July 26, 2017


Chairman Ian Murray called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.


Planning Clerk Linda McCabe called the roll:  Chairman Ian Murray – present, Laurie

Griffen – absent, Patrick Hanehan – absent, Robert McConnell – present, Joseph

Lewandowski – absent, Brandon Myers – present, George Olsen - absent,

Alternate Christopher Koval - present.


Due to the absence of several Board Members, Chairman Ian Murray elevated Alternate Member Christopher Koval to full voting status.


Also attending:  Cliff Silverstein, Jim Vianna, Charles & Kathleen Heidsieck and Susan Penetta.  (Sign-in sheet is on file in the Clerk's office)


A motion was made by Robert McConnell, seconded by Chris Koval, to accept the meeting minutes of June 28, 2017.   Chairman Ian Murray – aye, Laurie Griffen – absent, Patrick Hanehan – absent, Robert McConnell – aye, Brandon Myers – aye, George Olsen - absent, Joseph Lewandowski – absent, Christopher Koval - aye. 

Carried  4 - 0



Minor Subdivision Public Hearing


Cliff Silverstein #17-15                    Owner:  Kevin J. Johnson

346 Pyramid Pines Rd.                                 1107 Rt. 9P

Saratoga, NY 12866                                              Saratoga Springs, NY 12866

S/B/L 193.14-1-23 Lake Residential

Location: 1268 Rt. 9P


Applicant seeks a two lot subdivision; the property is .85 acre and has 175' of frontage.


Applicant Cliff Silverstein appeared before the Board on behalf of Kevin Johnson and reviewed the proposed two lot subdivision, stating he made the corrections requested by the Board at the last meeting.


Chairman Ian Murray stated with the corrections being done, he had no further questions.  He then asked if there were any Board questions; there were none.


Proof of Notice having been furnished by newspaper on July 16, 2017, Chairman Ian Murray opened the Public Hearing at 7:42 p.m., asking those wishing to speak to please stand and state their name and address.  The following persons spoke against the minor subdivision:

Kathleen Heidsieck, 112 Trask Ln., read a letter to the Board on behalf of herself and neighbors; they are against this and ask the Board to deny the application, or at the very least, do not allow 3000 square foot houses to be built on those lots.  She also stated this could ruin their views, which they pay highly for.

Susan Panetta, 108 Trask Ln., spoke on behalf of a neighbor and also read a letter from Mr. Cashin; both are against this.

Doug Niles,  Rt. 9P, stated he thinks the houses are too large, even though they may be within code, and his main concern is storm water run-off into the lake.


Chairman Ian Murray asked if there were any further comments or concerns, seeing none, Chairman Ian Murray closed the Public Hearing at 7:58 p.m.


Chairman Ian Murray asked if there were any Board questions or concerns.


Brandon Myers questioned the percentage of lot coverage.


The Applicant responded coverage is 15% or less.


Robert McConnell questioned if the Applicant is willing to do something to fit in with the neighborhood, like building the houses smaller.


The Applicant responded he would, but it is up to the property owner on what size home he wants and added they are abiding by all Town regulations and staying within all setbacks. 


Robert McConnell and Christopher Koval stated they would feel more comfortable if they went to the property before making a decision.


Chairman Ian Murray stated the Board has completed Public Hearing.


Christopher Koval made a motion, seconded by Robert McConnell, to table the decision until next month so they can go out and walk the property.  Chairman Ian Murray – aye, Laurie Griffen – absent, Patrick Hanehan – absent, Joseph Lewandowski – absent, Robert McConnell – aye, Brandon Myers – aye, George Olsen - absent, Christopher Koval - aye. 

Tabled until next month

Carried  4 - 0


Hanehan Realty Assoc. LLC #17-18                  Representative:  James Vianna, PLS

340 Co. Rt. 68                                                                    170 Lohnes Rd.

Saratoga Springs, NY 12866                                            Stillwater, NY 12170

S/B/L 183.-1-39

Location:  228 Co. Rt. 69 (Coveville Rd.)


Returning Applicant seeks to subdivide the 1.5 acre parcel from the 74.5 acre farm.  The Applicant is aware that an area variance is needed.


James Vianna, PLS, appeared on behalf of the Applicant, reviewed the application stating there will be no new construction, it meets all setbacks aside from .5 acres, he went before the ZBA and was granted the variances needed.


Chairman Ian Murray stated that he had no further questions and asked if there were any Board questions; there were none.


Proof of Notice having been furnished by newspaper on July 16, 2017, Chairman Ian Murray opened the Public Hearing at 8:09 p.m., asking those wishing to speak to please stand and state their name and address; seeing as no one spoke, Chairman Ian Murray closed the Public Hearing at 8:10 p.m.


Chairman Ian Murray read the short form EAF, line by line, which was completed by the Board. 


Chairman Ian Murray made a motion, seconded by Chris Koval, to accept the

documents as presented, to declare the SEQR review complete and to make a Negative Declaration.  Chairman Ian Murray – aye, Laurie Griffen – absent, Patrick Hanehan – absent, Joseph Lewandowski – absent, Robert McConnell – aye, Brandon Myers – aye, George Olsen - absent, Christopher Koval - aye.  Carried  4 - 0


Brandon Myers made a motion, seconded by Christopher Koval, to approve the subdivision as presented.  Chairman Ian Murray – aye, Laurie Griffen – absent, Patrick Hanehan – absent, Joseph Lewandowski – absent, Robert McConnell – aye, Brandon Myers – aye, George Olsen - absent, Christopher Koval - aye. 

Carried  4 - 0


Old Business: none


New Business:  Town Engineer Ken Martin spoke with the Board and said he has put a list together of his concerns with the Cedar Bluff subdivision.  He stated he would like each Board Member to please email their one major concern to Clerk Linda McCabe and she will put them all together for him, and he will compile them into a letter for Kevin Hastings, Mr. Witt's engineer.  He'd like to get this completed within the next week.


A motion was made by Robert McConnell, seconded by Christopher Koval, to adjourn the

meeting at 8:42 p.m.  Chairman Ian Murray – aye, Laurie Griffen – absent, Patrick Hanehan – absent, Joseph Lewandowski – absent, Robert McConnell – aye, Brandon Myers – aye, George Olsen - absent, Christopher Koval - aye. 

Carried  4 - 0

Meeting Adjourned


The next regular meeting will be held Wednesday, August 23, 2017 at 7:30 PM.


Respectfully submitted,



Linda A. McCabe

Planning Clerk