November 16,
Ian Murray called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
Planning Clerk Linda McCabe called the roll: Chairman Ian Murray present, Laurie
Griffen absent, Patrick Hanehan present, Robert
McConnell present, Joseph
Lewandowski present, Brandon Myers present,
George Olsen - present,
Alternate Christopher Koval - present.
Due to the absence of Board Member Laurie Griffen,
Chairman Ian Murray elevated Alternate Member Christopher Koval to full voting
Also attending: Walt & Lisa Taras, Mary Maranville, Tom
& June Macica, Patricia Iacobelli, Elizabeth Snyder, Joseph Zavzynski,
Louis & Alicia Farone, Timothy Lagoe, Michael McLoughlin, Julie Snyder,
Frank Yakubec, Darren DeMarco, Bob & Betsy Birchenough and Christine
Scanlon. (Sign-in sheet is on file in
the Clerks office)
Sketch Plan Conference for Minor
Walter Taras #16-13
182 Co. Rd. 69
Schuylerville, NY
S/B/L 182.-2-29.1
Applicant seeks to subdivide two lots from his 46.29 acre parcel. One lot is to be 7+/- acres and the other is to be 10+/- acres. These are to be sold for residential use.
Applicant Walter Taras appeared before the Board and reviewed his application, stating that the septic for the 7 acre parcel has been completed and that Town Engineer Ken Martin has reviewed.
Chairman Ian Murray stated he and Town Engineer Ken Martin have reviewed it and he has no further questions. He asked if there were any Board questions; there were none.
Proof of Notice having been furnished by newspaper on November 6, 2016, Chairman Ian Murray opened the Public Hearing at 7:36 p.m., asking those wishing to speak to please stand and state their name and address.
Seeing as no one spoke, Chairman Ian Murray closed the Public Hearing at 7:37 p.m.
Special Use Permit Pre-Submission
Mary T. Maranville
#16-12 Current
Owner: Amanda Crames
Kevin A. Dott
257 N. Alvarado
Ojai, CA 93023
S/B/L 155.-1-63.2
Rural Residential
Location: 727 Rt. 29
Applicant is seeking a special use permit to open her business, SeeAg, (Students for Eco-Education and Agriculture) at 727 Rt. 29, the old Schuyler Pond property, which consists of
an agricultural education business, small farm-to-table fundraisers as well as small farm-to-table weddings.
Applicant Mary Maranville appeared before the Board and reviewed her application, describing her SeeAg business in California, (Students for Eco-Education and Agriculture) and that she wishes to continue her agricultural education business here, close to where she grew up. She outlined for the Board the area of the property where she plans to plant fruit trees and bushes and reiterated that fund raising, aside from grants, is needed in order to pay for her business. She said she is moving forward on the purchase of the portion of Wooley Rd. that fronts this property, for the purpose of additional parking spaces and asked if there were any question of the Board.
Chairman Ian Murray stated the Board is familiar with the property.
Robert McConnell stated he has concerns with the parking, especially after the last applicant that was before them concerning this property; he asked if the Board is comfortable with the parking.
Patrick Hanehan said he understands his concerns due to that.
Mary Maranville stated she has no plan to change anything on the property. She will be planting fruit trees on the right side of the property, to the right of the house (if looking at it from Rt. 29) and will need to clear some of the overgrown bushes, clean it up a bit as well as planting some fruit bearing bushes on the property. Aside from that, she will preserve it as is and is fully prepared to use a limo shuttle service in the future if needed.
Chairman Ian Murray stated that when Amanda Crames got her special use permit in the 90's, it was for 30 plus 10 additional parking spaces; adding that portion of Wooley Rd. gives her enough parking spaces for the seasonal business of spring through fall.
Chairman Ian Murray asked if there were any Board questions; there were none.
Proof of Notice having been furnished by newspaper on November 6, 2016, Chairman Ian Murray opened the Public Hearing at 7:48 p.m., asking those wishing to speak to please stand and state their name and address.
Ralph Dimigleo, property east of this property, said his concern is Wooley Rd. He wants to be sure she is only purchasing the area in front of the property; he doesn't want people parking in front of his home. He also stated there is no clear boundary line (not a straight line) and asked if she will have the boundary lines clearly marked so as not to plant her trees on his property. He believes the property line is about 150' from his outbuildings and there is also a community garden there.
Applicant Mary Maranville responded she will plant hedges so as not to encroach on the community garden or his property.
Louis Farone, 717 Rt. 29, stated his concerns: traffic, light pollution, smells, noise, septic system. He feels this is a violation of his property rights, claiming people say they'll do one thing and then do another, like the business down the road.
Chairman Ian Murray explained this Board does approvals but if he feels there has been a violation, he needs to contact Code Enforcement Officer Gil Albert.
Chairman Ian Murray then explained this project doesn't hit the threshold for a traffic study. If it goes larger, the Applicant will have to come back before the Board. She has 40 parking spots with the building.
Applicant Mary Maranville stated she will have VIP (portable) toilets, that will not interfere with any septic systems, whenever there is a wedding, which will be very limited. Weddings will take place there during the day, so there is no concern of lights and loud music at night. Her main purpose is agriculture education. She has educated 15,000 children and in order to continue she needs to do fund raising and small weddings to raise the money needed for her business. The barn cannot hold more than 100; all events will be on a small scale.
Louis Farone said he still has concerns and this is a violation of his property rights.
Michael McLoughlin, 578 Rt. 32 S., stated he has talked with the Applicant about her plans and he thinks this business is a great fit with this community. He doesn't feel the concerns of her neighbor are legitimate.
Chairman Ian Murray asked if there were any more comments or questions; there were none.
Chairman Ian Murray
closed the Public Hearing at 8:04 p.m.
Chairman Ian Murray stated there will be conditions put on this permit even though the impacts are substantially less than the previous application for this site.
Chairman Ian Murray
made a motion, seconded by Patrick Hanehan, to approve the Special Use Permit
with the following conditions:
1. Special Use Permit goes into effect upon date
of closing for the property
2. Ag & Markets Permit must be obtained, if
3. NYS Department of Health clearance
4. Limit farm-to-table functions to 80 people
and no more than 40 vehicles
5. If additional property is purchased for
expansion of parking or expansion of business, Applicant must come back before
the Planning Board
Sketch Plan Conference for Minor
Thomas Macica
97 Gates Ave.
Victory, NY 12884
S/B/L 195.-1-1.1
Location: 443 Rt. 32
Applicant seeks to purchase and subdivide the 4.08 acre parcel into two lots.
Applicant Thomas Macica appeared before the Board and said he is looking to purchase the old Traver property, which is currently owned by the county. He would like to subdivide it into two lots and he just wants to be sure he can do so prior to purchase.
Chairman Ian Murray stated the Board knows that property well and the Town gets a lot of complaints concerning the current occupant. He then stated, looking at the property, he thinks the subdivision line would be better north and south.
Applicant Thomas Macica said he thought of that, but if he subdivides it east and west the house can go further back on the land. He has no interest in the garage as a business, and he will remove the old house. He wants the back part of the parcel for his retirement home and he'd like to keep the old school house on his parcel which is why subdividing north to south won't work.
Chairman Ian Murray said he needs to figure out where the well and septic system is located and be sure the proper separation distances are met. It's fairly flat on the one side but the other slopes in, so depending on where that is, the separation distances may be normal or may have to go to 200'.
Applicant Thomas Macica said there are two wells and the new well is actually attached to the school house; it's down 6' with a jet pump - a shallow well.
Chairman Ian Murray stated the Applicant will need to figure out the division line location, and depending on the placement of his new house on the new lot, soil engineering work will need to be done; deep hole and perc tests.
Applicant Thomas Macica said that the garage will not be a service station or anything like that.
Chairman Ian Murray replied no it won't, that's correct.
Chairman Ian Murray asked if there were any Board questions; there were none.
Chairman Ian Murray stated it is definitely doable once a few things are figured out and told the Applicant he will need to complete a subdivision application.
Applicant Thomas Macica stated he is in no hurry since it's for his retirement home and he then thanked the Board.
Chairman Ian Murray asked if there were any questions for information.
Frank Yakubec, 251 Becher Rd., Greenwich, NY, questioned who would have to be contacted to move a driveway location on that 7 acre parcel Walt Taras is creating and selling.
Chairman Ian Murray responded due to the preexisting curb cut the Board decided to leave it alone, but one would have to go to the county concerning changing that since it is on a county road. You'd need to contact engineering at the county, tell them what you want to do and set up a meeting. They'd meet you at the site, look at the sight distance, conditions, etcetera and they'd make their determination and give approval or not. Because it is a county road, it would not come back before this Board.
Old Business: Chairman Ian Murray stated Mr. Witt contacted him, saying he has work done, but didn't submit anything for this month's meeting. Chairman Ian Murray asked Clerk Linda McCabe to please contact Mr. Witt and let him know December's submittal date, which will be December 7th.
New Business: none
Meeting Adjourned
The next regular meeting will be held Wednesday, December 21, 2016 at
Respectfully submitted,
Linda A. McCabe
Planning Clerk