Tuesday, May 8, 2007
The Schuylerville/Victory Board of Water Management held a meeting on May 8,
2007 at 6:30pm in Victory Mills.
Present: Commissioners Kori
Siciliano and Margaret Ditch, Alternate Leslie Dennison, Foreman Mark Dennison, Recording
Secretary Brenda Buchanan, Mayor Sullivan, and Mike Montysko from the
Department of Health.
Alternate Dennison lead the meeting as there is no appointed Chairperson as of yet.
The second meeting in May will be May 15, 2007 at 6:30pm in Schuylerville.
March meeting minutes were
discussed, Commissioner Ditch made a
motion to approve the March meeting minutes and it was seconded by Commissioner
Siciliano, all ayes, motion passed.
The April Meeting minutes were
distributed and will be discussed at the next meeting.
Treasurers Report:
There was a resolution #2007-11 presented to transfer
$15,000.00 to apply to the outstanding vouchers, payroll and for those
miscellaneous expenses this month and prior to the next meeting for the water
department. This is to authorize a
transfer from the water savings account to the water checking account. Alternate
Dennison made a motion to approve
and sign this resolution #2007-11 to transfer $15,000 from Savings to Checking,
and it was seconded by Commissioner Ditch, all ayes, motion passed.
Foreman’s Report:
Foreman Dennison stated he would wait for next weeks meeting for a report as he is waiting for some bids/quotes on some hydrants/fittings and equipment. Foreman Dennison did request we consider hiring an outside contractor for the lawn maintenance at the Fort Hardy Plant. He explained that last year it didn’t work out, it was a mess and it needs to be kept up. He explained we not only need mowing, we also need weed eating. Commissioner Ditch asked the board to wait on any decisions on this issue, she would like to take this back to the Village of Schuylerville Board and bring back information at the next meeting.
Old Business:
SEQR Form: Alternate Dennison read the letter that was received today from the Water Boards Attorney in support of signing the SEQR for the Victory Plant. Alternate Dennison stated that on the advise of the Water Boards Attorney she would like to make a motion to approve and sign the SEQR form that is required for the continuation of the Victory Plant, Commissioner Siciliano seconded this motion. Mayor Sullivan asked to have a discussion before a vote was taken. He stated he wanted to be clear on the only two issues of this SEQR form, 1) for the sewer line and 2) for the replacing of the water main. SEQR is not based on operational issues. He went on to explain that all the appropriate state agencies have approved this request. He also explained that not passing this resolution will only impact the project and the time frame.
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Mayor Sullivan introduced Mike Montysko from the Department of Health and asked that he be able to take the floor for discussion. Mr. Montysko introduced himself and explained he is Chief of Design for the DOH. He explained he would first like to commend the board and both Villages on how far they have come along in such a short period of time. He stated he can’t stress enough how important this project is and the binding agreement with DOH & EFC. He explained that if the Victory plant does not move forward this could create a significant bind. These agencies may ask for reimbursement on all funds including grant money. They have run in to this before and they don’t like to take away financing. Mr. Montysko stated that he can’t stress getting the whole project completed, he don’t want anything to jeopardize the funding. He stated the board has his full support and praise and we need to proceed. He asked the board if they had any questions for him. There were no questions at this time. The vote was taken, Dennison – ayes, Siciliano – ayes, Ditch –no. Motion did not carry. 2-1. Mr. Montysko asked Commissioner Ditch if there were any questions he could answer to help her with this decision. Commissioner Ditch explained she was advised by the Village of Schuylerville Attorney to Vote No on this issue. Mr. Montysko stated that Mr. Bartholomew was not the Water Attorney and asked if she was going to vote no even when the Water Attorney advised the board to pass this resolution.
Commissioner Ditch explain she did not want to discuss this issue and that she would bring back this information to the Attorney and have the Attorney contact him directly. Mr. Montysko asked if these issues were SEQR issues and Commissioner Ditch explained that they were in fact SEQR issues that were of concern. Mr. Montysko explained the short term financing, he stated we only have a three year term and this could be jeopardized. He asked that their attorney contact him immediately. Mayor Sullivan stated that he spoke with the Water Attorney Phil Dixon and he was told Schuylerville is not interested in having a meeting with all the boards to resolve this issue. Commissioner Ditch explained she was not aware of this and she would take this back to her board tomorrow night and inquire where this meeting stands. Mike Montysko thanked the board for their time and stated he hoped to speak with Mr. Bartholomew very soon.
New Business:
There was a discussion on a water leak/repair that needs to
be done behind the property’s of AmeriGas, 165 Rt. 4 North and Jeffrey Schoman,
157 Rt. 4 North. It was determined that
a letter needs to go out to these property owners and notify them of the repairs
and that due to the cost and being outside water users, we will not be
reconnecting them back to the line. Alternate Dennison made a motion to approve
the letter to go out from the attorneys office, for the discontinuation of
municipal water supply to AmeriGas at 165 Rt. 4 North and Jeffrey Schoman at
157 Rt. 4 North, and it was seconded by Commissioner Ditch, all ayes, motion
There was a discussion on the resumes we received for the additional help that is needed at the water plant. Foreman Dennison has reviewed them and would like to sit in on the interviews. Commissioner Ditch asked for a written job description so they know what qualifications will be needed for this position. Foreman Dennison stated he would put something together. It was determined that all board members should try to get to the office to review the resumes as soon as possible, so we can set up a schedule for interviews. Commissioner Ditch asked how things were going at the water plant. Foreman Dennison stated that they are short handed and would like the permission of the board to authorize Bill Lloyd from the Village of Victory to do weekend water sampling. He stated he would be contacting DOH to be sure this would be allowed. He also stated that they would still have someone local to answer any problem calls, but for water sampling alone this would help with weekend shifts. He stated he would be in contact with DOH and will bring this to the board hopefully next week. Commissioner Ditch asked how the sampling was going in the Village of Schuylerville and the cooperation of the DPW in this regard.
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Foreman Dennison stated that things were going well and the DPW Foreman in Schuylerville has been very cooperative. Commissioner Ditch also stated she was in support of getting Mr. Lloyd on board for sampling. Alternate Dennison asked about the status of the hydrant flushing. Foreman Dennison stated that they finished Schuylerville about two weeks ago and he has not had any complaints since then. He plans on starting Victory in the next week or so.
Executive Session:
Alternate Dennison
made a motion to go into executive session for matters leading to the
appointment, employment, promotion, demotion, discipline, suspension, dismissal
or removal of a particular person or corporation, where as there may or may not
be any action taken, and it was seconded by Commissioner Ditch, all ayes,
motion passed.
After returning from Executive session Alternate Dennison made a motion to resume the regular meeting it was
seconded by Commissioner Siciliano, all ayes, motion passed.
Foreman Dennison asked about putting the independent
contractor Ted Derby on as an employee, for the purpose of withholdings and
workman’s comp. insurance. Commissioner Siciliano made a motion to
change the status of the independent contractor to part time employee, as of
June 1, 2007 to be paid at his current rate, and it was seconded by
Commissioner Ditch, all ayes, motion passed.
Dennison –ayes, Sicilaino –ayes, Ditch –ayes. 3-0 motion carried.
There was a discussion on expanding the duties of the
Secretary to include data entry for the Water Department. Alternate
Dennison made a motion to expand the duties of the Secretary to include data
entry for the Water Department with a cap of 6 hrs. a week at a rate of $14.00
an hour, to be paid bi-weekly, after completing a time sheet which is approved
by the Water Foreman. This will be
reviewed again in 3 months to review the status of the need for such
duties. This motion was seconded by
Commissioner Siciliano, all ayes, motion passed. Dennison –ayes, Sicilaino –ayes, Ditch –ayes. 3-0 motion carried.
There was a discussion on salary increases for all employees
of the water board. Commissioner Ditch made a motion to approve
a 3% increase for the Secretary, which also includes the Data Entry Duties, the
Treasurer and the Part Time Water Operator, as of June 1, 2007. This motion was seconded by Commissioner
Siciliano, all ayes, motion passed. Dennison –ayes, Sicilaino –ayes, Ditch
–ayes. 3-0 motion carried.
Alternate Dennison
made a motion to adjourn the meeting and it was seconded by Commissioner
Siciliano, all ayes, motion passed.
Respectfully Submitted
S. Buchanan,
Recording Secretary