Town Board Minutes – 2003






JANUARY 13, 2003


A motion was made by Councilman Fred Drumm and seconded by Councilman Bruce Cornell to approve the following appointments and designations. Carried 4-0 (Councilman Philip Griffen – absent)

Set meeting times and place. At town hall, second Monday of month, 7:30pm

Designate an official bank depository. Glens Falls National

Designate an official newspaper. Saratogian

Authorize Supervisor to invest idle cash balances.

Authorize Supervisor to submit claims for state aid for youth recreation programs.

Authorize Supervisor to execute & pay contracts & annual appropriations as provided in the budget.

Approve salaries & highway scale of wages as set forth in the budget.

Appoint supervisor as health insurance administrator.

Authorize Supervisor to pay bills of utility, fuel, gas, oil, & any discounted bills without prior audit and providing that bills are presented at first available meeting for audit.

Appoint Highway Superintendent to spend/purchase up to $1,500 without prior notice to town board.

Appoint Animal Control Officer. Rick Sullivan

Appoint Town Historian. Tom Wood

Appoint Deputy Town Historian. Veronica Wood

Authorize attendance at Association of Town’s meeting.

Appoint delegate and alternate to Association of Town’s meeting.

Set mileage rate for actual town business. 36 cents per mile

Authorize assessor to employ clerical help, within the budget. Marie Foster

Set election rates. $75 Primary, $130 Election

Appoint Town Attorney. William Reynolds

Appoint Building Inspector/Code Enforcement Officer. Robert Hathaway

Appoint Fire Code Officer. Robert Hathaway

Appoint Registrar of Vital Statistics. Jean Casey

Appoint Clerk to Planning Board & Zoning Board of Appeals. Maureen Kemmett

Appoint Health Officer. Dr. Bruce Harro


Supervisor Robert Hall made the following appointments:

Appoint Bookkeeper. Catherine DeFelice

Appoint Highway Committee. Bruce Cornell, Phil Griffen & Fred Drumm

Appoint Youth Committee. Mike McLoughlin

Appoint Building Committee. Phil Griffen, Bruce Cornell, Fred Drumm, Mike McLoughlin

Appoint Senior Citizen Committee. Bruce Cornell

Appoint Deputy Supervisor. Phil Griffen


The following appointments were made as stated:

Town Clerk appointed Deputy Town Clerk. Ruth Drumm

Tax Collector appointed clerk. Paul Shaver

Town Justice Priest appointed clerk. Melodee Haney

Town Justice Ditch appointed clerk. Helen Brown


A motion was made by Councilman Fred Drumm and seconded by Councilman Bruce Cornell to approve the following appointments to the Zoning Board of Appeals. Carried 4-0 (Councilman Philip Griffen – absent)

Zoning Board of Appeals - 5-year terms, reappointed:

Barbara Faraone Joyce Waldinger

Clifford Hanehan Thomas Carringi


Planning Board – no terms expired.


REGULAR MEETING - January 13, 2003


Supervisor Robert Hall opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance at 7:30 p.m.


Roll call: Jean Casey, Town Clerk, called the roll. Present: Supervisor Robert Hall, Councilman Bruce Cornell, Councilman Michael McLoughlin, and Councilman Fred Drumm. Councilman Phil Griffen – absent.


Also present: Town Clerk Jean Casey, Deputy Clerk Ruth Drumm, Assessor/Clerk Catherine DeFelice, Town Attorney William Reynolds, Building Inspector Robert Hathaway, Highway Superintendent Grant Seymour, Andrew Sheeran, Michele McClure, Glenn Stevens, Richard Behrens, Geraldine Friedman, Sherry Doubleday, Jim Kinney, Dan Craine, and Kathleen Bartholomay.


Approval of Minutes: All Board Members had read the minutes of the December 9th

and December 26th, 2002 meetings. A motion was made by Councilman Bruce Cornell and seconded by Councilman Fred Drumm that the minutes of December 9th and 26th, 2002 be accepted as read. All ayes, no noes. Motion carried. (4-0)


Town Clerk’s report: Fees paid to the County treasurer for Dog licenses $17.62. Fees paid to the NYS Dept. of Agriculture and Markets for the spay/neuter program $0.00. Fees paid to NY D.E.C. for hunting/fishing licenses $135.09. Fees paid to The State Health Dept. for marriage licenses $11.25. Dog license fees to the Supervisor $57.38. Clerk fees to the Supervisor $144.66. Total State, County, and Local Revenues received were $366.00.


Zoning Officer’s report: Robert Hathaway stated that 3 Building permits were issued,

5 Certificates of Occupancy and 19 inspections were done. A check for $278.00 was given to Supervisor Hall.


Supervisor’s report: Supervisor Hall presented balances in Town funds as follows: General A $216,220.88, General B $32,824.07, Highway Outside $429,550.36, Youth Recreation & Services $1,695.69, Highway Equipment Reserve $59,103.49, and Building Reserve $813,200.51. December revenues were $118,924.85 and expenses were $133,332.29, making the total December balance $1,552,595.01. .


Highway: Supervisor Hall complimented Highway Superintendent Grant Seymour and his crew on the excellent job that they have done in keeping our town roads clear this harsh winter. Grant Seymour presented the board with state contract bids on three rubber tire loaders. He requested that the board review the three, a New Holland, a John Deere and a Caterpillar and select one for purchase as budgeted for this year. Supervisor Hall suggested that a special meeting might be needed to review and decide. Highway Superintendent Grant Seymour will write up specifications and advertise for bids for a tractor and side arm mower that are needed. He’ll present the bids at the next town board meeting. He stated that a New Holland or John Deere is recommended. Grant Seymour noted that we are getting a good price for road salt this year through a county contract with a new company, American Rock Salt.


Landfill: No report.


Insurance: No report.


Youth Committee report: No report.


Buildings: Supervisor Robert Hall has met with Town Engineer Ken Martin and they have drawn up a RFP (Request for Proposal) for 6 borings to check the footings of the Town Hall. The RFP was sent to 3 different contractors and is due back by the 21st of January.


Senior Citizens report: Councilman Bruce Cornell reports that their regular meetings will resume in Schuylerville tomorrow and in Quaker Springs on Wednesday.


Old Business: Councilman Fred Drumm asked Supervisor Robert Hall if we have heard from Time Warner Cable on the request from Elsie Sulli to bring cable TV down Casey Road. Supervisor Hall reported that he has not received a reply.

Richard Behrens of the General Schuyler Emergency Squad, introduced Attorney Robert Farrell from Warrensburg who will be looking at information to enable the GSES to provide paramedic service (ALS) throughout our town. Attorney Farrell left the town board meeting to meet with Town Attorney Bill Reynolds, Richard Behrens and Glen Stevens for a short meeting in the conference room regarding the situation. It was decided that Attorney Farrell will contact the Health Department on behalf of the ambulance squad in hopes of coming to an understanding as to the territory that the squad will be servicing and then enable all to go forward and implement ALS for the whole town. Supervisor Hall would like to enter into Basic Life Support contracts for now. Sherry Doubleday provided him with the cost of $81,678. Town Attorney Bill Reynolds will include a paragraph stating that the contract is subject to amendment, so that when we are ready to implement ALS we can rewrite the contract. Town Attorney Reynolds suggests a provision in the contract that subcontracts (Saratoga Springs, Malta, and Stillwater) will be subject to approval by the board before signing.


New Business: Supervisor Robert Hall read the list of committee members of the Center for Heritage Education and Tourism. The Executive Director is Sean Kelleher @ 438-9113. The committee member list is attached to these minutes. Supervisor Hall announced that we have received an $150,000. Grant for the New York State Scenic Byways Project (Pocket Parks). $34,500 Saratoga Siege Field grant was received and $47,200 for the Regional Signage Project.


Communications: A letter to David Mathis from the NYS Canal Corporation was read by Supervisor Hall regarding the Development of stage and public assembly area at the Southwest quadrant of Lock C-5. Soil samples were collected within the contractor’s proposed work area and in one location PCB contamination was found to be above NYSDEC recommended levels. Due to this, further sampling and analyses may increase the cost of the project. For further discussion on the findings and to arrange meetings with regulatory agencies as appropriate Dave Mathis was encouraged to contact John R. Dergosits, P.E. at (518) 471-5020.

A legal notice from the City Council of the City of Saratoga Springs was received regarding a public hearing to be held Tuesday, February 4, 2003 at 6:30 pm in the City Council Room of City Hall, Saratoga Springs on "An ordinance providing for the establishment of a planned unit development district to be known as ‘Interlaken Planned Unit Development’." Anyone interested was urged to attend.


Privilege of the floor: Andrew Sheeran spoke on Michele McClure’s behalf regarding an order to remedy a violation served on October 31, 2002 and the subsequent issuance of a criminal summons to her on December 27, 2002. Andrew read Article 5, Section 1 F of the Town Zoning Ordinances. He questioned if the town board was informed of this violation before criminal action was taken against Michele McClure. Supervisor Hall responded that since this is in litigation we won’t answer any questions, it’s up to the court.


Audit the Bills: General A $2,107.80, General B $257.50, and Highway Outside $8,385.91 for a total of $10,751.21.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:23 p.m.

The next regular meeting of the Town Board will be February 10, 2003 at 7:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,


Jean Casey

Town Clerk

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