Thursday, July 6, 2017

7:00 P.M.


Supervisor Thomas Wood opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance

at 7:00 p.m.


Roll call: Linda McCabe, Town Clerk, called the roll.  Supervisor Thomas Wood- present, Councilman Michael McLoughlin- absent (arrived at 8 p.m.), Councilman Charles Hanehan- present, Councilman James Jennings – present, Councilman Gary Squires - present


Also present:  Town Attorney William Reynolds, Zoning Officer Gil Albert, Deputy Clerk Michelle Conover and many interested persons.  (Sign-In sheet on file in Clerk’s office)


Items of Discussion:


v  Rt. 29 Business Corridor - Nick Schwartz addressed the Board on behalf of the Joint Board, to discuss the possibility of applying for a Capital District Transportation Committee (CDTC) linkage program grant, to help with a corridor study of Rt. 29 in preparation of creating a business corridor.  The linkage program has two tiers; Tier I is construction and Tier II deals with planning for streets, local land use and corridor plans, such as Rt. 29.  Many components go into this and a grant such as this will provide the information and answers needed to help the Joint Board create this corridor.  The grant is a 75 - 25 match; the Town’s responsibility would be 25% and can include in-kind services.  The applications go out in the fall, Sept. - Oct. and deadline is in Dec.  Normally it takes 2 months to vet the applications and by Feb. - March the awards are announced and in April they make the awards.  He said if the Town is awarded a grant, the Town would then hire a consultant and he believes it will take 6 - 8 months to do the study and by the end of 2018 it should be finished. 


Supervisor Thomas Wood questioned if there is a fee for putting the grant together and Nick Schwartz responded normally yes, but he is happy to do 90% of it, the scope and defense of it.  He stated the Town will need to get support from their local Senator, county etcetera.  He added it is a competitive process.


Supervisor Thomas Wood questioned if a resolution is needed by the Town and Nick Schwartz responded yes and a second one if awarded a grant.


Charlie Hanehan stated he thinks the Tier II would be better.  Nick Schwartz explained it is the way the CDTC does it; the way they split the money.  Planning must always be done first. 



James Jennings questioned if Nick has helped other communities with this grant and was told yes, it is his job and he has done this for years.  He does this for western NY, NJ and MA, as well as more local communities. 


Supervisor Thomas Wood questioned if this looks at traffic safety and Nick Schwartz responded yes, cohesively and conscientiously.


Supervisor Thomas Wood then stated he’ll let the Board digest the information and noted the grant process is similar to other grants.  He added that by Monday, if it is Board consensus, we will begin the process. 


Zoning Officer Gil Albert added this is an important step for the Town.  The Joint Board has been working on this and hashing things out but this will really help develop it the way the Town wants and do it correctly the first time out.


The Board thanked Nick Schwartz.


v  Supervisor Thomas Wood reviewed the Resolutions recognizing Philip C. Griffen and Robert M. Galusha.


v  Local Law #6 - 6 month Moratorium on Timber Harvesting was discussed.  The following addressed the Board:  John Cashin, 122 Cedar Bluff Rd., Lauren Kirkwood, Hub Miller, 97 Brown Rd., Paul Murphy and Brandon Myers.


Charles Hanehan, after listening to everyone, said he looked at his 80 acres that is completely treed, but 100 years ago it would have been open fields.  The sky isn’t falling. 


Gary Squires stated that he has 120 acres beyond his yard and it is now all grown trees, back 100 years ago it was all cleared; there are more trees today than back then. 


Board continued discussing agenda items; see attached.


v  Health Insurance - Supervisor Thomas Wood stated it is time to renew the health insurance for the active employees and the pre-65 retirees.  Since this is due by July 10th the Board must approve the chosen policies tonight.  He reminded the Board they discussed this at the June meeting.  He reviewed the various policies with the Board and stated he did speak with the employees and retirees and they would like to continue with the same plan. 


On a motion made by Councilman James Jennings, seconded by Councilman Gary Squires, the following Resolution #17-75 - Authorization for Health Insurance Plans, was adopted by vote:   Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Michael McLoughlin – absent, Councilman Charles Hanehan – aye, Councilman James Jennings – aye, Councilman Gary Squires – aye.   Carried 4– 0

At the agenda meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Saratoga, County of Saratoga, State of New York, held on July 6, 2017, the following resolution was made as indicated above,

            WHEREAS, on an annual basis the Town Board enters into insurance contracts to provide health insurance coverage for eligible employees; and

WHEREAS, the Board has reviewed proposals for contracts to commence August 1, 2017; now, therefore be it 


RESOLVED, that the Town Supervisor is authorized to sign a contract for health insurance benefits for eligible active employees with Capital District Physicians Health Plan for their CDPHP SILVER 320 HDEPO Qualified Agg/Emb effective August 1, 2017 for a one year term. The deductible will be reimbursed by the town through a special account that CDPHP can withdraw deductibles from as needed.  Due to the increase of premium, the town will pay the first $1500.00 of deductibles for single plans and the first $3,000.00 for family plans as currently being done.  In the future, if the deductibles increase beyond the $1,500.00/$3,000.00, then the employee and the town will each pay 50% of the increased deductible; and be it further

            RESOLVED, that the Town Supervisor is authorized to sign a contract for health

insurance benefits for pre-medicare retirees with Capital District Physicians Health Plan for their CDPHP GOLD 220 EPO Copayment Plan with the town and employee splitting the $500 deductible 50/50; $250 town, $250 insured for the single plan employee.   


Board discussion continued on the following:

v  Boat Launch/Salt Shed-work continues going forward.

v  Creating a Workplace Violence Policy

v  Creating a Workplace Harassment Policy

v  County Shared Services-NYS passed a law that all County governments have to offer insurance plans to all villages, towns and cities for retirees 65 + years and  and they must show the possible savings that could occur if participating.  The Counties also offers participation in the purchase of office and cleaning supplies.  The Town may participate in both, one or none.  If the option is none, there will be no opportunity to purchase supplies from them, but if we opt to join for the office supplies we are not obligated to purchase anything, but maintain the option to if we find their prices are better.  The Board discussed the insurance options and finding that our policy provides the about the same coverage, if not more, at a cost that is less, they chose to stay with the current policies. 

v  Bryants Bridge parking issues-People parking in that area to launch their canoes, kayaks and to go fishing, have been interfering with the sight distance for drivers.  Councilman Charles Hanehan stated we should monitor that and Councilman Gary Squires agreed.  The Town only owns 25’ from the center of the road.  Supervisor Thomas Wood stated if the Town ever gets an opportunity to purchase a bit of land for there for parking, he would like to do so.

v  Yoga Class rental

v  Flooding - Old Canal in Schuylerville

v  Resolutions #17-71 - 17-81


Privilege of the Floor: No one spoke.


A motion to adjourn at 9:02 p.m. was made by Councilman Charles Hanehan, seconded by Councilman Michael McLoughlin.  Supervisor Thomas Wood – aye, Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan – aye, Councilman James Jennings - aye, Councilman Gary Squires - aye.  Carried 5 – 0.


Respectfully Submitted,



Linda A. McCabe

Town Clerk




Monday, July 10, 2017 – 7:00 p.m.


1.      Call meeting to order


2.      Flag salute


3.      Roll call: Supervisor Thomas Wood, Councilman Michael McLoughlin, Councilman Charles Hanehan, Councilman James Jennings and Councilman Gary Squires


4.      Recognitions/Presentations/ Bid openings/ Public Hearings:

v Rt. 29 Business Corridor - Nick Schwartz & Gil Albert - Capital District Transportation Committee (CDTC) grant proposal

v Resolution #17-72 - Recognition of Philip C. Griffen

v Resolution #17-73 - Recognition of Robert M. Galusha

v Local Law #6 of 2017- 6 Month Moratorium on Timber Harvesting


5.      Approval of Minutes of the June 12, 2017 regular meeting.


6.      Town Clerk’s report


7.      Zoning officer’s report


8.      Dog Control officer’s report


9.      Town Court report


10.  Tax Collector’s report


11.  Historian’s report


12.  Assessor’s report


13.  Highway Superintendent’s report


14.  Supervisor’s report

v  Financial Report

v  Sales Tax Received – June 2017 - $99,948.00

v  Mortgage Tax - May 2017 - $7,740.50


15.  Public comments on agenda items


16.  Committee reports


            A. Landfill


            B. Insurance  


C. Youth


D. Senior Citizens


E. Parks/Schuyler Park Committee


F. Office of Emergency Management (OEM)




18.  Old Business: 

v  Health Insurance Renewal

v  Local Law #6, 2017 - Temporary Moratorium on Timber Harvesting

v  Swimming Lessons - Contract has been signed

v  Update on the Boat Launch and Salt Storage Grants


19.  New Business:

v  Insurance - Workplace Violence / Unlawful Harassment Policies

v  County shared services/Retirees 65+ MVP Insurance & office supplies

v  Bryant’s Bridge Rd. parking problem

v  Yoga classes by Jaime - Sundays in the Schuyler Rm. at town hall/$25.00

v  Foreclosure Notice/Home Improvement Grant

v  Recent lake area flooding due to heavy rains

v  Resolution #17-71 - Adopting Local Law #6 of 2017

v  Resolution #17-74 - Standard Work Day and Reporting/Assessor

v  Resolution #17-75 - Authorization for Health Insurance Plans

v  Resolution #17-76 - Authorization to enter into contract - Adirondack Trust Insurance with New York Municipal Insurance Recriprocal (NYMIR)

v  Resolution #17-77 - Adopting Workplace Violence Insurance Policy

v  Resolution #17-78 - Agreement on Highway EWR Expenditure

v  Resolution #17-79 - Unlawful Harrassment Insurance Policy


20.  Communications:

v  OEM-Sherry Doubleday will be holding CPR and AED training for Board members and town employees at 6:30 p.m. July 10th prior to the Town Board meeting


21.  Privilege of the floor


22.  Upcoming meetings

v  Agenda meeting – Thursday, August 10, 2017 at 7:00 p.m.

v  Regular Town Board meeting – Monday, August 14, 2017 at 7:00 p.m.  


23.  Audit the Bills – Resolution #17- 80 - Payment of Bills


24.  Meeting adjourned