November 6, 2003


Proof of notice having been furnished, Supervisor Robert Hall called the Public Hearing on the 2004 Budget to order at 7:30p.m.


The following persons spoke for/against the adoption of the 2004 budget as proposed:

Wendy Lucas requested clarification of some items in the budget.  Supervisor Robert Hall addressed her questions and concerns.


Supervisors Robert Hall stated that there would be no tax increase and $200,000 of sales tax money has been given back to the county where it is used to lower the county tax rate.


All persons desiring to be heard, having been heard, the Hearing was closed

at 7:40 P.M. 


Supervisor Robert Hall opened the regular meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance

at 7:41 p.m.


Roll call: Jean Casey, Town Clerk, called the roll.  Supervisor Robert Hall- present, Councilman Bruce Cornell - absent, Councilman Michael McLoughlin – arrived at 7:50 p.m., Councilman Fred Drumm- present and Councilman Phil Griffen- present.

Also present: Deputy Clerk Ruth Drumm, Town Attorney William Reynolds, Highway Superintendent Grant Seymour, Assessor/Bookkeeper Catherine DeFelice, Peg Hall, Kathleen Bartholomay, Jim Towne, Jean Driscoll, Bill Heb, Peter Nemer, Cynthia Nemer, Tom Wood, Elena Jaffe Tasterser, Wendy Lukas, Tim Holmes, Jane Sheeran, and Pete Thornton.   


Approval of Minutes: All Board Members present had read the minutes of the October 14th 2003 meeting.  A motion was made by Councilman Philip Griffen and seconded by Councilman Fred Drumm to accept the minutes of October 14th, 2003 as written. Supervisor Robert Hall – aye, Councilman Philip Griffen – aye, Councilman Fred Drumm – aye, Councilman Michael McLoughlin – absent, Councilman Bruce Cornell - absent. 

Carried 3 – 0.


Town Clerk’s report:  Fees paid to the County Treasurer for Dog Licenses $76.17.

Fees paid to the NYS Dept. of Agriculture and Markets for the spay/neuter program    $27.00. Fees paid to New York D.E.C. for hunting and fishing licenses $1,325.72.

Dog license fees to Supervisor Robert Hall $193.33. Clerk fees to Supervisor Robert Hall $122.03. Total State, County, and Local Revenues received were $1,744.25.


Zoning Officer’s report: No report.


Supervisor’s report: Supervisor Hall presented October 2003 balances in Town funds as follows: General A $326,214.03, General B $54,361.52, Highway Outside $378,643.92, Youth Recreation & Services $1,640.31, Highway Equipment Reserve $130,389.77, Building Reserve $790,635.68 and Fire Protection $0.03.  October revenues were $93,599.89 and expenses were $163,274.05.  The total October balance is $1,681,885.26.


Highway: Highway Superintendent Grant Seymour reported that all the summer projects are done, the winter sand is in, and the salt bins are half full.  The crews are now doing odd jobs such as replacing culverts.  Councilman Philip Griffen asked when Wilbur Road will be striped?  Grant Seymour replied that it might be getting too cold.  Supervisor Robert Hall noted that he would ask Joe Ritchey at the county.  Grant Seymour remarked that Burgoyne Road from Bryant’s Bridge to Hayes Road would be paved next year and that the rest of Burgoyne Road would be paved the following year. 


Supervisor Robert Hall mentioned that he had gotten a call from Chuck Waldron of

C & S Construction informing him that the signs for the Eagle’s Roost II road are in.  Once the signs are up and the legal paperwork is completed a resolution will be made for the Town to accept the dedication of the road to the Town. 


Landfill:  No report.


Insurance:  No report.


Youth Committee report: No report.


Buildings:  No report.


Senior Citizens report: No report. 


Park Committee report: Councilman Philip Griffen presented the board with the land survey of the Quaker Springs Mineral Springs property completed by Jim Vianna.  The survey looked good and things are in order.  Town Attorney Bill Reynolds will proceed to obtain the title for the town. 


Cable TV Committee: Town Attorney Bill Reynolds sent another letter to Peter Taubkin, Vice-President Gov’t. Relations & Public Affairs, Time Warner Cable, requesting information that would aid us in negotiating the new contract.  Town Clerk Jean Casey requested that Town Attorney Bill Reynolds try to have the town’s phone number removed from the cable bill because we get many billing inquiries for Time Warner Cable.  Town Attorney Bill Reynolds said that he would try to negotiate its removal. 


Supervisor Robert Hall will deliver a letter on Monday from Tom Wood to The Saratoga County Law and Finance Committee members requesting the county to include approximately $600 in their budget for training and information for Supervisors on cable contracts, franchise fees, and public access opportunities. 


Old Business: Supervisor Robert Hall announced that a part-time, daytime, court clerk has been hired and will be working 19 ½ hours a week.  He stated that additional funds are needed in the 2003 budget for this new daytime court clerk position to be paid at the rate of $10.50 per hour.  Resolution #03-45 was introduced by Councilman Philip Griffen and seconded by Councilman Michael McLoughlin to transfer $782 from the Contingency Account #A1990.4 to Account #A1110.11 Justice Clerk, to cover the additional cost.  Supervisor Robert Hall – aye, Councilman Philip Griffen – aye, Councilman Fred Drumm – aye, Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye, Councilman Bruce Cornell - absent.  Carried 4 – 0. 


Supervisor Robert Hall stated that no action was taken or will be taken on the proposed Local Law #2 of 2003 adding “motel” as a use requiring a special permit.  He stated that there would be a Public Hearing at the next board meeting, December 8, 2003 on the proposal to change the present definition of “tourist home”.  Town Attorney Bill Reynolds will review the proposed changes in the definition and advertise the public hearing.  The proposed Local Law with the new definition of “tourist home” will then be available for inspection by the public before the public hearing set for December 8, 2003. 


Supervisor Robert Hall called for a resolution to adopt the preliminary budget as the annual town budget for 2004.  Resolution #03-46 was introduced by Councilman Michael McLoughlin and seconded by Councilman Philip Griffen to adopt the approved preliminary budget as the annual budget for the town of Saratoga for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2004.  Supervisor Robert Hall – aye, Councilman Philip Griffen – aye, Councilman Fred Drumm – aye, Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye, Councilman Bruce Cornell - absent.  Carried 4 – 0. 




New Business: None 


Communications: Supervisor Robert Hall read correspondence regarding Remembrance Trees that will be on sale until November 29, 2003 by Ann Jones at 796-4795 or the Legion at 695-3011.  A Remembrance Tree is a lighted Christmas Tree Memorial in remembrance of loved ones no longer with us.  The lighting will take place on Saturday, December 6th at 5:00 p.m. at the American Legion.


Supervisor Robert Hall read a letter from Niagara Mohawk Power Corp. regarding the use of power poles by civic organizations for Christmas lighting and/or decorations.  Express permission is needed along with signed agreements and proof of insurance. 


 A letter from Judith Madison of 120 Wagman’s Ridge Road, was read by Supervisor Robert Hall thanking him for the considerate way that the board held the public hearing on the proposed zoning change on October 14, 2003.  She also noted that she appreciates that the Town Board is moving slowly and carefully on the proposed zoning change. 


Privilege of the floor: Wendy Lukas inquired if there were any uses by the town for the $200,000 of sales tax money that was given back to the County.  Supervisor Robert Hall responded that only the Highway Department can use that money and that they had purchased all that was needed for the year so it was turned back to the County to lower the County tax for town residents outside the villages.  


A resident inquired if Bryant’s Bridge would be repaired.  Supervisor Robert Hall responded that the County owns the bridge and there are plans for the county to replace it within the next two years with a two lane bridge.  


Audit the Bills: General A $12,032.46, General B $334.54, Highway Outside

$21,055.40 for a total expense of $33,422.40.


The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,




Jean Casey, Town Clerk


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