January 18, 2017


Chairman Ian Murray called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.


Planning Clerk Linda McCabe called the roll:  Chairman Ian Murray – present, Laurie

Griffen – absent, Patrick Hanehan – present, Robert McConnell – absent, Joseph

Lewandowski – absent, Brandon Myers – present, George Olsen - absent,

Alternate Christopher Koval - absent.


Due to the absence of several Board Members, Chairman Ian Murray elevated Alternate Member Christopher Koval to full voting status.


Also attending:  Town Engineer Ken Martin, Timothy Myers, Christina Scanlon, John Hall and Steve Winney.  (Sign-in sheet is on file in the Clerk’s office)


A motion was made by Patrick Hanehan, seconded by Christopher Koval, to accept the meeting minutes of December 21, 2016.   Chairman Ian Murray – aye, Laurie Griffen – absent, Patrick Hanehan – aye, Joseph Lewandowski – absent, Robert McConnell – absent, Brandon Myers – aye, George Olsen - absent, Christopher Koval - aye.

Carried  4 - 0


Information for Minor Subdivision


Tim Myers & Christina Scanlon #17-01

1120 Rt. 29

Schuylerville, NY 12871

S/B/L 156.-3-11 Rural Residential


Applicants seek information and guidance to subdivide their 4.9 acre parcel into two lots.  They have 475' of frontage on Rt. 29 as well as three structures on the property.


Applicants Tim Myers and Christina Scanlon appeared before the Board.  Tim Myers presented printouts to each Board member, depicting two different ways he is considering subdividing his property.  He stated he is removing the old brick house nearest the road due to his engineer telling him it is uninhabitable. 


Chairman Ian Murray stated frontage meets Town regulations with both plans presented for subdividing this parcel, the brick house is being removed, so whichever plan the Applicants prefer will work. 


Patrick Hanehan questioned if the house will come down before the subdivision.


Chairman Ian Murray responded the Board can make that conditional prior to any building permits being issued.


He then told the Applicants they need to supply the Board with soil engineering (deep hole and perc tests), and to do the perc test in the geographic area where they think the house and septic might be located.  He then added if it doesn't perc and they have to do a modified design or a built up design, that will be part of the subdivision approval. 


Chairman Ian Murray asked if there were any Board questions; there were none.


Chairman Ian Murray asked if there were any questions from the Applicant; there were none.


Chairman Ian Murray then stated depending on how fast the Applicant gets the soil engineering and survey completed and back in, it's possible we can hold the public hearing next month. 


(February deadline for submittals is the 1st of the month and the meeting will be held on the 15th, due to some Board members being on vacation the week of school break, which would have been the normal meeting date.)


The Applicants thanked the Board.



Steve & Louise Winney #17-02

1045 Co. Rt. 70

Stillwater NY 12170

S/B/L193.-1-42  Rural

Location: Co. Rt. 70


Applicants seek advice and guidance on subdividing a 2 acre lot from their 109.4 acre parcel,  which has 320' of frontage.


Applicant Steve Winney and brother-in-law John Hall appeared before the Board.  Steve Winney stated that he wants to subdivide 2 acres so his daughter can build a house next door to his home.  He knows that the 2 acre parcel must have 200' of frontage, which only leaves him 120' of frontage for the balance of the land. 


Chairman Ian Murray questioned if the Applicant's house is parcel #28.12 and the Applicant responded yes.  Chairman Ian Murray then questioned if John Hall works the lands of the proposed subdivision.


John Hall stated the house will go on the edge of the field, so it won't impede his continuance of working the field.  He and his sister own the land together and there is another 41+/- acres on Nielson Rd. that has 2675' of frontage.  It's in his name, but there will be no issue with access.   


Chairman Ian Murray responded that, looking to the future, if this is done the Applicant's frontage is eaten up and they won't be able to do anything with that parcel.  But if they merge parcel #47.1 with this parcel, it gives them in excess of 2600' of frontage. 


John Hall responded if they ever did do anything, they'd combine the two parcels and it gives them the road frontage they need, correct?


Chairman Ian Murray replied correct. He then stated that Applicant Steve Winney may want to give the 2 acre lot the entire 220' of frontage to keep the lot-lines clean and simple; the Applicant agreed.


John Hall stated there is an existing shale road going all the way back in there from Nielson Rd. 

Chairman Ian Murray responded, which then gives them access to the fields and if need be, can be tiled together someday.


John Hall said and it won't land lock the property either and Chairman Ian Murray agreed.


Chairman Ian Murray then stated that the Applicant needs to complete soil engineering (deep hole and perc tests).  He said the Board will have to deny this and send the Applicant to the ZBA with a positive recommendation because it will create a non-conforming lot with the balance of the frontage, even though there is ample frontage on Nielson Rd., because the two lots are not merged together. 


A motion was made by Chairman Ian Murray, seconded by Patrick Hanehan, to deny this application and send it to the ZBA with a positive recommendation. Chairman Ian Murray – aye, Laurie Griffen – absent, Patrick Hanehan – aye, Joseph Lewandowski – absent, Robert McConnell – absent, Brandon Myers – aye, George Olsen - absent, Christopher Koval - aye.

Carried  4 - 0


John Hall then told the Board that he thinks John Witt has flagged his land for wetlands, including the three parcels of wooded lands (about 20 acres) which are all posted.  He said one of the blue flags had an LLC on it; he reiterated that his lands are all posted, so no one should be on his lands flagging anything.  He stated he just wants the Board to be aware of this.


Old Business:  

Highway Superintendent Don Ormsby and Building Inspector/Zoning Officer Gil Albert spoke to the Board with serious concerns of the proposed cul de sac road for the Cedar Bluff Subdivision by Witt Construction.  They both believe the road should go straight through and connect to Hill Rd.  It is safer for the Town employees who drive the large plows and salt trucks, for our firemen/women who drive the fire engines and ambulance drivers as well as being safer for those vehicles.  There are no hydrants out there and getting a tanker truck in there with the cul de sac will be extremely difficult and a lot of precious time will be lost.  


Chairman Ian Murray responded that when this project came to him, 2 - 3 yrs ago, he wanted a through road there but Mr. Witt was opposed to that and the neighbors were opposed to that.  He understands where both Highway Superintendent Don Ormsby and Building Inspector/Zoning Officer Gil are coming from.  The Board has to get the best product for the Town with minimal cost.


Building Inspector/Zoning Officer Gil stated a through road is best; it is safer for the drivers of emergency vehicles and for the drivers of the large plow trucks.  It also makes for quicker access to those properties with said vehicles.  It will be better for the Town's vehicles and safer for the Town's employees.  He said he is looking at this as long term for the Town, not just a handful of its residents, but for all its residents.


Chairman Ian Murray thanked them both for coming and speaking to the Board and suggested that they both attend the Planning Board Meeting the next time Mr. Witt is on the agenda.

They thanked the Board for listening.


New Business:  none


A motion was made by Patrick Hanehan, seconded by Christopher Koval,  to adjourn the

meeting at 8:30 p.m.  Chairman Ian Murray – aye, Laurie Griffen – absent, Patrick Hanehan – aye, Joseph Lewandowski – absent, Robert McConnell – absent, Brandon Myers – aye, George Olsen - absent, Christopher Koval - aye.

Carried  4 - 0

Meeting Adjourned


The next regular meeting will be held Wednesday, February 15, 2017 at 7:30 PM.


Respectfully submitted,



Linda A. McCabe

Planning Clerk