The Town of Saratoga

PO Box 38 Schuylerville, NY 12871 – Telephone # 695-3644


The Saratoga Glen Hollow Water Supply Corporation

90 Campbell Road, Schenectady, NY 12306  - Telephone # 370-2119



July 22, 2005


Dear Saratoga Lake Resident:


The Saratoga Glen Hollow Water Supply Corporation would like to expand their water supply service to the residents in the Town of Saratoga.  The Saratoga Glen Hollow Water Supply Corporation has an abundant source of high quality water and they have an extensive knowledge of state regulations, an outstanding record of following state requirements, perform quality work and fulfill all commitments and responsibilities. 

They currently are installing a water system in the Town of Stillwater along Route 9P and will be at the Town of Saratoga line within two years.  In order for them to extend their water lines into the Town of Saratoga there are strict rules and procedures that they must follow in order to get approval.  One of the first steps that must be conducted is the completion of a survey of the customer base to determine their level of interest and desire to participate in the project. 

            Would you please take a minute and complete the attached Water System Connection Interest Survey Form.  If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact any of the following:

            Tom Wood, Supervisor - Town of Saratoga – 695-3644 X14

            Michael Van Patten – Director of Marketing and Development for Saratoga Glen

Hollow Water Supply Corporation – 331-6084 

            Robert Iovinella – President Saratoga Glen Water Supply Corporation - 370-2119


            I thank you in advance for your time and am readily available to assist and support you in any way possible.






Thomas N. Wood, Supervisor

Town of Saratoga


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