October 26, 2005 - 7:30 PM



Chairman Ian Murray called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.


Clerk Catherine Cicero called the roll.  Chairman Ian Murray – present, Susan Cummings – present, Ralph Pascucci – absent, Albert Baker – present, Paul Griffen – present, Robert Park – present, Laurie Griffen – present, and alternate Patrick Hanehan – present. 

Also attending: Town Supervisor Tom Wood, and many interested members of the public (Sign-In Sheet on file in the Minute Book).  Town Engineer Kenneth Martin was unable to attend.


Approval of Minutes: All board members present had read the minutes of the September 28, 2005 meeting.  Planning Clerk Catherine Cicero pointed out errors on page 1, including the date of the meeting.  A motion was made by Robert Park to accept the minutes of September 28, 2005 as corrected, and Laurie Griffin seconded it. Chairman Ian Murray – aye, Susan Cummings – aye, Paul Griffen – aye, Laurie Griffen – aye, Albert Baker – aye, Robert Park – aye. Carried 6– 0.


Order of Business:




Saratoga Builders, LLC                                Peter & Sue Grassi, Owners

8 Campion Lane                                             394 Burgoyne Rd.

Saratoga Springs, NY 12866             Saratoga Springs, NY 12866

S/B/L 168.-2- 24 & 25 Rural District


Sam Palazzole, Dan Barber, and Paul Tommel appeared before the Board on behalf of the applicant regarding a conventional subdivision of 38 +/- acres consisting of 12 building lots on a new road off of Burgoyne Road.

Sam Palazzole updated the Board on progress since the last meeting, addressing each of the concerns raised by the Board at the last meeting.  That information is included in the permanent file in this application. 

Mr. Tommell provided photos of the area on Lot 9, which includes an easement owned by Frank Naret.  The future purchaser of Lot 9 will be notified of the existence of the easement.  Mr. Tommell explained how the developers will address the presence of the easement on the property.  Mr. Tommell also reported that he had spoken with Town Engineer Kenneth Martin regarding some concerns about the long form EAF.  Some corrections have been made to that document, which is in the permanent file in this application.  Finally, he reported that no comments have been received from DOH.

Chairman Ian Murray stated that the documents regarding Mr. Naret’s easement have been reviewed by Town Attorney William Reynolds, and are included in the permanent file in this application.

Town Attorney William Reynold’s asked to review the prepared deed for Lot 9.

Chairman Ian Murray stated that if all information is received from the agencies involved in the SEQR review, it might be possible to hold a second public hearing on this application at the November meeting. RETURNING


Saratoga Farms, Inc., Applicant                               

173 Co. Rd. 69

Schuylerville, NY  12871                                          

S/B/L 182.-2-15.11 Rural


Returning Applicant, regarding land formerly referred to as the property of Walter Taras, proposes to begin Phase II of a planned development:  a 36 unit subdivision of single family homes on 121.82+/- acres. Gavin Vuillaume, of Environmental Design Partnership, LLP, addressed the Board, giving an overview of the proposed project.  He included landscaping and lighting plans, stating that the subdivision would have close to 200 new evergreen and deciduous trees on it when finished.  Currently, most of the land consists of open fields.  He said that engineering would be done over the winter to make sure there was sufficient water for the subdivision.

Chairman Ian Murray asked whether the Applicant had addressed concerns raised by the DEC in a letter dated October 11, 2005.  Mr. Vuillaume replied that the concerns had been addressed and that the DEC will revisit the site.  He added that the DEC will probably ask for a Phase I archaeological study, and that the Army Corps of Engineers may take a look at the wetlands on the property.

The Applicant has not yet contacted Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation regarding the power lines on the property.

Chairman Ian Murray raised questions concerning the landscaping, particularly concerning the outside buffer. There was a short discussion about the identification of existing trees and future plantings. Mr. Vuillaume stated that his concerns would be addressed in the planting plan.

Chairman Ian Murray asked for lot data, including dimensions and drainage data.  James Vianna responded that the Applicant is still working on the design plans.  He added that the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) has not been prepared yet, but will be done after the grading plan.  The proposed road plans will then be presented.

In answer to a question from Chairman Ian Murray, Mr. Vuillaume explained that the roads would be phased in during construction of the development.  There will be a Phase II road plan.

Mr. Vuillaume also stated that the existing barns will be removed fairly soon; probably by the end of the year.  The second house on the property will also be removed.

Chairman Ian Murray asked for erosion control details for the present and for the future.  He pointed out that, on Sheet 6 of the road profile, the Applicant needs to reflect 60’ of right-of-way.  Currently, the plans show 54’ on the map.

Chairman Ian Murray directed the Applicant to perform a traffic study reflecting existing and future traffic patterns.  

Chairman Ian Murray also directed the Applicant to review the neighbor notification list because one of the neighbors had stated they did not receive notification.

Laurie Griffen had questions regarding the existing pond.  Mr. Vuillaume responded that the pond will remain, but the adjacent manure pile will be removed.

Ms. Griffen also asked whether the Applicant had plans to contour the property at all since it is mainly open space.  She asked if something could be done in the back, such as raising the grade for privacy.  Mr. Vuillaume stated that the berm would help, and that there had been some discussion regarding contouring, but nothing had been decided.

Robert Park noted that all the homes showed a garage in the front.  Mr. Vuillaume explained that the illustration was generic, and that some may eventually have side-loaded garages.

Chairman Ian Murray then read comments from Town Engineer Kenneth Martin.  It was noted that the Planning Board has been granted lead agency status.  He wanted to know when the deep hole and perc tests would be performed.  Mr. Vuillaume responded that they would be done before winter.  Town Engineer Kenneth Martin also requested an erosion control plan and directed the Applciant to include the agricultural data statement on all plans.  In addition, Town Engineer Kenneth Martin noted the error on the road section, pointed out that DOH has new water regulations, and directed the Applicant to provide a SWPPP and to provide cluster lot calculations.

Chairman Ian Murray stated that the large lot needs to have deed restriction language.

Susan Cummings clarified that the two houses on Hanehan Road also need deed restrictions to prevent further development.  Mr. Vuillaume stated that the language for those deeds would be provided.


Proof of notice having been provided, Chairman Ian Murray opened the Public Hearing at 8:03 p.m., asking that anyone having comments provide their name, address, and state whether they were for or against the proposal.  He also requested that all comments be limited to three minutes, at least for the first round, so everyone would have an opportunity to speak. 


Michele McClure, 178 Co. Rd. 69—against.  Ms. Mclure stated that she had not received neighbor notification.  She stated that she had concerns with traffic, the removal of soil on the property, and other alterations to the land before approval had been granted, and the possible existence of PCBs on the site.

Andrew Sheeran, 178 Co. Rd. 69—against.  Mr. Sheeran stated that the development would interfere with his farm operation.  In response to a question from Laurie Griffen, Mr. Sheeran stated that he had received a neighbor notification.

Suzanne Sullivan, Hathaway Rd.—against.  She raised concerns regarding traffic, rights of existing residents, and the impact on the school district.

Clarence Fosdick, 329 Burgoyne Rd.—against.  Mr. Fosdick stated that each deed should contain right to farm language.  He stated that the proposal does not conform to what Townspeople answered on the questionnaire for the Town Master Plan.  He raised concerns about what the Town would look like in 20 years based on the current rate of development.

Marilyn Zaborek, 387 Burgoyne Rd.—against.  Ms. Zaborek submitted a letter of concern, dated November 29, 2001, which has been made part of the permanent file in this application.  She also raised concerns regarding the affected wetlands on the property.

David DeHeer, 121 Minnie Bennett Rd.—against.  Mr. DeHeer raised issues on the availability of water for the development and the affect of the combined septic systems on the surrounding environment.

Vance Albertson, 106 Hanehan Rd.—against.  Mr. Albertson raised questions regarding the use of the 5 acre parcel on Hanehan Rd, which were answered by James Vianna.  He also stated that he found nothing attractive in the design of the proposed development.

James Jennings, 101 Minnie Bennett Rd.—against.  Mr. Jennings raised the issue of fire protection for the development and said that the plans do not include fire ponds.  He added that the development would put a strain on the volunteer fire department for fire protection coverage.


All those wishing to speak having done so, the Public Hearing was closed at 8:31 p.m.


There were no further questions from the Board.  RETURNING



David Clark, Applicant                                              Carol LaRouech, Owner

Prudential Manor Homes                                          670 Co. Rt 70

376 Broadway                                                            Stillwater, NY  12170

Saratoga Springs, NY  12866

S/B/L 207-1-31.111 Rural


Returning Applicant proposes to subdivide the 6.54+/- parcel into two lots:  Lot 1 approximately 2.8+/- acres with 200’ of frontage, and Lot 2 approximately 3.65+/- acres with 263’ of frontage.  Paul Tommell addressed the Board on behalf of the Applicant, presenting a revised map that included a change in driveway placement made by the County DPW.  Chairman Ian Murray directed Mr. Tommell to send a copy of the plan along with the septic design to Town Engineer Kenneth Martin.


Proof of notice having been provided, Chairman Ian Murray opened the Public Hearing at 8:36 p.m., asking that anyone having comments provide their name, address, and state whether they were for or against the proposal. 


Laurie Begier, 688 County Rd 70—neither for nor against.  Ms. Begier wanted to know what the new lot would be used for.  Mr. Tommell explained that there would be a single family dwelling on the parcel.

Marilyn Zaborek, 387 Burgoyne Rd.—neither for nor against.  Ms. Zaborek asked whether there were any wetlands located on the property; the answer was that there were none.


All those wishing to speak having done so, the Public Hearing was closed at 8:39 p.m.


Chairman Ian Murray read a letter from the County Planning Board stating that it approved the proposed subdivision subject to the granting of a driveway permit from the County.

Paul Griffen then read the short form EAF, which was completed by the Board.  Laurie Griffen made a motion, seconded by Susan Cummings, to determine that the short form EAF was complete and declare a negative declaration. Chairman Ian Murray – aye, Susan Cummings – aye, Paul Griffen – aye, Laurie Griffen – aye, Albert Baker – aye, Robert Park – aye. Carried 6– 0.

Chairman Ian Murray asked if there were any further questions regarding the application.  There were none.  Chairman Ian Murray made a motion to accept the documents as presented and approve the subdivision, with the condition that the subdivision would be subject to review by Town Engineer Kenneth Martin.  The motion was seconded by Susan Cummings.  Chairman Ian Murray – aye, Susan Cummings – aye, Paul Griffen – aye, Laurie Griffen – aye, Albert Baker – aye, Robert Park – aye. Carried 6– 0. GRANTED SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY TOWN ENGINEER KENNETH MARTIN


Willard F. Chamberlin Trust, Applicant

143 Circular Street

Saratoga Springs, NY  12866

S/B/L 155.-1-46.11,-46.2, and 46.3 Rural Residential


Returning Applicant proposes a 32-lot conservation subdivision on 89.7 +/- acres on the north side of Route 29, across from Bryant’s Bridge Road.  The subdivision, titled Schuyler Hills, will include 46.39 +/- acres of open space. David Carr, of the LA Group, addressed the Board on behalf of the Applicant. Mr. Carr reported on updates since the last meeting, submitting a density calculation, and addressing concerns that were raised during the walk-through of the site, conducted in the week following the October meeting.  Those concerns included placement of a house on the knoll, situated on a steep slope, and the existing mobile home site on Rt 29, which will be replaced by a house.  Mr. Carr presented landscaping plans to mitigate the view of the houses from Route 29.  He stated that the proposed road grade is 7%, pursuant to Town code.

Chairman Ian Murray asked if the new Town road standards would have an impact on the subdivision roads.  Mr. Carr responded that there would be no problem, even for stormwater.  There will be no severe grading on the Town right-of-way.

Mr. Carr stated that the lot calculations have been adjusted and a revised plat is being made.  The wetlands have been flagged and the information will be sent to the Army Corps of Engineers.

Mr. Carr added that maps have been sent to DOH, but the Applicant does not want to do any engineering work that would disturb the property until preliminary approval is granted.  The archaeologist has been designated for the Phase I archaeological study.

Chairman Ian Murray stated that a public hearing for the preliminary approval is possible for the November meeting.  The Applicant was directed to provide new maps.

Susan Cummings questioned Mr. Carr regarding the placement of buffers on the west and the north sides of the property.  The buffers had been changed after suggestions were made by the Board after the initial walk-through of the property last year.

Paul Griffen asked if the Army Corps of Engineers would be able to provide a response by the November meeting.  Mr. Carr responded that that would probably not happen due to the Corps’ involvement in the rebuilding following the hurricane damage in the south.



Sketch-Plan Conference


Virginia Knapp, Applicant

379 Co. Rt. 68

Saratoga Springs, NY  12866

S/B/L 168-2-74 Rural


Applicant proposes to subdivide a 2 acre lot from her 5.4 acre parcel for a single family dwelling.  Dan Wheeler represented the Applicant, stating that Mrs. Knapp has a potential buyer for the subdivision at this time.  Chairman Ian Murray directed him to return next month with a survey of the property, the soil engineering, deep hole, and perc tests.  He asked that the results of the tests be put on the map, and that the Applicant include the agricultural statement.  He also asked Mr. Wheeler to locate the well and septic on lot 2.  Finally, Chairman Ian Murray asked that site distances for the driveway be placed on the map, as well as the site distance of the current driveway.

It was established that the Applicant has sufficient road frontage for both lots.

Paul Griffen raised concerns about the location of the driveway. 

Chairman Ian Murray stated that a public hearing would be scheduled for the next meeting.  Mr. Wheeler stated that the SEQR will be completed by then and that he will take care of neighbor notification.  RETURNING


Michael Giannettino, Applicant

921 Rt 4 South

Schuylerville, NY  12871

S/B/L 183-1-56.12 Rural


Applicant proposes to subdivide his 5.94+/- acre property into 3 parcels for single family homes. Mr. Giannettino addressed the board, pointing out that he had sufficient road frontage to make the subdivision, and described the topography of the property, including the placement of the current house and leach field.  Although there are some steep grades, Mr. Giannettino stated that they can be graded for building.

Chairman Ian Murray directed Mr. Giannettino to perform a complete survey, soil engineering tests, including a deep hole and perc tests, and to include the agricultural statement on the map.  He will also complete the short form SEQR and provide neighbor notification.  A public hearing will be scheduled for the November meeting.  RETURNING


Saratoga Farms, LLC, Applicant

Suite 200-2875

South Ocean Blvd.

Palm Beach, FL  33480

S/B/L 156-3-32 Rural


Applicant proposes a 7 lot subdivision on 96.5+/- acres at 125 Burgoyne Rd.  The average lot is proposed to be 14 acres, with a deed restricted horse trail system.  David Carr, of the LA Group, addressed the Board on behalf of the Applicant, explaining the preliminary map of the proposed subdivision.  Mr. Carr explained that the intent is to keep the agricultural fields and the wetlands on the property intact.  The only change on Burgoyne road will be the presence of driveways, and the possible view of barns; no houses.  The possible exception to this might be Lot 1 because it isn’t known yet where the wetlands are located on the piece. A biologist has been hired to flag and map the existing wetlands.  The lots would have deed restriction language to prevent further development.

The plans include the creation of a flag lot.  Mr. Carr explained that there is sufficient road frontage to avoid a flag lot, but that would result in Lot 6 “looking funny.”  All other lots have sufficient road frontage.

He stated that the average lot would be 14 acres in size and that the idea is to maintain the agricultural character of the parcel.  A Home Owners Association would be established to maintain the horse trails. The trails can be used for cross-country skiing in the winter.

There is an existing house and barn, as well as a bridge, on the property.  An intermittent water course flows under the bridge. 

Chairman Ian Murray asked Mr. Carr if he was aware of the Town driveway standards.  Mr. Carr responded that all driveways would have the proper sight distances.

Paul Griffen commented that this was a real opportunity for the Town to have what it wants:  a rural view with nothing impacted.  He jokingly cautioned Mr. Carr not to return “with some different wild idea.”

Chairman Ian Murray read a question from Town Engineer Kenneth Martin:  Is Lot 7 landlocked?  The answer was no; there is plenty of room to create a driveway for a flag lot.  There is an existing cemetery near the lot, which is maintained.  He said there was a slope on the back of the cemetery, and there is a loop road in the cemetery.

Mr. Carr added that the outside boundaries have been surveyed, but the inside boundaries still have to be surveyed.

Chairman Ian Murray stated that proposed Lot 7 meets the definition of a flag lot. 

Mr. Carr said that the intention is to return with a preliminary submission.  They would proceed with the engineering work, and the deep hole and perc tests.

Paul Griffen asked for deed restriction language limiting the lots to one residence and one barn, with no further subdivision allowed. Mr. Carr added that the residences would have to be located behind the agricultural sections of the lots.  RETURNING



Special Use Permit


General Schuyler Emergency Squad, Inc.

P.O. Box 111 Ferry St.

Schuylerville, NY  12871

SW/B/L 155-1-74 Rural Residential


Returning Applicant is seeking a special use permit to construct a professional office building; the new home of General Schuyler Emergency Squad.  Applicant has completed the short form SEQR, the County has approved the project, and neighboring farm operations have been notified of the project.

Chairman Ian Murray recused himself from the discussion of this application, stating that he was “united” with the project, and excused himself from the Board panel to sit in the audience.  Vice-chair Susan Cummings led the proceedings. 

James Vianna gave a history of the application to date, stating that a pre-submission conference was held in this matter in October of last year.  A public hearing was held in June 2005.  Mr. Vianna stated that good comments were obtained as a result of that meeting, which resulted in a change in the building design, and the change from two entrances to one. Frank Yakubec, of FJY Archectecture is the architect for the project. Dave Myers, the engineer, then changed the site plan, the stormwater management plan, and other related plans. 

Mr. Vianna explained the current site plan.  The neighbor to the west had asked for screening for his bees and pumpkins to make sure that they weren’t affected by the new building.  As a result, fencing, with vines, was included in the landscaping plans.  The fencing was necessary because large screening, such as trees or shrubs, was not possible due to the existence of a grass swale in that spot.  Although the 3-dimensional renderings of the lot show a full build-out of the parking lots, Mr. Vianna stated that there is no intention to build that many parking spaces.  He said that the full build-out was necessary in order to do the stormwater management calculations. 

Mr. Vianna added that all lighting will be on the inside of the lot.  There is an allowance for one sign, perpendicular to the road, which will be illuminated from under an eave or by ground lights shining at the sign.  The sign will not be lit from within.  He said that the neighbors will be consulted for screening of the lighting.

Paul Griffen stated that the Board can check on the lighting as the building is constructed.  He confirmed that the site will not have an antenna or helicopter pad. 

DOT will not issue any curb-cut permits until approval of the project is received from the Planning Board. 

Vice-chair Susan Cummings read comments from Town Engineer Kenneth Martin, which included a directive for a forebay in the wet pond, a 2’ separation bottom of infiltrator to ground water, and an archaeological study.  He also raised concerns with light spilling off the site, especially on the east side, and noted that the SWPPP will have a 60 day review. 

Mr. Myers said that he will work with Town Engineer Kenneth Martin to deal with his concerns.

Mr. Vianna submitted the Phase I archaeological report to Planning Clerk Catherine Cicero, which he said that he had just received that day.

Although Mr. Vianna said that the squad is anxious to begin construction of the project in the spring, it was determined that approval would be postponed until the November meeting in order for all documentation to be submitted and to allow time for Town Engineer Kenneth Martin to  review the proposal.  RETURNING


[At this time, Chairman Ian Murray rejoined the Board.]



Pember Dupras, Applicant                            Michael & Shawna Bannon, Owners

175 Louden Road                                           366 Puritan Road

Saratoga Springs, NY  12866                        Gansevoort, NY  12831

S/B/L 156-1-38.32  Rural Residential


Returning Applicant is seeking a special use permit to move his business, Rain or Shine Tent Co., Inc., to a new location on property located 600’ west of Beaver Street on the south side of Rt 29 because he has outgrown the existing location at 1061 Rt 29 in Grangerville. The proposed parcel consists of 5.44+/-acres. Finalization of the SEQR process is still outstanding.  There was no new information presented on this application.  TABLED


Michael Pinkowski, Applicant

2456 Fix Road

Grand Island

Erie, NY  14072

S/B/L 154-1-4.1 & 4.2 Rural Residential


Applicant is seeking a special use permit for a private kennel facility for Bernese Mountain dogs on property off of Ironwood Dr.  Mr. Pinkowski addressed the Board, explaining the additional information he had provided in response to questions raised at the last meeting, including acoustical information, sound abatement, and size and location of the buildings.

It was established that the kennel will have its own septic system, and all solid waste would be disposed of by contract for removal.  Chairman Ian Murray asked for calculations on the size of the septic, and the areas of property disturbance for construction of the buildings and driveways. 

Mr. Pinkowski responded that the calculations would be done at the construction stage.  He added that there would be indoor runs for inclement weather, and a ½ acre “play yard” at one side of the building. 

In answer to questions regarding his business, Mr. Pinkowski stated that the dogs have 2-4 litters per year, of between 5 and 24 puppies each.  Of each litter, 2-4 dogs are kept for show.  There is a 2-year waiting list to buy a dog, and clients visit by appointment only.  The projected maximum number of dogs is projected to be approximately 37, with “spikes” occurring after litters occur.  The spikes would last about 2 months, then the puppies are gone. The approximate life span of the dogs is 6-8 years, and the death rate is 3-4 dogs per year.  Mr. Pinkowski stated that he also takes in older dogs whose owners no longer want them. There would be approximately 4 puppies on the premises less than 2 years old.  Although Mr. Pinkowski characterized his business as a hobby, Chairman Ian Murray pointed out that 50 dogs is a “significant operation.”

Mr. Pinkowski said that he has a current New York State Department of Agriculture & Markets (Ag & Markets) license, with an automatic renewal.  He said that they do annual inspections of the kennel premises.

Robert Park asked Mr. Pinkowski to comment on a statement from People and Dogs Society (PADS) regarding Bernese Mountain Dogs:

                                                [T]he Bernese makes an ideal family dog only

                                                wanting to be with its owners and to take part in

                                                every activity.  For this reason they do not make

                                                particularly good kennel dogs, preferring to live

                                                and spend time with their owners living in a

                                                family environment.


Mr. Pinkowski responded that all of the kennel dogs are also house dogs, and the dogs are brought into the house on a rotating basis.  There are usually 6-7 dogs in his house at any given time. 

Robert Park also questioned where the outside dog run would be located.  Mr. Pinkowski stated that it would be located off the kennel building on the east side. He estimated the nearest neighbor on that side of his property to be 1435’ away.  A second neighbor, on the diagonal, would be an additional 500’ away.  Mr. Pinkowski stated his intention to incorporate the kennel building into a side hill for heating and cooling purposes.

Robert Park noted that Mr. Pinkowski has a similar operation located in western New York.  He asked if the neighbors had ever complained about noise or smell.  Mr. Pinkowski introduced a letter from a neighbor located next to that facility stating that they had no problems with the kennel operation.  That letter has been made a part of the permanent file in this application. 

Paul Griffen commented that the acoustic figures are not pertinent to the frequency of a barking dog.  He said that noise carries and is impossible to stop.  He added that he needs more information on the noise factor, and needed to know that the dogs could be kept quiet before he could approve the application. 

Mr. Pinkowski explained that, while all dogs bark, there are certain times when the dogs are more inclined to bark than others. He said that the breed is characterized as a working dog, and working dogs spend much of their time sleeping.

Laurie Griffen asked whether the dogs were permitted to be outside all day long.  Mr. Pinkowski replied that it depended on the weather conditions. No other breed of dog would be involved. 

Laurie Griffen stated that she had done some research, and discovered that Ag & Markets does not issue kennel licenses, and that they do not inspect on a regular basis unless they receive inquiries about a specific facility. Kennels are exempt from pet licensing laws if they sell less than 25 dogs per year. Kennel licenses, in New York State, are issued by the local authority. The only license issued by the State is a dog license. She also discovered that Mr. Pinkowski’s parents hold a kennel license permitting the breeding of both Bernese Mountain dogs and King Charles spaniels. Mr. Pinkowski clarified here that he would only be breeding Bernese Mountain dogs in the kennel.

Laurie Griffen continued, stating that, based on her research, the kennel would be an issue for Town enforcement. There is no precedent for this type of special use permit in the Town of Saratoga; therefore, the Board is being very cautious in this process.  Although the Applicant has 22 acres of land, this is a residential area. The Board has some serious concerns that need to be addressed before the application can be granted.

There followed a brief discussion concerning Mr. Pinkowski’s facility and licensing in the Town of Royalton.


Proof of notice having been provided, Chairman Ian Murray opened the Public Hearing at 10:15 p.m., asking that anyone having comments provide their name, address, and state whether they were for or against the proposal. 


Jennifer Jenson-Bergen, 21 Ironwood Drive—against.  Ms. Jenson-Bergen stated that she did not receive notice of the proceeding, and first learned of the application from a neighbor.  She said she had called the Town of Royalton and learned that the Applicant has a license for 55 dogs, 53 of which are not spayed.  She said the facility was clearly a business; not a hobby, and was concerned about noise and smell.  She submitted photos of the residential nature of the neighborhood.

Elbert Hinkson, 22 Ironwood Drive—against.  Mr. Hinkson raised similar concerns to that of Ms. Jenson-Bergen.

LeAnn Raga, 50 Ruggles Road—against.  Ms. Raga raised similar concerns to those already stated..

Carter White, 17 Ironwood Drive—against.  Mr. White raised similar concerns to those already stated.

Shelley Riley, 24 Ruggles Road—against.  In addition to raising similar concerns to those already stated, Ms. Riley questioned whether Mr. Pinkowski had the requisite road frontage to operate a kennel on the designated property.

Amy Wolin, 30 Ironwood Drive—against.  Mrs. Wolin did not speak, but submitted a signed petition opposing the facility.


All those wishing to speak having done so, the Public Hearing was closed at 10:34 p.m.


After reviewing the zoning regulations, Chairman Ian Murray determined that Mr. Pinkowski had less than 300’ of road frontage on the property proposed for the kennel, and that the application should be denied on those grounds.  Chairman Ian Murray stated that Mr. Pinkowski could petition the Zoning Board of Appeals for a variance for the frontage, but the Board would not make a recommendation in the matter.

Chairman Ian Murray read a response from the County Planning Board in this matter, which recommended that the application be denied.


Paul Griffen made a motion to deny the application and include the negative comments, seconded by Laurie Griffen.  Chairman Ian Murray – aye, Susan Cummings – aye, Paul Griffen – aye, Laurie Griffen – aye, Albert Baker – aye, Robert Park – aye. Carried 6– 0.  DENIED


Michael Giovanone

156 Sparrowbush Road

Latham, NY  12110

S/B/L 103-1-2  Lake Commercial


Applicant is seeking a special use permit for a boat storage facility on Route 9P, south of Lee’s Trailer Park.  Attorney Matthew Jones, Jim Miller,Wendy Cimino, and Michael Giovanone  appeared on behalf of the Applicant.  Chairman Ian Murray noted that the application is for 70-80 individual boat storage units.  In the second week of November, the Town Board will deal with the issue of allowing boat storage in the Lake Commercial District.  The SEQR in this matter will not be complete until the November 30 meeting.

Jim Miller reported that the buildings would not infringe on the wetlands themselves, but would be within the 100’ wetlands buffer, and that the Applicant is seeking a permit from the DEC.  He reported that the DEC is reluctant to grant the permit until the Town makes a determination on the issue of boat storage.

Mr. Jones reported that the Phase I Archaeological study has been ordered and should be completed by the November 30 meeting. 

Chairman Ian Murray suggested that the project could possibly be phased in, due to traffic and boat launch impacts.

Robert Park stated that the lake was currently as high as it ever gets, and asked if the high lake water was an issue at the site.  Mr. Miller responded that he had been at the site two days before, and although the wetlands were saturated, the building site was dry.


Proof of notice having been provided, Chairman Ian Murray opened the Public Hearing at 10:47 p.m., asking that anyone having comments provide their name, address, and state whether they were for or against the proposal. 

Jeanine Stancanelli, 97 Lake View Lane—against.  Ms. Stancanelli stated that she was concerned about noise, and especially increased traffic resulting from the facility, and believed there were a number of related issues that had not been considered in the application.

Richard Numantte, Jr., 97 Lake View Lane—against.  Mr. Numantte raised similar concerns to those stated by Ms. Stancanelli.


All those wishing to speak having done so, the Public Hearing was closed at 11:11 p.m.


Chairman Ian Murray stated that he had received comments from the County Planning Board, which requested further information, but stated that the proposed use was appropriate at that location and compatible with the neighborhood character.  It also stated that the Town Board could amend its zoning regulations to allow boat storage in the Lake Commercial District.

Chairman Ian Murray read from a list of comments from Town Engineer Kenneth Martin, which included questions regarding catchbasins 1-5, the infiltration system, and the water quality volume for pre-treatment.  Mr. Miller said that he would address these concerns.  Town Engineer Kenneth Martin’s comments also stated that a Phase I archaeological study would be needed.

The Board had no further questions. RETURNING




Ronalee Myers

43 Chestnut St.

Schuylerville, NY  12871

157.62-1-1 & 20.2 Village Extension


Mrs. Myers is seeking information on how she can develop her property, which is landlocked, near the Village of Schuylerville.  Mrs. Myers stated that she would like to put a cottage on the property, but does not have the necessary road frontage.   A discussion followed on the best way for Mrs. Myers to utilize the property.  It was determined that she needed 300’ of road frontage for multiple use, which would allow a second home on combined property, based on the existing septic system.  Only 100’ of road frontage would be necessary if the public sewer was used.  Mrs. Myers thought the pitch of the property might prevent installation of the public sewer, but was advised to discuss the situation with an engineer.

Chairman Ian Murray stated that, if she was able to obtain public sewer for the property, she could apply to the Zoning Board of Appeals for a variance, but the Planning Board could not help her in that regard.  He then asked if she knew who owned the adjacent “paper street.”  There followed a discussion on the possible owner, and it was determined that the Town did not own it, but no one knew who did.


Jeffrey Dooley

111 Condon Rd.

Stillwater, NY  12170

193.-1-7.3 Rural


Mr. Dooley has questions regarding the use of part of his property for a boat storage facility.  Mr. Dooley owns a pole barn and would like to rent it out for seasonal boat storage.  He is interested in obtaining a special use permit to rent space for strictly indoor storage.

Chairman Ian Murray stated that his intentions do not meet the definition of a home industry.  He suggested that Mr. Dooley wait until after the Town Board addresses the issue of boat storage in the Town, then re-apply for a special use permit.  Mr.Dooley stated that he was not in a hurry to obtain the permit, and stated that he would return to the Board in two months.


Nick Washco

219 Walsh Rd.

Schuylerville, NY  12871

S/B/L 169-1-77.1 Rural


Mr. Washco is seeking information on how to develop his property.  After Mr. Washco presented a map of his property, Chairman Ian Murray directed him to obtain a subdivision application and follow the steps outlined.  He also needed to have the property surveyed and have the engineering tests done, including deep hole and perc tests. 


Bill Ippoliti

108 Schuyler St.

Schuylerville, NY  12871

S/B/L 170.39-1-12 & 170.38-1-5 Village Extension


Mr. Ippoliti asked the Board whether it would be feasible to create a flag lot on property at 133 Schuyler St., behind his current residence.  Chairman Ian Murray stated that Mr. Ippoliti’s suggestion meets the physical criteria of a flag lot, but does not meet the definition of a flag lot.  There followed a discussion of what flag lots are and their designed uses.  Chairman Ian Murray stated that Mr. Ippoliti could formally file an application with the Planning Board, get a denial, then file with the Zoning Board of Appeals for a variance.



Old Business:  Paul Griffin stated that the Zoning Amendment Advisory Committee (ZAAC) was aiming for a deadline of December 1 to compile all the related comments and information.  All Board members:  Town Board, Planning Board, and Zoning Board of Appeals would meet for a presentation of the proposed changes.  Mr. Griffin requested that all comments be sent to him by November 24.  He stated that there would be two public meetings; one would be informal.  After the second meeting, the information would be handed off to Town Attorney William Reynolds to determine what language is needed.



New Business: Planning Clerk Catherine Cicero reported that collection of all park fees on new lots granted in 2005 is current, with the exception of the Southard Road Subdivision, which has not been finalized due to litigation, and Jim DeGregory.  She also reported that the one-year renewable special use permits granted in 2004 were:  Barney Drumm (June 2004), Gary and Sue Barbolt (November 2004), James and Elena Grotto (November 2004), and Denise and Jim Murphy (December 2004).  Technically, Town Zoning Officer Robert Hathaway is responsible for making sure that the permits are in compliance. The Board will determine what needs to be done regarding these permit renewals.

Chairman Ian Murray reminded the Planning Board members that the County would be holding a full day of training in January, 2006.


The next meeting is scheduled for November 30, 2005 at 7:30 p.m.


A motion to adjourn was made at 12:25 a.m. by Susan Cummings and seconded by Laurie Griffen. Chairman Ian Murray – aye, Susan Cummings – aye, Paul Griffen – aye, Laurie Griffen – aye, Albert Baker – aye, Robert Park – aye. Carried 6– 0.


Respectfully submitted,


Catherine E. Cicero



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