November 14, 2018


Chairman Ian Murray called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.


Planning Clerk Linda McCabe called the roll: Chairman Ian Murray – present, Laurie

Griffen – present, Patrick Hanehan – absent, Robert McConnell – present, Joseph

Lewandowski – present, Brandon Myers – absent, George Olsen - present,

Alternate Christopher Koval - present.


Due to the absence of Board Member Brandon Myers, Alternate Christopher Koval was elevated to full voting status.


Also attending: Darlene Zeh, Rory and Brenda Boyle.  (Sign-in sheet is on file in the Clerk's office)


A motion was made by Joseph Lewandowski , seconded by Robert McConnell, to accept the meeting minutes of October 24, 2018.   Chairman Ian Murray – aye, Laurie Griffen – aye, Patrick Hanehan – absent, Robert McConnell – aye, Joseph Lewandowski – aye, Brandon Myers – absent, George Olsen - aye, Christopher Koval - aye. 

Carried  6 - 0



Special Use Permit Pre-Submission Conference


Darlene & Richard Zeh/Rory & Brenda Boyle #18-10

738 Rt. 9P

Saratoga Springs, NY 12866

S/B/L 193.6-1-55 Lake Commercial

Location:  1412 Rt. 9P


Applicants seek a Special Use Permit to open a deli and real estate office at 1412 Rt. 9P.


Darlene Zeh, Rory and Brenda Boyle appeared before the Board and reviewed their application.


Chairman Ian Murray told the Board he spoke with the Applicants a few minutes prior to opening the meeting and went over the GIS county map with them.  He said he had indicated to the Applicants at the last meeting that there are wetlands there.  The county map shows DEC wetlands, as Van Guilder mapped out on their submittal, but there are also Army Corp wetlands on that property as well.  He showed the Applicants where the Army Corp wetlands are located and told them further investigation by Army Corp needs to be done.  He told the Applicants not to be deterred by this, they just need to have Army Corp investigate it.


Laurie Griffen stated someone from Army Corp has to go out there on site.


Chairman Ian Murray questioned the way they are going to divide the space in the building.


Darlene Zeh stated there was an error on her end in the application.  It will be ¼ for office space and ¾ for the deli.

Chairman Ian Murray questioned the proposed parking spaces.


Rory Boyle distributed a drawing of the proposed parking and explained they will be using the existing entrance and then 30' further down will be used as an exit, as it provides better sight line there.  They will only be disturbing a corner of the property, as everything else is existing and DEC told them they were okay to disturb that corner, about 200 sq. ft. 


Chairman Ian Murray questioned how they calculated 13 - 14 parking spaces. 


Rory Boyle replied it's 135' long so they can get 12 or 13 in with no problem and there is plenty of space to back out.  He said 10' x 20' is a normal parking space and that's how he measured it out.


Chairman Ian Murray explained that Town code determines parking spaces based upon the square footage of the use of the building.  Due to that, they may be able to shrink that down a little bit and then their impacts won't be as great.  He then questioned if there will be dine-in seating in the deli.


Rory Boyle responded very little.


Chairman Ian Murray stated he asked because that will dictate the parking spaces required.  Per Town code you need a parking space for every two seats and they also need to consider parking for employees.  They have to factor that into the equation when they do calculations on the site plan, as well as look at the wetlands and disturbances.  He then said the uses are fine, parking is fine, just need Army Corp determination.  He told them the Board will need to see the square footage for seating, parking etc. and have it all plotted out on the site plan, adding that Van Guilder can do that for them.  Laurie Griffen added they first need to have a conversation with Army Corp.


Chairman Ian Murray stated have it plotted and delineated by Van Guilder.  Army Corp, jurisdictionally, may agree with DEC and everything you submitted may work.



Old Business: None


New Business: None


A motion was made by Robert McConnell, seconded by Laurie Griffen, to adjourn the

meeting at 7:45 p.m.  Chairman Ian Murray – aye, Laurie Griffen – aye, Patrick Hanehan – absent, Joseph Lewandowski – aye, Robert McConnell – aye, Brandon Myers – absent, George Olsen - aye, Christopher Koval - aye. 

Carried  6- 0

Meeting Adjourned


The next regular meeting will be held Wednesday, December 19, 2018 at 7:30 PM.


Respectfully submitted,



Linda A. McCabe

Planning Clerk