Tuesday, August 23, 2007

The Schuylerville/Victory Board of Water Management held a special meeting on August 23, 2007 at 6:30pm in the Village of Schuylerville hall.


This meeting was a joint meeting with the Water Board, the Village of Schuylerville Board of Trustee’s, the Village of Victory Board of Trustee’s, The Laberge Group, Department of Health, and Environmental Facility Corp.



S/VBOWM: Commissioners Siciliano, Lukas, and Colvin, Alternate Dennison, Recording Secretary Buchanan, Foreman Dennison, and Attorney Dixon.

Schuylerville: Mayor Sherman, Trustee’s Hughes, Decker, Ditch, Treasurer Welfley.

Victory: Mayor Sullivan, Treasurer Kemmet.

DOH: Michael Montysko.

EFC: Fred Testa.

Laberge: Steve Adams.


Commissioner Colvin called the meeting to order and began with the pledge.  Commissioner Colvin introduced Steve Adams, who is with Laberge and asked him to take the floor.


Mr. Adams gave a brief description of the items from the letter dated May 25, 2007.  These items are the additional items that were discussed in the letter that was sent to Mark Dennison’s dated August 22, 2007.

1) Asphalt paving of driveway,

2) Ph adjustment feed station,

3) Corrosion control feed station,

4) Additional items requested or suggested in Operator Mark Dennison’s April review letter,

5) Owner costs for National Grid, Verizon, Time Warner, fax/copier machines, telephone handsets, personal computer, office supplies or printers. 

He added the description of the need of security fence, which is needed to be added for 2 more sides, 2 were discussed at first now should be all four sides.  He explained that some of these items are optional and some are recommended. Using larger total these would include about $216,400 additional costs. 


Each item was discussed separately 

1) The paving- there was a discussion of the entire paving job being $50,000, which could be broken down in parts.  There was some discussion on the need to paving the entire area.  Mr. Dennison stated that this whole area is a muddy mess in the spring and fall.  He will have large trucks making deliveries and he doesn’t think they will be able to get in and out.

2) The ph adjustment station was discussed.  Mike Montysko stated that in the opinion of the DOH the ph station is not as important as the corrosion control station.

3) Mr. Testa asked if the corrosion control was needed and Mr. Adams stated it was and Mr. Montysko agreed. 

4) Mr. Montysko explained that the water and sewer service for future building would not be an eligible expense, along with the spare gauges and miscellaneous valves. 







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Mr. Montysko went on to say what would be an eligible expense would include the paving, the ph station if you think you need it, the corrosion control station is and they do recommend this, the ph senor wall MTD with slipstream would also be covered. He stated the valve box aligners would be covered if they are for on the site and if they are for distribution they would not be covered.  The water main changes would be covered along with the owner utilities.  The phone lines were discussed.  It was discussed that there is no line at this time and in the case of an emergency a land line phone was discussed. 


There was a discussion with the current phone lines at the Fort Hardy plant and the on going discussion with verizon.  Ms. Kemmet stated she will be in continuous contact with verizon to try to get this problem solved.


Mayor Sherman asked if we needed to make any decisions tonight on these additions.  Mr. Adams recommend the board look at the budget and get back to him ASAP.  Mr. Testa explained that the EFC wants all info to them by January 1, 2008.  He stated the contracts need to be awarded by this date.  The board needs to decide what to do with these improvements so they can be worked into the current budget and to see if we can do these requested items.  Mr. Adams also discussed the additional time and money required to add these items to the current plans.  He did state that the specs are ready if you don’t want to include these changes.


Mayor Sullivan asked about the engineering fees going from $15,000 to $40,000.00.  Mr. Adams stated that the additional money is for 2 months of outdoor full time inspections.  He stated at the start it was going to be a part time inspection because it was going to be fixing the building.  Now it is a lot of outside work and the force main was added.  He stated that this would be 1 person, full time for 2 months, 8 hours a day.  Mayor Sullivan asked if the billing hours can be in the office also not necessarily all on site.  Mr. Adams stated that was correct.


There was a discussion on the board having their own engineer watching over the project.  Mr. Adams stated that it is the right of the board, but Laberge would still need to come out occasionally to witness tests.  Commissioner Lukas asked if Laberge would agree to this.  Mr. Adams explained that they would still need to certify the work.  Mike Montysko explained that they would have to answer to Laberge for Laberge to sign off on the work.  Trustee Hughes stated that the Schuylerville Attorney did not recommend we get involved with that because this could create problems and delay the project.  Mr. Dixon also agreed with this statement.


Mayor Sullivan asked about the time frame from Laberge on these changes.  Mr. Adams explained that they could have these done in 3weeks without the ph station.  Mr. Adams stated it would be about 6weeks to include all changes.


Alternate bids were discussed instead of including these items in the current contract.  Change orders were also discussed as being costly.  Mr. Testa explained that while Mr. Adams is working on the new additions EFC can get an updated budget and see where things stand.  Commissioner Lukas asked if the two villages were the ones to make this decision.  Mr. Testa explained that it is the water board; the villages don’t get involved in the decision unless this all goes over the 5.5million.  Mr. Dixon agreed that it’s the water board that needs to decide.  Mayor Sullivan also stated that about $600,000 in past expenses were applied for that could be eliminated to stay within the budget.  It was discussed that this will be considered.  The whole project costs are very hard to determine until the bids are open.  The Fort Hardy plant came in $500,000 over the budgeted amount.


Commissioner Lukas made a motion to remove those items not eligible for funding. 1) Water service for future building 2) sewer service for future building and the spare gauges and misc. valves.  And this motion was seconded by Alternate Dennison, all ayes, motion passed.



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Trustee Decker stated that if Mr. Dennison was requesting these items then they are probably needed.  If there is an erosion problem then we need to pave, if it’s for esthetics we don’t need to do the paving.  Mayor Sullivan stated that in the spring if you do not have 4 wheel drive you will not get in or out.  Mr. Dennison showed pictures of the area down at this plant, to show the problem areas.


Commissioner Lukas asked Treasurer Kemmet if it would be possible to get an updated report available for the 9/11 meeting from Fiscal Advisors.  Ms. Kemmet explained she could not guarantee this, she had to clear up operational problems first, but she stated she would work on this.


Commissioner Lukas made a motion to approve to make changes as alternative bids minus the 3 changes previously approved to have eliminated and it was seconded by Alternate Dennison, all ayes, motion passed.





Alternate Siciliano made a motion to adjourn the meeting and it was seconded by Commissioner Lukas, all ayes, motion passed.


Respectfully Submitted



Brenda S. Buchanan,

Recording Secretary

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