower site property is owned by Victor and Janine Gennett.TABLED AT THE REQUEST OF THE APPLICANT


Kimberly Wilbur & Donald Neubauer, Jr., Applicants������

57 Pryn Hill Rd.

Mechanicville, NY12118

S/B/L 183.-1-30.1 Conservancy


Returning Applicants are seeking a special use permit to operate a marina on their property in Coveville.


Chairman Ian Murray explained to the Applicants that they would need to add metes and bounds to their survey map.The map containing a sketch of the proposed slips and building needs to be improved and clarified.It was noted that the driveway has been tested to confirm that it can withstand emergency vehicles.


There followed a discussion on the number of allowable slips, necessary number of parking spaces, boat storage, and hours of operation.It was determined that there will be room for 16 boats, so 24 parking spaces would be made available, based on a need for approximately 1and � parking spaces per boat.No restriction on hours of operation will be necessary.There will be no more than 16 trailers on site at any given time, no more than 16 boats stored at any given time, and no more than 16 boats stored over the winter.


Chairman Ian Murray directed Mr. Neubauer and Ms. Wilbur to have their engineer put the necessary information on the survey.Ralph Pascucci asked that a note be put on the map stating that final configuration would be subject to construction.


Ralph Pascucci made a motion, seconded by Laurie Griffen, to grant the application as a one-year, renewable Special Use Permit, with the conditions stated above.The approval is contingent on final review of the maps by Town Engineer Kenneth Martin.Chairman Ian Murray � aye, Patrick Hanehan � aye, Robert Park � aye, Paul Griffen � aye, Ralph Pascucci � aye, Laurie Griffen � aye, and Robert McConnell � aye. Carried 7 � 0. GRANTED


Old Business: Ralph Pascucci said that the Town should consider requesting a bond from cell tower developers that would ensure that money is available to take them down if technology changes or some other situation arises causing the owner to abandon them in the future.


Chairman Ian Murray explained that the conditions for the granting of the Saratoga Farms, LLC subdivision application would be amended due to input from DEC.


New Business:Chairman Ian Murray made a motion to nominate Robert Park for the position of Vice-Chairman of the Board since Susan Cummings has retired as a Board member.Laurie seconded the motion.Chairman Ian Murray � aye, Patrick Hanehan � aye, Paul Griffen � aye, Ralph Pascucci � aye, Laurie Griffen � aye, and Robert McConnell � aye.Robert Park abstained from the vote. Carried 6 � 0.


The next meeting will be October 25, 2006.


A motion to adjourn was made at 10:41 p.m. by Robert Park, and seconded by Laurie Griffen. Chairman Ian Murray � aye, Laurie Griffen � aye, Paul Griffen � aye, Robert Park � aye, Patrick Hanehan � aye, Ralph Pascucci � aye, and Robert McConnell � aye. Carried 7 � 0.



Respectfully submitted,


Catherine E. Cicero

Planning Clerk

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