Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The Schuylerville/Victory Board of Water Management held a meeting on May15, 2007 at 6:30pm in Schuylerville.


Present: Commissioners Kori Siciliano and Wendy Lukas, Alternates Leslie Dennison and Whitney Colvin, Foreman Mark Dennison, Recording Secretary Brenda Buchanan, and Mayor Sullivan.


Alternate Dennison lead the meeting as there is no appointed Chairperson as of yet.



The meetings for June will be June 12th and 26th both at 6:30 p.m.  Commissioner Lukas explained she will not be able to attend the 12th meeting, but hopefully she will have an alternate that can attend.



The April 10th meeting minutes were discussed

After some typographical errors were pointed out by Commissioner Lukas and noted for correction by the Secretary, Commissioner Lukas made a motion to approve the April 10th meeting minutes and it was seconded by Commissioner Siciliano, all ayes, motion passed.


The April 24th meeting minutes were discussed.

Commissioner Lukas wanted to make note on the minutes for the April 24th, 2007 meeting, Leslie Dennison’s title was incorrectly stated as an appointed Commissioner, where as it should read Alternate at this time.  After typographical errors were pointed out by Commissioner Lukas and noted for correction by the Secretary, Commissioner Lukas made a motion to approve the April 24th meeting minutes and it was seconded by Commissioner Siciliano, all ayes, motion passed.



Treasurers Report:

The Bank Balances were read off the Treasurer’s Report.  Commissioner Lukas made note she would not be able to approve any resolutions for payment unless the vouchers were attached to show where the money was or is to be spent.


Alternate Dennison read resolution #2007-12 presented to transfer $10,000.00 to apply to the outstanding vouchers, payroll and for those miscellaneous expenses this month and prior to the next meeting for the water department.  This is to authorize a transfer from the water savings account to the water checking account.  Commissioner Siciliano made a motion to approve and sign this resolution #2007-12 to transfer $10,000 from Savings to Checking, and it was seconded by Alternate Dennison, Siciliano –ayes, Dennison –ayes, Lukas –nay, Colvin –nay, 2-2, motion does not pass.

There was further discussion on the treasurer’s report and the format in which it is presented.  Attached to the Treasurer’s report:  The bank statements, both sides and balanced.  The operating and capital abstracts, which include all the vouchers paid out.  Also a spread sheet, which includes all expenditures for the entire fiscal year (starting June 1, 2006).  After going through all these documents Commissioner Lukas stated she feels this information is ok.  Alternate Dennison made a motion to approve and sign resolution #2007-12 to transfer $10,000 from Savings to Checking, and it was seconded by Commissioner Siciliano.  The vote was as followed:  Siciliano –ayes, Dennison –ayes, Lukas –ayes, Colvin –ayes, 4-0, motion passed.



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There was resolution #2007-13 presented to authorize the transfer of $43,163.00 from the operating accounts to a new filter savings account for the purpose of the cost of the filters.   The new RO Water Plant requires a filter change out in a period expected in five years.   These filters will need to be purchased at a cost of $215,000 for the complete filter change out.  It is understood that each year in May a transfer will occur in the same amount for the purpose of purchasing the filters in five years time.  The rate that is budgeted will be reviewed again to reflect the projected cost, at that time a new amount can be transferred for the next five year filter change out, as required.  Alternate Dennison made a motion to approve and sign #2007-13 to transfer $43,163.00 and Authorized the Treasurer to create a new account at Glens Falls National Bank titled “Filter Account” for the purpose as outline above, it was seconded by Commissioner Siciliano, all ayes, motion passed.  The vote was as followed:  Siciliano –ayes, Dennison –ayes, Lukas –ayes, Colvin –ayes, 4-0, motion passed.


Project Correspondence:  BAN:  A reminder that the bond anticipation note is outstanding and will mature on June 1, 2007.  We will renew the Ban paying down $10,000.00 on principal and $40,554.01 on interest.  It is understood that each village is responsible for paying this payment on the 76%/24% ration as stated in the bond resolution.  Reimbursement vouchers are completed and then repaid to each village respectively by the BOWM for their share of the principal and interest.  It was noted that the Short term financing deadline in June 30, 2008.  Commissioner Lukas asked Alternate Colvin if this issue was discussed at the last Village of Schuylerville Board Meeting.  He stated it was not.


Operational Items: Civil Service Position Creation:  The treasurer reported that she is waiting for paperwork from the County.  The position is created first by completing the percentage of duties performed for that position and filing with Saratoga County and then you hire for the position.  This is in the process and she will give updates as there is more to report.  As far as Ted Derby’s status change that is being worked on also, and will not be in place for the first payroll in June, she will keep the board informed.

Personnel policy outlining fringe benefits:  She reports that without a policy she does not know what will be offered or given to either Mr. Derby or the new hire.  Health insurance was noted as a concern as the Water Board does not have an independent health insurance plan.

AUD Status: It was noted that new staff changes at CPA firm have delayed the filings for months.  Ms. Kemmet made note she is waiting to work with new appointed staff members.


Foreman’s Report:

Foreman Dennison stated they will be starting the Lead/Copper testing soon.  He explained that they will be using the same 20 residences as before.  They drop the bottle off, the resident must fill the bottle before usage in the morning and leave the bottle outside for pickup.  He stated that if all come back ok they will not have to repeat this test for awhile.


Foreman Dennison stated that last Friday there was a power surge at the water plant, which started the generator.  This showed high voltage by National Grid.  It turned out to be a blown fuse at the switch gear box on Red’s Road.  He stated that this proves the generator can run the plant and had no problems doing so.  He is low on fuel, which he is going to get toped off.


Mr. Dennison stated that there was a problem at the old Muziker property, down north of the village, before it turns to Northumberland.  He explained that DEC found contaminated soil in that area and when they exposed the area, they found several leaks in that area.  When this line is shut down it will affect two properties. 157 Rt. 4 and the AmeriGas property.  There is a fire hydrant in that area that is out of order, due to this problem.  He stated he would contact the Fire Chief of Schuylerville and let him know.


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Foreman Dennison stated that they are going to work on repairing this line.  They will make every effort to get water back to that area, but it is likely they will not.  Being there are only two users and a fire hydrant, it will depend on the cost of the repairs.  He stated he would let the board know where this stands after they can get in there to do the repairs.


Foreman Dennison was requesting the approval of forks for the backhoe for loading and unloading of equipment.  This clamps on the front of the Bucket.  It is used for large items, such as hydrants and valves.  This is for safety and will eliminate damage that could occur to new equipment.  There were two quotes, Capital Tractor being the lowest at $650.00.  Commissioner Lukas made a motion to approve the forks at Capital Tractor in the amount of $650.00 and it was seconded by Commissioner Siciliano, all ayes, motion passed.


Foreman Dennison presented two quotes for fire hydrants for the season, Blair was $7,048.62 and Vellano Brothers was $6,797.64.  This was for 3 hydrants, 3 valves and hardware needed.  He explained about the program of updating the fire hydrants with pumper nozzles each year.  He explained that the ones we take off are sold to the Town of Warrensburg at a cost of $60.00 each, we off set the cost of the new ones with the sale of the old ones.  For this fiscal year 20 were put in the budget and he would like approval to get these ordered.  He got two quotes for these and they were from Vellano Brothers at $4,677.60 and Blair was $5,340.00.  Commissioner Lukas asked why water is doing the maintenance on the hydrants.  Mr. Dennison stated that the hydrants are the responsibility of the water department as are all lines.  Mayor Sullivan stated that this is in the IMA.  Alternate Colvin asked Foreman Dennison if he has any hydrants on inventory.  Foreman Dennison stated that he keeps one for reserve at all times.  These hydrants will go 2 in Schuylerville and 1 in Victory.  The kind of hydrants were discussed.  Foreman Dennison stated that they go with the Bullar Hydrants only because they passed a resolution a few years back in support of keeping with one kind.  It sometimes can be difficult to find parts for different kinds.  Commissioner Lukas made a motion to approve the purchase of the 3 hydrants and supplies and the 20 nozzles needed from Blair, and it was seconded by Alternate Dennison, all ayes, motion passed.


Commissioner Lukas stated to Foreman Dennison that her water pressure has been going down.  Foreman Dennison stated that this could be due to galvanized pipes or it could be the service line.  Commissioner Lukas showed her filter housing unit that is on her water line.


Old Business:


SEQRA Form: (State Environmental Quality Review Act) 2007-14 resolution needs to be approved and adopted.  It was resolved that the board hereby determines that the project, as revised, will not have a significant impact on the environment, adopts the annexed negative declaration pursuant to SEQRA, and directs that such negative declaration be circulated and filed as required by law.  Commissioner Siciliano made a motion to approve and adopt resolution 2007-14 and it was seconded by Commissioner Lukas, all ayes, motion passed.  Siciliano-ayes, Lukas-ayes, Dennison-ayes, Colvin-ayes, 4-0 motion carried.


Commissioner Lukas asked about the status of the Easton Property and the letter that notified the board that Schuylerville did take back the property.  She asked if the figures have been given to Schuylerville on the tax reimbursement for the year 2007.  It was discussed that the Treasurer got the letter from Schuylerville today and it would be looked into.  Commissioner Lukas asked that this figure be calculated by the next meeting.




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Foreman Dennison asked about the status of the mowing of the water plant.  He stated that at the last meeting it was stated that it would be resolved with the Village of Schuylerville.  As of this time the lawn has not been mowed and he would like to see this resolved.  Commissioner Lukas asked Mayor Sherman if he would see that this was taken care of.  Mayor Sherman stated they don’t have a key to the property.  Foreman Dennison stated that they do have a key along with the keys to the backhoe and the water truck.  There was a discussion on the water department getting their own equipment for this.  Commissioner Lukas asked Foreman Dennison to get some prices together for the next meeting.  Alternate Colvin stated he would like to see that the Village of Schuylerville take care of this issue.  Mayor Sullivan stated that this has been an ongoing problem with the Village of Schuylerville.  Each village is suppose to do there part in their village.  Mayor Sherman stated he would see that this gets taken care of.


New Business: 

Approval of the Victory Plans:  These plans have been approved by the Department of Health, once approved the engineers can put this out to bid.  There was a discussion on the Plans for the Victory Rehab.  Mayor Sullivan explained that the plans have been approved by DOH.  There was a discussion on the PH levels.  Mayor Sullivan explained some of the costs of running the two plants.  He explained that the two plants will run continuously.  The plants will run alternatively and we will get water from both plants.  After a discussion on how this will work, Commissioner Lukas explained that she received an email from the Village of Schuylerville Attorney to approve the SEQR, but because of a number of outstanding issues she was instructed by the attorney not to approve any plans.  Mayor Sullivan asked how long before we will be having a meeting so we may know the questions?  Commissioner Lukas agreed we need to have a meeting.  Alternate Colvin stated that their attorney advised them to wait because of some issues.  He also stated that they may be looking into a second engineer to look over the plans.  Mayor Sullivan asked how long would it be to get someone else involved.  We are on a time limit for this project or we will have to pay back grant money.  Commissioner Lukas stated she would try to set up a meeting date.  May 24th, June 4th and June 6th were the dates that were discussed for a meeting.  Commissioner Lukas stated she would contact the secretary as soon as she could confirm a date with the Village of Schuylerville Attorney.


Tank up in the Easton Property.  It was stated that the Schuylerville DPW should coordinate with AmeriGas to get the tank out of there.


Applications/Resumes:  There was a discussion on where we stand on hiring help for the Water Operator.  Mayor Sullivan asked what is going to be offered needs to be resolved.  There was a discussion on who would be doing the interviews.  It was suggested that the Board and Foreman Dennison also be involved.  Commissioner Lukas stated she called the comptrollers office and they said we can’t hire employees unless we are a water district.  She stated that Mitch Morris from the Comptrollers office would only speak to attorneys.   Alternate Dennison stated that we need to go forward on this, where do we stand.  The personnel package was discussed and how it needs to be created.


Public Comment:


Dave Loomis-Green Street:  He explained that he would like to put in a well on his property.  He stated he has been in contact with the Department of Health.  He wanted to know why he couldn’t put in a well.  Commissioner Lukas stated that it is a Village Law that if you reside in a village you will continue to pay the rents even if you go off the system.  Mr. Loomis asked why we don’t have meters.  Alternate Dennison stated that meters are the way to go and that they are a good idea, she stated we need funding and this takes time.  Our priority is this project right now and we need to keep this funding secure before we start another project. 


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Outside users were discussed and how this does not apply to them because they reside out of the village limits.  Mr. Loomis asked that he be given something in writing for verification on this issue.  Commissioner Lukas asked Mayor Sherman if he could get something for Mr. Loomis.  Mayor Sherman stated he would look this up in the Village Law book.  After returning Mayor Sherman stated he was unable to find the law and that he wanted to consult with their attorney on this issue.


Gail Blake- Pearl Street: Ms. Blake asked about the fire hydrant connections and wanted to know why we needed to change them.  Foreman Dennison stated that the new ones are designed for rapid connection to a fire hose.  There are no wrenches required and this is to expedite the process for fire suppression.  This is an upgrade to both systems in the long run.


Commissioner Lukas asked Mayor Sherman about a schedule for the mowing at the water plant.  Mayor Sherman stated it probably would not be this week.  They are down a guy due to vacation and they have a water repair on Wednesday possibly thru Thursday.  He stated he would get someone on this mowing as soon as possible.


Executive Session: 






Alternate Dennison made a motion to adjourn the meeting and it was seconded by Commissioner Lukas, all ayes, motion passed.


Respectfully Submitted



Brenda S. Buchanan,

Recording Secretary

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