February 15, 2017


Chairman Ian Murray called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.


Planning Clerk Linda McCabe called the roll:  Chairman Ian Murray – present, Laurie

Griffen – absent (arrived at 7:34 p.m.), Patrick Hanehan – absent, Robert McConnell – absent, Joseph

Lewandowski – present, Brandon Myers – present, George Olsen - present,

Alternate Christopher Koval - present.


Due to the absence of a few Board Members, Chairman Ian Murray elevated Alternate Member Christopher Koval to full voting status.


Also attending:  Town Engineer Ken Martin, Timothy Myers, Christina Scanlon, Gil Albert, and other interested persons.  (Sign-in sheet is on file in the Clerk's office)


A motion was made by Chairman Ian Murray, seconded by Joseph Lewandowski, to accept the meeting minutes of January 18, 2017.   Chairman Ian Murray – aye, Laurie Griffen – absent (arrived at 7:34 p.m.), Patrick Hanehan – absent, Joseph Lewandowski – aye, Robert McConnell – absent, Brandon Myers – aye, George Olsen - aye, Chris Koval - aye. 

Carried 5 - 0


Lot-Line Adjustment


James Vianna, PLS  #17-03                                     Owner:  Ed & Lise Ramsey

170 Lohnes Rd.                                                                        6031 E. Anderson Rd.

Stillwater, NY 12170                                                                Churubusco, IN 46723

S/B/L 195.-1-2.2, 195.-1-3 Hamlet & Rural districts

Location:  N. E. corner of Spring/Meader & Russell Rds.


Applicants propose a lot-line adjustment between their two parcels.  Currently, Lot 1, located in the Rural district, is 2.92 +/-acres; with the adjustment, will become 2+/- acres.  Lot 2, located in the Hamlet district, is currently 1.78+/- acres and will become 2.70+/- acres.  Both parcels meet town code on frontage. 


Jim Vianna, PLS, appeared before the Board on behalf of the Applicants.  He reviewed the proposed lot-line adjustment with the Board stating the Ramsey's would like to convey the eastern parcel to their daughter so she can build a single family home.  The lot-line is needed due to the location of the existing well.  He also stated the land is in two zoning districts; Hamlet and Rural. 


Chairman Ian Murray questioned if any septic investigation has yet been done.


Jim Vianna replied no, most likely not until the spring and they will probably need a raised system.


Chairman Ian Murray questioned if they've positioned the driveway on Lot 2 and was told not yet.  He then stated Russell Rd. would be the more ideal location for the driveway and they should stay away from the corner.  Chairman Ian Murray added they'll need to obtain a permit from Highway Superintendent Don Ormsby for that.  Chairman Ian Murray then said due to the zoning regulations in the Hamlet district, he's hoping they aren't planning on further subdividing their parcel in that district in the future.


Jim Vianna responded he didn't know. 


Chairman Ian Murray asked if there were any Board questions; there were none.

He then stated no Board action is required.


Jim Vianna thanked the Board.


Special Use Permit Pre-Submission Conference


Monolith Solar Associates, LLC #17-04                  Owner:  Michael Giovanone

444 Washington St.                                                                  Boat -N- RV Condos

Rensselaer, NY 12144                                                              1428 Rt. 9P

S/B/L 193.6-1-21                                                                       Saratoga Springs, NY 12866

Location:  1428 Rt. 9P


Applicant seeks a special use permit to construct a roof mounted solar collection array system on the rooftop of Michael Giovanone's Boat-N-RV business, located at 1428 Rt. 9P.


Applicants Tom Howson and Lindsey McEntire of Monolith Solar appeared before the Board.  They reviewed the application and stated that it is a 600kw system which will be on top of the Boat-N-RV building.  They will be renting the roof space of that building for the system, which will provide power for the South Colonie School District.    


Chairman Ian Murray stated the original Local Law to enact regulations for the construction of minor solar collection systems and major solar collection systems in this Town, Local Law #9 of 2016, was passed in October, 2016.  That Local Law allows major collection systems in the Rural and Rural Residential Districts only.  The Town has recently amended that law by allowing major collection systems in the Rural and Rural Residential Districts only, except that roof mounted major solar collection systems (total surface area exceeds 2000 square feet) are now allowed in the Lake Residential and Lake Commercial districts; the amendment is Local Law #1 of 2017, and was passed in January 2017.

Chairman Ian Murray then stated that in the design packet, where they show System A and System B, the schematic shows from the PV meter to the utility meter, that it has a non-fused disconnect.  Why is it non-fused?


Tom Howson replied that is out of his realm and definitely an engineering question.  He will take that question back to their engineer and get the information to the Board. 

On February 16th, Tom Howson contacted Chairman Ian Murray stating that upon talking with their engineers, they use the non-fused AC disconnect as a way of shutting off the power before it reaches the utility meter.  Depending on the project, there can be a fair amount of distance between the PV meter and where the lines will be tied into the existing utility infrastructure; so they use that as a way to shut off the power as an extra safety precaution.


Zoning Officer/Building Inspector Gil Albert stated that NYS requires 4' spacing for every 150' but after talking with Fire Chief Don Ormsby, they'd like to see that at every 75' not 150. 


Applicant Tom Howson replied they have it on the new prints at 75'. 


Zoning Officer/Building Inspector Gil Albert stated he's been asking for the new drawings for quite some time and still hasn't received any updates, so he had no way of knowing they've changed it to the preferred 75'.


Applicant Tom Howson told Chairman Ian Murray he brought them with him and would like to give them to the Board; he had three sets.


Chairman Ian Murray stated the Board needs ten sets, so he didn't accept the three.  He told Applicant Tom Howson to submit enough copies for the Board by submittal deadline prior to next month's meeting.  If packets are received on time, we will publish for a Public Hearing for the March meeting.  Submittal deadline is March 8th, no later than 9:00 a.m.


Applicant Tom Howson responded he will submit new packets



Minor Subdivision Conference


Tim Myers & Christina Scanlon #17-01    

1120 Rt. 29                                                                                 

Schuylerville, NY 12871      

S/B/L  156.-3-11 Rural Residential                                         


Returning Applicants seek to subdivide their 4.9 acre parcel into two lots.  They have 475' of frontage on Rt. 29 as well as three structures on the property.


Applicants Tim Myers and Christina Scanlon appeared before the Board and reviewed their application. 


Chairman Ian Murray asked if there were any Board questions; there were none.


Chairman Ian Murray noted the brick house will be removed and the Applicants replied that is correct.


Chairman Ian Murray questioned who did the perc test? 


Applicant Tim Myers replied Gil Van Guilder Land Surveyors; Kevin Weed.


Chairman Ian Murray stated there is an issue with the perc test; it shows it was only done to 42".  The Town requires it to be done to a minimum of 5'.


Applicant Tim Myers stated he will call Kevin Weed of Van Guilder Land Surveyors and get that done; he will also call Zoning Officer/Building Inspector Gil Albert to witness the test.


Chairman Ian Murray stated no new map is needed; the Applicant just needs to have the engineer put the water notes/septic notes on the existing map.  He then stated we will publish for a Public Hearing for next month.



Old Business: The Board discussed concerns of the cul de sac vs a through road for the proposed Cedar Bluff subdivision with Zoning Officer/Building Inspector Gil Albert.


New Business:  none


A motion was made by Laurie Griffen, seconded by Joseph Lewandowski,  to adjourn the

meeting at 8:02 p.m.  Chairman Ian Murray – aye, Laurie Griffen – aye, Patrick Hanehan – absent, Joseph Lewandowski – aye, Robert McConnell – absent, Brandon Myers – aye, George Olsen - aye, Christopher Koval - aye.

Carried  6 - 0

Meeting Adjourned


The next regular meeting will be held Wednesday, March 22, 2017 at 7:30 PM.


Respectfully submitted,



Linda A. McCabe

Planning Clerk