Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Schuylerville/Victory Board of Water Management held a meeting on April 8, 2008 at 7pm in the Village of Schuylerville.


Present: Commissioners Kori Siciliano, Whitney Colvin, Douglas Pink, and George Kahnle.

Recording Secretary Buchanan, and Trustee Dennison from the Village of Victory.


Commissioner Colvin led the meeting.




The second April meeting will be Tuesday April 22nd, 2008 in Schuylerville, 7pm.



The March 10th, 2008 meeting minutes were presented at the last meeting.  Commissioner Pink made a motion to approve the March 10th meeting minutes and it was seconded by Commissioner Kahnle, all ayes, motion passed. 

The March 25th, 2008 meeting minutes were presented at this meeting and were tabled to the next meeting for review.


Treasurer’s Report:


There was a resolution #2007-34 presented to transfer $15,000.00 to apply to the outstanding vouchers, payroll and for those miscellaneous expenses this month and prior to the next meeting for the water department.  This is to authorize a transfer from the water savings account to the water checking account.  Commissioner Colvin made a motion to approve and sign this resolution #2007-34 to transfer $15,000 from Savings to Checking, and it was seconded by Commissioner Pink, all ayes, motion passed.



Operational Items:  

It was reported that we received notification from the Adirondack Trust Insurance, the addition of builders risk coverage for the Victory water treatment plant reflects a completed value of $1,000.000.  The premium for the endorsement is $463.00.  The Selective Insurance Company lists this under the Village of Victory’s policy.


Capital Improvement Project: 

It was reported that we received notification from Andy Black, Black Drake Consulting, an update on the Phase II Data Recovery (Fort Hardy Site).  A progress report is provided with a summary of work performed and general findings are available.

It was also reported that  the Draft Final Cost Exhibit for Capital Project is almost ready for final submittal.  Mark Colopy and I have been reviewing the cost documentation as the final cost exhibit gets ready to be submitted to EFC.  This exhibit also reflects what our disbursement request will be (847,295.27).  This reflects all costs to date, minus FAB grant and short term dollars received.






April 8, 2008

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Chief Water Operator’s Report:


Mark Dennison submitted a written report: 

It stated that Mr. Dennison received both Cartridge Filter Housings from Fil-Trek. These units were retrofitted with new bottoms with welded seams now on the wall of the vessel. We placed one unit back in service for the CIP system. The other is a spare.


The burned out caustic transfer pump has been replaced with a new unit. He reported he went with a slightly higher pump rating and increased the horse power rating from 1/3 to a ½ power rating. He also increased the intake size on both transfer pumps to create a more flooded suction effect. Pricing was lower than the cost of the original pump. With these modifications, the pumps should no longer cavitate and lose prime. This was causing the pumps to labor and heat up, which may have contributed to premature failure.  All electrical, plumbing etc. was completed by plant personnel.


Mr. Dennison reported that numerous complaints were recently received for discolored water. Hydrants were open for various reasons which caused the complaints. Distribution system needs to be flushed ASAP. We have placed a notice in the Wise Shopper and I have faxed a notice to each village for posting. I would recommend having the notice run in the Wise Shopper for two weeks. I plan on using village employees to flush their respective villages with the flushing schedule that I will issue. Most flushing will be completed during the day with the exception of some areas in Schuylerville that may need to be completed during the eve. hours. Signs will be posted 24 hours in advance on streets that will be flushed.


Lap top computer screen was repaired by Dell Technician. Warranty covered all repairs.


We pulled surge tank level sensor out of tank. This unit has malfunction and will require technical support. May be a warranty issue, further info to follow at a later date.


Old Business:


Drumm-Herkimer St. Victory-There was a discussion on possible waiving of the connection for the new home.  This is due to the number of feet that the connection would need before the curb box.  Commissioner Colvin stated that he would like to get legal opinion on this issue before giving approval.  We have nothing on file for this situation and we don’t want to open this up to anyone.  Secretary Buchanan stated she would contact Attorney Dixon and have him present something at the next meeting.


Personnel Manual:  Commissioner Siciliano stated she would have this typed up and presented to the other Commissioners for review to be discussed at the next meeting.


Hiring of Employee:  It was stated that references are being checked.


Budget:  Commissioner Colvin stated he is working on it.






April 8, 2008

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New Business: 


Commissioner Colvin stated he met with Steve Adams at the Victory Plant to discuss the tanks.  He stated he is comfortable with the tanks, he feels they are ok and solid.  He stated he would like to see new legs and he needs to speak with Mr. Adams to get some pricing.


Commissioner Colvin asked that an insert go in the next billing on discolored water and the possibilities of this happening and to let people know when the fire department open hydrants they may experience discolored water for a period of time.



Commissioner Kahnle made a motion to adjourn the meeting and it was seconded by Commissioner Colvin, all ayes, motion passed.





Respectfully Submitted





Brenda S. Buchanan,

Recording Secretary

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