Tuesday, October 17, 2006
The Schuylerville/Victory Board of Water Management held a meeting on October
17, 2006 at 7:00pm in Schuylerville.
Present: Chairman Travis Kline,
Commissioners Paul Shaver, Glen Decker and Agatha White,
and Recording Secretary Brenda
Absent: Foreman Mark Dennison
The next water meetings will be Tuesday, November 14th, 6:30pm in Victory and meeting #2 for November is still up for discussion due to the Holiday week. If this meeting is cancelled the public comment will be on the November 14th meeting.
Chairman Kline made a
motion to approve the meeting minutes of September 12th, 19th
and the 27th 2006, it was seconded by Commissioner Decker, all ayes,
motion passed.
Treasurers Report:
There was resolution 2006-19 presented to modify the budget
in the amount of $9,865.32 to include the cost of the insurance recovery on an
automobile accident. The board received
reimbursement from the Travelers for the insurance claim from an accident
involving a hydrant on Horicon Avenue in the Village of Victory. This is to reimburse the Village of
Schuylerville and the David Nevins Fire Company for the equipment and manpower
that was provided for the assistance. Chairman Kline made a motion to approve and
sign resolution #2006-19, for J2680 Insurance Recoveries and J8340.4
Distribution Contractual, in the amount of $9,865.32, it was seconded by
Commissioner Shaver, all ayes, motion passed.
There was a resolution 2006-20 presented to direct the
treasurer to write a letter requesting enrollment into the program for the
purpose of workers compensation coverage for the current employee and the board
approves enrollment into the Saratoga County Self Insurance Plan and agrees to
pay directly for this coverage if approved by the county. Chairman
Kline made a motion to approve and sign resolution #2006-20, for the support of
the enrollment for workers compensation coverage and it was seconded by
Commissioner White, all ayes, motion passed.
There was a resolution #2006-21 presented to transfer
$20,000.00 to apply to the outstanding voucher, payroll and for those
miscellaneous expenses this month and prior to the next meeting for the water
department. This is to authorize a
transfer from the water savings account to the water checking account. Commissioner
White made a motion to approve and sign this resolution #2006-21 to transfer
$20,000 from Savings to Checking, and it was seconded by Chairman Kline, all
ayes, motion passed.
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Foreman's Report:
Foreman Dennison was not available to attend this meeting, but he did provide a report. He stated he is currently working with the GE Technician at the plant.
1) Foreman Dennison was asking for an update on the trash
pump that was requested a month ago. He
explained he got some quotes for a heavy duty pump for $1,600-$2,500. This price excludes the required suction
hose and fittings which would cost an additional $200.00. He explained that at the last water break it
demonstrated the need for a pump that can remove water at an expedient
rate. They used a dewatering pump that
was borrowed from the Schuylerville sewer plant. This pump is not the right pump for the job and may be susceptible
to damage if we continued to use this.
He is seeking an approval and to set a cap on expenditures for a trash
pump. Chairman Kline stated he saw that
this was not working well and that was not the pump for the job. Commissioner
Decker made a motion to authorize Chairman Kline to speak to Foreman Dennison
on the approval to purchase a trash pump up to the amount of $2,500.00 and the
necessary hoses and fittings, it was seconded by Commissioner White, all ayes,
motion passed.
2) Foreman Dennison’s report went on to say the water dept. has received notification of two curb box’s that are damaged (one may be leaking) and the need to replace them in Morgans Run. He was inquiring on the final determination on who was responsible to repair these valves. These valves are located on private property. He was asking about money that was put aside for deficiencies in the infrastructure by the developer. Commissioner Decker stated he would look into this issue and find out if there is any money set aside for water and/or if there is any money left over.
3) The report stated that there are two hydrants that need replacement in the Village of Schuylerville. There are other hydrants in the area that can be reached by the Fire Trucks. There is no area in the village that is left un-protected or that can not be reached by supply lines to the fire apparatus. It is extremely difficult to schedule jobs and then to cancel when Dave Coffinger is no longer available to work for the water dept. due to an unscheduled event such as a water break earlier in the week. I have tentatively scheduled the replacement of one hydrant for October 26 and the possibility of replacing the other on November 2nd. This is providing no other emergencies occur in either village. Commissioner Shaver stated he would like to see this schedule go ahead providing no emergencies.
4) NYSRW (New York State Rural Water) was scheduled for consultation on various issues and now has to be rescheduled due to GE technician on site. When the circuit rider from NYSRW returns, we will conduct pressure testing at various sites through the distribution system as requested by NYS DOH, in addition he will assist me in finalizing our ERP (Emergency response plan) as required by DOH. He was here on October 2nd to review plant operations due to a citizens inquiry about the daily operations of the plant.
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5) As required by DOH, a temperature probe was purchased for the required sampling of the wells. I was contacted by DOH and an additional probe was required due to the conflicting parameters between the two wells. This required an additional cost of $110.00 to the original quote as previously submitted. I am scheduled for a meeting with DOH at the Glens Falls District Office on Wednesday October 18th to review monitoring procedures and requirements.
6) Lead and Copper sampling requirements are due to be taken this month. This would require the cooperation of the homeowner at various locations in the distribution system to take samples early in the morning prior to using any water. We are currently reviewing the list of addresses as provided by DOH and any additional as needed. A total of 20 samples shall be required and the homes are chosen by the DOH.
7) As reported previously Phosphates are now injected into our water for sequestering iron, manganese and corrosion control. Additional daily sampling in the plant and at various locations in the distribution are now required by DOH.
He reported additional distribution work:
-Broken Cur bocks: 1) 4 Myers Lane-leaking- minor (distribution side)
2) 42 Morgan (damaged is partially on)
3) Herkimer St. to 61 Gates Ave. (damaged will not turn off, is partially on)
4) 85 Herkimer St- leaking-minor (distribution side)
-Need to investigate water leak @ Burgoyne Extension
-40 Mueller Fire Hydrant Storz connection upgrades, currently have several storz connections in inventory to upgrade hydrants.
-Several hydrants in both villages need to be replaced due to age etc.
-60 Value boxes need to be inspected for debris and exercised. NYSDOH requires that this is done twice per year.
-Locations of all valves, individual curb stops, hydrant maintenance etc. need to be documented, photograph and entered into various software programs.
Commissioner Shaver asked that we have Foreman Dennison give us an estimate on the hydrants he needs replaced for the up coming budget, so we may include this in the budget meetings. Commissioner Shaver also stated he would be willing to draft up some written policy on water leaks. He stated it would be a good idea to have something in writing that we follow for policy and procedures. The board agreed with this and he stated he would try to get something for the next meeting.
Old Business:
There was further discussion on the Schoman property at 157 Rt. 4 Schuylerville and the concern of no shut off and the increasing bill. Commissioner Shaver stated we should continue to try and get the easement from AmeriGas and see where we can get with this route.
Condensation problem: Chairman Kline stated he would speak with Foreman Dennison tomorrow on this issue.
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Outside Engineering Firm: Chairman Kline stated he was going to see what the status was on the people Mayor Sullivan was going to contact.
Financial reports for 2005 & 2006 have been started with the fiscal advisors and an update will be available soon.
Klein: 100 Burgoyne
Road, Schuylerville. Chairman Kline stated he has been to this residence
and Mr. Klein has taken out the sink in his garage and has closed up his
business. He has taken down his sign
and is using the garage for storage only.
After a discussion on the use of the property, Chairman Kline made a motion to reduce the number of units charged from
2 to 1, it was seconded by Commissioner White, all ayes, motion passed. Chairman Kline made an additional motion to
rework the current bill to reflect the reduction in units, it was seconded by
Commissioner Decker, all ayes, motion passed.
Update on Consent order: There was a discussion on the paperwork for the signing off of the consent order. Phil Dixon explained that Mike Montisko gave his verbal ok and he has sent the paperwork to the Village attorney is Schuylerville. He will give an update as thing progress.
New Business:
Menard-106 Pearl St. Schuylerville. There was a discussion on a request received from Mr. & Mrs. Menard on Pearl Street concerning an ongoing water issue. The problem has been corrected and they are looking for compensation of some kind. It was requested that we send them a letter letting them know we got their request and forward their letter to our attorney for review.
Units: Saratoga Apple was
discussed with the barbeque stand that they have in operation. Chairman
Kline made a motion to increase there units by 2 units for this barbeque stand
and it was seconded by Commissioner Shaver, all ayes motion passed.
Town of Saratoga: There was a discussion on the number of units that the Town currently pays. They are currently charged 1 unit. They have several offices, police department and serve meals from that site. After a discussion on the use of the building it was determined to leave the units for this site at 1 unit.
90-98 Broad Street: There was a discussion on the right number of units that this site should be charged. It was determined we need the code enforcement officer to take a look at this site for possible adjustment to the number of units charged.
Dwell upstairs was discussed for the possibility of a business going in. Chairman Kline stated he would look into this issue.
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Commissioner Decker asked how we stand with outside users and collecting payments from them. Secretary Buchanan explained the payments have been coming in steadily and we are not yet to the penalty stage.
Commissioner Decker also stated he would like to have put on record that he would like to see at least one more person from Schuylerville on the Board. He stated they should have 4 more, but would like to see at least 1 more. He stated he just wanted this to go on record. After a discussion on the intermunicipal agreement and the way it reads, it was left as is.
Public Comment:
Frank Merrill asked about being able to foresee additional problems in Morgans Run before they actually occur. He also inquired about money being available to fix these problems. Chairman Kline stated we have no documentation on the placement of the valves or shut offs. Gene Derby stated possibly you could contact NiMo or the phone company, their planning department and get their construction prints. They would have them for that area. As far as the money Commissioner Decker and Shaver stated they would look into this issue. Mr. Merrill also asked on behalf of the fire departments if we can get pressure reading at the hydrants for both fire departments. Chairman Kline stated any additional information we can get is better. He would speak to Foreman Dennison about getting some readings.
Executive Session:
Chairman Kline made a motion to adjourn the meeting, it was seconded by
Commissioner Decker, all ayes, motion passed.
Respectfully Submitted
Brenda S. Buchanan,
Recording Secretary