November 10, 2016

7:00 P.M.


Supervisor Thomas Wood opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance at 7:00 p.m.


Roll call: Town Clerk Linda McCabe, called the roll.  Supervisor Thomas Wood – present, Councilman Charles Hanehan - absent, Councilman Michael McLoughlin – present, Councilman James Jennings – present, Councilman Gary Squires – present.


Also present: Town Attorney William Reynolds, Deputy Clerk Michelle Conover, Highway Superintendent Don Ormsby, Building Inspector/Zoning Officer Gil Albert and Ed Stomski.


Recognitions/Presentations/ Bid openings/ Public Hearings:  

Public Hearing - 2017 Budget: Supervisor Thomas Wood reported that the Board has been working on the budget since August.  He explained that the budget is our best estimate of appropriations and receipts for the coming year. He then reviewed some basic information concerning the proposed 2017 budget.  He noted that a cost of living salary increase for employees of 2% is included. Spending was cut from many departments and he is budgeting closer to actual costs.  He noted that it is a lean and responsible budget.  The total town budget is $2,414,738, which is down 1.47%.  The budget reflects an increase of $.0004 cents per thousand of assessed value which is a modest increase and doesn’t exceed the property tax cap.  It brings the tax rate to $1.1329 per thousand for 2017 up from $1.1325 in 2016. 


Proof of advertising in the Saratogian on October 31, 2016 having been furnished, Supervisor Thomas Wood opened the Public Hearing at 7:11 p.m. on the 2017 Budget, asking those residents wishing to speak, to please stand and state their name and address before addressing the Board.   


Seeing as no one spoke, Supervisor Thomas Wood made a motion, seconded by Councilman Michael McLoughlin, to close the Public Hearing at 7:12 p.m.  Supervisor Thomas Wood  – aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan - absent, Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye, Councilman James Jennings – aye, Councilman Gary Squires – aye.   

Carried  4 - 0


Approval of Minutes: A motion was made by Councilman James Jennings and seconded by Councilman Gary Squires to accept the minutes of the October 10, 2016 regular meeting as written.  Supervisor Thomas Wood  – aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan - absent, Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye, Councilman James Jennings – aye, Councilman Gary Squires – aye.    Carried  4 - 0


Town Clerk’s report for October 2016: Fees paid to the NYS Dept. of Agriculture and Markets for the Animal Population Control Program $46.00.  Fees paid to New York State D.E.C. for hunting and fishing licenses $730.36.   Fees paid to the New York State Health Department for Marriage licenses $0.  Dog license fees to Supervisor Thomas Wood $195.00. 


Clerk fees to Supervisor Thomas Wood $207.14; fee paid to bank for deposit book $73.57.  Total State and Local Revenues received were $1,178.50.


Zoning Officer’s report for October 2016: 7 Building Permits, 16 Building Inspections, 8 Certificates of Occupancy, 0 Junk Yard Permits, 2 Complaint/s, 0 Fire inspections, 0 Orders to Remedy, 5 miscellaneous, 8 Building Permit Renewal/s, 0 Property Maintenance Inspections.    

A check for $1,747.50 was given to Supervisor Thomas Wood. 


Dog Control Officer’s report for October 2016: The report was read by Supervisor Thomas Wood:  the Dog Control Officer answered 16 complaints, took 2 dog/s to the shelter, 0 bite cases, traveled 320 miles, issued 8 warnings and 11summons were issued. 


Town Court report for October 2016: The following were closed: 34 Vehicle & Traffic, 4 Criminal/Penal Law, 1 DEC/ENCON, 1 Dog case/s,  1 DWI, 0 Town & Village Ordinance, 2 Small Claims/Civil, 0 Evictions, 1 Hearing/s, 1 (case transfer) Divestiture Forms sent to County Court, 0 Defendant/s sentenced to probation, 0 hours of community service issued, 0 days of jail time issued, 0 Orders of Protection issued, and $5,063.00 in fees were paid to the NY State Comptroller.


Historian’s report:  October 2016:  In October, the Historian stated he had 45 posts and 398 visitors on his website and that October was a busy month with the focus being on the Battles of Saratoga. 

The Historical Association hosted a very successful Candlelight Tour of the Schuyler House.  The Surrender Ceremony keeps improving, thanks to the many partners that make the event possible, especially the school children from Schuylerville and Salem. 

Heritage Hunters had a full house for their annual conference on genealogy, which was held at the Town of Saratoga Town Hall.

The Pomeroy Foundation agreed to fund two markers for the Town.  The Blue and Gold marker will go on Route 4 at the Trailhead for the canal towpath and the purpose of the sign is to assist in an ongoing project to develop a section of the old Champlain Canal Towpath into a multi-use trail.  The second marker, a Legends and Lore marker, will be located at the Mineral Springs in Quaker Springs and will focus on the Indians use of the springs for medicinal purposes.  The markers will call attention to the sites and encourage visitors to explore those areas. 


Assessor’s report for October 2016: The Assessor stated she continues to update the files as sales are completed.  She had 22 sales in Sept., of which 16 were residential properties, 4 for vacant land and 2 represent a commercial property (the Dollar General purchase).  

14 of those sales were valid sales and 8 were non-valid transactions.


The Assessor is preparing for the tax exemption renewal season; renewal applications will be mailed in mid-December. 

*Exemptions must be filed with the Assessor by March 1, 2017; please call the Assessor to set up an appointment, if necessary.


If you have questions regarding exemptions, please call the Assessor’s office during her office hours, Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 9:00 AM until 1:00 PM. 




Highway Superintendent’s report: October 2016

v  Back to 8 hr. work days

v  Black top shimming on Brown Rd.

v  Relined culvert on Blodgett Rd. with Town and County

v  Driveway culvert added on Fitch Rd. with ditching

v  Culverts replaced and added on Fitch and Burgoyne Rds.

v  Hauled winter sand from Lucarellis

v  Full maintenance on Pickup  2 &  3

v  Installed plow frames and filter maintenance on Trucks #1, 2, 3, 5 & 6

v  Replaced air-line on Truck 3 and a fuel pump primer on Truck 9 with filters

v  Hydro-seeded with soil and water at newly ditched areas

v  Loaned the small roller to Schuylerville for one day

v  Set up platform at Fort Hardy beach for the Sword Surrender Ceremony


Supervisor’s report:  


                         SUPERVISOR’S REPORT OCTOBER 2016


                  GENERAL FUND – TOWNWIDE (A FUND)                                      

                  Balance on hand  10/01/2016              $    844,600.96

                  OCTOBER Revenues                          +     67,623.00

                  OCTOBER Disbursements                  -      59,061.28

                  Balance  10/31/2016                            $    853,162.68



                  Balance on hand  10/01/2016              $ 1,364,219.92

                  OCTOBER Revenues                         +       86,126.01

                  OCTOBER Disbursements                  -         3,179.64

                  Balance  10/31/2016                           $  1,364,219.92



                  Balance on hand  10/01/2016              $     891,693.31

                  OCTOBER Revenues                         +        15,482.12

                  OCTOBER Disbursements                 -         56,716.79

                  Balance  10/31/2016                            $     850,458.64


                  SCHUYLER PARK CAPITAL PROJECT OCTOBER 31      $  149,986.37


YOUTH RECREATION & SERVICE OCTOBER 31                        $      1,917.47


HIGHWAY EQUIPMENT RESERVE OCTOBER 31                           $  117,257.77


                  BUILDING RESERVE OCTOBER 31                                                    $   204,848.48


                        SCENIC BY WAYS GRANT OCTOBER 31                          $          311.09


                        PARK RESERVE OCTOBER 31                                             $     76,956.55


                        TRUST & AGENCY OCTOBER 31 (TA & CDPHP)              $     58,356.72


                        MOBILE HOME GRANT OCTOBER 31                               $             24.31


                        HOME IMPROVEMENT GRANT OCTOBER 31                 $        4,967.29

                        (holding checks until funds are deposited)


                        CDBG GRANT OCTOBER 31                                                 $              20.14


                        HISTORIC HUDSON HOOSICK RIVER SEPTEMBER 30        $   -168,726.73



v  Sales Tax Received –  October 2016 - $136,959.00

v  Mortgage Tax - September 2016 - $23,126.50


Public comments on agenda items: no comments


Committee reports:  no report


Landfill:  Supervisor Thomas Wood stated he spoke with Town Engineer Ken Martin and was told that he is reaching out to other companies for estimates to get the work done on test well #1.


Insurance:  no report


Youth:  Councilman Michael McLoughlin stated that on October 30th there was a Pumpkin Carving & Catapult event held at Hudson Crossing Park; a great time was had by all.


Senior Citizens:  The Old Saratoga Seniors met on Oct. 19th for a Tea Cup Auction Luncheon with 40 in attendance.  The November 2nd luncheon honored Veterans with entertainment by Don Young.  

Future Trips Planned: 

December 14th - Christmas Party at Fairways in Halfmoon

December 20th - Christmas Show

March 17th - Turning Point Casino


The Quaker Springs’ Sunshiners met on October 10th with 21 members in attendance.  Dave DeMarco, from the Office of the Aging, presented information about Medicare.  They also had a trip to Williams Town Inn for the German Festival on November 2nd.


Schuyler Park Committee:  Councilman Gary Squires stated that he and Ian Murray met with Mike Hayes, Hayes Contracting Corp., on November 13th concerning final elevation and layout of the west end pavilion.  Forms for concrete footings will be set and poured this month. 


*November 18, 2016:  Friends of Schuyler Park will be hosting a ‘Trivia Night’ at the American         Legion, 6 Clancy St., Schuylerville, NY, 6 p.m. - 8 p.m., with the Meehan Road Band playing from 9 p.m. - 11 p.m.  Further details can be found on the Schuyler Park website at www.schuylerpark.com. 


Office of Emergency Management:  no report



Highway Superintendent Don Ormsby stated that Quaker Springs Fire Department has had 86 calls to date.


Old Business:  none


New Business:

Gong Property:  Supervisor Thomas Wood stated that he has had complaints concerning the Calvin Gong property on Rt. 9P and allowed Ed Stomski, 20 Saratoga Lake Rd., to address his concerns with the Gong property.


Supervisor Thomas Wood told the Board that Building Inspector/Zoning Officer Gil Albert is aware of the issues.  He then had Building Inspector/Zoning Officer Gil Albert hand the Board members photos he’d taken of the property.  Building Inspector/Zoning Officer Gil Albert stated that both buildings on the property are filled right up and there is a boat as well as non- registered vehicles on the property.  Due to the law, the Town can have him remove those vehicles; the new law concerning non-registered vehicles took effect October 3rd of this year.   He then stated there is no law on how one should live on their own land - the NYS Health Department can be called, but one must have proof for them.  He is open to doing something about the situation, but there has to be something specific - something actionable.  He added that NYS Code only goes so far concerning property; the disaster on the Gong property is quadrupled behind the fence and in the backyard than the front yard.  He then stated he has an outstanding Order to Remedy on Mr. Gong, but nothing has been done since the spring. 

Town Attorney William Reynolds said the Order to Remedy is outstanding, so court action is the next step.  He questioned if the Order was for rubbish in the yard and Building Inspector/Zoning Officer Gil Albert responded yes, adding he will send another Order to Remedy to remove the non-registered vehicles. 


Supervisor Thomas Wood directed Town Attorney William Reynolds to work with Building Inspector/Zoning Officer Gil Albert and bring Mr. Gong into court for the rubbish and to follow through on removing the non-registered vehicles from his property. 


Highway Superintendent Don Ormsby added that Mr. Gong started a stump fire yesterday, which went out of control and the Quaker Springs Fire Department had to put it out; Mr. Gong has no water there.  Mr. Gong said he started the fire because the stumps were full of ants.


NYS Audit: Supervisor Thomas Wood stated the NYS Audit for the Youth Recreation Program, 2014 - May 2016, was completed and came back with no findings - all is well with the Youth Program. 


Insurance Renewal & Insurance Deductible Management: Thomas Wood stated that the Board needs to review the options for the medical insurance for our retirees.  They currently have MVP-Gold, but due to rising costs, they need to look at competitive options, including BlueCross/Blue Shield.  He also stated the Town now needs to maintain two separate accounts for deductible contributions due to the Highway bringing in the Union.


NYS Ag & Markets Farmland Protection Grant: Supervisor Thomas Wood stated the Town has been awarded a $25,000.00 Farmland Protection Grant through NYS Ag & Markets.


On a motion by Councilman Michael McLoughlin and seconded by Councilman Gary Squires, the following Resolution #16-144 - Adoption of the 2017 Annual Town Budget,  was adopted by vote: Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan – absent, Councilman James Jennings – aye, Councilman Gary Squires - aye.  Carried 4 – 0

            WHEREAS, this Board having on November 10, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. duly held a public hearing on the preliminary budget approved by this Board and filed with the Town Clerk for the fiscal year commencing January 1, 2017, and having heard all persons desiring to be heard in the matter, and the matter of the budget for this Town for such fiscal year having been fully discussed and considered, it is therefore

RESOLVED, that said preliminary budget approved and filed as aforesaid, is hereby adopted and established as the annual budget for this Town for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2017, and that such annual budget as so adopted is detailed in the minutes of the proceedings of this Town Board, and be it further

RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk of this Town shall prepare and certify as provided by law, duplicate copies of said annual budget hereby adopted, and deliver one of such copies to the Supervisor of the Town, and that he shall present such copy to the Board of Legislators of the County as required by law.


The 2017 annual budget, in its entirety, is in the official minute book at the Town Clerk’s office and on the website, townofsaratoga.com.


On a motion made by Councilman Michael McLoughlin and seconded by Councilman Gary Squires, the following Resolution #16-145 – Approving Lease for Lori Solomon, was adopted by vote: Supervisor Thomas Wood – aye, Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan – absent, Councilman James Jennings – aye, Councilman Gary Squires – aye. 

Carried  4 – 0.

WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Saratoga has excess space in the Town Hall at 12 Spring Street, Schuylerville, NY which is unneeded for Town purposes, and which has been leased previously; and

            WHEREAS, the Town Board desires to lease such excess space for fair and adequate consideration; it is now, hereby

            RESOLVED, that in the north wing, second floor of the Town Hall, Suite 203, Office 2W, be leased to Lori Solomon on an annual basis for a monthly rental amount of $119.00 plus 2% of the monthly utilities set forth under a form of lease agreement presently in use for other business tenants in the Town Hall, and it is further

            RESOLVED, that the Town Supervisor is authorized to enter into a lease agreement to carry out this resolution, subject to approval of the Town Attorney as to form.


On a motion made by Councilman James Jennings and seconded by Councilman Michael McLoughlin, the following Resolution #16-146 – Fund Transfer - $500.00 from Contingency- B1990.4 to Demolition of Unsafe Buildings- B3650.4, was adopted by vote: Supervisor Thomas Wood – aye, Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan – absent, Councilman James Jennings – aye, Councilman Gary Squires – aye. 

Carried 4 - 0

   RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the Town of Saratoga, to transfer $500.00 from Contingency-B1990.4, to Demolition of Unsafe Buildings-B3650.4, to cover the cost of Town Engineer Ken Martin’s work for the demolition of the Casey house in Smithville.


On a motion made by Councilman James Jennings and seconded by Councilman Gary Squires, the following Resolution #16-147 - Fund Transfer - $900.00 from Demolition of Unsafe Buildings A3650.4 to Refuse & Garbage A8160.4, was adopted by vote: Supervisor Thomas Wood – aye, Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan – absent, Councilman James Jennings – aye, Councilman Gary Squires – aye. 

Carried 4 – 0

            RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the Town of Saratoga, to transfer $900.00 from Demolition of Unsafe Buildings-B3650.4, to Refuse & Garbage-A8160.4, to cover the cost of the Phoenix Landfill Testing.


On a motion made by Councilman Gary Squires, seconded by Councilman James Jennings, the following Resolution #16-148 – Declaring the Highway Department’s old utility truck as surplus equipment and authorizing Highway Superintendent to advertise said surplus equipment for sale, was adopted by vote: Supervisor Thomas Wood – aye, Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan – absent, Councilman James Jennings – aye, Councilman Gary Squires – aye. 

Carried 4– 0

WHEREAS, the Town of Saratoga Highway Superintendent has stated the old utility truck failed inspection and it will cost $8,000.00+ to pass inspection, and seeing as the Town Highway Superintendent has no need of the truck, now, therefore, be it 

            RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Saratoga now declares the old utility truck as surplus equipment and the Town Supervisor authorizes the Town Highway Superintendent to advertise the sale of said surplus equipment.


On a motion made by Councilman Michael McLoughlin and seconded by Councilman Gary Squires, the following Resolution #16-149 - Fund Transfer - $950.00 from Contingency-A1990.4 to Street Lighting-A5182.4, was adopted by vote: Supervisor Thomas Wood – aye, Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan – absent, Councilman

James Jennings – aye, Councilman Gary Squires – aye. 

Carried 4 – 0

RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the Town of Saratoga, to transfer $950.00 from Contingency-A1990.4, to Street Lighting-A5182.4, to cover expenses through year end. 


On a motion made by Councilman James Jennings and seconded by Councilman Michael McLoughlin, the following Resolution #16-150 – Fund Transfer - $100.00 from Contingency- A1990.4 to Refuse & Garbage-A8160.4, was adopted by vote: Supervisor Thomas Wood – aye, Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan – absent, Councilman James Jennings – aye, Councilman Gary Squires – aye. 

Carried 4 – 0.

RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the Town of Saratoga, to transfer $100.00 from Contingency- A1990.4, to Refuse & Garbage-A8160.4 to cover expenses through year end.


On a motion made by Councilman James Jennings and seconded by Councilman Michael McLoughlin, the following Resolution #16-151 – Fund Transfer - $22,500.00 from General Repairs Personal Services -DB5110.1, to Medical Incurance-DB9060.8, was adopted by vote: Supervisor Thomas Wood – aye, Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan – absent, Councilman James Jennings – aye, Councilman Gary Squires – aye. 

Carried 4 – 0

            RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the Town of Saratoga, to transfer $22,500.00 from General Repairs Personal Services-DB5110.1, to Medical Insurance - DB9060.8, to cover expenses through year end.


On a motion made by Councilman James Jennings and seconded by Councilman Michael McLoughlin, the following Resolution #16-152 – Authorization to purchase a new box - Everest SDS10SS3039 All Season Body with stainless steel folding ladder for Highway Truck #6, was adopted by vote: Supervisor Thomas Wood – aye, Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan – absent, Councilman James Jennings – aye, Councilman Gary Squires – aye. 

Carried 4– 0

            WHEREAS, Highway Superintendent Don Ormsby Jr. has requested to purchase a new Everest SDS10SS3039 all season box body for Truck #6, with stainless steel folding ladder, (3 coal doors), new hinge, new hoist, pioneer EDD1500 ASP Tarp with anti-sail bar, stainless steel hydraulic lines to rear of body, DOT lights, LED/DOT rear lights, spinner light, dual mud flaps, complete installation of rear body and accessories, blast frame and paint with PPG epoxy primer and top coat, in the amount of $35,236.00, now, therefore, be it

            RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Saratoga, authorizes Town Highway Superintendent Don Ormsby Jr. to purchase said All Season Box for Highway Truck #6 in the amount of $35,236.00.


On a motion made by Councilman Gary Squires and seconded by Councilman Michael McLoughlin, the following Resolution #16-153 – Fund Transfer - $1,142.79 from Contingency-A1990.4, to Refuse & Garbage-A8160.4, was adopted by vote: Supervisor Thomas Wood – aye, Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan – absent, Councilman James Jennings – aye, Councilman Gary Squires – aye. 

Carried 4 – 0.

RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Saratoga, to transfer $1,142.79 from Contingency-A1990.4 to Refuse & Garbage-A8160.4, due to charges incurred by the Town for landfill work.    


On a motion made by Councilman James Jennings and seconded by Councilman Gary Squires, the following Resolution #16-154 – Approving the Payment of Bills – Abstract 11G, was adopted by vote: Supervisor Thomas Wood – aye, Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye,

Councilman Charles Hanehan – absent, Councilman James Jennings – aye, Councilman Gary Squires – aye.  Carried 4 – 0

RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the Town of Saratoga to authorize payment of the bills listed in Abstract 11G in the following amounts:


General Fund A                    Voucher No. 337 through 380                      $   31,806.63

General Fund B                    Voucher No. 51 through 57                          $        967.91 

Schuyler Park H                    Voucher No. 36 through 39                          $     1,543.21

Highway DB                          Voucher No. 207 through 230                      $   36,183.43

HI                                            Voucher No. 29                                             $     4,883.00

HH                                          Voucher No. 60 through 67                          $   37,328.06

                                                                                             Grand Total     $  112,712.24  




Privilege of the floor: 


Upcoming meetings:

v  Agenda meeting – December 8, 2016 at 7:00 p.m.

v  Regular Town Board meeting – Thursday, December 12, 2016 at 7:00 p.m.

v  Special End of Year Audit meeting - Thursday, December 29, 2016 at 11:00 a.m.   


A motion to adjourn at 9:18 p.m. was made by Councilman James Jennings and seconded by Councilman Gary Squires.  Supervisor Thomas Wood – aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan – absent, Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye, Councilman James Jennings – aye, Councilman Gary Squires – aye. 

Carried  4 - 0

Meeting Adjourned


Respectfully Submitted,



Linda A. McCabe

Town Clerk