August 14, 2017

7:00 P.M.


Supervisor Thomas Wood opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Roll call: Town Clerk Linda McCabe, called the roll:  Supervisor Thomas Wood- present, Councilman Charles Hanehan - present, Councilman Michael McLoughlin – present, Councilman James Jennings – present, Councilman Gary Squires – present.


Also present: Highway Superintend Don Ormsby, Zoning Officer/Building Inspector Gil Albert, Deputy Clerk Michelle Conover, Town Attorney William Reynolds, John Cashin, Nash Alexander, Nelson & Sally Snowden, Ted Mosher, Tracey Clothier and Dan Waldron.  (sign-in sheet is on file in the Clerk’s office)


Recognitions/Presentations/ Bid openings/ Public Hearings:

Tracey Clothier of the LA Group addressed the Board with updates of the boat launch stating that progress is being made: NYSDEC has no issues, Army Corp. will issue their findings, if any, next week, the Canal Corp. has already issued their permit for Use and Occupancy, Office of General Services (OGS) has just requested a lease for the launch pad itself, and she expects all to be granted within the next few weeks.  She then stated this will be a great site and it is great for the underutilized area of the river.

Tracey Clothier then continued with an update on the Farmland Protection Program, stating they have held several public meetings and have been looking at agricultural land protection issues along with potential solutions on what is best for the Town of Saratoga.  There is great concern on bringing young farmers along, into the community, and ways to do that.  There are programs to help them, such as FarmLink, which links farmers with land, as well as keeping land protected through the Purchase of Development Rights, (PDR program), which is a voluntary program that compensates owners of agricultural property for their willingness to accept a permanent deed restriction on their land.  A public hearing will be held at the end of the process and both the State and Town will have to accept the plan.


Supervisor Thomas Wood then stated Sandy Hart, Administrative Solutions, has written the Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) over the past few years for the Town and the current CDBG grant money has now been committed.  Administrative Solutions has notified the Town that a new round of grants is opening up and asks if we would like them to write another grant on behalf of the Town.  The cost for doing this is normally is $500, but this will cost us $1500 as they have to do statistical work, gathering information for the new grant application.  The grant that will be sought on the Town’s behalf will be in the amount of $400,000.  Supervisor Thomas Wood then stated that indirectly, the Town will get back the $1500 by charging back for services on our end, such as invoicing their bills and writing checks for them and for their contractors and subcontractors.  The Board agreed to have Administrative Solutions write the grant application.

Approval of Minutes: A motion was made by Councilman Michael McLoughlin,            seconded by Councilman Gary Squires, to accept the agenda meeting minutes of July 6, 2017 and the regular meeting minutes of July 10, 2017, as written.   Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan – aye, Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye, Councilman James Jennings – aye, Councilman Gary Squires – aye.  

Carried 5 – 0  


Town Clerk’s report for July 2017: Fees paid to the NYS Dept. of Agriculture and Markets for the Animal Population Control Program $63.00.  Fees paid to New York D.E.C. for hunting and fishing licenses $311.80.  Fees paid to the New York State Health Department for Marriage licenses $22.50.  Dog license fees to Supervisor Thomas Wood $296.00. Clerk fees to Supervisor Thomas Wood $315.70.  Total State and Local Revenues received were $1,009.00.


Zoning Officer’s report for July 2017: Gil Albert reported:  11 Building Permits, 21 Building Inspections, 11 Certificates of Occupancy, 0 Junk Yard Permits, 1 Complaint,

0 Fire inspections, 0 Order/s to Remedy, 7 misc., 4 Building Permit Renewals, 0 Property Maintenance Inspections.  A check for $2,816.25 was given to Supervisor Thomas Wood. 


Dog Control Officer’s report for July 2017: Supervisor Thomas Wood read the following:  D.C.O. Ed Cross answered 25 complaints, took 1 dog to the shelter, 2 bite case/s, traveled 100 miles, issued 17 warnings and 1 summons was issued. 


Town Court report for July 2017: The following were closed: 50 Vehicle & Traffic, 13 Criminal/Penal Law, 1 DEC/ENCON, 1 Dog cases, 1 DWI/s, 1 Town & Village Ordinance, 1 Small Claims/Civil, 2 Evictions, 0 Hearing, 0 Defendant sentenced to probation, 0 hours of community service issued, 1 (case transfer) Divestiture Forms sent to County Court, 0 days of jail time issued, 0 Orders of Protection issued, and $5,348.00  in fees were paid to the NY State Comptroller.


Tax Collector’s report:  No report


Historian’s report for 2017: No report


Assessor’s report for Assessor July 2017:  June and July: 56 sales transfers; 31 were valid sales and 25 were non-valid.   The sales represented (36) residential properties and (20) vacant land parcels.  Tentative equalization rate has been set at 100%; we should be hearing very soon that the final rate is confirmed at 100%.

Office hours: Monday - 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

          Wednesday - 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.


Highway Superintendent’s June 2017 report:

v  Addressed multiple washouts and plugged culverts

v  Pothole and road patches

v  Clearing ditches of trees and limbs

v  Roadside mowing and re-grades of dirt roads

v  Hauling shoulder material

v  Replaced an injector and a serpentine belt on boom mower

v  Hydraulic hose and lift pin on deck mower

v  Replaced rear brake cam on truck 3 and alternator on Cat roller

v  Brushed back on the Rte. 4 trailhead with boom mower

v  Also hauled crusher run for the trail

v  Used one truck to help with Providence paving 


Supervisor’s report:  

                             SUPERVISOR’S REPORT JULY 2017


                  GENERAL FUND – TOWNWIDE (A FUND)                                      

                  Balance on hand 07/01/2017           $ 1,293,088.24

                  Revenues                                          +      17,828.03

                  Disbursements                                  -       36,687.29

                  Balance 07/31/2017                         $ 1,274,228.98



                  Balance on hand 07/01/2017           $ 1,627,123.75

                  Revenues                                         +        3,157.40

                  Disbursements                                 -         2,195.27              

                  Balance 07/31/2017                         $ 1,628,085.88



                  Balance on hand 07/01/2017           $    914,180.02

                  Revenues                                         +    142,871.31

                  Disbursements                                 -     115,561.19

                  Balance 07/31/2017                         $    914,180.02


                  SCHUYLER PARK 07/31/2017                                                      $ 161,630.65


YOUTH RECREATION & SERVICE 07/31/2017              $     3,980.27


                        HIGHWAY EQUIPMENT RESERVE 07/31/2017              $   85,604.76


                  BUILDING RESERVE 07/31/2017                                      $ 255,031.10                                      

                        TRUST & AGENCY 07/31/2017                                          $   31,356.40   


                        MOBILE HOME GRANT 07/31/201                                   $            0.00


                        HOME IMPROVEMENT GRANT#2 07/31/2017               $   81,318.85

                        (holding checks until funds are deposited)


                        CDBG GRANT 07/30/2017                                                   $           0.00


                        HISTORIC HUDSON HOOSIC RIVER 07/31/2017                               $   23,391.00



                        SCENIC BY WAYS GRANT 07/31/2017                            $        311.21


                        PARK RESERVE 07/31/2017                                               $ 151,956.55



PROPERTY CAP RESERVE 07/31/2017                            $     1,038.71


v  Sales Tax Received – June 2017 - $99,948.00

v  Mortgage Tax - May 2017 - $7,740.50


Public comments on agenda items: No comments


Committee reports:  


Landfill: No report


Insurance: No report


Youth: No report


Senior Citizens:  Councilman James Jennings stated there were no meetings this month, but the Quaker Springs Seniors next meeting will be held on September 11, 2017.


He then stated the Old Saratoga Seniors next meeting will be held on September 6, 2017 at the Fish Creek Rod & Gun Club for a picnic lunch and then on September 20, 2017 for a luncheon meeting at the Town Hall.


Parks/Schuyler Park Committee:  No report


Office of Emergency Management: No report


GSES, QSFD Reports: Nash Alexander, Wilton Emergency Squad, stated that Wilton Emergency Squad had a total of 258 calls; 54 in Schuylerville; 53 of which were handled from the Schuylerville Station and 1 handled from the Wilton Station.  They participated in the Turning Point Weekend and parade and provided a standby for the Hudson Crossing Cardboard Boat Race. 

He stated that they have started the process of transferring operating authority from General Schuyler to the Wilton Emergency Squad; he expects that to come to completion by September 1, 2017.  He also said the Schuylerville Station building will still carry the General Schuyler name. 

He then stated that Farm Medic will be held the last weekend in September and they’ve partnered with Welcome Stock Farm for the skills portion of the class.  The class will be held at the Schuylerville Station.


Quaker Springs Fire Chief, Don Ormsby, stated they have had 67 calls to date.


Old Business: None


New Business:

Supervisor Thomas Wood reminded the Board that there is a mandatory Work Place Harassment and Sexual Harassment Training Workshop at 10:00 a.m. on September 14, 2017, for all Town employees.




On a motion made by Councilman Charles Hanehan, seconded by Councilman Michael McLoughlin, the following Resolution #17-82 - Transfer of Funds - $20,000 from Capital Project-A9950.9 to Schuyler Park-H5031, was adopted by vote: Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan – aye, Councilman James Jennings – aye, Councilman Gary Squires – aye. 

Carried 5 – 0

            RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the Town of Saratoga, to transfer $20,000 from Capital Project-A9950.9, to Schuyler Park-H5031, as budgeted.    


On a motion made by Councilman James Jennings, seconded by Councilman Gary Squires, the following Resolution #17-83 - Authorization to Enter into Contract with Administrative Solutions to write a CDBG Grant in the amount of $400,000, at a cost of $1500, was adopted by vote: Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan – aye, Councilman James Jennings – aye, Councilman Gary Squires – aye. 

Carried 5 – 0

WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Saratoga finds it in the best interest of the Town to seek grant funding for housing rehabilitation through a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG); and

WHEREAS, NYS Housing and Urban Development provides funding for such programs to municipal applicants; and

WHEREAS, Administrative Solutions has agreed to prepare and file the CDBG applications for grant funding on behalf of the Town of Saratoga; and

WHEREAS, such a grant for housing rehabilitation improvements will be completed for a one-time fee of $1,500.00; and

WHEREAS, the Town has worked with Administrative Solutions for submission of such grants and they’ve proven to be qualified and capable of carrying out all required activities for submission of similar applications; and

WHEREAS, the Town plans to comply with all Federal Procurement Procedures to hire a consultant for grant administration upon notice of funding award; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the Supervisor of the Town of Saratoga is hereby authorized to enter into a contract with Administrative Solutions for $1,500.00 and Supervisor Thomas Wood is designated as the representative for this grant application and is further authorized to sign such application and provide such information, as may be required, to Administrative Solutions for submission of this grant application.


On a motion made by Councilman Michael McLoughlin, seconded by Councilman Gary Squires, the following Resolution #17-84 - Authorization to Enter into Contract for Professional Appraisal Services with Upstate Appraisal Service, Inc., at a cost of $675.00, was adopted by vote: Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan – aye, Councilman James Jennings – aye, Councilman Gary Squires – aye. 

Carried 5 – 0

RESOLVED by the Town Board, of the Town of Saratoga, to enter into contract for professional appraisal services with Upstate Appraisal Services, Inc. at a cost of $675.00, to appraise the 2.4 vacant acres that the Town would like to purchase for access to the Sword Surrender Trail as well as trail head and parking area for hikers.  


On a motion made by Councilman James Jennings, seconded by Councilman Gary Squires, the following Resolution #17-85 - Acceptance of Highway Department

Employee Resignation, was adopted by vote: Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan – aye, Councilman James Jennings – aye, Councilman Gary Squires – aye. 

Carried 5 – 0

RESOLVED, by the Town Board, of the Town of Saratoga, to accept the resignation of Highway Department employee Andrew O’Kosky, effective immediately.    


Supervisor Thomas Wood read a thank you note from Madeline Nevins, recipient of the Town Boards’ Scholarship, who noted she will be attending Sage College in the fall, and the scholarship money will help toward her books.


Privilege of the floor: The following addressed the Board with their concerns of the junk yard noise:  Nelson Snowden, Sally Snowden and Ted Mosher.  Mr. John Cashin addressed the Board with his concerns of the timber harvesting moratorium.


Upcoming meetings:

v  Town Board Budget Workshop - August 22, 2017 at 6:30 p.m.

v  Agenda meeting – Thursday, September 7, 2017 at 7:00 p.m.

v  Regular Town Board meeting – Monday, September 11, 2017 at 7:00 p.m.  


Audit the Bills: On a motion by Councilman Charles Hanehan, seconded by Councilman Gary Squires, the following Resolution #17-86 - Approving the Payment of Bills in Abstract 8G was adopted by vote: Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan – aye, Councilman James Jennings – aye, Councilman Gary Squires – aye.

Carried 5 – 0

RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the Town of Saratoga to authorize payment of the bills listed in Abstract 8G in the following amounts:


General Fund DB                 Voucher No. 131 through 149                      $156,583.53

General Fund A                    Voucher No. 225 through 266                      $  60,874.78

General Fund B                    Voucher No. 39 through 45                          $    5,144.39

Schuyler Park H                    Voucher No. 17 and 19                                 $    1,085.39

Farmland Protection             Voucher No. 07                                             $    2,984.25

HH                                          Voucher No. 52 through 55                          $    6,670.40


                                                                                             Grand Total     $ 233,342.74


A motion to adjourn at 8:53 p.m. was made by Councilman Gary Squires and seconded by Councilman Charles Hanehan.  Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan – aye, Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye, Councilman James Jennings – aye, Councilman Gary Squires – aye.

Carried  5 - 0

Meeting Adjourned


Respectfully Submitted,



Linda A. McCabe

Town Clerk