Town of Saratoga Committee to Honor
Volunteer Firefighters and EMS Workers

Welcome to the Town of Saratoga web page for Volunteer Firefighters and EMS Workers.

Please feel free to visit the web site of or call one of the volunteer organizations listed below to join.

David Nevins Fire Company
Victory Mills Fire Department
call 695-6623

serving the Village of Victory and Fire Protection District #2
including the hamlet of Smithville.

General Schuyler Emergency Squad
call 695-6622

serving the entire Town of Saratoga (and part of Northumberland) with Emergency Medical Service.

Quaker Springs Fire Department

serving the Quaker Springs Fire District
including the hamlet of Quaker Springs and Saratoga Lake.

Schuyler Hose Company

serving the Village of Schuylerville and Fire Protection District #1
including the hamlet of Grangerville (and part of Easton, Greenwich and Northumberland).

What if... there was a fire and no one came?


What if... someone was having a heart attack and no one came?

Just above are the names and contact information for the four Fire and/or EMS providers in the Town of Saratoga. These departments are volunteer. That means they operate without paying their employees, the "workers" are individuals like your neighbors, friends, and family. They are dispatched out of their homes at any time of day or night to aid the other residents and business owners in their communities. Without the volunteers, these agencies would not exist. This web page serves to inform town residents that these agencies need help doing their job of serving the public. They need you! The more workers there are the lighter the load on each individual worker, making life easier and the job done more efficiently.

Consider all of the things that you do daily in your home or at work. These same things are done at the Fire and EMS service provider. Attention must be paid to every aspect of the organization. The amount of things to do makes it easy for anyone to volunteer and fill a special niche of their own. The training is free, so if you've ever though about lending a helping hand, please contact the departments.


Wood Highlights Accomplishment of Town of Saratoga's Volunteer Firefighters and Emergency Medical Service Workers: Cites Committee to Honor Them

Town of Saratoga, NY (April 11, 2006) --- Thomas Wood, Supervisor of the Town of Saratoga, announced the formation of the “Town of Saratoga Honors Volunteer Firefighters and Emergency Medical Service Workers Committee” to recognize dedicated residents who are selfless men and women who risk their lives to protect and provide fire, emergency medical and rescue services to others in their community without financial compensation.

"The Town of Saratoga’s volunteer firefighters and emergency medical service workers proudly carry on the 175-year-old tradition started by their forefathers--answering the alarm, serving their neighbors and protecting the citizens of the Town of Saratoga,” said Supervisor Wood. “There is a crisis across the county in regards to volunteers firefighters and EMS workers and we are acting locally to focus not only on recruiting and retaining volunteers but we are taking a step further to recognize the volunteers for their efforts. I believe that focusing on the 3 Rs – recruitment, retention, and recognition will best serve the community’s future.”

The committee will recognize the enduring importance of the firefighters and EMS workers by developing a memorial to commemorate, honor, and interpret their history, a separate memorial to fallen firefighters and EMS workers, a memento for the volunteers to show the appreciation of the town, and other recruitment, retention and recognition tools.

The committee is co- chairs are Councilman Michael McLoughlin and Historian Sean Kelleher. In addition, Highway Superintendent Dave Hall has been appointed to the Committee.

Other committee members are: Sherry Doubleday of General Schuyler Emergency Squad, Douglas Root of Victory Mills Fire Department, David DeHeer of Quaker Springs Fire Department, Joseph Torcotte, President of Schuyler Hose Company, Ronalee Myers representing citizens of the Town, and Jean Driscoll of the Turning Point Parade.

The Committee meets once a month on Wednesday at 7 pm in the Saratoga Town Hall on Ferry Street in Schuylerville.

The Town of Saratoga is served by dedicated volunteers operating out of three different fire departments – Quaker Springs Fire Department, Schuyler Hose Company and the Victory Mills David Nevins Fire Department and one emergency squad – General Schuyler Emergency Squad.

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