May 21, 2008

7:30 PM


Chairman Stephen Bodnar called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. and led the flag salute.


Chairman Stephen Bodnar explained the Rules of the Board.


Zoning Clerk Linda McCabe called the roll: Chairman Stephen Bodnar – present, Clifford Hanehan – absent, Thomas Carringi – present, Barbara Faraone – present, Clarence Fosdick – present, William Moreau – present, James Burke – present,

Alternate John Deyoe – present.


Also present: Town Zoning Officer Gil Albert, Applicant Edna Mae Pazin and her nephew Albert Staley.


Board member Thomas Carringi recused himself because this Applicant is his neighbor.


Due to the absence of Board member Clifford Hanehan, Chairman Stephen Bodnar elevated Alternate member John Deyoe to full voting status.


Approval of Minutes: A motion was made by Clarence Fosdick and seconded by James Burke to accept the minutes of the April 19, 2008 meeting as written.  Chairman Stephen Bodnar – aye, Clifford Hanehan – absent, James Burke – aye, Thomas Carringi –recused, Barbara Faraone – abstained due to absence at April’s meeting, William Moreau – aye, Clarence Fosdick – aye, Alternate John Deyoe – aye.

Carried 5 – 0


Order of Business:




Edna Mae Pazin  #08-02

104 Point Breeze Rd.

Saratoga Springs, NY  12866

S/B/L 180.18-1-16 Lake Residential


Applicant is proposing to build a new house and garage, located behind the Anchor Inn, at 100 Point Breeze Rd., Saratoga Springs, NY. She is seeking a two-side setback variance of 23.6’ and a side setback variance of 11.6’ because she cannot meet zoning regulation set back requirements.

Public Hearing


Applicant Edna Mae Pazin appeared before the Board and stated that her nephew, Albert Staley, will be speaking on her behalf.  Mr. Staley explained the circumstances that have brought them before the Board tonight; Edna Mae lost her husband and home to a fire.  They are trying to get her a new home but do not meet zoning side setback regulations.  The original plan was to place a modular home in the same footprint as the old house, but it only gave them 5’ of clearance on both sides.  Town of Saratoga Zoning

Officer Gil Albert, had suggested during a past conversation with the Applicant, that they move the house back 50’ from the road and turn it perpendicular to the road due to the present location of the well. They agreed with him and have made these changes on their plans.  They still wind up within a hundred feet of the sq. footage of the old house.  The original house sat parallel to the road and was back only 10’ from the road.  They have downsized from 40’ to 36’ to give more room on both sides.  Mr. Staley stated the lot size is 55’ X 160’ and they’re looking for side variances. They meet front and rear setbacks.  Chairman Stephen Bodnar questioned if they will have a cellar with the modular home and the Applicant answered they will have a crawl space.  Mr. Staley asked what the lake elevation is and Board member John Deyoe answered that the 100 year flood plain is 210’.  Chairman Stephen Bodnar asked if there were any further questions from the Board, and Clarence Fosdick asked what the side setbacks were on the house that burned down.  Zoning Officer Gil Albert and John Deyoe both responded that they were much closer to the side; only walking space between the fence and side of the house.  Chairman Stephen Bodnar noted that trees will have to be removed and Mr. Styles agreed.  The Board conversed a bit more concerning the house; it will be a single story; the need for the house to be raised but not the garage; and that this seems to be a better plan rather than staying on the old footprint.  Chairman Stephen Bodnar again asked the Board if there were any more questions, there were none.


After providing Proof of Notice in The Saratogian on May 12, 2008, Chairman Stephen Bodnar opened the Public Hearing at 7:40 p.m.  No one came forward; Chairman Stephen Bodnar closed the Public Hearing at 7:42 p.m.


Board member Thomas Carringi stated that he believes placing the home further away from the road is for the better.  He is her neighbor and for the house to be built on the old footprint would be tough, this is a better plan.  Chairman Stephen Bodnar agreed as did the entire Board.


James Burke made a motion, seconded by William Moreau to approve this application and to grant the variances as requested.  Chairman Stephen Bodnar – aye, James Burke – aye, Thomas Carringi- abstained, Clarence Fosdick – aye, Barbara Faraone – aye, William Moreau – aye, Clifford Hanehan –absent, Alternate John Deyoe – aye. Granted, Carried 6 – 0.


 Old Business:  None                        


New Business:  Chairman Stephen Bodnar noted to the Board that we now have a new Town Hall and a new Town Park.


Chairman Stephen Bodnar made a motion, seconded by James Burke to adjourn the meeting at 7:53 p.m.  Chairman Stephen Bodnar – aye, James Burke – aye, Thomas Carringi- aye, Clarence Fosdick – aye, Barbara Faraone – aye, William Moreau – aye, Clifford Hanehan –absent, Alternate John Deyoe – aye.   Carried 7 – 0.


Next meeting will be June 30, 2008.


 Respectfully submitted,


Linda McCabe

ZBA Clerk


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