Board of Water Management
November 18, 2008
The Schuylerville Victory
Board of Water Management held a meeting on Tuesday, November 18, 2008 at 7pm
in the Village of Schuylerville.
Colvin led the meeting.
Present: Chairman Colvin, Commissioners Kahnle,
Lloyd, and Pink.
Recording Secretary Buchanan,
Mayor Sullivan
December meetings were
discussed. The December meeting will be
Dec 9th in victory.
Commissioner Lloyd made a motion to approve the 10/21,
10/30/08 meeting minutes and they were seconded by Commissioner Pink, all ayes,
motion passed.
Foreman’s Report:
Cell phone
upgrade-update: Mark Dennison explained
that he upgraded the two cell phones.
Mr. Dennison stated that he
had an issue with the Victory Water Plant, which was turned back over to the
responsibility of the contractor.
He also reported that the
clear well stainless steel doors are rotting, the pins are falling off. He was proposing to replace these doors at
a cost of about $3-$400. Commissioner Lloyd made a motion to
authorize Mr. Dennison to replace the doors and Commissioner Kahnle seconded
the motion, all ayes, motion passed. Mr.
Dennison also reported that the Clear well level sensors are now working, he
will keeping an eye on this.
Victory Plant Rehab:
Paving of Road at the Victory
Plant-Commissioner Lloyd explained that this will be done next week.
Bollards-update-letter: Attorney Dixon stated he spoke to RJ
Laberge, he stated another letter probably will be coming, in
disagreement. Commissioner Kahnle made a motion to get prices on the additional
bollards that are needed from a different contractor and it was seconded by
Commissioner Lloyd, all ayes, motion passed.
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Old Business:
Personnel manual: Chairman Colvin asked to have all comments
to him so he can write them up.
of employee: tabled until the manual is complete.
Tree’s: Commissioner Lloyd explained that all the
trees have been removed at both plants.
Credit Card/Petty Cash/per diem: update-table
off- AmeriGas: This will be discussed
during executive session.
New Business:
LGRMIF: Grant February 2,
2009 deadline. There was some
discussion to get a quote from CT Male and get costs. Commissioner Lloyd made a
motion to get a quote for the application submission and it was seconded by
Commissioner Pink, all ayes, motion passed.
DOH request that there is no
parking within 500ft of well heads.
Whitney asked Mark if people are parking, he said some. He stated he doesn’t know how to get this to
be restricted, it is the Village of Schuylerville property. Chairman Colvin said he will go down,
measure and then go to the Village Board to see what can be done.
Public Comment:
Wendy Lucas asked some
questions about the bollards, tree removal, grant application and about
additional grant money available that she read in the minutes of a special
meeting of the Village of Schuylerville.
Chairman Colvin answered her questions as previously stated in prior
meeting minutes.
Executive Session:
Commissioner Lloyd made a motion to go into executive
session to discuss a pending litigation with Joanna Albertson, Tow Path Rd.
Schuylerville, and AmeriGas (Nichter) 165 Rt. 4 North and it was seconded by
Commissioner Pink, all ayes, motion passed. Mark Dennison was asked to go
in along with Attorney Dixon.
Commissioner Lloyd made a motion to come out of
executive session with no action taken, and it was seconded by Commissioner
Kahnle, all ayes, motion passed.
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Treasurer’s Report:
There was a resolution #2008.2009-13 presented to
transfer $30,000 to apply to the outstanding vouchers, payroll and for those
miscellaneous expenses this month and prior to the next meeting for the water
department. This is to authorize the
transfer from the water savings account to the water checking account. Commissioner
Lloyd made a motion to approve and sign this resolution #2008.2009-13 to
transfer $30,000 from Savings to Checking, and it was seconded by Commissioner
Pink, all ayes, motion passed.
Operational: None
Capital Improvement Project: None
Project Identification
Plaque: Project plaque has been installed according to contract specifications
but those specifications have the plaque mounted at almost ground lever or 1’4”
as the dimension from the ground to the lowest point of the plaque equals the
1’4”. After a discussion it was
determined that this be removed and attached to the building.
Industrial Discharge permit: there still has not been a permit issued to
the Board of Water Management as requested and required from the village of
Schuylerville. The water board had
originally understood this permit would be addressed at their 11/12/08 meeting,
but no permit has been received for the victory Plant and no application has
been provided for the renewal of the Fort Hardy plant as requested. Chairman Colvin presented the permit signed
to the Secretary to be presented to the treasurer. Chairman Colvin also asked Mr. Dennison to call Harry at the
Sewer treatment plant when they start discharging. It is ok to leave a message on the answering machine, so they are
aware when the discharge starts.
Lab equipment payment: This check has been received and been
deposited and will be applied to the Victory Plant laboratory supplies. Chairman Colvin asked Mr. Dennison if all
these supplies have been ordered and received.
Mr. Dennison stated that they have most everything in and in place.
Victory WTP Driveway: There has been no update from DOH or EFC on
the eligibility of project expenses.
This is still a pending item. It
was determined at the last meeting to pay for this directly out of the operational
account and look into this being reimbursable.
Bollards: Looking for a quote on how much to hold from
Laberge. This was discussed earlier to
get quotes and then we can determine the amount from there.
damages/Substantial Completion: There
has not been any correspondence received as to when substantial completion may
Acceptance of the Victory
Water Treatment Plant: DOH will review
prior to the water board’s acceptance.
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Fiscal Advisor’s Update: we are receiving reimbursements through
requisitions from the SRF program grant dollars at this point. Please refer to the letter provided on this
issue. The FAB money is retained until
the close of the project but the grant money has been exhausted from them with
exception of course as to the retainage of $149,287.00 (10% of the total grant
amount of $1,492,870.00)
Commissioner Kahnle
made a motion to adjourn the meeting and it was seconded by Commissioner Pink,
all ayes, motion passed.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda S. Buchanan
Recording Secretary