November 15, 2017


Chairman Ian Murray called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.


Planning Clerk Linda McCabe called the roll:  Chairman Ian Murray – present, Laurie

Griffen – absent, Patrick Hanehan – present, Robert McConnell – present, Joseph

Lewandowski – absent, Brandon Myers – present, George Olsen - present,

Alternate Christopher Koval - present.


Due to the absence of Laurie Griffen and Joseph Lewandowski, Alternate Member Christopher Koval was elevated to full voting status.


Also attending: Town Engineer Ken Martin, Jodi Druzba, Joe Giroux, James Robers, Erika Pettigrew, Terri Belmonte, Katelyn Koury, Hub Miller, T. Yannios, Paul Murphy and Darin Palmetto.  (Sign-in sheet is on file in the Clerk's office)


A motion was made by Patrick Hanehan, seconded by Christopher Koval, to accept the meeting minutes of October 25, 2017.   Chairman Ian Murray – aye, Laurie Griffen – absent, Patrick Hanehan – aye, Joseph Lewandowski – absent, Robert McConnell – aye, Brandon Myers – aye, George Olsen - aye, Christopher Koval - aye.

Carried  6- 0



Public Hearing for Minor Subdivision


Jodi L. Druzba  #17-13                     Owners:  Jodi L. Druzba & Joseph Giroux Jr.

520 Stanek Rd.                                                   101 & 101B Coveville Rd.

Rotterdam, NY 12306                                        Schuylerville, NY 12871

S/B/L183.-1-50 rural

Location:  101 Coveville Rd.


Returning Applicant is seeking to subdivide the parcel into two lots for estate purposes; there are two homes on the lot and all will remain as is.


Returning Applicant Jodi Druzba appeared before the Board and reviewed her subdivision application, stating the existing homes will remain, the only difference is they are dividing the parcel for estate and tax purposes. When she was last here, Chairman Ian Murray had stated they needed to update the map showing the new boundary lines and depending upon the Town Attorney's interpretation of the easement language, she'd be ready for a public hearing upon returning before the Board.  She stated she did reach out to NYSDOT, as the Chairman suggested in the past, and they will not issue a permit for the driveway off of Rt. 4.  She then said she had Rourke Engineering update her map showing the new boundary line, but knows more information is needed on the map, and was waiting to hear from the Board on what may be needed.


Chairman Ian Murray stated this was before the Board earlier in the year and due to their main frontage being on US RT 4 and the issues with the road and creek there, he felt NYSDOT would not issue a permit for a driveway cut.  He had the Applicant reach out to NYSDOT to be sure and he had wanted legal interpretation by the Town's Attorney concerning the easement, to be sure this could be done.  Town Attorney William Reynolds reviewed the easement and said the easement is adequate and backs up the subdivision.


Proof of Notice having been furnished by newspaper on November 5, 2017, Chairman Ian Murray opened the Public Hearing at 7:37 p.m., asking those wishing to speak, to please stand and state their name and address:


James Robers, 105 Coveville Rd., stated he is opposed to this, the easement is on his land and he doesn't want more driveways going in or more houses being built, he doesn't want a large subdivision going in there and doesn't want a lot of noise. 


Chairman Ian Murray responded the driveway will remain the same and the easement is for those lots in perpetuity; it doesn't limit the lots.  He also stated there will be no other homes being built there, the homes are existing.  He then noted with concerns to noise that the Town has a noise ordinance and he can contact Zoning Officer Gil Albert with his formal complaints.


Erika Pettigrew, 105 Coveville Rd. stated she is opposed to this also.


Chairman Ian Murray asked if anyone else would like to speak, seeing no one, Chairman Ian Murray closed the Public Hearing at 7:43 p.m.


Chairman Ian Murray then read the Saratoga County Planning Board findings, which stated there are no significant county wide or inter community impacts.


Patrick Hanehan read the short form EAF, line by line, which was completed by the Board. 


Chairman Ian Murray made a motion, seconded by Christopher Koval, to accept the

documents as presented, to declare the SEQR review complete and to make a Negative Declaration.  Chairman Ian Murray – aye, Laurie Griffen – absent, Patrick Hanehan – aye, Joseph Lewandowski – absent, Robert McConnell – aye, Brandon Myers – aye, George Olsen - aye, Christopher Koval - aye.  Carried  6 - 0


Chairman Ian Murray made a motion, seconded by Robert McConnell, to approve the subdivision as proposed, conditional upon the Right-to-Farm law being added to the map and final review by Town Engineer Ken Martin.  Chairman Ian Murray – aye, Laurie Griffen – absent, Patrick Hanehan – aye, Joseph Lewandowski – absent, Robert McConnell – aye, Brandon Myers – aye, George Olsen - aye, Christopher Koval - aye. 

Carried  6 - 0



Pre-submission Conference for Special Use Permit


Joseph & Terri Belmonte                             Representative: Katelyn Koury, The LA Group

P.O. Box 3532                                                                            40 Long Alley

Saratoga Springs, NY 12866                                                    Saratoga Springs, NY 12866

S/B/L 156.-1-38.32 Rural Residential

Location:  Rt. 29


Applicants seek a special use permit to open a tent rental company with a showroom and offices, located on NYS Rt. 29 .


Katelyn Koury of the LA Group appeared on behalf of the Applicants.  She stated the property is 5.5 acres, located on NYS Rt. 29 and goes down to the creek.  She said the parking will be in the back of the proposed buildings, the office space will be 20' x 50' with an 80' x 140' showroom.


Chairman Ian Murray stated the ingress/egress showing on the map is too close to each other; a single driveway is needed.  George Olsen and Christopher Koval agreed.


Patrick Hanehan questioned if tractor trailers will be going in there and Katelyn Koury responded no, only box trucks.


Chairman Ian Murray stated it is a permitted use there, but the history on that property is that another applicant was interested in putting their business there and ran into problems with archeological issues. They did a SEQR Phase I and then it was recommended they go into SEQR Phase II and when the price tag on that came back to them, they walked away from that parcel. 


Katelyn Koury thanked him for that information.


Chairman Ian Murray stated he has no questions with the way it's currently proposed.  There is a lot of work to be done with soil engineering, storm water, archeological and things like that.


Katelyn Koury responded they will look at that and see if it makes sense to go forward with that location.


Robert McConnell questioned how many employees will be working there.


Katelyn Koury responded 6 employees all year and 14 - 15 during the summer.


Katelyn Koury asked if going forward, can they do site plan and Special Use Permit simultaneously and Chairman Ian Murray responded yes.


Katelyn Koury thanked the Board.


Old Business: none


New Business: none


A motion was made by Patrick Hanehan, seconded by Robert McConnell to adjourn the

meeting at 7:55 p.m.  Chairman Ian Murray – aye, Laurie Griffen – absent, Patrick Hanehan – aye, Joseph Lewandowski – absent, Robert McConnell – aye, Brandon Myers – aye, George Olsen - aye, Christopher Koval - aye. 

Carried  6 - 0

Meeting Adjourned


The next regular meeting will be held Wednesday, December 20 , 2017 at 7:30 PM.


Respectfully submitted,


Linda A. McCabe

Planning Clerk