Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The Schuylerville/Victory Board of Water Management held a meeting on July 24, 2007 at 6:30pm in Schuylerville.


Present: Commissioners Kori Siciliano, Wendy Lukas, and Whitney Colvin, Alternates Leslie Dennison, Recording Secretary Brenda Buchanan, Treasurer Anna Welfley and Mayor Sherman


Commissioner Colvin led the meeting and started with the Pledge.




The meetings for August will be August 14th & 28th at 6:30 p.m.




The June meeting minutes were distributed and tabled for approval at the next meeting.


The secretary was requesting any board member to notify her by Noon on the meeting day for any additions to the agenda for the meeting.  Secretary Buchanan explained that being Lead Agency was in a different office, it was difficult to come up with an agenda.


The secretary was also requesting the use of the water board lap top for the meeting minutes.  It was stated that a memory stick could be purchased for the use and the use would be limited to this purpose.  Commissioner Lukas made a suggestion that Foreman Dennison be involved in this decision.  Commissioner Colvin stated that Foreman Dennison should be involved with the scheduling of the use of the lap top.  Commissioner Siciliano made a motion to approve the request of the use of the laptop, coordinating with the Water Foreman on the usage, along with approval to purchase a memory stick, and it was seconded by Commissioner Lukas, all ayes, motion passed.



Treasurers Report:


A treasurer’s report was presented to the commissioners with the bank balances included.  This report included abstracts and a copy of the front of the bank statements.  It also included an update on some paid and unpaid vouchers, along with the deposits that have been made.  Commissioner Lukas asked about the Laberge bills and if they have been paid.  Treasurer Welfley stated that they have not been paid as of yet.  Alternate Dennison asked the Treasurer how much she would be requesting for a transfer.  Ms. Welfley stated about $70-72,000.  Commissioner Lukas stated that she had a discussion with Schuylerville and the Schuylerville Attorney stated that the Commissioners of the water board should be viewing all vouchers before they are paid.  She also stated she does not feel comfortable signing off on these vouchers unless she sees them all.  Commissioner Siciliano explained how the current process came about.  Alternate Dennison stated that there is a lot of time sensitive material that needs to be addressed in between meeting.  Commissioner Colvin stated he thinks the vouchers should be reviewed at the meetings.  After a further discussion on signing the vouchers it was agreed for all to sign the vouchers at the meetings.




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July 24, 2007


Commissioner Lukas made a motion to approve a transfer of $75,000 from the Savings to the Checking account to apply to the outstanding vouchers, payroll and for those miscellaneous expenses this month and prior to the next meeting for the water department and it was seconded by Alternate Dennison, all ayes, motion passed.


Foreman’s Report:

Foreman Dennison disbursed copy’s of the operational report to all members.  He stated that the sensor for the surge tank has been installed.  He also stated that the RO2 filter housing was leaking again.  He stated he is working on an estimate for Tow Path Rd.  Foreman Dennison was asking that the Village of Schuylerville set up some vendor accounts for his use.  It was decided that between the Village Office and Foreman Dennison working together, they could get some accounts set up.  Commissioner Lukas asked about the number of people we had before to do water sampling and why Schuylerville people are no longer doing any sampling.  Mayor Sherman stated that Mike Patrick let his license expire and the only one left would be Dave Coffinger.  Commissioner Lukas stated that she would like to see others help with the sampling.  Alternate Dennison asked Phil Dixon if he spoke with Ed Bartholomew about the employer and retirement issues.  Mr. Dixon stated that he didn’t see why Victory couldn’t report the retirement and Schuylerville give them a copy of the report for verification.  Commissioner Lukas stated that she called civil service and they prolonged the decision and don’t know when there will be an answer.  Mayor Sherman stated that as far as he is concerned, Victory needs to take Mark back as an employee and report the retirement.  There was some more discussion on this topic with no further decisions.



Old Business:

The job descriptions that were requested last month have not all come in yet and the board decided to wait for next months meeting to discuss them.


The billing software was discussed as far as who owns the program.  It was explained that the contract is with the Village of Victory and the Water Board reimburses for the fees.


New Business: 

Commissioner Colvin stated that the board should look into getting stationary so we can have uniformity for correspondence.


There was some discussion on the original documents for the previous fiscal years being brought down to Schuylerville.   Alternate Dennison asked Attorney Phil Dixon his opinion on this issue.  Mr. Dixon stated that it is vague on the originals vs. copies.  One solution he suggested was that the Village of Schuylerville goes up to Victory and looks through the files and sees what they need and get them copied.  Commissioner Siciliano asked about going paperless so we don’t have this problem in the future.  It was discussed that they can be sent out to be copied and the water board pays for the copies to go to Schuylerville.  It was discussed that it would be hard to go through the files, as the clerks in Schuylerville are not sure what will be needed.


There was some discussion on the contact for Fiscal Advisors.  It was suggested that Anna contact them and let them know that there has been a change in the Lead Agent.  Commissioner Lukas also suggested that Fred Testa from EFC should also be in contact with Anna not Maureen.





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July 24, 2007


The memo that was presented from Maureen Kemmet was discussed.  It was a proposal for the position of Project Coordinator.  She was asking for $50.00 per hour for the interim until the position is filled so we can go forward.  There was a discussion on the work load for the victory plant compared to the Fort Hardy plant.  Mayor Sherman stated that they can handle this in their office.  Commissioner Colvin stated we should wait on this issue and discuss this after the August 14th meeting.  Commissioner Lukas stated that this was outrages and not worth the money Ms. Kemmet was requesting.


There was a discussion on a letter that was received from Fred Testa (EFC) about the meeting of the three boards.  It was decided to be on August 14th at 6:30pm as this is a regular water meeting night.  Phil Dixon stated he would be available.  Mayor Sherman stated he could get the American Legion for this meeting, so there is enough space for all.


Commissioner Colvin stated that he feels the Water Board should consider a part time Administrator to oversee what is going on.  He stated that this is just something to think about at this time.  Commissioner Siciliano asked if this person would be in addition to the project coordinator and clerk of the works.  Commissioner Colvin stated he thinks it is something to consider.


Public Comment:

Gail Blake recommended that the villages and attorney’s sit down with Foreman Dennison on the issue of his retirement and get this settled.  Her second recommendation was that the water move towards a Water Authority, then the Water Board can be an employer.


Executive Session: 

Commissioner Lukas made a motion to go into executive session for matters leading to the appointment, employment, promotion, demotion, discipline, suspension, dismissal or removal of a particular person or corporation, where as there may or may not be any action taken, and it was seconded by Commissioner Siciliano, all ayes, motion passed.


After returning from Executive session Alternate Dennison made a motion to resume the regular meeting with no action taken, it was seconded by Commissioner Lukas, all ayes, motion passed.





Alternate Dennison made a motion to adjourn the meeting and it was seconded by Commissioner Lukas, all ayes, motion passed.


Respectfully Submitted



Brenda S. Buchanan,

Recording Secretary

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