Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The Schuylerville/Victory Board of Water Management held a meeting on September 25, 2007 at 6:30pm in the Village of Schuylerville Meeting Hall.


Present: Commissioners Kori Siciliano, Whitney Colvin, and Douglas Pink and Recording Secretary Buchanan.

Absent Alternate Dennison, Chief Water Operator Dennison.


Commissioner Colvin led the meeting and started with the Pledge.




The meetings for October will be October 9th and 23rd 6:30pm.




August meeting minutes were presented for approval at the next meeting.


Old Business:


Hotchkiss letter was reviewed and it was approved with the date and time of our meeting to be added and then it can be mailed.


Saratoga Care Family Health Center, 200 Broad Street Schuylerville.  Commissioner Colvin stated he went to the Health Center and they were very nice with giving him a tour of the facility.  He stated they have small sinks in the rooms; they have a shower that is used for the maintenance crew to dump water.  They also have two bathrooms.  Commissioner Colvin made a motion to approve the reduction of units from the 6 units currently being charged to 2 units as of today, a prorated bill needs to go out, and this motion was seconded by Commissioner Siciliano, vote- Colvin-ayes, Sicilaino-ayes, Pink-ayes, Dennison-absent, 3-0-1, motion passed.


Civil Service Positions pending.  There was a discussion on the job descriptions that were presented by the Chief Water Operator.  It was requested that a copy go to the Attorney for his review.  After a discussion it was determined to have Chief Water Operator Dennison be present at the next meeting to discuss the issue at hand.


Commissioner Pink brought up a discussion on the discretionary expenses vs. mandatory expenses.  Attorney Dixon explained that is in regards to capital improvements, not operational expenses.


Commissioner Colvin stated he spoke with Ted Derby and explained to him that it could possibly be December before we are able to get this position set up, due to required paperwork.






September 25, 2007

Page two


Employee manual was discussed.  Full time hours 40hrs. Part time-no more than 32 hours on average. It was discussed if temporary employees are needed.  Hours were discussed, for the regular hours vs. weekends, OT.  It was determined that we need the Chief Water Operator in on this discussion.  Training/classes/licenses were discussed and educational requirements.


Albertson project was discussed and prior to the meeting Chief Water Operator Dennison stated he had a meeting set up with Dwyer for Friday of this week to get everyone on the same page for this project.


New Business: 





Executive Session: 




Public Comment:


Gail Blake was present and was asking about a bill that was lost at the last billing period.  This was for her daughter, which is Heather Steele, a Victory Resident.  It was determined that the late fee would be waived and if the check showed up we would return it to the resident.


Gene Derby stated he left a message on the machine at the water plant about yellow water.  He stated he was willing to have a sample taken, but no one returned his call.




Commissioner Colvin made a motion to adjourn the meeting and it was seconded by Commissioner Siciliano, all ayes, motion passed.




Respectfully Submitted



Brenda S. Buchanan,

Recording Secretary


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