Tuesday, September 18, 2007
The Schuylerville/Victory Board of Water Management held a meeting on September
18, 2007 at 6:30pm in the Village of Victory Hall.
Present: Commissioners Kori Siciliano, and Whitney Colvin, Newly appointed Schuylerville Commissioner Douglas Pink and Alternate Dennison, Recording Secretary Buchanan, Chief Water Operator Dennison, and Mayor Sullivan.
Alternate Dennison led the meeting and started with the Pledge.
The second meeting for September will be September 25th at 6:30pm in the Schuylerville Village Hall.
There was a discussion on a letter received from Louis Hotchkiss at 76 Broad Street, Schuylerville. He was requesting the reduction in the number of units at his business (Dwell). There was a discussion at the last meeting, but no official decision was made. After further discussion on the rate sheets, rules and regulations, it was determined to keep the units as they are currently billed. Commissioner Colvin made a motion to disapprove his request for a reduction in units, as according to our rate sheet, this is a multi-use building and is currently being charged the correct number of units, it was seconded by Commissioner Siciliano, all ayes, motion passed. It was asked that a letter be written by the Secretary and it be brought to the next meeting for approval.
There was a discussion on a letter received from Saratoga Care Family Health Center, 200 Broad Street, Schuylerville. This letter was requesting an explanation of the number of units being charged and a request that this account be reviewed for a rate reduction. After this discussion it was determined that Commissioner Colvin would visit the site and bring back a report on the use of the building and the number of facilities that are available.
Treasurers Report:
There was a resolution #2007-16 presented to transfer
$40,000.00 to apply to the outstanding voucher, payroll and for those
miscellaneous expenses this month and prior to the next meeting for the water
department. This is to authorize a
transfer from the water savings account to the water checking account. Commissioner
Colvin made a motion to approve and sign this resolution #2007-16 to transfer
$40,000 from Savings to Checking, and it was seconded by Commissioner
Siciliano, all ayes, motion passed.
There was a resolution #2007-17 presented for an amendment, which is required to transfer money from the budget between appropriations for those costs associated with the reimbursement of the USDA loan amount, to increase the cost of equipment appropriation for distribution and to increase the cost of disability cost. From J1990.4 Special Items, Contingency in the amount of $400.00 to J1950.4 Special Items, Taxes/USDA Loans, from J8320.4, Distribution, Contractual in the amount of $650.00 to J8320.2 Distribution, Equipment, and from J1990.4, Special Items, Contingency in the amount of $100.00 to J9040.8, Emp. Benefits, Workers Comp (DBL).
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Alternate Dennison
made a motion to approve and sign this resolution #2007-17 for amendment changes to the budget, and it was
seconded by Commissioner Colvin, all ayes, motion passed.
Correspondences update:
Updated capital project budget status to be completed
soon. Documentation will be provided to
the water board once the reports are received.
Laberge Group, Steve Adams is waiting for the water board’s approval on
the new costs associated with the engineering contract as per the Victory
re-commissioning and the execution of those outlined costs previously sent to
the water board for review. There was a
discussion on the additional fees for Laberge at the cost of $35,000.00 Commissioner
Colvin made a motion to approve the additional $35,000 for engineering fees for
Laberge and it was seconded by Commissioner Siciliano, all ayes, motion passed.
Foreman’s Report:
Chief Water Operator, Mark Dennison presented the board with the job descriptions for the civil service positions that will be required before the water board is able to hire more employee’s. These would be for 1 full time, 1 part time, and he is working on the part timer for the distribution help and flushing of the hydrants. It was determined that the board will review these papers and bring it back to the next meeting for approval. Mr. Dennison also reported that the ph senor has been completed and working well. He recommended we now pay the voucher that was put on hold for this vendor. He reported that the Chemical Bulk Storage plan has not been completed as of yet, he is waiting for Steve Adams to get back to him on this issue. CWO Dennison reported that Schuylerville will be replacing a fire hydrants on the corner of Hessian and Ranger Rd, which is setting to low. Commissioner Colvin inquired about the equipment that is needed for the job. He explained that the Village of Schuylerville may be charging for use of equipment, and he didn’t want unnecessary equipment on site. Mr. Dennison stated that he did tell them what was needed and he will be in contact with them throughout the job. There was a further discussion on Schuylerville charging for the use of equipment and also the water board charging for equipment. As nothing has been received to confirm this, it was decided to see how things go.
Commissioner Colvin stated that he brought Albertson’s issue back to the Village of Schuylerville and they were in support of hiring this job out, due to their work load. He explained they would like to see this done by winter. There was a discussion on expanding the line to other users on Tow Path Road and/or setting this job up so it can take on future user. CWO Dennison explained he would be in contact with Dwyer and give the board an update.
Old Business:
Alternate Dennison brought up a discussion on the
reimbursement of a training class that the past Commissioner Lukas attended and
reimbursing her the expense of the class.
She explained that the class was to be $200.00 and with a Scholarship it
only turned out to be $50.00. This
class was approved at a previous meeting and Alternate Dennison stated that
being Ms. Lukas did bring back information on this class, she would like to see
her reimbursed the expense of the class at $50.00. Alternate Dennison made a
motion to reimburse Wendy Lukas the cost of a training class in the amount of
$50.00 and it was seconded by Commissioner Colvin, all ayes, motion passed.
The personnel policy was discussed.
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New Business:
Commissioner Colvin brought up a discussion on possibly selling water to pool companies. He explained that this could be a money maker in the future.
Executive Session:
Alternate Dennison
made a motion to go into executive session for matters leading to the appointment,
employment, promotion, demotion, discipline, suspension, dismissal or removal
of a particular person or corporation, where as there may or may not be any
action taken, and it was seconded by Commissioner Colvin, all ayes, motion
After returning from Executive session Alternate Dennison made a motion to resume the regular meeting with no
action taken, it was seconded by Commissioner Colvin, all ayes, motion passed.
New Business:
There was a discussion on the pay increase for the part time employee for the water plant. Commissioner Colvin made a motion to increase the part time employee’s pay to $17.00 an hour, with an average of 32 hours or less and it was seconded by Alternate Dennison, all ayes, motion passed. Commissioner Colvin stated he would speak to Ted Derby on this issue before the next meeting.
Commissioner Colvin
made a motion to adjourn the meeting and it was seconded by Alternate Dennison,
all ayes, motion passed.
Respectfully Submitted
S. Buchanan,
Recording Secretary
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