Tuesday, August 28, 2007
The Schuylerville/Victory Board of Water Management held a meeting on August
28, 2007 at 6:30pm in Schuylerville.
Present: Commissioners Kori
Siciliano, Wendy Lukas, and Whitney Colvin, Alternates Leslie Dennison, Recording
Secretary Brenda Buchanan.
Commissioner Colvin led the meeting and started with the Pledge.
The meetings for September will be September 11th & 25th at 6:30 p.m.
Commissioner Lukas asked about the
June Minutes and if they would be available in a typed form. Secretary Buchanan stated they would be in
the future, but until the office gets caught up from the lead agent change they
will stay in the form they were present at the last meeting.
There was some discussion on
clarification about a statement that was made in regards to Commissioner Lukas,
as no definite change was requested the minutes do not show a change. Commissioner Lukas made mention of a
statement on page two of the 6/19/07 minutes and the $100,000 transfer that was
being requested. She stated that this
was tabled and it was not mentioned in the minutes as so.
Alternate Dennison made a motion to approve the June and
July meeting minutes and it was seconded by Commissioner Siciliano, vote as
follows: Dennison-ayes, Siciliano-ayes, Colvin-ayes, Lukas-no. 3-1 motion
Treasurers Report:
There was a resolution #2007-15 presented to transfer
$20,000.00 to apply to the outstanding voucher, payroll and for those miscellaneous
expenses this month and prior to the next meeting for the water
department. This is to authorize a
transfer from the water savings account to the water checking account. Alternate
Dennison made a motion to approve and sign this resolution #2007-15 to transfer
$20,000 from Savings to Checking, and it was seconded by Commissioner
Siciliano, all ayes, motion passed.
There was a discussion on the billing and the schedule. The next billing will be out by September 15, 2007 due date October 15, 2007. There will also be an insert put in the bill with some explanations and a copy of the water inquiry form and instructions on how to complete this form.
Project correspondence information: Maureen Kemmet will be working with Fiscal Advisors now that the operational accounts are close to being brought to date. Since that has delayed her expected work on the cost documentation and clarification of borrowing previous grid notes, she is hopeful to get the up to date information to FA and then to the water board and village boards as soon as time permits. She stated she is clear on all the dates as per the last two water meetings and the time frame that the water board is also aware of.
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Foreman’s Report:
Chief Water Operator Mark Dennison explained that the ph meter was installed for the surge tank but they are having problems with the data logger. He explained that the whole job is not done yet, so he recommended that the payment be held until this matter is cleared up.
CWO-Dennison explained they are having a problem again with the cartridge filter. He explained that the seam was leaking where they rewelded it. He explained he swapped it out with the clean in place filter for now. He stated he got inside with a camera and the welds were bad. He sent pictures to Leo Pierce at GE and he complained and they will build a new tank. He explained he did receive the filter a couple of hours ago. He explained that they didn’t want the old one back, so he hopes to fix the welds for a spare. Commissioner Colvin suggested he speak with Fort Miller Company to see if they could help.
CWO-Dennison explained he received a package from DEC in regards to the chemical bulk permit, which expires in October. He stated it must be renewed. They want a chemical spill response plan done by a licensed engineer. He stated he suggested Laberge because they have the blueprints and calculations. Commissioner Lukas started a discussion on possibly using another engineer on this request. Mr. Dennison explained that this is a time sensitive issue and he just received the papers from Schuylerville and they were post marked June 8th, 2007. Mr. Dennison stated he would try to do some of the work himself to keep the costs down and he stated he could be in contact with Laberge tomorrow.
Alternate Dennison
made a motion to approve getting Laberge involved in this application/plan
process with a cap of $1,500 before it needs to be approved again by the board,
and it was seconded by Commissioner Lukas, all ayes, motion passed.
There was a discussion on switching the company we use on the monthly chemicals. We currently use surpass and CWO Dennison was looking to switch to Slack Chemical. He stated he went to a water seminar and Slack had a display and they stated that they think they can now compete with Surpasses prices. He stated that Slack does free testing for water quality and they have access to a lab when there are issues. Mr. Dennison stated that he checked with Treasurer Kemmet and we are not in any contract with Surpass. Commissioner Colvin stated he would like to see some prices and compare before we change at this point.
Mr. Dennison stated that the dehumidifier is working well and he thinks its time we think about changing out the rusted nuts and bolts. Commissioner Colvin asked Mr. Dennison to bring some prices to the next meeting.
CWO Dennison states he received a letter from a Geological Survey, which took samples at no charge to us. They stated they will send a report when completed.
There was a discussion on the Albertson line installation. Mr. Dennison stated he received a price from Dwyer for $5,107.11, not including the supplies. He stated he got some prices from Blair at $882.00, Vallono at $911.00 and EJP at $849.00. He stated that this would cost about $4,000.00 if Schuylerville DPW did the work not including the materials. Commissioner Colvin stated he would like the opportunity to bring this back to the village meeting and get their take on the DPW doing the work.
Mr. Dennison stated Schuylerville will be flushing hydrants on Hessian, Liberty and Washington Street.
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Old Business:
Update on Special meeting with DOH, EFC and Laberge: Commissioner Lukas wanted to inform the public on the meeting that was held and advise them we asked Laberge to make additions to the contract bids. She also wanted the public to know that the lead agent has changed again and the Village of Victory will be lead agent again.
Fiscal Advisors request for documents: Commissioner Lukas passed out a list of documents that are needed. She wanted the board to be aware of this listing.
Discussion of need for Water Treatment Supervisor: Commissioner Lukas stated she wants more accountability for water employees, she stated the board can’t supervise, but one is needed. Alternate Dennison stated that they are in need for help for the Water Operator. Commissioner Lukas stated that she is representing Schuylerville and they have some issues. Commissioner Siciliano stated that we need to know what the specific issues are so they can be addressed, we need more information. Commissioner Lukas agreed we need to hire some help, but had issues. Commissioner Colvin stated that we need job descriptions before we can go forward with this issue.
There was a discussion on personnel package for the water
department. There was a discussion the
letter that was received from Ted Derby in regards to his pay increase
request. Commissioner Lukas made a motion to request Chief Water Operator Mark
Dennison to fill out the job description paperwork for civil service for 1 full
time employee and 1 part time employee, which is to be returned to the board
before it is mailed in to civil service and it was seconded by Alternate
Dennison, all ayes, motion passed.
New Business:
Commissioner Lukas had
a request to attend: The
Environmental Finance Center’s Public Management and Finance Program’s
conference “Managing Infrastructure for Sustainable Economic Development” at a
cost of $200.00. The main focus will be
discussions with the EPA about strategies to effectively and efficiently
provide water services as well as wastewater services. Alternate Dennison asked Ms. Lukas if the
Village of Schuylerville was in support of her taking this class. She stated that there was no time to get
there approval as the class in coming up.
After a discussion Alternate
Dennison made a motion to approve the cost of the class at $200.00 and it was
seconded by Commissioner Siciliano, all ayes, motion passed.
Resolutions: Commissioner Lukas asked if the resolutions needed to be physically signed or if the motions are enough for approval. She was inquiring on this issue because of insurance purposes and being individually used on an issue. It was stated that we have not had a problem in the past and all resolutions are kept on record.
Vouchers: There was a discussion on who is to sign the vouchers and where. It was determined that all can sign the vouchers, but the lead fiscal agent is definitely required to sign off on these for approval for payment. It was last approved by the board for Commissioner Siciliano to sign on behalf of the water board, due to time sensitive material.
Letter from NYS DOH: Commissioner Lukas brought up a discussion about a letter that was received dated July 25, 2007 from DOH in regards to requirements for testing. Mr. Dennison stated he received this letter also and will comply with the requirements.
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Hotchkiss-76 Broad Street: There was a letter received from Mr. Hotchkiss in regards to his number of units. It was determined to have the Code Enforcement Officer check his facility out.
Apple Orchard: There was some discussion on the BBQ stand coming back in September.
Public Comment:
Gene Derby was inquiring about the web site through the town.
Executive Session:
Commissioner Lukas
made a motion to go into executive session for matters leading to the
appointment, employment, promotion, demotion, discipline, suspension, dismissal
or removal of a particular person or corporation, where as there may or may not
be any action taken, and it was seconded by Alternate Dennison, all ayes,
motion passed.
After returning from Executive session Commissioner Lukas made a motion to resume the regular meeting with no
action taken, it was seconded by Alternate Dennison, all ayes, motion passed.
The Board asked the Secretary to send a letter to Ted Derby in regards to reviewing and hopefully to adopt a personnel policy on September 11th and they would like to sit down with Mr. Derby before or on September 25th and have a decision in regards to his request concerning a pay increase. Commissioner Colvin asked that the letter reflect an apology as we need to have a policy/plan in effect before we can make a decision.
Alternate Dennison
made a motion to adjourn the meeting and it was seconded by Commissioner
Siciliano, all ayes, motion passed.
Respectfully Submitted
S. Buchanan,
Recording Secretary