Tuesday, November 14, 2006
The Schuylerville/Victory Board of Water Management held a meeting on November
14, 2006 at 6:30pm in Victory Mills.
Present: Chairman Travis Kline,
Commissioners Paul Shaver, Glen Decker and Agatha White,
and Recording Secretary Brenda
Buchanan and Foreman Mark Dennison
There will be no second meeting for this month, so the next water meetings will be Tuesday, December 12th, 6:30pm in Victory.
Chairman Kline made a
motion to approve the meeting minutes of October 10th and 17th, it
was seconded by Commissioner White, all ayes, motion passed.
Treasurers Report:
There was a resolution #2006-22 presented to transfer
$50,000.00 to apply to the outstanding voucher, payroll and for those
miscellaneous expenses this month and prior to the next meeting for the water
department. This is to authorize a
transfer from the water savings account to the water checking account. Chairman
Kline made a motion to approve and sign this resolution #2006-22 to transfer
$50,000 from Savings to Checking, and it was seconded by Commissioner Decker,
all ayes, motion passed.
There was resolution 2006-23 presented to modify the budget
in the amount of $93.90 to include the cost of the insurance recovery on an
automobile accident, which went with resolution 2006-19. The Travelers compensated the BOWM at a
higher cost due to an incorrect total on the invoice, sent in error, for the
insurance claim as related to the hydrant work on Horicon Avenue in the Village
of Victory. This resolution is to
authorize this correction and will reflect the actual amount of the claim
reducing the payment (to reflect the correct amount of the invoice and payment)
as issued by the Travelers. Chairman
Kline made a motion to approve and sign this resolution #2006-23 J2680
Insurance Recoveries and J8340.4 Distribution, Contractual in the amount of
$93.90, it was seconded by Commissioner Decker, all ayes, motion passed.
The Treasurer submitted a report that reflected the following statements. Update on Statutory Disability, Workers Compensation through the Saratoga County Self Insurance Plan and Public Officials Liability. DBL: An application is being sent with a minimum due for coverage. To date it has not been sent and I called again today to request it. I will complete the application and send it in.
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Workers Compensation: I contacted Saratoga County since we had not heard anything since the letter request (dated October 23, 2006) asking for enrollment into the program. I was advised that the county is going to consider the water department employee as a Village of Victory employee for this fiscal year and a separate policy will be enacted the next fiscal year, effective June 2007. On the record is the resolution stating that the S/V BOWM would compensate the village for any additional cost due to such coverage/claim. Public Officials Liability: I contacted Adirondack Insurance Agency to ask for something in writing or a meeting so that the S/V BOWM could make the necessary approvals for separate coverage. This policy would cover buildings, properties, tools and vehicles under the general liability portion and then a separate policy for the public official’s policy could be issued. Both villages are reimbursed already for those items currently covered. I am requesting Board Member Shaver meet with Dave Meager from the insurance company to review the policy’s coverage and cost prior to the next water meeting in December. After a discussion on these topics Commissioner Shaver agreed to meet with Dave Meager and would report back when information was available.
Foreman's Report:
Foreman Dennison reported they replaced two hydrants on Pearl St. in Schuylerville.
- He also stated he has a list of hydrants in Schuylerville that are in need of replacement, they are the old Eddy style.
- He reported they tested 20 homes for copper, per DOH and he wanted to make note of thanks to the residence that helped with this.
- He stated they tested for radium, which is required by the DOH and they will test for nitrates in the near future.
- He reported they installed the probes in the wells that were required by DOH and they need to take samples every 3 months.
- Foreman Dennison stated Schuyler Hose Company flow tested the hydrants and they have significant flows. He spoke with Rick Drew and he would like to color code the hydrants. He stated this tells them how much water each hydrant can give. The color caps could possibly be done by the Boy Scouts, if they would be willing to do this as a project over the summer months.
- They have started retro fitting the hydrants again and selling the parts to the Town of Warrensburg for $60.00 each.
- Asked where we stand on the condensation problem. He would like to see this problem solved.
- They are doing a lot of work locating shut off boxes and they plan on locating each one in both villages and documenting and photographing them.
- Mary Sally’s leak on Burgoyne Street has been repaired.
- 61 Gates has been repaired.
- 85 Gates has been repaired.
- The portable pumps that were purchased are now in service.
- The plaque has been installed; it was mounted in the concrete due to the support that was required to hang it up.
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- Clune Electric will be back to the plant. There are some issues with the alarm system.
Requesting authorization for a NYRWA course, on line for the
cost of $225.00. This course is a pump
and motor maintenance class, which is offered on line. Commissioner
Shaver made a motion to approve the class and it was seconded by Chairman
Kline, all ayes, motion passed.
- Foreman Dennison was asking that the Village of Schuylerville put the flags back on the fire hydrants for the winter months. They requested them being removed for the summer months. It was reported that the Village of Schuylerville DPW took them off and he was requesting them be put back on.
- He presented a quote from Dwyer for some pavement work and curbing. This would be for the Dwell building sidewalk on Broad Street and some curbing replacements for when they did the hydrant replacements. It was asked if this needed to be done before winter and Foreman Dennison stated that the DPW Foreman and the Schuylerville Mayor were requesting this be done before winter.
Chairman Kline made a motion to approve the quote from Dwyer for $2,250.52 and it was seconded by Commissioner Decker, all ayes, motion passed. Commissioner Shaver asked that he present more quotes than one for the next job that would be required.
Commissioner Decker stated that he spoke with Ed Barthomay and he reported that according to the agreement with Schuylerville and the Contractor this money set aside was for the Village of Schuylerville and had nothing to do with water. He stated that Mr. Barthomay stated it is a separate entity and they can’t use it. Commissioner Decker asked Phil Dixon his opinion on this issue and he stated he would look into this issue and talk with Ed himself to discuss this issue. Mayor Sullivan stated that what he remembers is that the money was set aside for the roads. He also stated that if it’s on private property, it’s the owners responsible and the homeowner needs to go back to the Developer with this problem. There was a discussion on letters going out to the residence in this area. Foreman Dennison stated that 4 Myers Lane has a possible problem. Below the curb box it is wet, just moist, not pudling. Rural Water was there and they stated they could not hear anything. There was a discussion on taking a sample of the water to see if this is a leak. It was suggested we send a letter to the resident and let them know we are not responsible. This issue needs to be privately dealt with on private property and we can’t help them out.
Reported Water leaks
104 Burgoyne Road – (LaPlace) Chairman Kline stated he looked at this problem and there is no bubbling water, there are low spots and moist spots. He stated he would return and take another look when we get a dry spell. Foreman Dennison stated the problem is that they could not find the valve box. Dave Coffinger found two boxes not sure if they are them. He needs to shut them off to tell if they still have water.
Reported units in
90-98 Broad Street, Schuylerville. Chairman Kline stated he would speak with Foreman Dennison on this issue.
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Old Business:
Condensation Problem: Chairman Kline stated that he had a meeting with Laberge, Mayor Sullivan, and Commissioner Shaver. Mayor Sullivan read part of a letter from Laberge that was received after this meeting and it stated that they designed the plant according to standard codes, NYS building code and OSHA standards. Basically they did not design any dehumidifier, they met all codes and their part has yet to be determined.
Outside Engineering Firm: Commissioner Shaver asked the status of getting an outside Engineer to look over the plans and see where we stand. Chairman Kline stated he would contact an engineer and get back to the board. Mayor Sullivan stated that we need to look into seeing if these fees are covered under the EFC financing. Phil Dixon stated they probably won’t be covered, but this is surely something to check into. He also stated that it would be a good idea to wait formally until we get response from Laberge. Commissioner Shaver suggested we get three quotes for the December meeting and at that time we should know where we stand with Laberge.
Consent Order:
Phil Dixon stated that Ed Barthomay has signed the dismissal and now it will be
sent to Mike Catalfimo for his signature and then to the Attorney General then
to the judge. Resolution #2006-25 was
presented to authorize the Water Attorney to execute a notice of dismissal and
any other documents necessary to terminate the state Supreme Court
proceedings. Chairman Kline made a motion to approve resolution 2006-25 and it was
seconded by Commissioner White, all ayes, motion passed.
Adjustment request from Menard-106 Pearl St. Schuylerville: After a lengthy discussion on this water leak issue it was determined to send a letter to the resident and explain that we can not be responsible for unknown problems. Chairman Kline stated he would contact the office to construct this letter.
Water Leak Procedure: Presented by Commissioner Shaver for review. Commissioner Shaver explained he came up with a draft on some procedures that he would like the board to review. He stated he would like the board to review these and have a discussion at the December Meeting. He suggested we get a copy to Attorney Dixon for his review also.
New Business:
Saratoga Apple Farm Market: We received a letter from them requesting deduction in rate for barbeque stand, as it closed at the end of October. Also, requesting for a seasonal rate on the Saratoga Apple Labor Camp, closed for a minimum of 6 months each year. Also, Saratoga Apple Farm Market is requesting to be reduced to 2 units. There was discussion on the length of time the barbeque stand was there. There was discussion on the use of the buildings and the use of the water. There was discussion on the past problems with water leaks. After a long discussion on how to handle this issue it was determined to send a letter to them stating we are considering the requests.
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Backhoe usage. Chairman Kline stated he doesn’t understand why this is an issue. We have a piece of equipment that should be used by both Villages. Mayor Sullivan explained his request and the reasons for the use of the backhoe. Mayor Sullivan explained that they would like to use the backhoe to load salt for the winter when needed. Commissioner Decker stated he felt we should charge either municipality for the use of equipment. He stated we could charge NYS DOT prices, which are reasonable. Phil Dixon stated that the intermunicpal agreement states that the villages have this option, but it does not state that for equipment owned by the Water Board. Commissioner Shaver stated that the Schuylerville DPW offered to help load salt when they were available. He stated he would like to see the villages work together and if they are not available the backhoe should be available. Commissioner Decker again stated he feels a small fee would eliminate hard feelings on this issue. Commissioner Decker stated on behalf of the Village of Schuylerville they would like to see equipment being used also be charged. Commissioner Shaver asked Attorney Dixon to look into this issue and report back to the Board. Mr. Dixon stated at the very least you should have a separate agreement on this issue. He also agreed to speak to some people in his office and report back to the board. Chairman Kline stated until we resolve this issue, either village is more than welcome to use the backhoe when needed.
Commissioner Decker was inquiring about the reimbursement of the retirement costs for the Village of Schuylerville. Secretary Buchanan stated that the water board already reimburses the Villages for this cost.
Public Comment:
Wendy Lukas had the following comments:
- Request we replace the fire hydrant in front of her home, it is very high.
- She inquired how the sidewalk replacement will be communicated to the contractor,
verbal or in writing. Chairman Kline stated this would be taken care of next week.
- Inquired where the accountants are out of and if they were going to send the proper
paperwork to the comptroller’s office for the year end reports. Mayor Sullivan stated
that they are from the Albany area and the reports will be sent to the comptroller’s
-Stated the minutes don’t reflect which residence are present at the meeting and would
like to see that this is mentioned.
-She inquired about new business not being brought to the next meeting as old business
and showing that they have been resolved.
- She asked if the roads and infrastructure was approved in Morgan’s Run. Foreman
Dennison stated he suggested to the Village to have an engineer look over the plans.
- She reported there are still staining in her water. She stated she was not complaining,
she was just reporting. Mayor Sullivan suggested she clean out the back of her toilet
tank because the sediment stays in the back.
-She suggested the board consider more outside users for income. She mentioned a
development being put in on Burgoyne Road.
-She was asking for a clarification on what the resolution will be for, concerning the
consent order and the attorney. Mr. Dixon stated this is to authorize the attorney to do
the paperwork necessary to complete the dismissal of the consent order on behalf of the
water board.
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- She stated the importance for the board to persue meters.
- She stated she felt the intermunicapl agreement needs updating and would like to see
the yearly meetings that are supposed to occur to update this agreement.
Foreman Dennison asked the board again about the Lions Club coming to have a walk thru of the water plant. Commissioner Shaver stated that we should check into the insurance company for this before a decision is made.
Executive Session:
Commissioner Shaver made a motion to adjourn the meeting, it was seconded by
Chairman Kline, all ayes, motion passed.
Respectfully Submitted
Brenda S. Buchanan,
Recording Secretary