June 11, 2018

7:00 P.M.


Supervisor Thomas Wood opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance

at 7:00 p.m.


Roll call: Town Clerk Linda McCabe, called the roll:  Supervisor Thomas Wood- present, Councilman Charles Hanehan - present, Councilman Michael McLoughlin – present, Councilman James Jennings – present, Councilman Gary Squires – absent.


Also present: Deputy Clerk Michelle Conover, Building Inspector/Zoning Officer Gil Albert, Highway Superintendent Don Ormsby, Town Attorney William Reynolds, Alicia Farone Wendy Lukas, Phil Heitmann, Ted Mosher and Terri Korb.


Recognitions/Presentations/ Bid openings/ Public Hearings:


Approval of Minutes: A motion was made by Councilman Michael McLoughlin, seconded by Councilman James Jennings, to accept the minutes of the May 10th

 agenda meeting and the May 14th regular meeting as written.   Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan – aye, Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye, Councilman James Jennings – aye, Councilman Gary Squires – absent.  

Carried 4 – 0  


Town Clerk’s report for May 2018: Fees paid to the NYS Dept. of Agriculture and Markets for the Animal Population Control Program $59.00.  Fees paid to New York D.E.C. for hunting and fishing licenses $377.90. Fees paid to the New York State Health Department for Marriage licenses $45.00.  Dog license fees to Supervisor Thomas Wood $258.00. Miscellaneous Clerk fees to Supervisor Thomas Wood $247.10.  Total State and Local Revenues received were $987.00.


Zoning Officer’s report for May 2018: Gil Albert reported: 11 Building Permits Issued, 27 Building Inspections, 2 Certificate/s of Occupancy, 0 Junkyard Permits, 0 Complaint/s, 0 Fire inspection, 0 Order/s to Remedy, 2 misc., 3 Building Permit Renewals, 0 Property Maintenance Inspection.  A check for $3,026.25 was given to Supervisor Thomas Wood. 


Dog Control Officer’s report for May 2018: The report was read by Supervisor Thomas Wood:  Dog Control Officer Ed Cross answered 27 complaints, took 0 dogs to the shelter, traveled 78 miles, issued 19 warnings and 4 summons were issued and 1 bite case. 


Town Court report for May 2018: The following were closed: 40 Vehicle & Traffic, 6 Criminal/Penal Law, 0 DEC/ENCON, 1 Dog case/s, 3 DWIs, 0 Town & Village Ordinance, 1 Small Claims/Civil, 1 Eviction/s, 2 Hearing/s, 3 (case transfer) Divestiture Forms sent to County Court, 4 Probation, 0 hours of Community Service issued, 0 days of jail time issued, 0 Orders of Protection issued, and $4,300.00  in fees were paid to the NY State Comptroller.


Historian’s report for May 2018: Supervisor Thomas Wood read the following Historian report:  The Historian Office continues to be focused on the photo collection and making them available on-line. In May, he had 54 posts on the blog with 552 visitors and 881 views.  This is an increase over the prior month. 


June 19, 2018 - Deputy Historian Pat Peck will lead a genealogy group at the Schuylerville Public Library at 10:00 a.m. 

June 16, 2018 - Heritage Hunters of Saratoga County will meet on Saturday, at 1 pm in the Schuyler Room in the Town Hall, with Aaron Noble speaking on “NYS in the First World War.”

June 28, 2018 - The Old Saratoga Historical Association will meet at the Prospect Hill Cemetery at 7:00 p.m. for a tour. 


Assessor’s report for May 2018: Supervisor Thomas Wood read the following Assessor's report:  Over the last month the Assessor's office was preparing for the annual board of Assessment Review (BAR) meeting.  Four town residents appeared to present grievances to the BAR.  The BAR also reviewed one mail in application, four corrections and five stipulations.  The final assessment roll will be available on July 1, 2018.


Over the past month he processed 13 sales; 5 were valid and 9 were non-valid.  He had 4 valid residential sales, 1 valid vacant land sale, 7 non-valid residential sales and 2 non-valid vacant land sales.


The Assessor's office hours will change for the summer.  Beginning June 18, 2018, the Assessor will be in the office 8 hours each Thursday, through August 2018.


New Summer Office Hours:  Thursdays - 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.


Please feel free to call, email, or stop by his office with any questions. 


Highway Superintendent’s report for May 2018: 

v  Addressing potholes, sign repairs, dump grass cut and mowing ditches

v  Hauling crusher run and stone dust for shoulders

v  Four culverts changed and ditching on Wilbur rd

v  Hydraulic pump repair on deck mower

v  Brake maintenance on trucks 1- 2- 5 & 6

v  Axle lock issue on truck 2 and broken spring on truck 6

v  AC and coolant sensors on truck 5 and IPR valve on truck 9

v  Coolant leak into engine on truck 3

v  Main hydraulic line repair on Gradall

v  Guide rail installed on Wilbur rd

v  Grade towpath rd for Schuylerville

v  Looking to purchase stainless dump box for truck 2

Supervisor’s report:  



                  GENERAL FUND – TOWNWIDE (A FUND)


                 Balance on hand 05/01/2018               $1,299,778.40

                  Revenues                                               +  107,817.05

                  Disbursements                                        -    67,528.10

                  Balance 05/31/2018                             $1,340,067.35




                  Balance on hand 05/01/2018               $1,683,129.29

                  Revenues                                              +       3,228.22

                  Disbursements                                      -      11,073.15

                  Balance 5/31/2018                              $1,675,284.36




                  Balance on hand 05/01/2018                $   749,084.66

                  Revenues                                               +  105,195.74

                  Disbursements                                        -    49,223.45

                  Balance 05/31/2018                              $   805,056.95


SCHUYLER PARK CAPITAL PROJECT 05/31/2018             $172,190.84


YOUTH RECREATION & SERVICE  05/31/2018                   $   5,406.36


HIGHWAY EQUIPMENT RESERVE  05/31/2018                  $147,374.29


BUILDING RESERVE  05/31/2018                                           $305,262.22


      SCENIC BY WAYS QRTRLY  05/31/2018                              $       311.33   


      PARKS RESERVE  05/31/2018                                                  $226,956.55


       TRUST & AGENCY 05/31/2018                                                $  34,200.63


       HOME IMPROVEMENT GRANT 2 05/31/2018                    $  63,286.09

            (holding checks until funds are deposited)


       HISTORIC HUDSON HOOSICK RIVER 05/31/2018                     $  94,362.12



        PROPERTY TAX CAP RESERVE 05/31/2018                       $    1,309.20


v  Sales Tax Received – May 2018 - $105,131.00

v  Mortgage Tax - April 2018 - $25,243.50

v  March 2018 - Received Mortgage Tax Check - $85,818.34

Public comments on agenda items: No one spoke.


Committee reports:


Landfill: No Report


Insurance: No Report


Youth: Councilman Michael McLoughlin stated that 5 children have signed up for the  Swim Program to date, but as the school has just handed out the applications, he is hopeful many more will sign up.


Senior Citizens: Councilman James Jennings reported the following:  Quaker Springs Senior's had a luncheon meeting on May 14th with 19 in attendance.  Guest Speaker was Stephen Bodnar, who spoke about dairy farms and businesses during the 1940's and 1950's. 

They are planning a trip which will include a boat ride; details are not yet finalized.


Next Meeting:  June 11, 2018, with a picnic at the Hudson Crossing Park.  They will have a Park Ranger speaking on the battles of Saratoga in September and October 1777 and they will also view exhibits and a film.


Parks/Schuyler Park Committee: No report


Office of Emergency Management: No report


QSFD, WEMS Inc.: Don Ormsby, Quaker Springs Assistant Fire Chief, stated they have had 39 calls this year to date.


Supervisor Thomas Wood read the following report from Wilton EMS: Nashua Alexander, Chief Operating Officer at Wilton Emergency Squad, reported for the month of May, 2018, they answered 8 calls in Schuylerville, 11 calls in Victory Mills, 7 calls in Northumberland and 34 calls for the Town Saratoga, 9 of which were due to the rowing regattas.


Old Business: Supervisor Thomas Wood updated the Board on the boat launch, stating that five contractors went out to the boat launch site prior to putting in their bids. 


New Business:

On a motion made by Councilman Michael McLoughlin and seconded by Councilman Charles Hanehan, the following Resolution #18-79 - Transfer of Funds - $20,000.00 from Capital Project-A9950.9 to Schuyler Park-H5031, was adopted by vote: Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan – aye, Councilman James Jennings – aye, Councilman Gary Squires – absent.

Carried 4 – 0

RESOLVED by the Town Board, of the Town of Saratoga, to transfer $20,000 from the Transfer to Capital Project, A9950.9 to Schuyler Park, H5031, as budgeted.  

On a motion made by Councilman Charles Hanehan and seconded by Councilman James Jennings, the following Resolution #18-80 - Authorization for the Highway Superintendent to Purchase a 2018 Everest SDS14SS3850 Stainless Steel All Season Dump Box, was adopted by vote: Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan – aye, Councilman James Jennings – aye, Councilman Gary Squires – absent.

Carried 4 – 0

            RESOLVED by the Town Board of the Town of Saratoga, to authorize the Highway Superintendent to purchase the 2018 Everest SDS14SS3850 stainless steel all-season Dump Box with folding ladder, three coal doors, blast frame and paint with PPG epoxy primer and top coat, new rear HIGHE, new hoist, pioneer EDD150OAL ASP tarp with anti sail bar, SS hydraulic lines to rear of body, DOT lights, LED/DOT rear lights, led spinner light, dual mud flaps, center belly flap, complete installation with a new heavy duty top screen, in the total amount of $50,070.00.


On a motion made by Councilman James Jennings and seconded by Councilman Michael McLoughlin, the following Resolution #18-81 - Fund Transfer - $50,070.00 from Highway Equipment Reserve Fund to Highway Equipment DB5130.2, was adopted by vote: Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan – aye, Councilman James Jennings – aye, Councilman Gary Squires – absent.

Carried 4 – 0

            RESOLVED by the Town Board of the Town of Saratoga, to transfer $50,070.00 from Highway Equipment Reserve Fund to Highway Equipment-DB5130.2, for the purchase of the 2018, Everest SDS14SS3850 stainless steel all-season Dump Box with folding ladder, three coal doors, blast frame and paint with PPG epoxy primer and top coat, new rear HIGHE, new hoist, pioneer EDD150OAL ASP tarp with anti sail bar, SS hydraulic lines to rear of body, DOT lights, LED/DOT rear lights, led spinner light, dual mud flaps, center belly flap, complete installation with a new heavy duty top screen.


On a motion made by Councilman Michael McLoughlin and seconded by Councilman James Jennings, the following Resolution #18-82 - Authorization to enter into contract with Potentia Management Group, LLC., was adopted by vote: Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan – aye, Councilman James Jennings – aye, Councilman Gary Squires – absent.

Carried 4 – 0

             WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Saratoga, believes it to be in the best interest of the of the Town to enter into a contract with Potentia Management Group, LLC, to convert the lights of the Town Hall to LEDs, as doing so will save the Town on monthly energy bills of an estimated amount of $653.00.  The scope of the work includes all professional engineering, materials, equipment and labor for the conversion.  All LEDs used for this project are of the highest quality and comes with a 50,000 hour life and 10 year warranty; now therefore, be it

            RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the Town of Saratoga, to enter into contract with Potentia Management Group, LLC, for the LED conversion, not to exceed $20,000.00.

On a motion made by Councilman James Jennings and seconded by Councilman Michael McLoughlin, the following Resolution #18-83 - Authorization to enter into contract with A & B Construction for the completion of the salt shed project, was adopted by vote: Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan – aye, Councilman James Jennings – aye, Councilman Gary Squires – absent.

Carried 4 – 0

            WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Saratoga, has selected A & B Construction to complete the Highway Salt Shed project; and

            WHEREAS,  A & B Construction and the Town of Saratoga are working on completing an executed contract; now therefore, be it

            RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the Town of Saratoga, to authorize Supervisor Thomas N. Wood III to enter into an agreement and execute a contract with

A & B Construction, provided it fulfills the deliverables outlined in the approved proposal and is approved by the Attorney for the Town; and be it further

            RESOLVED, that Supervisor Thomas N. Wood III is also authorized to expend $6,012.00, after submittal of stamped and engineered drawings, to ensure the completion of the project prior to October 4, 2018.


On a motion made by Councilman Michael McLoughlin and seconded by Councilman Charles Hanehan, the following Resolution #18-84 - Releasing Adirondack Advocacy from current lease, was adopted by vote: Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan – aye, Councilman James Jennings – aye, Councilman Gary Squires – absent.

Carried 4 – 0

                WHEREAS, Adirondack Advocacy wishes to move to a smaller office suite; and

WHEREAS, the Town Board desires to lease such space for fair and adequate consideration; it is hereby

            RESOLVED, that Town Board authorizes Supervisor Thomas N. Wood III to release Adirondack Advocacy from the current lease of Suite 102, subject to the approval of the Attorney for the Town. 


On a motion made by Councilman Charles Hanehan and seconded by Councilman Michael McLoughlin, the following Resolution #18-85 - Approving monthly lease for Adirondack Advocacy, was adopted by vote: Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan – aye, Councilman James Jennings – aye, Councilman Gary Squires – absent. 

Carried 4– 0

             WHEREAS, the Tenant wishes to lease office suite 1E on the second floor, north wing, 12 Spring St., Schuylerville, New York, and

            WHEREAS, it is the mutual desire of both the Landlord and the Tenant that the Tenant lease said offices beginning July 1, 2018, at $558.00 per month plus 10% of utilities, now, therefore, be it

            RESOLVED, that the Town of Saratoga Town Supervisor is authorized to enter into a lease agreement with Adirondack Advocacy for the office suite 1E, commencing on July 1, 2018.  The sum of $558.00 will be due and payable on the first day of each and every month thereafter, until the lease is terminated, and as additional rent, the Tenant will pay an amount equal to 10% of the monthly utility bills of the 2nd floor, north wing.  Tenant agrees to pay this additional rent within five business days of receiving written notice by the Landlord of the amount due, as set forth under this lease agreement; and be it further

            RESOLVED, that the Town Supervisor is authorized to enter into a lease agreement to carry out this resolution, subject to approval of the Town Attorney as to form.


On a motion made by Councilman Michael McLoughlin and seconded by Councilman James Jennings, the following Resolution #18-86 - Releasing Flatley Read from current lease, was adopted by vote: Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan – aye, Councilman James Jennings – aye, Councilman Gary Squires – absent.

Carried 4– 0

            WHEREAS, Flatley Read wishes to move to a larger office suite; and

WHEREAS, the Town Board desires to lease such space for fair and adequate consideration; it is hereby

            RESOLVED, that Town Board authorizes Supervisor Thomas N. Wood III to release Flatley Read from the current leases of Suite 201, 3E office and the extra closet, subject to the approval of the Attorney for the Town. 


On a motion made by Councilman Charles Hanehan and seconded by Councilman Michael McLoughlin, the following Resolution #18-87 - Approving monthly lease for Flatley Read, was adopted by vote: Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan – aye, Councilman James Jennings – aye, Councilman Gary Squires – absent.

Carried 4 – 0

            WHEREAS, the Tenant wishes to lease office suite 102 on the first floor, north wing, 12 Spring St., Schuylerville, New York, and

            WHEREAS, it is the mutual desire of both the Landlord and the Tenant that the Tenant lease said offices from 7/1/2018 - 12/31/2018 at $1500.00 per month plus 50% of utilities and from 1/1/2019 - 12/31/2020 at $1800.00 per month plus 50% of utilities, now, therefore, be it

            RESOLVED, that the Town of Saratoga Town Supervisor is authorized to enter into a lease agreement with Flatley Read for the office suite #102, commencing on July 1, 2018.  The sum of $1500.00 will be due and payable on the first day of each and every month through December 31, 2018.  Beginning January 1, 2019 - December 31, 2020, the sum of $1800.00 will be due and payable on the first day of each and every month thereafter, until the lease is terminated, and as additional rent, the Tenant will pay an amount equal to 50% of the monthly utility bills of the 1st floor, north wing.  Tenant agrees to pay this additional rent within five business days of receiving written notice by the Landlord of the amount due, as set forth under this lease agreement; and be it further

            RESOLVED, that the Town Supervisor is authorized to enter into a lease

agreement to carry out this resolution, subject to approval of the Town Attorney as to form.

On a motion made by Councilman Michael McLoughlin and seconded by Councilman James Jennings, the following Resolution #18-88 - Accepting Assumption Agreement from the Open Space Institute for annual inspection and monitoring of the Hanehan and Hall properties on Duell Rd., was adopted by vote: Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan – recused, Councilman Gary Squires - absent.

Carried  3 – 0 (1 recusal)

                WHEREAS, the Open Space Institute currently holds two Conservation Easements on property owned by Hanehan Realty and John Hall on Duell Rd. in the Town of Saratoga; and

WHEREAS, the Open Space Institute would like to assign their interest in monitoring the Easement of these properties to the Town of Saratoga; now, therefore, be it

            RESOLVED, that the Town of Saratoga accept the Assumption Agreement from the Open Space Institute for the annual inspection and monitoring of the Conservation Easement on the Hanehan and Hall properties on Duell Rd.


 On a motion made by Councilman Charles Hanehan and seconded by Councilman Michael McLoughlin, the following Resolution #18-89 - Accepting Wendy Lukas's resignation letter from the BAR and reappointing Wendy Lukas to the BAR to finish the remaining time of her five year term, was adopted by vote: Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan – aye, Councilman James Jennings – aye, Councilman Gary Squires – absent.

Carried 4 – 0

                WHEREAS, Wendy Lukas was a member of the Board of Assessment Review (BAR) at their last meeting held on June 5, 2018; and

WHEREAS, at that meeting she desired to present a grievance concerning the assessment of her property; and

WHEREAS, she was informed that in order to present her grievance she must first submit a written letter resigning from the BAR; and

WHEREAS, she did not ultimately desire to resign but did so as requested in order to present her grievance; and

WHEREAS, she later learned that all she was required to do was recuse herself from the BAR deliberation and vote concerning her grievance; now, therefore, be it

            RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Saratoga, accept Wendy Lukas's letter of resignation and reappoint her to fill the remaining time of her five year term, expiring on September 30, 2020.


Privilege of the floor:  The following residents addressed the Board:  Alicia Farone, Wendy Lukas, Phil Heitmann and Ted Mosher.


Communications:  No one addressed the Board.


Upcoming meetings:

v  Agenda meeting – Thursday, July 5, 2018 at 7:00 p.m.

v  Regular Town Board meeting – Monday, July 9, 2018 at 7:00 p.m.  


Audit the Bills: On a motion by Councilman Charles Hanehan, seconded by Councilman Michael McLoughlin, the following Resolution #18-90, Approving the Payment of Bills in Abstract 6G, was adopted by vote: Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan – aye, Councilman James Jennings – aye, Councilman Gary Squires – absent.

Carried 4 – 0

RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the Town of Saratoga to authorize payment of the bills listed in Abstract 6G of 2018 in the following amounts:


General Fund DB                 Voucher No. 91 through 103                        $  28,815.93

General Fund A                    Voucher No. 163 through 193                      $  22,305.34

General Fund B                    Voucher No. 31 through 36                         $    1,295.47

Schuyler Park H                    Voucher No. 15 through 16                          $       403.67

Historic Hudson                     Voucher No. 25, 26, 28 & 29                                    $    6,766.92


                                                         Grand Total     $    59,587.33


A motion was made by Councilman Charles Hanehan, seconded by Councilman James Jennings, to enter into Executive Session to discuss the lawsuits of Mr. Heitmann and Mr. Boldt at 8:49 p.m.  Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan – aye, Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye, Councilman James Jennings – aye, Councilman Gary Squires – absent.

Carried 4 - 0


A motion was made by Councilman James Jennings, seconded by Councilman Charles Hanehan, to exit Executive Session at 9:11 p.m.  No Board action was taken.  Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan – aye, Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye, Councilman James Jennings – aye, Councilman Gary Squires – absent.  No Board action took place.

Carried 4 - 0


A motion to adjourn at 9:11 p.m. was made by Councilman James Jennings, seconded by Councilman Charles Hanehan.  Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan – aye, Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye, Councilman James Jennings – aye, Councilman Gary Squires – absent.

Carried 4 - 0


Respectfully Submitted,



Linda A. McCabe

Town Clerk