Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The Schuylerville/Victory Board of Water Management held a meeting on January 23, 2007 at 7:00pm in Victory.


Present: Chairman Paul Shaver, Commissioners Travis Kline, Glenn Decker and Agatha White,  

Foreman Mark Dennison, Recording Secretary Brenda Buchanan.




Chairman Shaver announced that this is the only meeting for January, as there was no quorum for our first meeting and the second meeting needed to be postponed. 


Mr. Shaver announced the meetings for February will be February 13th at 6:30 pm in the Village of Victory, Community Center and February 20th at 7pm in the Village of Schuylerville, above the fire house.


It was announced that the Village of Schuylerville’s open meeting seminar with Bob Freedman on Wednesday, January 17th was rescheduled to January 31st.    If anyone would be interested in attending this seminar please contact Barb at the Village of Schuylerville.




Chairman Shaver announced that the water board received a copy of a letter that Wendy Lukas received from State of New York Department of State Committee on Open Government.  This was in response to an inquiry on meeting minutes taken by recorder.  Please see letter in folders.


Chairman Shaver stated that he provided all the board members a copy of the resolution that Schuylerville passed concerning the cap on expenditures for the water project.  Mr. Shaver stated that the Village of Schuylerville wanted him to be aware of this resolution being he is new to the board and we are still looking at putting the Victory Plan on line.  Commissioner White stated that this is being mandated by the State and she wasn’t sure the Village of Schuylerville was aware of this fact.  The Victory Plant must be put on line irregardless the cost.  Commissioner Decker stated that they wanted the board to be aware they will not sign for any additional monies for this project.  Commissioner White stated that she agrees we need to be careful and stay within reason for the completion of this project, but the Plant must be put on line.  Commissioner Decker stated he didn’t think it was mandated but is aware that this needs to be done.  The Attorney Phil Dixon stated that this is Mandated by the state to put the Victory Plant on line along with the Schuylerville plant.  Commissioner Shaver ended this conversation with stating that the Village of Schuylerville just wanted him to be aware of such resolution.




Commissioner Decker made a motion to approve the meeting minutes of December 12th and 19th 2006, it was seconded by Commissioner White, all ayes, motion passed.


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Treasurers Report:

There was resolution 2007-03 to acknowledge and support the transfer of $40,000 to apply to the outstanding voucher, payroll and for those miscellaneous expenses this month and prior to the next meeting for the water department.  Whereas, the BOWM Treasurer prepared an emergency transfer due to the cancellation of meeting #1 and the necessity to pay invoices and as discussed with the Chairman of the Board.  This is to acknowledge a transfer from the water savings account to the water checking account.  Chairman Shaver made a motion to acknowledge and support this resolution #2007-03 of $40,000 from Savings to Checking, and it was seconded by Commissioner Kline, all ayes, motion passed.


There was resolution 2007-04 presented to transfer money from the budget between appropriations for those costs associated with administration cost for the capital project and reimbursement for village boar on distribution work.  The budge should be amended from J1990.4, Special Items, Contractual to J8310.4, Administration, Contractual in the amount of $12,000.00 and from J8320.4 Distribution, Contractual to J8320.1, Distribution, Personal Services in the amount of $15,000.00.  Chairman Shaver made a motion to approve and sign resolution #2007-04 and it was seconded by Commissioner White, all ayes, motion passed.


Foreman's Report:

Foreman Dennison reported he had some problems with the ice storm.  First, with the power surges.  He stated he had numerous surges, which knocked everything off line and it had to be manually reset each time.  They never actually lost power because they are fed by the Easton area.  Secondly when the water tank lost power, they had some trouble with the communication with the tank and water plant.  He went on to say that he suggested at the last meeting to have a manual transfer switch installed.  He has had some thoughts and thinks that won’t be such a good idea.  Foreman Dennison stated that putting in a generator standby system would be a better idea.  He priced this out to be about $2,000.00 with the generator which is run off of propane.  This would have a 250 lb tank.  He stated that the Manual switch idea would be a problem because it would need to be watched all the time.  Foreman Dennison stated that we could put this out to bid or have the engineer modify the plans to include this in the plan of Victory Rehab.  They will need to modify the telemetry anyway.  Commissioner White asked what the time frame is for either option.  Foreman Dennison stated that if we put this out to bid, it would be immediate if we have the engineers do it, it could take some time.  Foreman Dennison stated that this has happened twice now since the Fort Hardy plant has been put on line.  He also stated that the $2,000.00 does not include the installation costs, which he believes wouldn’t be more than $500.00.  Chairman Shaver asked that he speak with the Treasurer and see if there is money in this years budget for this expenditure.  Commissioner Decker made a motion to approve $2500.00 for the installation and supplies for the generator standby system if funds are available in this years budget and it was seconded by Commissioner White, all eyes, motion passed.  Chairman Shaver asked about vandalism, and if this would be an issue.  Foreman Dennison stated that this will be affixed unit and it would be safer than a portable generator.  He also stated that they could build something around it if needed.  Chairman Shaver asked Mr. Dennison to keep this in mind as a concern once this generator is installed.  Chairman Shaver thanked Foreman Dennison for his efforts at the time of the storm.


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Old Business:


Condensation Problem and Outside Engineering Firm:  Chairman Shaver stated that they received some information and they are working on these issues, but no report is available yet.


Saratoga Apple Farm Market:  Chairman Shaver stated that the board received a letter concerning the units being charged.  Mr. Shaver suggested a letter be sent to the apple orchard and explain that according to our rules and regulations the fees are appropriate for this property.  Commissioner Kline made a motion to approve the reduction in units for the seasonal use stand that has been removed and it was seconded by Commissioner White, all ayes, motion passed.


Clothing Allowance: There was a discussion on the way the clothing allowance is figured.  We need to rework the clothing allowance to include the boots and cloths as one motion.  As it stands prior it is broken down to $300.00 clothing, $75.00 for boots.  Chairman Shaver made a motion to revise the clothing allowance to show $375.00 for clothing and boots, it was seconded by Commissioner Kline, all ayes, motion passed.


Chairman Shaver stated that there was some discussion on the letter that came from the Village of Schuylerville, in regards to their questions on the AUD.   The letter was sent to the firm completing the AUD and they stated that there would be an additional charge from $1,250.00 to $1,875.00 to address this letter separately.  Mr. Shaver stated he put this on hold and he would like to see how much in house we can answer before we go to the extent of paying this money.


New Business: 


Pump House:  There was a discussion on the pump house on Ferry St. Schuylerville.  Chairman Shaver stated that we will be keeping this building for storage and for the access to the valves we need within this building.  There was a discussion on the building having more electric than needed and Foreman Dennison stated he would get some more information on this issue.


Phone Line:  There was a discussion on the phone line at the water tank, which was for the telemetry reading.  This line is no longer needed for this purpose.  Commissioner Kline made a motion to eliminate this telephone line and it was seconded by Commissioner White, all ayes, motion passed.


Ted Derby’s Hours:  There was a discussion on Mr. Derby reducing his hours at the plant.  As this was approved up to 25 hours a week, this is just an update that he has requested a reduction to an average 20 hours a week now. 


Budget:  Chairman Shaver explained that Treasurer Kemmet will have a tentative budget by the February meeting so we can start the review process.  He explained the goal is to have no increase in water rents this year.



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Certification:  Foreman Dennison stated that the DOH came down to review his certification and they have submitted the report to Troy for final approval.  He hopes to hear something soon.  He will keep the board up to date upon any correspondence.


Phil Dixon-Attorney:


Mr. Dixon explained that the judge signed the consent order and it is now completely signed off and no longer a problem.


Easton Property:  He explained that if the board has no further use for this property they need to pass a resolution that states such and that there have been no improvements.  He suggested that a letter go to the Village of Schuylerville along with a copy of the resolution stating the above. He explained that after the 90 days they should prorate the tax bills and reimburse the water for such costs.  Commissioner Kline made a motion to approve the resolution for the release of the Easton property to the Village of Schuylerville and it was seconded by Commissioner White, all ayes, motion passed.


Morgan’s Run:  Mr. Dixon explained he spoke with Ed Bartholomew about the money that was set aside for this property.  He explained that there was not much set aside and it was not for any water issues.  Chairman Shaver asked how we can get access to these properties.  Mr. Dixon explained only if it’s an emergency can you go on these properties.  He suggested we get something in writing from the homeowners releasing us on to their property or easements.  Mr. Shaver asked Mr. Dixon to write something up for us and get it to us so we are able to be covered if we need access in the future.  He also stated that we can do this as a need basis.  When we come up against a problem we can have the homeowner sign the form at that time.  Mr. Dixon stated he would put something together and get to the office for future use.


Rental of equipment:  There was a discussion on the village getting charged for the use of water equipment.  Mr. Dixon stated that we can charge if we so desire.  We need to have a policy on this to cover the rules.  Mr. Dixon stated he would put something together and we can discuss this at the next meeting.  Chairman Shaver stated that his concern is that we charge outside users a higher rate because they do not pay into the villages, so if we start charging between departments this could become an issue.  This was tabled until next months meeting after we have more information back from Mr. Dixon


Auditing Bills:


After the review of this months vouchers, Chairman Shaver made a motion to approve the vouchers which will be abstract #8 and it was seconded by Commissioner White, all ayes, motion passed.






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Public Comment:


Leslie Dennison asked about the status of the Victory Plant.  Chairman Shaver stated that Laberge is doing nothing until the out of scope service issue is resolved, so at this time he is unaware of the status.


Executive Session: 


Chairman Shaver made a motion to enter into executive session concerning a pending lawsuit, it was seconded by Commissioner Decker, all ayes, motion passed.


Chairman Shaver made a motion to exit from executive session and it was seconded by Commissioner White, all ayes, motion passed.


Chairman Shaver made a motion to approve the acceptance of the settlement from Laberge for the out of scope services in the amount of $26,500 for the full satisfaction of amount due along with the check in return for the $13,642.00 for the portion of the clear well lining.  This motion was seconded by Commissioner Kline, all ayes, motion passed.  Mr. Dixon stated he would construct a letter to be sent to Laberge in regards to this settlement.




Chairman Shaver made a motion to adjourn the meeting and it was seconded Commissioner White, all ayes, motion passed.



Respectfully Submitted



Brenda S. Buchanan,

Recording Secretary


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