Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The Schuylerville/Victory Board of Water Management held a meeting on October 23, 2007 at 6:30pm in the Village of Schuylerville Meeting Hall.


Present: Commissioners Kori Siciliano, Whitney Colvin, and Douglas Pink, Alternate Leslie Dennison, Recording Secretary Buchanan, Chief Water Operator Dennison, and Mayor Sullivan


Commissioner Colvin led the meeting and started with the Pledge.




The meetings for November will be November 13th and 27th 6:30pm.




Commissioner Kori Siciliano made a motion to approve the August 14th, 23rd,  and 28th, September 18th and 25th meeting minutes and it was seconded by Commissioner Doug Pink, all ayes, motion passed.


Treasurer’s Report:


There was a resolution #2007-18 presented to transfer $15,000.00 to apply to the outstanding vouchers, payroll and for those miscellaneous expenses this month and prior to the next meeting for the water department.  This is to authorize a transfer from the water savings account to the water checking account.  Alternate Dennison made a motion to approve and sign this resolution #2007-18 to transfer $15,000 from Savings to Checking, and it was seconded by Commissioner Siciliano, all ayes, motion passed.


Operational Items:


Fee Proposal for Spill Response and Spill Prevention Report:

Authorization still pending/Contract execution pending.   There was a discussion on the bulk storage and the required reports needed.  Commissioner Colvin asked about the Victory Plant and needing these same reports.  Mr. Dennison stated that Victory will have bulk storage, but it will be within the limits before a permit is required.  It was discussed that this permit needs to be renewed every 2 years, but the report will be on file.  Alternate Dennison made a motion to approve the quote from Laberge in the amount of 5,100.00, for the draft copies of the Spill Response and Spill Prevention Reports and it was seconded by Commissioner Siciliano, all ayes, motion passed.


Civil Service-Job Duty Statements:

There was a discussion on the letter that was received from Saratoga County Civil Service, which they received from the State and it confirmed that the Water Board can be an employer and have employees.  Attorney Dixon stated he reviewed the Job Duty Statements and now that the State and County have clarified the employment issue he suggested that we submit the statements to Civil Service.  Commissioner Siciliano made a motion to approve the submittal of the Job Duty Statements to Saratoga County Civil Service and it was seconded by Commissioner Pink, all ayes, motion passed.




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Reverse 9-1-1

Ms. Kemmet reported that she was asked to compile a list by Jim Miers, Emergency Services Coordinator for Town of Saratoga, for water consumers that did not get a call during our recent boil water advisory.  Anyone who did not get a call can contact the Victory office to be placed on the list.



Project Correspondences:


Revised Upgrade Plan & Bid Schedule:  There was a discussion on the packet which was presented to the commissioners which included recent changes for the Victory Plant Improvements (driveway, ph adjustment, corrosion control) including a projected advertisement for bids (10/29/07), bid opening (12/3/07) and contract award date (12/18/07).  Information to bidders was included (1.2.01 Proposals) and a map for the proposed upgrade plan as submitted by Steve Adams.  Please accept the revised plans and authorize for the advertisement of bids during the simultaneous submission to NYSDOH, upon your review as suggested by Steve Adams.  Alternate Dennison made a motion to approve the upgrades and the bid schedule and authorize the advertisement of bids during the simultaneous submission to NYSDOH, and it was seconded by Commissioner Pink, all ayes, motion passed.


Chief Water Operator’s Report:


Review of what happened leading up to water break on Broad Street, Friday October 12, 2007.  Mark Dennison gave an overview of what occurred prior to the water break.  It was noted that when they noticed water leaking they tried to shut off the valve box and when they did they took off the wrench and then they couldn’t get the wrench back on.  The valve stem pulled out of the box.  They had a break in the line and the valve box needed replacement.  Mr. Dennison stated they needed to shut down a large part of the village to get this isolated.  He gave a brief overview of the path of the water flow.  They had a loss of 400,000 gallons of water.  The plant was shut down for awhile, the valve was not holding so they couldn’t operate the plant.  Mr. Dennison explained that they did take precautions but we are dealing with an old system. They do not have sufficient man power for a break on Broad Street.  He explained any time there is a loss of water to an area for more than 4 hrs we are required to have a precautionary boil water advisory, per the DOH.  He also explained that there is a lot to a boil advisory.  All the businesses were notified, TV channels, Newspapers, and School.  We have an emergency response plan that we follow also.  Mr. Dennison explained that the emergency plan is not complete, it is lacking some homeland security information, but as far as for a boil water advisory it is complete.  He explained that when the entire plan is complete, both villages will get a copy.  CWO Dennison presented to the board a copy of a section of the present water system; this included some line stops and valve boxes that need to be replaced.  He suggested we do some now and then work on more in the future.  Mr. Dennison stated he would get some prices for this request, he did explain that a line stop is about $2,500.  There was a discussion on charging more for sprinkler systems and it was noted that we do not currently charge more per unit.  There was a discussion on how to prevent this from happening again.  This discussion included talking about the turn on request form being filled out for this request.  This kind of request was suggested to be presented to the board before it occurs.


CWO Dennison stated there was a second water leak at 255 North Broad Street and that problem was repaired.






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Albertson property:  Mr. Dennison spoke with Steve Adams and he stated that the archeology study for this area was already included in when the new lines were put in for the new plant.  Mr. Adams stated that SHIPO should be notified of this request.  Mr. Adams also quoted Mr. Dennison about $500.00 to oversee this project.  There was a discussion of the current pipes being insulated or modified some how.  Commissioner Colvin asked Mr. Dennison to look into other options before this is approved.


Mr. Dennison reported that the mud plugs have shrunk in some of the valve boxes.  He explained that the hydrants need to be flushed again.  A pump failed at the plant, which cost about $800.00 to replace.  There are 2 chemical transfer pumps that are shot and they will be needing replacement soon.  He is changing housing RO1.  He explained that the permeate seals needed to be replaced.  He also explained he was requesting approval for some concrete blocks and some treated 6x6 posts to get the water mains off the ground.  Mr. Dennison stated that he checked the inventory on the distribution supplies and they need some clamps.  Mr. Dennison also stated that there is a vacant house on Gates Ave. in Victory, which wants the water turned off.  He explained that there does not seem to be a shut off.  He explained that this needs attention in the very near future.  CWO Dennison stated he was looking for approval for a wrench for cooper valves.


Cemetery Avenue paving:  There was a discussion on the roller from Schuylerville.  It was stated that the roller could be brought up by a trailer or possibly we could get the town to provide the roller.  Mayor Sullivan stated that the Victory Crew helped with the Schuylerville water leaks, Schuylerville should be willing to help with the Victory Water work.  Commissioner Colvin stated that the Village of Schuylerville will be having a special meeting on Thursday, and he would try to address this problem and get some resolution.


Old Business:


Letter to be reviewed before it is sent to Darren Tracy in regards to his hookup request.  The letter was reviewed by the board after the discussion that took place at the last meeting.  Alternate Dennison made a motion to approve to send the letter and it was seconded by Commissioner Pink, all ayes, motion passed.


Morgan’s Run issues:  There was a follow up discussion from the last meeting, on the shutoff’s improperly being placed on the property of homeowners in Morgan’s Run Development.  The water board attorney, Phil Dixon stated he could come up with a letter to be sent to the homeowners which fall within this problem.  This letter would advise them that the water board is not responsible for the improperly placing of the shutoff’s and therefore is not responsible for any repairs further than to the curb area.


New Business: 


Alternate Dennison made a motion to approve the request for the blocks and treated lumber that was requested by the Chief Water Operator, and it was seconded by Commissioner Siciliano, all ayes, motion passed.


Commissioner Pink made a motion to approve the request for the wrench for cooper pipes that was requested by the Chief Water Operator, and it was seconded by Commissioner Siciliano, all ayes, motion passed.







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Theisen- 7 Broad Street, Schuylerville:  Unit reduction request.  Currently paying 3 units and has 2 units in the main house and 1 unit for cottage.  After a discussion on the residence and the policy and procedures for billing purposes, it was determined to deny the request for a reduction.  Until we have a metered system we are unable to change for the use of a residence.  It was approved to have a draft letter for the next meeting of the decision of no change for this residence.


There was more discussion on if we needed to install line stops now, which were proposed by the Chief Water Operator.  It was discussed to wait and put them in the budget for the spring.  Commissioner Colvin asked Mr. Dennison to map out the rest of the distribution system in both villages for future use.  There was a discussion on exercising the valves twice a year also.  Mr. Dennison stated that they try to do this when they have the man power.



Public Comment:


Wendy Lukas was present and asked several questions, which included: Water Operator License holders, testing for asbestos in Victory, Sanitary Survey for Morgan’s Run area, curb boxes in Morgan’s Run area, number of Civil Service Positions, Estimate on the Victory Improvements, copy’s of draft minutes, and finally put in a foil request for a copy of the letter from civil service in regards to the employment status.


Personal Manual Review:

There was a discussion on the following topics: Salary, Over Time, Call in’s, Holiday/ Vacation/ Sick/ and Personal time.



Executive Session: 






Alternate Dennison made a motion to adjourn the meeting and it was seconded by Commissioner Colvin, all ayes, motion passed.




Respectfully Submitted



Brenda S. Buchanan,

Recording Secretary


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