Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Schuylerville/Victory Board of Water Management held a meeting on May 13, 2008 at 7pm in the Village of Victory.


Present: Commissioners Kori Siciliano, Douglas Pink, and George Kahnle.

Absent:  Commissioner Whitney Colvin and Recording Secretary Buchanan


This meeting was recorded on tape being the secretary was absent from this meeting.


Commissioner Siciliano led the meeting.




The second May meeting will be Tuesday May 27th, 2008 in Schuylerville, 7pm.



The April 22nd, 2008 meeting minutes were presented for approval.  Commissioner Pink made a motion to approve the April 22nd meeting minutes and it was seconded by Commissioner Kahnle, all ayes, motion passed. 


Treasurer’s Report:


There was a resolution #2007-36 presented to transfer $20,000.00 to apply to the outstanding vouchers, payroll and for those miscellaneous expenses this month and prior to the next meeting for the water department.  This is to authorize a transfer from the water savings account to the water checking account.  Commissioner Pink made a motion to approve and sign this resolution #2007-36 to transfer $20,000 from Savings to Checking, and it was seconded by Commissioner Kahnle, all ayes, motion passed.


There was a resolution #2007-37 presented to offer the final budget for the fiscal year 2008-2009.  This is to hereby adopt the fiscal year 2008-2009 budget at $692,556.00.  Commissioner Pink made a motion to accept and pass resolution #2007-37 for the adoption of the fiscal year 2008-2009 budget and it was seconded by Commissioner Kahnle, all ayes, motion passed.



Operational Items:  

Insurance: Several policy amendments have taken place with this notice received on May 1, 2008.  These changes can be found in your treasurer’s packet.  One note for Terrorism Coverage:  Unless you choose to reject this offer of coverage, your premium will include the additional premium for terrorism as stated in such disclosure.  After a short discussion on this topic it was determined to request the treasurer get a quote on the portion of the insurance for this terrorism coverage.


Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund (LGRMIF).  An update on the grant application that was submitted for assistance with water meters etc.  An email was received stating the annual review of applications will begin May 14th and that notification is anticipated to unsuccessful applicant in early June.  If we do not receive a letter then we will know that the proposal has been recommended for funding.



May 13, 2008

Page two


Capital Improvement Project: 

Contract Addendum with Engineering Contract:  There has been a letter sent to Laberge Group requesting an official contract addendum.  The costs associated with the payment amount ($7,253.69) are outlined for each respective category in this letter.  This should clarify to the water board what expenses are associated for the out of scope services as paid, but required this contract addendum.


Filter Tank Modification:   A change order was approved last month, not to exceed $4,800.00 To date, this official change order to increase Contract #1 has not yet been received by Laberge Group.


Status of Laberge Group Additional Engineering Services.  This item is pending from last month, if and when a decision is made the treasurer is asked that she be kept posted.


Chief Water Operator’s Report:

Mark Dennison submitted an email (5/9/08) in regards to the chlorine analyzer.  He stated that the chlorine analyzer that continuously monitors the chlorine residual in the finish water has malfunctioned.  This chlorine analyzer is DOH required for online monitoring and transmitting alarms for high or low residuals. The part has been ordered.  He spoke with DOH and they will need to take Grab samples every 4 hours from the entry point, until this is replaced.  An update was presented on 5/13/08 in the afternoon that the parts have been received and Mark has to disassemble the entire unit to install the new circuit board in the analyzer.  He stated everything is running ok and he terminated the 4 hour monitoring schedule as all systems including alarm transmittals are back to normal operation.


Old Business:

Personnel Manual:  No update.


Hiring of Employee:  No update.


New Business: 

There was a letter received from the Mayor of Victory in regards to the paving of Driveway at Victory Water Plant.  He stated that if the prepared roadway is not paved this fall the preparation work on the roadbed will be lost over the winter due to freezing thawing and snow plowing.  Mayor Sullivan surged the board to investigate the best way to address this need as soon as possible.  He also stated that if the work is not done this year it will result in greatly escalated cost thereafter.  After this letter was read there were several discussion on bids, funding, rates, and revenue.  It was tabled for further discussion on funding.


There was a memo that went to the Chief water operator from the Mayor of Victory in regards to the flexible propane line for the emergency generator at the water tanks which were not installed properly.  Mark Dennison responded with a memo stating he inspected the flex line and will reconfigure the piping to meet current standards as soon as possible.


Commissioner Pink made a motion to adjourn the meeting and it was seconded by Commissioner Kahnle, all ayes, motion passed.

Respectfully Submitted

Brenda S. Buchanan, Recording Secretary


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