Tuesday, October 9, 2007

The Schuylerville/Victory Board of Water Management held a meeting on October 9, 2007 at 6:30pm in the Village of Victory Hall.


Present: Commissioners Kori Siciliano, Whitney Colvin, Douglas Pink and Alternate Dennison, Recording Secretary Buchanan, Chief Water Operator Dennison, and Mayor Sullivan.


Commissioner Siciliano led the meeting and started with the Pledge.




The second meeting for October will be October 23rd at 6:30pm in the Schuylerville Village Hall.




The August meeting minutes were presented at the September 25th meeting and after a discussion, the board decided to wait for the next meeting for approval.

The September meeting minutes were presented, for approval at the next meeting.


Treasurers Report:


There was a resolution #2007-18 presented to transfer $15,000.00 to apply to the outstanding voucher, payroll and for those miscellaneous expenses this month and prior to the next meeting for the water department.  This is to authorize a transfer from the water savings account to the water checking account.  Alternate Dennison made a motion to approve and sign this resolution #2007-18 to transfer $15,000 from Savings to Checking, and it was seconded by Commissioner Colvin, all ayes, motion passed.


There was a resolution #2007-19 presented for an amendment, which is required to transfer money from the budget between appropriations for those costs associated with the Village of Victory administrative fee as approved at $500.00 each month for this fiscal year commencing July 2007 and for our annual supply of pre-stamped envelopes to be used for billing purposes.  From J8310.1 Administrative Personal Services in the amount of $5,000.00 to J8310.4, Administrative, Contractual.  Commissioner Colvin made a motion to approve and sign this resolution #2007-19 for amendment changes to the budget, and it was seconded by Alternate Dennison, all ayes, motion passed.


Operational Items:  Fee Proposal for Spill Response and Spill Prevention Report given by Laberge Group.

Quote was for $2,600.00, including expenses for the preparation of DRAFT Sill Response Plan and $2,500.00, including expenses for the Preparation of DRAFT Spill Prevention Report.  They reported they expect to complete the drafts within three weeks of your acceptance and authorization of this proposal.  Ms. Kemmet reported that she sent the agreement to the Attorney, Phil Dixon for his review.  He confirmed that the amount in the rfp does include reimbursable items.  A new agreement will be sent to make wording more clearly.  After a discussion with the board, they decided to table this issue until the attorney can be present to discuss this issue.  There was also some further discussion on the qualifications for filling out these reports and having them done in house. Commissioner Colvin requested a copy of the request from DEC.  Mayor Sullivan stated that this will be an operational expense and it will not be a reimbursable expense under capital.


October 9, 2007

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Job Duty Statements:  It was reported that Phil has reviewed the outline of the job descriptions and offered a question of the total % of distribution work performed by any or all of water department employees.  Mr. Dixon did state he would be able to attend the next meeting for further discussion on this issue. 


Project Correspondence:  Official Contract Addendum #2 has been received and also forwarded on to Phil Dixon for his review.  The letter agreement was authorized allowing Laberge group to go forward however this official document will amend the current contract and must be executed.  The board decided to give authorization to Commissioner Siciliano to sign the addendum after it was returned by the Attorney.  Commissioner Colvin made a motion to authorize Kori Siciliano to sign on the behalf of the Water Board, once returned from the Attorneys Office and it was seconded by Alternate Dennison, all ayes, motion passed. 


Chief Water Operator’s Report:


Chief Water Operator, Mark Dennison presented some quotes for the stainless steel nuts and bolts that are required to replace the nuts and bolts at the plant.  He presented $1,649.05 from Fasenal and $1,516.44 from Grainger, which has state contract.  He explained that $1,600.00 had been set aside in this year’s budget for this purpose.  Alternate Dennison made a motion to approve the purchase from Grainger at $1,516.44 and it was seconded by Commissioner Siciliano, all ayes, motion passed.


Mayor Sullivan asked about a spot on Cemetery Road that has a settled spot near a hydrant that was replaced about 2 years ago.  It was discussed to have the village employees do the repairs and paving on this site.  Commissioner Colvin made a motion to approve the reimbursement of hours for the villages to do these repairs and it was seconded by Alternate Dennison, all ayes, motion passed.


CWO Dennison explained he presented the board members with a red folder, which had the most recent water complaints.  He explained it was 1 pressure problem in Morgan’s Run and 2 taste/discoloration complaints.  He went on to say he has been working on these complaints.


Mr. Dennison explained that the Cartridge house for RO1 split on the seam just like RO2 did and he has emailed GE to see where we stand.  He explained he feels they were both defective from the start.


Mr. Dennison also explained that he had in the budget a diesel portable heater (200,000 btu) for water jobs in the budget and he would like to purchase this.  This would be used on water jobs for distribution problems.

The board was in support of this purchase of $420.00 from Wallace Supply.


Chief Water Operator Dennison gave an update on the Albertson repair.  He explained that the water main from down Red’s Road will not be able to be used because it is 20ft down and goes under the canal.  He explained it would be a lot more equipment and costs.  He explained he thought about plan B.  Go off the new water main in the park.  This would be 100’ less of pipe and it would be cheaper.  He stated he spoke with Schuylerville DPW Foreman and he said Mayor Sherman was ok with the change.  Commissioner Colvin stated he would like to check on this with the board before approval is given.







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Old Business:


The Civil Service Positions were discussed.


The personnel policy was discussed.  Topics that were discussed were as followed: Clothing allowance for full time vs. part time, bonding, procurement policy, property, absences, jury duty, military leave, family leave and training classes and requirements.


Mayor Sullivan asked about the status of the shut offs in Morgan’s Run.  He inquired if this has ever been resolved.  He explained that the water board should only be responsible from the curb, irregardless where the shut off actually is.  After some discussion it was determined to check back in the minutes for any discussion or correspondence.


New Business: 


Darren Tracy Water hookup request:  This request would be for the Webster house at 128 Route 4 North, Schuylerville, which was recently moved from Spring Street (near the School).  The house is located across from Lynn’s Country Kitchen, now Emma’s.  CWO Dennison explained that there are no water lines in front of this property.  The line down the street that supplied Amerigas is no longer in service.  Mr. Dennison explained that he had some quotes and last it was about $77,000 to come from the main near Liberty Street.  Mr. Tracy was present and thanked the board for their consideration.


Commissioner Colvin stated he got a call from the Mayor in Schuylerville in regards to painting the pump house.  He explained that he had some other painting to do and they got a quote for $850.00 to do the windows and trim of the building.   There was some discussion on other repairs that are needed before painting and the cost was high for just windows and trim.  It was determined to look into getting some quotes on repairing the roof and the foundation.


Executive Session: 





Alternate Dennison made a motion to adjourn the meeting and it was seconded by Commissioner Siciliano, all ayes, motion passed.




Respectfully Submitted



Brenda S. Buchanan,

Recording Secretary

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