April 12, 2017


1.  Call Meeting to Order

2.  Roll Call

4.  Applicants:            


Public Hearing Special Use Permit


Monolith Solar Associates, LLC #17-04                  Owner:  Michael Giovanone

444 Washington St.                                                                  Boat -N- RV Condos

Rensselaer, NY 12144                                                              1428 Rt. 9P

S/B/L 193.6-1-2.1 Lake Commercial                                      Saratoga Springs, NY 12866Location:  1428 Rt. 9P


Returning Applicant seeks a Special Use Permit to construct a roof mounted solar collection array system on the rooftop of Michael Giovanone's Boat-N-RV business, located at 1428 Rt. 9P.



Old Business:  None


New Business:  None


The next meeting will be held April 26, 2017 at 7:30 PM.















*Privilege of the floor is limited to five minutes per person for applications with a scheduled public hearing.

~ Meeting dates are subject to change ~