Town Clerk: Michelle M. Conover- Phone: 518-695-3644 ext. 311


Deputy Town Clerk: Emilee Jones- Phone: (518) 695-3644 extension 317


Fax: 518-695-6782

Town Clerk's Hours
Monday - Thursday  9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Fridays 9:00 a.m. to Noon

Hours are subject to change

If in Doubt Call Ahead to Check Hours

Permits, Licenses & Applications:

v  FOIL Request Forms

v  Handicap Parking Permits

v  Conservation Licenses - Hunting And Fishing

v  Dog Licenses

v  Marriage Licenses

v  Birth Certificate

v  Death Certificate

v  Marriage Certificate

v  Certificate of Residency

v  NYS Voter Registration Form (click here)

v  Absentee Ballot (click here)

Complaint Form

FOIL Request Forms

(Click Here for FOIL Request Form)

Birth, death and marriage records are confidential and are not open for public inspection.

THE FREEDOM OF INFORMATION LAW (FOIL) DOES NOT APPLY TO VITAL RECORDS. Section 4173 of the NYS Public Health Law and Part 35 of the State Commissioner's Administration Rules & Regulations place restrictions on access to these records. Searching of records must be conducted only by the Registrar, the Deputy Registrar or an authorized employee of the Registrar. In the Town of Saratoga, the Town Clerk and her Deputy serve as Registrar and Deputy Registrar.


Handicap Parking Permits

(Click Here for Handicap Parking Permit Form)

Town residents that are in need of a permanent or temporary handicap parking permit may obtain one from our office.  The NYS Department of Motor Vehicles  application must be completed and returned to us. Part I is completed by the applicant and Part II is completed by the appropriate health care provider.

v  permanent permit is valid for a five-year period.

v  A temporary permit is issued for up to six months.

v  If you are unable to apply in person, you may apply via the mail or you may have someone bring your completed application and drivers' license to Town Hall.

v  If a permit is lost or stolen, you may come to our office for a replacement.  The replacement permit will retain the original permit's expiration date.

v  If the permit is damaged, bring the damaged permit to our office, it will be immediately replaced and a new permit will be issued retaining the original permit's expiration date.


Conservation Licenses - Hunting And Fishing

If you wish to purchase a hunting, bow hunting or trapping license, please bring your old hunting license or your Sportsman Education Certificate with you.

Seniors 70 and over:

v  Senior Fishing License for $5

v  Senior Sportsman for $10


Dog License

NYS requires dogs to be licensed at four months. To obtain a dog license, please bring proof of rabies and proof of spaying and/or neutering, if applicable.

v  Unspayed & Unneutered Dogs: $13

v  Spayed & Neutered Dogs: $6


Marriage License

A marriage license is good for 60 days, but the latest you may obtain one is 24 hours before the ceremony.  Birth Certificates & Drivers Licenses are required (No Exceptions) and if applicable, divorce papers with the seal of filing will also be required.  We do request that you make an appointment prior to coming in for a marriage license. Please call the Town Clerk's office at 518- 695-3644 ext. 311.

Marriage License Fee: $40

(Click Here for Marriage License Worksheet)

What Do I Need To Get a Marriage License?

v  Couples need to make an appointment with the Town Clerk

v  Couples need to come in together

v  Photo ID driver's license or passport

v  State Issued (not hospital) Birth certificate

v  Social Security Number (card not required)

v  City and state of applicants birth.

v  Country of birth of parents', parents' full names, including maiden names, middle names and the correct spelling

v  If not first marriage, need final divorce decree for all divorces and/or date of death of spouse, copy of death certificate required

v  Applicants should be prepared to choose a "surname"


Birth Certificate

(Click Here for Birth Certificate Form)

Birth certificates are on file at the Town Clerks office if the individual was born within the limits of the Town of Saratoga.  A certified copy can be requested for $10 each.

Identification Requirements:

A. One (1) of the following forms of valid photo-ID:

v  Driver license

v  State issued non-driver photo-ID card

v  Passport

v  U.S. Military issued photo-ID

B. Two (2) of the following showing the applicant's name and address:

v  Utility or telephone bills

v  Letter from a government agency dated within the last six (6) months


Death Certificate

(Click Here for Death Certificate Form)

A death certificate is filed in the Town Clerk's office if the deceased was pronounced dead within the limits of the Town of Saratoga.  The funeral director is responsible for filing the Death Certificate with the Town Clerk.  Certified copies can be requested for $10 each.

How To Obtain A Copy Of A Birth Or Death Certificate?

Certified copies of Birth and/or Death certificates can be requested in person at the Town  Clerk's Office at 12 Spring St. Monday through Friday, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.

Identification Requirements: 

A. One (1) of the following forms of valid photo-ID:

v  Driver license

v  State issued non-driver photo-ID card

v  Passport

v  U.S. Military issued photo-ID

B. Two (2) of the following showing the applicant’s name and address:

v  Utility or telephone bills

v  Letter from a government agency dated within the last six (6) months

Birth, Death & Marriage Certificate Copies

(Click Here for Marriage Certificate Copy Application)

The Town of Saratoga Town Clerk's Office follows the guidelines as set forth by the New York State Department of Health (Vital Records Section) for all searches of birth, death or marriage records.

We have many duties and responsibilities and we will fill your request as soon as possible. We will do our best to locate the record(s) you are requesting in the shortest time possible and we need your cooperation to help us: Applicants must complete a written application and Applicants must pay the required fee for each search and Certified Copy, Certified Transcript or No Record of Certified Form.

 Effective August 1, 2003 the New York State Department of Health set the following fee schedule:

v  Certified Transcripts & Certifications of Birth, Death and Marriage - $10.00 per copy.

v  Marriage License Fees - $40.00


Certificate of Residency

(Click Here for Certificate of Residency Form)

You must be a current resident of the Town of Saratoga & have lived at the same address in the Town for at least one year, in order for the Town Clerk to issue you a residency certificate.

Proof required for Certificate of Residency:

1. Document dated at least one year ago but not more than 18 months showing name, date and current Town of Saratoga address.

2. Document dated within the last 30 days showing name, date and current Town of Saratoga address.

Students that have moved within the past year must obtain a certificate at the County Treasurer's Office.  Phone 518-885-5381 ext. 4319.

3. Students who are not citizens of the United States, applying for a Certificate of Residency, must apply in the County Treasurer's Office. Foreign-born students will be asked to provide a Visa, Permanent Resident Card or immigration papers indicating permanent resident status.

4. Students must know their social security number (card not required)

5. If the student is under 21, one of the two proofs may be of the parent.


Example of Acceptable Proof:

v  College correspondence including bills or schedule of classes

v  Dated mail or postmarked envelopes (window envelopes not acceptable)

v  Bank statement

v  Credit card statement

v  Cell phone, utility/telephone bills

v  Formal Lease

v  Driver's license

v  Car registration, insurance card

v  High school interim reports, transcripts

v  Medical records/prescriptions

v  Pay stub


Students applying for a certificate after college classes start, must apply at County Treasurer's office.

Saratoga County Treasurer's Hours: Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.- Phone (518) 885-5381 ext. 4319.

Please go to the Saratoga County Treasurer website for additional information on Certificate of Residency.





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