July 27, 2016
Ian Murray called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
Planning Clerk Linda McCabe called the roll: Chairman Ian Murray present, Laurie
Griffen present, Patrick Hanehan present, Robert McConnell present, Joseph
Lewandowski absent, Brandon Myers present,
George Olsen - absent, Alternate Christopher
Koval - present.
Due to the absence of George Olsen and Joseph
Lewandowski, Chairman Ian Murray elevated Alternate Member Chris Koval to full voting status.
Also attending: Caryn Mlodzianowski,
Jim Vianna, Phil Goodson and Nate Darrow. (Sign-in sheet is on file in the Clerks
Public Hearing for Special Use Permit
Primax Properties LLC c/o Bohler
Engineering MA, LLC #15-01
Caryn Mlodzianowski
17 Computer Drive
Albany, NY 12205
S/B/L 157.-1-21.21
Location: NYS Rt. 29 (44 Spring St.)
Returning Applicant is seeking a Special Use Permit from the Town Planning Board to establish a paved area and dumpster enclosure to accompany the adjacent retail store; this section of the property is located within the Town limits.
Caryn Mlodzianowski, Bohler Engineering, appeared before the Board on behalf of the Applicant. She reviewed the application for the 9100+/- sq. ft. Dollar General retail store with the Board members. She stated the building is entirely within the limits of the Village of Schuylerville and they've received site plan approval from the Village Board. A section of the parking lot and the entire dumpster enclosure are located within the limits of the Town of Saratoga. They propose to preserve the orchard trees on the parcel to the greatest extent possible. There are 3.5+/- acres in the back of the parcel which they have no plans to develop; therefore they proposed and submitted a lot-line adjustment plan to convey that area to the Schuylerville Central School District. The School District has indicated that they are interested in accepting the land and once that is complete, things will move forward on finalizing that lot consolidation and adding it to their parcel. She is hoping to move forward with this portion of the project, going through with SEQR and obtaining the Special Use Permit from the Town of Saratoga.
Laurie Griffen questioned how much land, once the lot-line adjustment is complete, is left for the project within the Town.
Caryn Mlodzianowski replied approximately 1 acre.
Chairman Ian Murray stated the one concern he had was the drainage and how it spilled off onto the yard in the back, but once he reviewed the revised drawings he is satisfied that it has been corrected. He said he spoke with Caryn Mlodzianowski and Ryan Sherman, Schuylerville School Superintendent, and explained that the Board cannot approve a land-locked parcel. The Board can do a Conditional Approval on the sketch plan and that will be conditional upon the completion of the lot-line adjustment. The Applicant has to get together with the School District, do the new metes and bounds, new survey map and tie it to the School District lands as a lot-line adjustment; then the Planning Board can sign off on it.
Chairman Ian Murray asked if there were any questions of the Board; there were none.
Caryn Mlodzianowski, questioned if there has to be a referendum for the school to accept the land and if so, for the conditional approval, can it read that when the school formally accepts the land, they are approved; she's concerned the construction may move faster than the referendum vote.
Chairman Ian Murray replied that he didn't ask School Superintendent Ryan Sherman that, but she can reach out to him and see what he says. Chairman Ian Murray stated this has happened before in the Town and there's never been a referendum to accept land; it happened with the Bullard property on the east side of the school there. He doesn't believe there will be a problem and once she gets the survey, descriptions and all that completed, he imagines things will move along swiftly. He stated he did receive a verbal acceptance from School Superintendent Ryan Sherman earlier today.
Proof of Notice having been furnished by newspaper on July 17, 2016, Chairman Ian Murray opened the Public Hearing at 7:35 p.m., asking those wishing to speak to please stand and state their name and address:
Phil Goodson, Saratoga Springs, questioned if the dumpster location is in the Town or Village. He was told it will be located in the portion of the property that lies within the limits of the Town.
Chairman Ian Murray asked if there were any other
questions; seeing none Chairman Ian
Murray closed the Public Hearing at 7:37 p.m.
Chairman Ian Murray read the letter from the
Laurie Griffen read the short form EAF, line by line, which was completed by the Board.
Chairman Ian Murray asked if there were any further questions from the Board; there were none.
Caryn Mlodzianowski thanked the Board.
Sketch Plan for Minor Subdivision
David N. Favro #16-11 Representative: Jim Vianna, P.L.S
214 Jabez Allen Rd. 170 Lohnes Rd.
Peru, NY 12972 Stillwater, Ny
S/B/L 169.-1-43.2
Location: Corner of Rt. 32 and Hayes Rd.
Applicant proposes a two lot subdivision of his 4.83+/-acre parcel. He will retain Lot 2 which has an existing house and septic, that will be improved upon, for residential use for himself. Lot 1, which has a garage, well and septic, will be sold.
Jim Vianna, P.L.S., appeared on behalf of the Applicant, stating there are two structures on the property; a house and a garage. Lot 1, once subdivided, will have the garage structure on it and will be sold. Lot 2 will have the house on it, which the Applicant will retain and added there is an existing septic system on both lots.
Chairman Ian Murray stated it's all pre-existing; doesn't meet building envelope or setbacks. He questioned if the owner will be putting in a new septic system, away from the well, on Lot 1; really on both lots. He said he has concerns about Lot 1 with the septic and well. He believes the existing structure is a house, not a garage.
Jim Vianna responded the Applicant's selling Lot 1; it is pre-existing, the soils are heavy there so if they were to improve the structure they'd need to have a new raised system put in. He also said he spoke with Building Inspector Gil Albert and asked him to check for any and all permits associated with this property and Building Inspector Gil Albert said there are none to be found. Under current conditions, they can't get a C.O.
Chairman Ian Murray stated deed reference #1 - the little parcel of land between the Applicant and Rt. 32 - he asked Jim Vianna to check with the owner to see if they can get a lot-line adjustment there.
Jim Vianna responded with the history of the land and said that he can try.
Chairman Ian Murray stated we'll advertise a public hearing for next month.
Jim Vianna thanked the Board.
Old Business: Bob McConnell questioned what is going on with Mr. Sharp on Burgoyne Rd. Chairman Ian Murray stated that he hasn't gotten an update from Zoning Officer Gil Albert, but Mr. Sharp is actively searching for another place; he needs to be out of there before winter.
He knows he can no longer carry on business in his current location.
New Business:
Meeting Adjourned
The next regular meeting will be held Wednesday, August 24, 2016 at
Respectfully submitted,
Linda A. McCabe
Planning Clerk