October 27, 2004 - 7:30 PM



Chairman Ian Murray called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.


Clerk Ruth Drumm called the roll.  Chairman Ian Murray – present, Susan Cummings  – present, Ralph Pascucci – present, Albert Baker – present, Paul Griffen – present, Robert Park – present, Laurie Griffen – present, and alternate Barney Drumm – present

Also attending: Town Engineer Kenneth Martin and many local residents (sign in sheet is on file in the Minute Book).  


Approval of Minutes: All board members present had read the minutes of the September 29th, 2004 meeting.  A motion was made by Paul Griffen to accept the minutes of September 29th, 2004 as written, and Laurie Griffen seconded it. Chairman Ian Murray – aye, Susan Cummings  – aye, Ralph Pascucci – aye, Albert Baker – aye, Paul Griffen – aye, Robert Park – aye, Laurie Griffen – aye. Carried 7– 0.


Order of Business:

Special Use Permit – Pre-Submission Conference

James & Elena Grotto

946 Route 29

Saratoga Springs, NY 12866

S/B/L 156.-1-24  Rural Residential District


James & Elena Grotto addressed the board seeking a Special Use Permit for their Train & Hobby retail sales business, that will be moved from its present location in their home to a building to be constructed on their adjoined property. Elena Grotto stated that the parcels have been combined and presented the board with a letter from Assessor Catherine DeFelice stating that the parcels have been sent to the County to be combined.   James Grotto assured the board that they can meet the setbacks required including the 75’ front setback requirement.  Chairman Ian Murray stated that the Special Use Permit would be for a Retail Business.  He noted that they should follow the sign requirements in the regulation book and that the rear parking area is adequate since there is room to expand the parking if needed.  Chairman Ian Murray required a 30 to 40’ paved apron from Route 29 at the entrance and that they check with the NYS DOT on the width of the driveway apron.  He added that an Environmental Assessment Form (EAF) is needed.  He also suggested that they follow the ADA’s codes for handicapped accessibility of the first floor.  Chairman Ian Murray then stated that the Saratoga County Planning Board has recommended approval of the Special Use Permit.  James & Elena Grotto will return next month and a Public Hearing will be held. 






General Schuyler Emergency Squad, Inc.  - Sherry Doubleday, Captain 

51 Ferry St.

Schuylerville, NY 12871

S/B/L 155.-1-74  Rural Residential


James Vianna, P.L.S., and Sherry Doubleday addressed the board seeking a Special Use Permit for a Professional Office Building for the General Schuyler Emergency Squad, Inc., that is relocating its headquarters to the 3 +/- acre parcel on the north side of Route 29 between Louden Road and Homestead Road. James Vianna stated that the parcel meets all zoning regulations and that he is working on the site plan and survey.  A sign will be erected and they will follow the regulation guidelines.  He also is applying to the NYS DOT for the curb cut and that NYS DOT studies will be done regarding a possible traffic signal. James Vianna also stated that a helicopter-landing zone is not part of this application. He will return next month with the site plan, parking, lighting, signage, deep hole and perc tests.  RETURNING 


Information on Subdividing

Christopher Cocozzo

222 Burgoyne Road

Schuylerville, NY 12871

S/B/L 169.-2-1.4 & 169.-2-28 & 169.-1-75


Christopher Cocozzo addressed the board seeking advice on subdividing the back corner of parcel #169.-2-1.4, from the railroad bed back, (parcel #169.-2-28) for a residence.  There is also a 60’ railroad bed right -of- way access strip from Hayes Road (parcel #169.-1-75). Chairman Ian Murray suggested that since there is ample frontage along Burgoyne Road, he should consider using 200’ of that frontage going on back and he could still use the Hayes Road access strip for a driveway.  He would need to combine the Railroad bed parcel with the rest of the property to do that.  Chairman Ian Murray also noted that as presented, it would not qualify as a flag lot since it does not preserve green space. Christopher Cocozzo stated that he didn’t wish to use the 200’ on Burgoyne Rd. He will reconsider his options. 


Information- Lot Line & Special Use Permit

Denise & Jim Murphy

945 Route 29

Saratoga Springs, NY 12866

S/B/L 156.-1-23  Rural Residential


Denise and Jim Murphy addressed the board for a lot line adjustment and for information on a Special Use Permit to relocate their existing Quilt & Antique Shop into the existing garage on the adjoining property.  The board agreed that it is a lot line adjustment and the new property will be joined with their existing lot, a new deed will be drawn for the 2 +/- acre parcel created.  They stated that they want to add a 10’ x 12’ addition to the garage next summer.  Chairman Ian Murray explained that previously it was a home industry business and now will become a Retail Service and a Special Use Permit will be needed for that classification.  The board would allow the 4 parking spaces since more space is available if needed.  He also explained that it does not meet the side yard requirements and that they would need a variance from the Zoning Board of Appeals. Chairman Ian Murray stated that once the variance is granted they should return to the Planning Board for the Special Use Permit.  Ralph Pascucci suggested that they put the addition on the map even if they are not going to add it until spring so that it is included in the plan and they will not have to return in the spring. Paul Griffen suggested that they reorganize the parking and Denise Murphy stated that she would remove some shrubs.  Chairman Ian Murray stated that they should follow the ADA’s codes for handicapped accessibility for the first floor.  He also required that they contact the NYS DOT and let them know that they are expanding their business on Route 29. Applicants will apply to the ZBA for a variance & then return to the Planning Board for a Special Use Permit.   


 Special Use Permit

Case # 04-17  Harold Reiser III

                        1120 Rt. 29

Schuylerville, NY 12871

S/B/L # 156.-3-11  Rural Residential


Harold Reiser addressed the board seeking a Special Use Permit for a Dance School/Studio on 4.9 +/- acres at 1120 Rt. 29. He presented the board with a plan with two parking lot options, and asked the board which one would be best.  The board liked both and left it up to Harold Reiser, who chose the #1 plan on the map, which is a three and three design.  Chairman Ian Murray asked if the driveway aprons were paved and if the NYS DOT had approved the site distance?  Harold Reiser replied yes to both.  Planning Board Clerk Ruth Drumm acknowledged that Jay Janazack of the NYS DOT, had called and stated that the site distance of the driveway was fine. The board agreed that all was in order. Ralph Pascucci made the motion to grant the Special Use Permit for the Dance School/Studio and Paul Griffen seconded it. Chairman Ian Murray – aye, Susan Cummings  – aye, Ralph Pascucci – aye, Albert Baker – aye, Paul Griffen – aye, Robert Park – aye, Laurie Griffen – aye. 

Carried 7– 0.  GRANTED


Case # 04-20  Raymond S. Germain

20 Via Maria

Scotia, NY 12302

S/B/L #170.-1-4   Rural District


Raymond Germain addressed the board seeking to separate the 59 +/- acres shown on tax map #170.-1-4, 139 Schuyler St. into three parcels as described in the deed. The 54 +/- acres on the eastside of Route 4 will remain in agriculture. He presented the board with the three new deeds.  Proof of Notice having been furnished, Chairman Ian Murray opened the Public Hearing:

Bill Hartloff, Route 4, spoke for the subdivision and asked some questions of Raymond Germain.

All having come forward to speak who wished to, the public hearing was closed.


Chairman Ian Murray requested that he put the Ag statement # 3 on the deeds for the 14 +/- acre parcel and the 54 +/- acre parcel and then forward them to Town Attorney William Reynolds for his review and approval and then file the deeds with the county. 

Laurie Griffen made a motion to grant the three-lot subdivision and Susan Cummings seconded it.  Chairman Ian Murray – aye, Susan Cummings  – aye, Ralph Pascucci – aye, Albert Baker – aye, Paul Griffen – aye, Robert Park – aye, Laurie Griffen – aye. 

Carried 7– 0.  GRANTED


#04-14 Barlok & Roohan, Applicants                       E.M. Mease, Owner

            519 Broadway                                                130 Southard Rd.

            Saratoga Springs, NY 12866             Saratoga Springs, NY 12866

S/B/L 181-1-12.1 Rural District


Mark Jakubiak addressed the board on the proposed 11-lot subdivision of 69.11 +/- acres on Southard Rd, with 5.596 +/- acres being retained by the current owner, Toni Mease. The proposed lots range from 4.29 +/- acres to 10.705 +/- acres. He stated that the key issues are the completion of the coordinated review of the SEQR process and the water supply.  He stated that C.T. Male Assoc. have done the hydrogeologic studies and the results show that all the test wells produce adequate water supplies for residential use. Town Engineer Ken Martin agreed that the results look fine.  Chairman Ian Murray stated that the frontages are now met and the building envelopes have been marked as requested.  He then requested that they put the Ag statement disclosures, #1and #2, on each map and deed and Mark Jakubiak stated that has been done.  Mark Jakubiak then requested that a public hearing be held next month at the final submission for approval. The clerk then presented the board with two correspondences from the nearby residents of the project.   

The next meeting date is Wednesday, November 24th, the night before Thanksgiving.  There was board discussion on possibly changing the date of that meeting but the board agreed to meet as regularly scheduled. RETURNING

Preliminary Application for Subdivision

Case # 04-21 C & S Construction, Applicant           Ralph & Anne Crandall, Owners

 68 West Ave.                                       215 Casey Road

 Saratoga Springs, NY 12866              Schuylerville, NY 12871

S/B/L # 195.-1-37.112  Rural District


Mike Brooks, RLA, of the office of Paul Tommell L.S., addressed the board proposing subdividing 10.36 +/- acres into 3 building lots on the eastside of Casey Road, 1400 linear feet north of the intersection of Casey Road and Russell Road. He stated that the lots meet all the zoning requirements and will have private septics, wells, and driveways.  The site distances of the driveways are fine. Chairman Ian Murray requested that they submit a short Environmental Assessment Review (EAF). He also required that they move the building envelopes back with a 50% reduction. Mike Brooks stated that all the lots would have engineered systems.   Chairman Ian Murray stated that Lot #1 would need to have an engineered system submitted with the plan.  Town Engineer Ken Martin suggested that since they are moving the building envelopes back they might want to redo the perc test farther back.  He also noted that the wells must be approved before building permits are issued.  Chairman Ian Murray stated that Ag statements #1 & #2 must be on the deeds and maps. It was also suggested that they move Lot 2 & 3’s driveways together, so that they will be parallel and have a common curb cut.  Chairman Ian Murray requested that the site distances should be checked and Mike Brooks added that the distances would be put on the map.


Proof of Notice having been furnished, Chairman Ian Murray opened the Public Hearing:

The following spoke against the subdivision:

Todd Griffen, 202 Casey Rd., concerns about increased traffic and traffic speed.

Jeff Duval, Casey Rd., concerns about increased traffic and traffic speed.

Loi Seymour, 205 Casey Rd., concerns about increased traffic, traffic speed, and losing the rural character of the neighborhood.


Chairman Ian Murray and Ralph Pascucci commented that for speed limits or concerns of public safety the issue be brought before the town board.


The following had comments:

Will Corrigan, commented that the Comprehensive Master Plan process of the Town is the correct vehicle to decide how to develop the town. 


Ralph Pascucci commented that there were many public meetings held during the development of the master plan with very little input from the residents.


Another resident asked to have the Ag Statement # 1 and 2 read and Clerk Ruth Drumm read the statements.


Chairman Ian Murray closed the public hearing. Chairman Ian Murray stated that they should proceed with the final application. 


Planned Unit Development

 Saratoga Country Inn

Contact:  David McKibbin

                 Stafford Bridge Inn, LLC  

                 901 George Bush Blvd.

                     Delray Beach, FL 33483

S/L/B # 168.-3-44.1  Rural District


David Carr of the LA Group addressed the board regarding the proposed development of the 71.71 +/- acre parcel at the Southwest Corner of Staffords Bridge Road and Wagmans Ridge Road.  A country inn with 48 suites, 18 of which will use a “timeshare” concept, will include a pool and clubhouse.  The clubhouse will include a library, spa, lounge/bar, and restaurant.  The horse farm will have a horse barn, horse barn storage buildings and 3 apartments, and a Horse Farm Manager’s Office and apartment.  One single-family private residence is also proposed. He mentioned that committee meetings of neighbors, town board members, and planning board members have been held regularly and proposed changes discussed with the LA Group. He stated that there are a few unanswered concerns that have to do with the parcel sizes, restaurant sizes etc. that are still being worked out and will continue to be discussed at the committee meeting next week, further communication will take place.  Dave Carr requested a public hearing next month, at the November 24th meeting.  Chairman Ian Murray noted that the Planning Board should either be ready to give their recommendation to the Town Board or ask the applicant for an extension at the next Planning Board meeting in order to keep within the 62 day timeline. 


Joe Peck asked to speak to the board and Chairman Ian Murray granted his request.  He explained how the project has expanded since first proposed to the planning board last year.  He had many concerns regarding the closeness of the Clubhouse to his active farming operation and asked the board to reconsider the site plan to include a 600’ foot buffer from his land to the Clubhouse. 


Chairman Ian Murray suggested that they return next month when a Public Hearing will be held.   RETURNING



Michele & Chuck Carlstrom

S/B/L 168.-3-63.11


Seeking information on subdividing a 52.65 +/- acre parcel along Rt. 29.



Old Business: Chairman Ian Murray informed the board that a meeting had taken place last Tuesday with Tim Banks of R.J. Valente Gravel, Inc., Attorney Michael Moore,  Supervisor Thomas Wood, and himself, regarding the mining permit application that was denied.  They presented a formal request to the Planning Board to rescind the denial decision of the board that was rendered on June 23, 2004 due to a lack of the required frontage. They have since acquired the frontage needed.  Ralph Pascucci noted that there was nothing incorrect about it, since at the time it lacked the frontage to meet the zoning regulations.  Chairman Ian Murray stated that they sited Environmental Law at the meeting and Ralph Pascucci asked Town Engineer Ken Martin if the SEQR process had been completed and he replied, no. Ralph Pascucci noted that since the denial was not SEQR related, it shouldn’t make any difference to our decision.  They felt that they were wrongly denied and Chairman Ian Murray read the letter from Attorney Michael Moore. Chairman Ian Murray noted that they would need to be denied by the Planning Board in order to appeal to the Zoning Board of Appeals for the frontage variance. 

Ralph Pascucci made a motion NOT to rescind the decision made by the board on June 23, 2004, due to the lack of road frontage that existed at that time and to defer to the Town Attorney William Reynolds to respond to the letter. Laurie Griffen seconded it. Chairman Ian Murray – aye, Susan Cummings  – aye, Ralph Pascucci – aye, Albert Baker – aye, Paul Griffen – aye, Robert Park – aye, Laurie Griffen – aye. 

Carried 7– 0. 


New Business:

Chairman Ian Murray noted that a December meeting should be held this year due to the many cases in front of the board and the timeline issues that exist.  After some board discussion, it was decided to hold the meeting on December 22nd, which is the 4th Wednesday of the month, as usual. 







The next meeting will be Wednesday, November 24, 2004 at 7:30 p.m.


A motion to adjourn was made at 9:45 p.m. by Susan Cummings and seconded by Albert Baker. Chairman Ian Murray – aye, Susan Cummings  – aye, Ralph Pascucci – aye, Albert Baker – aye, Paul Griffen – aye, Robert Park – aye, and Laurie Griffen – aye. Carried 7-0.



Respectfully submitted,



Ruth L. Drumm



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