October 24, 2018
Chairman Ian Murray called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
Planning Clerk Linda McCabe called the roll: Chairman Ian Murray present, Laurie
Griffen absent, Patrick Hanehan present, Robert McConnell present, Joseph
Lewandowski present, Brandon Myers present, George Olsen - present,
Alternate Christopher Koval - absent.
Also attending: Cheryl Norris, Jessica Bentley, Mark Lawrence, Tonya Pellegrini Lawrence, Louis and Alicia Farone. (Sign-in sheet is on file in the Clerk's office)
A motion was made by Joseph Lewandowski , seconded by Patrick Hanehan, to accept the meeting minutes of September 26, 2018. Chairman Ian Murray aye, Laurie Griffen absent, Patrick Hanehan aye, Robert McConnell aye, Joseph Lewandowski aye, Brandon Myers aye, George Olsen - aye.
Public Hearing for Minor Subdivision
Lance Ingmire #17-21
44 Trombley Rd. Rural District
Stillwater, NY 12170
S/B/L 193.-1-48
Returning Applicant seeks to subdivide a 2.6+/- acre lot from his 7.5+/- acre parcel for a single family home.
Applicant Lance Ingmire appeared before the Board.
Chairman Ian Murray stated they reviewed everything last month and the Applicant had completed all that was needed and is ready for the public hearing. He stated he had no further questions and asked if there were any Board questions; there were none.
Proof of Notice having been furnished by newspaper on October 12, 2018 Chairman Ian Murray opened the Public Hearing at 7:34 p.m., asking those wishing to speak, to please stand and state their name and address. Seeing as no one spoke, Chairman Ian Murray closed the Public Hearing at 7:35 p.m.
Patrick Hanehan read the short form EAF, line by line, which was completed by the Board.
documents as presented, to declare SEQR review complete and to make a Negative Declaration. Chairman Ian Murray aye, Laurie Griffen absent, Patrick Hanehan aye, Robert McConnell aye,
Joseph Lewandowski aye, Brandon Myers aye, George Olsen - aye.
Old Business: The 2019 Saratoga County Planning & Zoning Conference will be held on February 6, 2019.
New Business: Chairman Ian Murray asked the Board to review the proposed event venue law and submit their comments to Supervisor Thomas Wood as soon as possible.
Chairman Ian Murray asked if there were any questions of those in attendance.
Jan Murphy, Hill Rd., questioned how Witt can continue digging wells beyond the 10 the Board said he could dig.
Chairman Ian Murray responded the Board gave Mr. Witt a minimum number of wells to dig, (10), and any more than that gives the Board further data for hydrology. He added this has come up a few times before and Zoning Officer Gil Albert sent a letter yesterday in response to another's questioning of this. He can drill any amount he wants, it just gives the Board more engineering data, helping the Board and the Board's hydrology consultant answer questions about ground water.
Jan Murphy then questioned how one knows they aren't digging in an archeological sensitive area.
Chairman Ian Murray responded they're not disturbing the area other than drilling a well, so there is no significant impact there.
Jan Murphy stated she has a general idea where that area is, but they could have just drilled a well on top of some dead Indians.
Chairman Ian Murray responded that Phase III is not yet complete and SEQR is not yet complete and to be honest, he is unsure where that area is.
Jan Murphy questioned isn't it odd to spend so much money on all this well drilling?
Chairman Ian Murray stated it is totally at his risk. He could log the property if he wanted to, he can do whatever, just like she could drill another well on her property or she could cut trees down on her property.
Jan Murphy questioned if it is okay for him to have all those trucks driving in and out of there on Hill Rd.
Chairman Ian Murray replied he has to drill a minimum of 10 wells and he has frontage on two different roads; he has access to his property.
Jan Murphy then stated she wanted to say something about all of the stuff that has been very public; not everybody agrees with that group and all their mess and she just wants Chairman Ian Murray to know that.
Lance Ingmire questioned if the digging of wells is being done just to determine water.
Chairman Ian Murray replied yes, the Board needs hydrology results from their consultant to this Board and to our consultants to move forward on this case. This is part of the process.
Jan Murphy asked how the Board is protecting the archeological sensitive areas.
Chairman Ian Murray responded the Board isn't protecting them at all.
Jan Murphy questioned how does the Board know Mr. Witt isn't digging in sensitive areas.
Chairman Ian Murray said the archeological study has not been fully completed. Mr. Witt's completed the Phase II archeological study on that property. The Phase III will be the final digging and then they will develop the coordinates where those archeological finds are and that would be the sensitive area they have to stay out of. But that step has not yet been done.
Jan Murphy responded yet he's allowed to go on and dig wells.
Chairman Ian Murray replied yes. He explained it's the same thing with her and her property, if she wanted to dig another well. He added she probably has archeological sensitivity areas on her lands and she just don't know it.
Jan Murphy questioned if he didn't think it'd been cleared before her house was built? She said she was sure her builder had to go through all that.
Chairman Ian Murray responded not back in the day, no. Not as old as her subdivision is, no.
Jan Murphy said 2004? Patrick Hanehan said this has been since 2008.
Chairman Ian Murray agreed it to be around 2008, and added that requirements/regulations have changed greatly in the past 10 years. Until the Board gets the findings from the Phase III, there's no designated area yet.
Jan Murphy thanked him.
Chairman Ian Murray asked if there were any more questions; there were none.
Meeting Adjourned
The next regular meeting will be held Wednesday, November 14, 2018 at 7:30 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Linda A. McCabe
Planning Clerk