July 22, 2020
Ian Murray called the meeting to order at 7:34 p.m.
Planning Clerk Linda McCabe called the roll: Chairman
Ian Murray present, Laurie
Griffen present, Patrick Hanehan absent, Robert
McConnell present,
Joseph Lewandowski present, George Olsen - absent,
Christopher Koval - present, Alternate Walter Borisenok - present.
Due to the absence of Board Member Patrick Hanehan
and George Olsen, Walter Borisenok was elevated to full voting status.
Also attending: Gil Albert and Bret Jorgensen. (Sign-in sheet
is on file in the Clerk's office)
A motion was made by Laurie Griffen, seconded by Christopher
Koval, to accept the meeting minutes of February 26, 2020 as written. Chairman Ian Murray aye, Laurie Griffen aye, Patrick
Hanehan absent, Robert McConnell aye, Joseph Lewandowski aye, George
Olsen - absent, Christopher Koval - aye, Walter Borisenok - aye.
Carried 6 - 0
Subdivision Sketch Plan Conference
Bret Jorgensen #20-01
921 Rt. 4 S
Schuylerville, NY 12871
S/B/L 183.-1-56.12 Rural District
Applicant seeks to subdivide
2 acres from his 5.94+/- acre parcel.
Applicant appeared before the
Chairman Ian Murray stated
this is a complete application and a clean subdivision. He asked if there were any questions from the
Robert McConnell questioned
if the Applicant was going to use the existing driveway.
The Applicant replied yes and
aside from subdividing the parcel, nothing changes.
Chairman Ian Murray reminded the
Applicant that he needs to submit his SEQR form and we can hold a public
hearing next month.
The Applicant thanked the
Old Business:
New Business: Zoning Officer/Building Inspector Gil Albert updated the Board on the Air B&B deck/balcony collapse that occurred on Rt. 9P. He noted that the Town Board has directed the Town Attorney to gather information from other municipalities on their legislation for Air B&Bs, specifically non-owner-occupied Air B&Bs. He added this incident proves the importance of annual safety inspections of Air B&Bs and feels there should be annual fees for such. The Town needs to be sure all is safe and up to code, as well as adequate parking, as there have been parking issues/complaints from neighboring properties to the Town Board. The Board agreed. He then noted the Town Board will be working on legislation to ban hydrofracking in the Lake Residential and Lake Commercial districts, as there has been another incident recently out by the lake where a residents well was affected by someone hydrofracking. Town Engineer Ken Martin mentioned Residential District 2 should be looked at as well. Zoning Officer/Building Inspector Gil Albert stated this does not ban the farmers, rather developers of subdivisions and planned unit developments. The Board thanked him for the update.
A motion was made by Robert McConnell, seconded by Laurie
Griffen, to adjourn the meeting at 7:54 p.m.
Chairman Ian Murray aye,
Laurie Griffen aye, Patrick Hanehan absent, Robert McConnell aye, Joseph
Lewandowski aye, George Olsen - absent, Christopher Koval - aye, Walter
Borisenok - aye.
Carried 6- 0
Meeting Adjourned
The next regular meeting will be held Wednesday, August 26, 2020 at 7:30 PM.
v All submittals must be to the Clerk no later than 8:45 a.m., September 9, 2020 to be on the August agenda.
Respectfully submitted,
Linda A. McCabe
Planning Clerk
*Please Note: Minutes are not verbatim unless so specified.