Monday, October 23, 2017


1.      Call Meeting to Order             

2.      Flag salute

3.      Rules of the Board

4.      Roll Call

5.      Approval of Minutes from August 28, 2017

6.      Order of Business:


* Presentations to the Board are limited to 5 minutes per applicant.  Privilege of the floor is limited to 5 minutes per person for applications with a scheduled public hearing.


Public Hearings for Area Variance



Jane and Steve Mastaitis #17-14                 

150 Franklin Beach Rd.                                                            

Saratoga Springs, NY 12866                                                      

S/B/L 193.5-1-2 Lake Residential

Location:  148 Franklin Beach Rd.


Returning Applicants seek a 20.72' front setback, 2.86' one side setback, 10' side setback (total two sides setback of 12.86') and 11.59' rear setback variances to construct a new house.  They also seek a 32.56' front setback variance to construct a new garage.


Walter and Tracy Hayes #17-15

256 Burgoyne Rd.

Schuylerville, NY 12871

S/B/L 169.-1-66 Rural


Applicants seek a 25' two sides variance and a 4' side variance in order to build an addition onto their existing home.


Old Business


New Business


The next regular meeting will be November 27, 2017 at 7:00 p.m.