Monday, November 27, 2017


1.      Call Meeting to Order             

2.      Flag salute

3.      Rules of the Board

4.      Roll Call

5.      Approval of Minutes from October 23, 2017

6.      Order of Business:


* Presentations to the Board are limited to 5 minutes per applicant.  Privilege of the floor is limited to 5 minutes per person for applications with a scheduled public hearing.


Public Hearings for Area Variance


Louise Gilgallon Smith #17-16                     Representative:  David Rich

1312 Lake Shore Dr.

Chazy, NY  12921

Saratoga Springs, NY 12866

S/B/L 193.5-1-4 Lake Residential

Location:  144 Franklin Beach Rd.


Applicant seeks a lot area variance of 4,450 square feet, a front setback of 15', two-sides set back of 12' and a side setback of 2' in order to demolish her existing camp and build a new house.


JoAnne Rohrig #17-17

92 Carlson Dr.

Mitford, CT 06460

S/B/L 206.-2-2.1 Conservancy

Location:  113 River Rd.


Applicant seeks minimal frontage variance in order to keep illegally built gazebo from being moved, which is built partially on Town property. Applicant also built stairs from the gazebo to the shoreline after being told not to do so by the Town of Saratoga Zoning Officer.


Old Business


New Business


The next regular meeting will be January 22, 2018 at 7:00 p.m.