November 7, 2019


7:00 P.M.


Supervisor Thomas Wood opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance

at 7:00 p.m.


Roll call: Town Clerk Linda McCabe, called the roll:  Supervisor Thomas Wood - present, Councilman Charles Hanehan - present, Councilman Michael McLoughlin – present, Councilman James Jennings – present, Councilman Gary Squires – present.


Also present: Building Inspector/Zoning Officer Gil Albert, Highway Superintendent Don Ormsby, Deputy Clerk Michelle Conover, Attorney William Reynolds, Ruth Drumm, Wendy Lukas, Boy Scout Troop 13 and Michael Whitney.  (sign in sheet on file in the Clerk's office)


Recognitions/Presentations/ Bid openings/ Public Hearings:

2020 Budget Public Hearing - Supervisor Thomas Wood reported that the Board has been working on the 2020 Budget since July and feels this budget is fair and achieves the Board's goals for the Town.  He explained that the budget is our best estimate of appropriations and receipts for the coming year.   He stated it is a responsible budget and the total town budget expenditures have increased by $83,205.00 or 3.35%, but revenue is up.  He reviewed  some basic information concerning the proposed 2020 budget, such as a cost of living adjustment increase of 2% for employees, $25,000 for updating the Comprehensive Plan, $10,000 for highway engineer services, as well as $10,000 for highway retirement.  He then noted that the General A (town and villages) account is up 1.1%, the B (town only) account is up 1.88% and the DB (highway) account is up .32%.   The budget reflects a modest tax rate decrease of approximately $.01 cent per thousand of assessed value and does not exceed the 2% property tax cap.  It brings the tax rate to $1.12 per thousand for 2020, down from $1.13 in 2019. 


Proof of advertising in the Saratogian on October 28, 2019 having been furnished, Supervisor Thomas Wood opened the Public Hearing at 7:11 p.m. on the 2020 Budget, asking those residents wishing to speak, to please stand and state their name and address before addressing the Board, limiting their comments to 3 minutes:


Wendy Lukas, 77 Green St., stated the Villages are not as accountable in their funding and everything else as the Town is.  


Seeing as no one further wished to speak, Supervisor Thomas Wood made a motion, seconded by Councilman Charles Hanehan, to close the Public Hearing at 7:12 p.m.  Supervisor Thomas Wood  – aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan - aye, Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye, Councilman James Jennings – aye, Councilman Gary Squires – aye.  

Carried 5 - 0


Approval of Minutes: A motion was made by Councilman Michael McLoughlin, seconded by Councilman Gary Squires, to accept the minutes of the October 16, 2019 regular meeting as written.   Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan – aye, Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye, Councilman James Jennings – aye, Councilman Gary Squires – aye.  Carried  5 – 0  


Town Clerk’s report for October 2019: Fees paid to the NYS Dept. of Agriculture and Markets for the Animal Population Control Program $37.00.  Fees paid to New York D.E.C. for hunting and fishing licenses $729.42. Fees paid to the New York State Health Department for Marriage licenses $67.50.  Dog license fees to Supervisor Thomas Wood $170.00. Miscellaneous Clerk fees to Supervisor Thomas Wood $255.33.  Total State and Local Revenues received were $1,259.25.


Zoning Officer’s report for October 2019: 11 Building Permits were issued, 26 Building Inspections, 5 Certificate/s of Occupancy, 0 Junkyard Permit/s, 0 Complaint/s, 0 Fire inspection, 0 Order/s to Remedy, 5 misc., 0 Building Permit Renewals, 0 Property Maintenance Inspection.  A check for $2,160.00 was given to Supervisor Thomas Wood. 


Dog Control Officer's report for October 2019: Supervisor Thomas Wood read the following report:  Dog Control Officer Ed Cross answered 13 complaints, took 0 dog/s to the shelter, traveled 36 miles, issued 8 warnings, 2 summons were issued and dealt with 0 bite case/s. 


Town Court report for October: 2019: Supervisor Thomas Wood read the following report: Funds collected for the month of October 2019 -  $5,830.00.


Historian’s report for October 2019: No report


Assessor’s report for October 2019: No report


Highway Superintendent’s report for October 2019: 

v  Inspected culverts after storms, addressed potholes and mowing

v  Did traffic control for Asplundh Tree Service for a tree on Southard Rd.

v  Cleared trees from right of way on Fitch Rd. for ditching near Stetkar Rd.

v  Addressed ditch and driveway culvert on Schuyler St.

v  Cleaned up garage for insurance inspection

v  Ran conduit to salt shed for electricity

v  Finished sealing barrier block for Schuylerville area of the salt shed

v  Worked on Louden Rd. intersection project

v  Hauled winter sand

v  Repaired a Historic sign on Rte 4

v  Fire extinguishers have been inspected for the year

v  Repaired the box flap on Truck 2

v  Fall maintenance completed on Trucks 1, 2 and 4

v  Received asphalt paver from Stillwater Hwy.


Supervisor’s report: 



                  GENERAL FUND – TOWNWIDE (A FUND)


                 Balance on hand 10/01/2019               $   940,822.07

                  Revenues                                               +  114,229.81

                  Disbursements                                        -    78,398.12

                  Balance 10/31/2019                             $   976,653.76




                  Balance on hand 10/01/2019               $1,845,229.23

                  Revenues                                              +     77,353.87

                  Disbursements                                      -        7,282.14

                  Balance 10/31/2019                             $1,915,300.96




                  Balance on hand 10/01/2019                $   833,972.83

                  Revenues                                               +           67.63

                  Disbursements                                        -    87,834.67

                  Balance 10/31/2019                              $  746,205.79



SCHUYLER PARK CAPITAL PROJECT 10/31/2019                   $ 160,358.12


YOUTH RECREATION & SERVICE  10/31/2019                        $     3,827.74


HIGHWAY EQUIPMENT RESERVE  10/31/2019                                    $  102,059.02


BUILDING RESERVE  10/31/2019                                                 $  292,673.21


TRUST & AGENCY 10/31/2019                                                      $    13,603.28


HOME IMPROVEMENT GRANT 2  10/31/2019                          $         113.19

(holding checks until funds are deposited)


HISTORIC HUDSON HOOSICK RIVER 10/31/2019                        $    17,185.06



PROPERTY TAX CAP RESERVE 10/31/2019                               $      1,310.19


CDBG PROJECT 09/30/2019                                                           $     12,464.00


SCENIC BY WAYS QRTRLY  10/31/2019                                    $         311.57


PARKS RESERVE  10/31/2019                                                        $  356,956.55


PROPERTY TAX CAP RESERVE 10/31/2019                               $      1,310.02 


v  Sales Tax ReceivedOctober 2019 - $136,481.00

v  Mortgage Tax - September 2019 - $6,257.00


Public comments on Agenda Items:

Wendy Lukas addressed the Board concerning the need for Airbnb regulations.


Committee reports:


Landfill: No report



Insurance: No report


Youth: No report


Senior Citizens: No report


Parks/Schuyler Park Committee: Councilman Gary Squires updated the Board with the following:


v  End of season park maintenance actions are being taken.

v  Port-a-pots and recycling containers removal requests have been sent to responsible parties.

v  Collins Turf Services are planning to aerate, fertilize, and over-seed fields. Rainbow shed will be moved, area where the shed had been will be smoothed and seeded. Goals, benches, and nets will be stowed appropriately in the pavilion storage area.

v  Once actions are completed, park should be set for another successful season in the spring.


Next regular meeting: Tuesday, November 26, 2019 at 7:30pm


Office of Emergency Management: No report


QSFD, WEMS Inc. Reports:

Quaker Springs Fire Department - Assistant Fire Chief Don Ormsby stated they have had 86 calls to date for 2019.  He also stated they have purchased two blitz nozzles for two trucks, which during a fire this would be placed on the ground and puts up a water curtain to protect a neighboring home/structure and they purchased two 3 ton airbags to help in emergencies.


Wilton EMS, Inc. - Nashua Alexander sent in a report which stated they had 24 calls for the Town of Saratoga, 14 calls for the Village of Schuylerville and 2 calls for the Village of Victory.


Old Business:


New Business:

On a motion made by Councilman James Jennings and seconded by Councilman Charles Hanehan, the following Resolution #19-112, Acceptance of Resignation - Zoning Board of Appeals Alternate Member Mark Sullivan, was adopted by vote: Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan – aye, Councilman James Jennings – aye, Councilman Gary Squires – aye. 

Carried  5 – 0

WHEREAS, Mark Sullivan recently resigned his position of Alternate Member of the Zoning Board of Appeals as he will be taking on a Full Member position; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the Town of Saratoga, to accept Mark Sullivan's resignation as Alternate Member to the Zoning Board of Appeals.


On a motion made by Councilman Gary Squires and seconded by Councilman Michael McLoughlin, the following Resolution #19-113, Appointing Mark Sullivan as a Full Member to the Zoning Board of Appeals, was adopted by vote: Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan – aye, Councilman


James Jennings – aye, Councilman Gary Squires – aye.

Carried  5 – 0

WHEREAS, Mark Sullivan has resigned his position as Alternate Member of the Zoning Board of Appeals in order to take on a Full Member position; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the Town of Saratoga, to appoint Mark Sullivan as a Full Member of the Zoning Board of Appeals, fulfilling the remaining term of resigned member Nicholas Schwartz, effective November 7, 2019 through December 31, 2021.


On a motion made by Councilman James Jennings and seconded by Councilman Charles Hanehan, the following Resolution #19-119, Fund Transfer - $13,000.00 from DB-2665 - Sale of Excess Equipment, to DB-5130.2 - Highway Machinery, was adopted by vote: Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan – aye, Councilman James Jennings – aye, Councilman Gary Squires – aye. 

Carried  5 – 0

            RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the Town of Saratoga to transfer $13,000.00 from DB2665-Sale of Excess Highway Equipment, to DB5130.2-Highway Machinery, for the purchase of the 1989 Blaw-Knox PF-150 Asphalt Paver from the Town of Stillwater.


On a motion made by Councilman Michael McLoughlin and seconded by Councilman Gary Squires, the following Resolution #19-120, Authorization to Enter into Contract with Jefferson Solutions Inc. for GASB 75 Services, was adopted by vote: Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan – aye, Councilman James Jennings – aye, Councilman Gary Squires – aye. 

Carried  5 – 0

                WHEREAS, government agencies are required by GASB 75 (Governmental Accounting Standards Board) to set aside money for long term obligations for retirees; and

            WHEREAS, the Town of Saratoga needs professional assistance to determine the Town's liability under GASB 75 and to calculate the annual required contributions and the annual accrued liability; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the Town of Saratoga enters into a contract with Jefferson Solutions Inc. for $3,650.00 for determining the Town GASB 75 liability and calculating the annual required contributions and the annual accrued liability and performing all five tasks outlined in the contract subject to the review and approval of the town's attorney.


On a motion by Councilman James Jennings, seconded by Councilman Michael McLoughlin, the following Resolution #19-121, Adoption of Annual Town Budget for 2020, was adopted by vote: Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan – aye, Councilman James Jennings – aye, Councilman Gary Squires – aye. 

Carried 5 – 0

WHEREAS, this Board having, on November 7, 2019 at 7:00 p.m., duly held a public hearing on the preliminary budget approved by this Board and filed with the Town Clerk for the fiscal year commencing January 1, 2020, and having heard all persons desiring to be heard in the matter, and the matter of the budget for this Town for such fiscal year having been fully discussed and considered, it is

RESOLVED, that said preliminary budget approved and filed as aforesaid, is hereby adopted and established as the annual budget for this Town for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2020, and that such annual budget as so adopted is detailed in the minutes of the proceedings of this Town Board, and be it further

RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk of this Town shall prepare and certify as provided by law, duplicate copies of said annual budget hereby adopted, and deliver one of such copies to the Supervisor of the Town, and that he shall present such copy to the Board of Legislators of the County as required by law.  (2020 Budget is on file in the Clerk's office)


Privilege of the floor: The following addressed the Board:

Michael Whitney, Walnut St., Schuylerville, NY

Wendy Lukas, Green St., Schuylerville, NY




Upcoming meetings:

v    Town Board Agenda Meeting - Thursday, December 5, 2019 at 7:00 p.m.

v    Regular Town Board meeting - Monday, December 9, 2019 at 7:00 p.m.


Audit the Bills: On a motion by Councilman Gary Squires seconded by Councilman Charles Hanehan, the following Resolution #19-122, Approving the Payment of Bills in Abstract 11G of 2019, was adopted by vote: Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan – aye, Councilman James Jennings – aye, Councilman Gary Squires – aye. 

Carried 5 - 0

RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the Town of Saratoga to authorize payment of the bills listed in Abstract 11G of 2019 in the following amounts:


General Fund DB                 Purchase No. 11 through 26                         $  63,414.18

General Fund A                    Purchase No. 27 through 57                         $  19,061.78

                                                (including Voucher No. 36A)

General Fund B                    Purchase No. 54 through 56                         $       481.49

Schuyler Park                        Purchase No. 57                                            $       209.88

Historic Hudson Hoosic        Purchase No. 58 through 62                         $    2,209.00


CDBG                                                Purchase No. 63 through 65, 67 - 69, 71     $  38,818.00


                                                         Grand Total      $124,194.33


A motion to adjourn at 8:39 p.m. was made by Councilman Charles Hanehan, seconded by Councilman Gary Squires.  Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan – aye, Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye, Councilman James Jennings – aye, Councilman Gary Squires – aye.  

Carried  5 - 0

Meeting Adjourned


Respectfully Submitted,



Linda A. McCabe

Town Clerk