March 13, 2006

7:00 P.M.


Supervisor Thomas Wood opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance

at 7:00 p.m.


Roll call: Ruth Drumm, Town Clerk, called the roll.  Supervisor Thomas Wood- present, Councilman Fred Drumm - present, Councilman Charles Hanehan- present, Councilwoman Betty Koval - present, and Councilman Michael McLoughlin – present.

Also present: Highway Superintendent Dave Hall, Assessor/Bookkeeper Catherine DeFelice, Deputy Town Clerk Linda McCabe, Town Attorney William Reynolds, Zoning Officer Robert Hathaway, Justice Jack Ditch, Tax Collector James Gorham and additional townspeople on the sign-up sheet filed in the 2006 Minutes Appendix in the Town Clerk’s Office. 


Recognitions/Presentations/ Bid openings/ Public Hearings:


Crawler/Bulldozer Bid OpeningProof of Legal Notice – 2/17/2006

v     Nortrax Equipment Company, 14 The Crossing Blvd., Clifton Park, NY – John Deere 450J LT - $66,970.

v     Milton Cat, 100 Quarry Drive, Milford, MA – Caterpillar D3G XL TT Tractor - $66,000.


Resolution #06-42 – Committee Honoring Volunteer Firefighters & EMS Workers – was introduced by Supervisor Thomas Wood and seconded by Councilman Charles Hanehan as follows: 

WHEREAS, the residents of the Town of Saratoga are served day in and out by brave volunteer firefighter and emergency medical service workers, and

WHEREAS, these dedicated volunteers operate out of three different fire departments – Quaker Springs Fire Department, Schuyler Hose Company and the Victory Mills David Nevins Fire Department and one emergency squad – General Schuyler Emergency Squad and

WHEREAS, each organization has dedicated members who are selfless men and women who risk their lives to protect and provide fire, emergency medical and rescue services to others in their community without financial compensation and

 WHEREAS, the Town of Saratoga’s volunteer firefighters and emergency medical service workers proudly carry on the 175-year-old tradition started by their forefathers--answering the alarm, serving their neighbors and protecting the citizens of the Town of Saratoga, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Town of Saratoga Town Board creates the “Town of Saratoga Honors Volunteer Firefighters and Emergency Medical Service Workers Committee”. 

The Committee will be appointed by the Supervisor and be made up of a member of the Town Board (co-chair), the Town Historian (co-chair), the Highway Superintendent, a representative of the Turning Point Parade committee, a citizen from the Town of Saratoga to represent the families of fallen firefighters or emergency medical service workers, and a representative of the General Schuyler Emergency Squad, Quaker Springs Fire Department, Schuyler Hose Company, and the Victory Mills David Nevins Fire Department (to be recommended by the organization’s President).

 The purpose of the Committee is to:

        (1) recognize the enduring importance of the volunteer firefighters and emergency medical service workers to the lives of citizens of the Town of Saratoga; and

     (2) authorize the Committee to coordinate, connect, and facilitate the development of a memorial to commemorate, honor, and interpret the history of the volunteer firefighters and emergency medical service workers in the Town of Saratoga and

     (3) authorize the Committee to coordinate, connect, and facilitate the development of a memorial to fallen volunteer firefighters and emergency medical service workers in service of the community and  

     (4) authorize the Committee to coordinate, connect, and facilitate the development of keepsakes to show appreciation by the Town to its volunteer firefighters and emergency medical service workers.

     (5) authorize the Committee to coordinate, connect, and facilitate the Town’s efforts to develop recruitment and retention tools and programs for volunteer firefighters and emergency medical service workers in the community.

   (6) prepare for the Town Board by August 15, 2006 a budget for 2007 activities.

    (7)  prepare for the Town Board any cooperative agreements with private or public entities for the purpose of fundraising for the construction and maintenance of the memorials.

    (8) prior to beginning construction of the memorials, the committee shall prepare for the Town Board the agreement with an appropriate public or private entity to provide for the permanent maintenance of the memorials and that they shall have sufficient funds, or assurance that it will receive sufficient funds, to complete the memorial.

    (9) This resolution shall take effect immediately and the committee shall expire December 31, 2008.


 Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Fred Drumm – aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan – aye, Councilwoman Betty Koval – aye, and Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye.  Carried 5 – 0.  


Resolution #06-43 – Village of Schuylerville’s 175th Anniversary- was introduced by Supervisor Thomas Wood and seconded by Councilman Fred Drumm as follows:

WHEREAS, The Village of Schuylerville is celebrating its 175th anniversary on April 16, 2006; and WHEREAS, The Village of Schuylerville in the Town of Saratoga was incorporated on April 16, 1831 by an act of the New York State Legislature; and  

WHEREAS, the Village of Schuylerville is named after the Schuyler family who first established farming and mills in the community in the 1740’s, and included General Philip Schuyler, a general in the American Revolution and United States Senator and Philip Schuyler II, the first Town Supervisor and member of the New York State Assembly; and

WHEREAS, local geography made Schuylerville a crossroads long before any roads were built, because flowing from deep in the Green Mountains, the Batten Kill joins the Hudson River just north of the Village and the Fish Kill or Creek drains Saratoga Lake which forms a natural pathway from east and west to the north-south corridor formed by the Hudson River, which itself is recognized as an American Heritage River, just one of 14 rivers with that designation in the country; and

WHEREAS, the Schuylerville area community was attacked and burned by the French and Indians during the King George’s War and two of the French officers that participated in the attack had played prominent roles in the start of the French and Indian War, which we are commemorating the 250th Anniversary of this year; and

WHEREAS, the Schuylerville area is the location that British General John Burgoyne surrendered at the Battles of Saratoga which is recognized as one of the fifteen most decisive battles in world history.

 WHEREAS, in 1831, the Village was quite the business town and was supported by the Champlain Canal, Mill operations along the Fish Creek, and a wealthy farming community; and

WHEREAS, the village is home to a unit of Saratoga National Historical Park and recognized for being part of the Erie Canalway Heritage Corridor, Mohawk Valley Heritage Corridor and Lakes to Locks Passage, a New York State Byway and All American Road; and

WHEREAS, The Village of Schuylerville, can certainly prove its claim to being America’s most historic village; therefore, be it

RESOLVED, by the Town Board of The Town of Saratoga, New York that we honor and recognize the Village of Schuylerville and its residents on the occasion of its 175thanniversary and express our sincerest best wishes for the future; and be it further

 RESOLVED, that a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to the Village of Schuylerville as an expression of our admiration and esteem.

 Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Fred Drumm – aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan – aye, Councilwoman Betty Koval – aye, and Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye.  Carried 5 – 0.  


Public Hearings: Supervisor Thomas Wood covered the main points of Local Law #1 of 2006 – Water Regulations.   Proof of Legal Notice on 3/5/2006 having been furnished, Supervisor Thomas Wood opened the public hearing at 7:21 p.m.

Steve Bodnar – for – He stated that the regulation was well written.


All persons wishing to speak, having spoken, the public hearing was closed at 7:27 p.m.


Supervisor Thomas Wood stated the reasons and the main points of Local Law #2 of 2006 – Mass Gatherings.  Proof of Legal Notice on 3/5/2006 having been furnished, Supervisor Thomas Wood opened the public hearing at 7:30 p.m.

Dennis deJongne, Saratoga Springs – against.  As Co-President of the Saratoga Racing Assoc. he stated that Regattas have been held since the 1870’s and that they are part of our Heritage and important for commerce in the area.  They draw people from all over and are great for our children.

Leo Nosal Jr., 1466 Rt. 9P – questioned what prompted the need for the regulations.  Supervisor Thomas Wood responded that it is an effort by the town to protect the public.

Sean Kelleher – for.  He stated that he knew of a mass gathering in Massachusetts where a small injury occurred and they are now being sued stating that inadequate medical attention was provided at the event.

Dan Craine, Burke Rd., questioned how the board arrived at 500 people or more for the requirement of a permit and that possibly a smaller group would also need a plan.  Supervisor Thomas Wood responded that they did not want to require a permit for every celebration or gathering.  They needed to draw the line somewhere. 

Chris Chase, 152 Hathorn Blvd., - against.  He stated that he has been the Director of the Regattas and noted that the law impacts a larger area as people come from all over and stay for the event. 

Dennis Conway, Gansevoort –asked the board if they would give feedback throughout the permit process as the documentation is delivered. Supervisor Thomas Wood assured him that they would.

Dick Behrens – for (the concept).  He stated that it’s all about cooperation and planning to be sure that everything is in place in order to protect the public.  He added that the GSES has worked with the Regatta over the years and has a great relationship with the Regatta’s organizers.  No one wants to discourage commerce. 

Steve Bodnar – for.  He felt it was a good start but he voiced concerns over the difficulty of determining the number of people attending an event and sited farm auctions as an example, some are well attended and others are sparsely attended.  Supervisor Thomas Wood responded that with some events the numbers may vary but with the Regatta they are using past practice as a guide. 

Sean Kelleher – added that as with other local laws they are enforced by the Sheriff’s Department. Town Attorney William Reynolds noted that if needed an injunction would stop the event from occurring. 


All persons wishing to speak, having spoken, the public hearing was closed at 7:53 p.m.


Approval of Minutes: A motion was made by Supervisor Thomas Wood and seconded by Councilman Fred Drumm to accept the minutes of the February 13th, 2006 meeting as written.

Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Fred Drumm – aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan – aye, Councilwoman Betty Koval – aye, and Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye.  Carried 5 – 0.  


Town Clerk’s report for February 2006: Fees paid to the County Treasurer for Dog Licenses $102.22. Fees paid to the NYS Dept. of Agriculture and Markets for the spay/neuter program $30.00. Fees paid to New York D.E.C. for hunting and fishing licenses $94.53. Fees paid to the New York State Health Department for Marriage licenses $22.50. Dog license fees to Supervisor Thomas Wood $282.78. Clerk fees to Supervisor Thomas Wood $57.22. Total State, County, and Local Revenues received were $589.25.


Zoning Officer’s report: Bob Hathaway read his February 2006 report: 5 CO’s and 4 Building Permits were issued, 5 inspections were done, 3 complaints were investigated, and 2 ZBA appearances were attended.  A check for $ 1,025 was given to Supervisor Thomas Wood. 


Dog Control officer’s report, February 2006: The report was read by Supervisor Thomas Wood which stated Rick Sullivan answered 16 complaints, took 2 dogs to the shelter, traveled 150 miles, issued 14 warnings and no summonses were issued. 


Town Court report: Justice Jack Ditch read the court report and the following cases were closed in February 2006: 81 Vehicle & Traffic, 14 Criminal/Penal Law, 2 DEC/ENCON, 0 Dog cases, 1 DWI, 0 Town & Village Ordinance, 2 Small Claims/Civil, 1 Evictions, 4 Bench trials, 2 (case transfers) Divestiture Forms sent to County Court, 10 attended the Science of Speed School, 1 Defendant sentenced to probation, 0 hours of community service issued, 135 days of jail time issued and fees paid to the NY State Comptroller - $5,280. 


Tax Collector’s report: Tax Collector Jim Gorham reported that in February he collected $1,756,771.49 in town/county taxes and $880.30 in penalties on 2,443 parcels.


Historian’s report: Sean Kelleher gave his Annual Report to the board.  He stated that he has undertaken a myriad of activities in the past year.  He reported on his areas of focus.  They included the management and preservation of local government records, research and writing, teaching and public presentations, historical preservation, organization, advocacy, and tourism promotion.  (The full text of the Historian’s Annual Report in on file in the 2006 Town Board Minutes Appendix in the Town Clerk’s Office).


Supervisor’s report: Supervisor Thomas Wood presented February 2006 balances in Town funds as follows: General A $1,046,029.16 ($50,000.12 of this is Park Reserve), General B $101,995.32, Highway Outside $114,468.72, Youth Recreation & Services $887.66, Highway Equipment Reserve $52,362.70, Building Reserve $964,200.73 and Fire Protection $0.  February revenues were $606,762.83 and expenses were $140,362.07.  The total February 2006 balance is $2,279,944.29.


Public comments on agenda items: name & subject

Leo Nosal Jr., 1466 Rt. 9P- stated that he runs Lee’s Campground, a family owned business.  He stated that when SPAC has concerts large numbers of people come to his park and he asked if the Mass Gathering permit pertains to that situation.  Town Attorney William Reynolds asked if he has a state permit for the campground and if there is an occupancy # set by the state.  He replied that he does have a state permit.  Town Attorney William Reynolds suggested that he check with his own attorney since many key factors are not known.  Supervisor Thomas Wood added that his business was not a trigger for the enactment of this law. 



Committee reports:

Highway: Highway Superintendent Dave Hall reported that Donovan’s Tree Service has completed the removal of eight trees involving power lines.  He stated that trees and stumps on Patterson Road have been removed with the cooperation of the landowners to resolve the water drainage problem. Letters to residents of Condon Road notifying them of their road’s construction scheduled for this summer will be going out on March 15th. Potholes are being repaired and the sweeping of roads and intersections will start soon.  The inventory of the contents of the Town Garage has been completed and given to Supervisor Thomas Wood.  The clean up of storm damage from the windstorm on February 17th has been completed and the estimated cost is $11,845.68.  This estimate has been submitted to the County Emergency Services.  Highway Superintendent Dave Hall added that the safety jackets have arrived and have been issued to the crew.  Highway Superintendent Dave Hall reported that he has met with Town Engineer Kenneth Martin regarding the Neilson Landing road issues and they have taken pictures for documentation purposes. 


Landfill:  No report.


Insurance:  No report.


Youth:  Councilman Michael McLoughlin commended the Schuylerville Central School’s Girls and Boys Basketball teams for their accomplishments.  The students at SCS have been active in the Saratoga County Youth Court.  He added that there will be an Easter Parade and he invited Kate Leone to speak about the event.  She reported that she is opening the Blue Moon Bouquet, a florist shop across from Stewarts, and as part of her grand opening celebration an Easter Parade and an Easter Egg Hunt and Roll will take place on Saturday, April 15th.  Activities, including Easter Egg decoration contests, start at 9:00 a.m. and the parade will be from 11:00 to 11:15 a.m. for the kids participating in the activities.  The event will continue through 4:00 p.m.


Buildings:  Supervisor Thomas Wood reported that the Building Committee met on March 8th and reviewed the latest RFP’s.  A recommendation was given to the town board. 


Senior Citizens:  Councilwoman Betty Koval reported that the Schuylerville Senior Citizens will meet tomorrow.  She added that the Quaker Springs Seniors met today with 35 attending.  Julia Hanehan is the new president.  After the buffet luncheon, a Cornell Cooperative Extension Agent discussed care of lawns and trees.  Trips planned are:  Amsterdam on May 25th – Pershire Dinner Theater and a visit to a cider mill, June 21st – a mystery trip. 


Park Committee:  Councilman Michael McLoughlin stated the March for Parks will be held on April 22nd from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.


Zoning Amendment Advisory Committee (ZAAC):  Revisions are ongoing and expected to be completed by fall.



Quaker Springs Fire Department:  Stephen Bodnar presented the board with his monthly report.   Some of the highlights of the report were that the Quaker Springs Firehouse was opened as an emergency shelter for those affected by the power outage caused by the windstorm on February 17th.  Firefighters put in over 300 man hours during the emergency and the Quaker Springs Auxiliary provided food for the firefighters and the public who used the shelter.   Firefighters responded to two calls on February 18th, and one on February 21st.  On March 11th approximately 60 firefighters and emergency personnel met in Malta with Assemblyman Roy McDonald to discuss proposals calling for state sponsored incentives to recruit and retain volunteers in the emergency services.  Stephen Bodnar reported that a very successful corned beef and cabbage dinner was held on March 12th.


General Schuyler Emergency Squad:  Dick Behrens reported that the design phase of the new building is near completion and should go out for bid soon. 


Old business:

A Notice of Intent to prepare a Draft EIS for Saratoga Lake Aquatic Herbicide Application by SLPID was received and a SLPID meeting is set for March 16, 2006 at the Malta Town Hall on Route 9 at 7:00 p. m. to review comments received on the draft scope.  A $1.2 million Environmental Protection Fund Grant is being applied for treatment of the Eurasian Watermilfoil in Saratoga Lake.


Supervisor Thomas Wood reported that the Disaster Plan for the Town of Saratoga needs updating.  A broad based committee of town and village officials, fire department, emergency personnel, school officials, and many others is soon to be formed.  Supervisor Thomas Wood is hopeful that their first meeting will occur in March.  A full list of members will be available at the next board meeting. 


New business:

Resolution #06-44 – Purchase of a new Crawler/Bulldozer was introduced by Councilman Michael McLoughlin and seconded by Councilman Fred Drumm to award the bid to Nortrax Equipment Company, 14 The Crossing Blvd., Clifton Park, NY – John Deere 450J LT  for  $66,970.  Consideration was given to Nortrax for including an extended warranty of an additional 4 years.   Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Fred Drumm – aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan – aye, Councilwoman Betty Koval – aye, and Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye.  Carried 5 – 0.

After further board discussion, it was determined that the extended warranty should not be considered, as it was not part of the specifications.  Highway Superintendent Dave Hall reviewed the bids and reported that Milton Cat, the lowest bidder, did not meet the specifications required.  Councilman Michael McLoughlin and Councilman Fred Drumm rescinded their motion to accept the bid from Nortrax Equipment Company, based on the extended warranty consideration.  Resolution #06-44 – Purchase of a new Crawler/Bulldozer was reintroduced by Councilman Michael McLoughlin and seconded by Councilwoman Betty Koval as follows: 

WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Saratoga received bids via solicitation of bids by public advertising for a New 2006 Industrial Crawler/Bulldozer, Specification TOS 01-06, and Nortrax Equipment Company, P.O. Box 433, 14 The Crossing Blvd., Clifton Park, NY 12065, was the low bidder that met specifications at $66,970.; therefore be it


RESOLVED by the Town Board of the Town of Saratoga to accept the bid from             Nortrax Equipment Company, P.O. Box 433, 14 The Crossing Blvd., Clifton Park, NY 12065, for $66,970 for a New 2006 Industrial Crawler/ Bulldozer – John Deere 450J LT, providing  after further review the specifications in TOS 01-06 are met.   

Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Fred Drumm – aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan – aye, Councilwoman Betty Koval – aye, and Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye.  Carried 5 – 0.


Resolution #06-45– Town of Saratoga Historical Week – August 6th – 13th was introduced by Councilman Fred Drumm and seconded by Councilman Michael McLoughlin as follows:

WHEREAS, the Town of Saratoga in past years, has hosted Historical Week to educate and celebrate with the public this Town’s historical significance; and

WHEREAS, this year 2006, will mark the 175th Anniversary of the Village of Schuylerville; and

WHEREAS, the extensive and diverse history of the Village of Schuylerville has made   this Village unique unto itself; and

WHEREAS, the Town of Saratoga and Village of Schuylerville has taken its place as one of the most historically significant areas in the world; and

WHEREAS, the Town of Saratoga would like to formally recognize and celebrate its history with residents and visitors alike, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Saratoga Town Board enthusiastically supports the events organized by the Village of Schuylerville, Village of Schuylerville Historian, the Town of Saratoga Historian, the Old Saratoga Historical Association, the Saratoga National Historical Park, the Turning Point Parade Committee, Schuylerville Public Library, Schuylerville Chamber of Commerce and the Schuylerville Visitors Center in keeping with the spirit and the purpose of educating and celebrating the historic past of this Town, be it further,

RESOLVED and PROCLAIMED that the week of August 6 – 13 of the year 2006 be designated as Historical Week in the Town of Saratoga.

Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Fred Drumm – aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan – aye, Councilwoman Betty Koval – aye, and Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye.  Carried 5 – 0.


Resolution #06-46 – PURCHASE OF DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS-Charles Ritson property was introduced by Councilman Charles Hanehan and seconded by Councilman Michael McLoughlin as follows:

WHEREAS, Charles Ritson landowner in the Town of Saratoga, intends to participate in the Farmland Protection Grant program administered by the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets, and the Saratoga County Farmland and Open Space Preservation Program seeking to permanently preserve 35 acres of active farmland on Wilbur Road in the Town of Saratoga; and

WHEREAS, the Town Board views the preservation of agriculture as vital to the quality of life and economy of the town as evidenced by the Town of Saratoga Comprehensive Plan, Saratoga County Farmland Protection Plan, and Saratoga County Land Use plan which recommends the use of conservation easements and the purchase the development rights as a tool to preserve agriculture and recognizes the importance of the protection of farmland and open spaces; and

WHEREAS, the Town Board finds that the grant application is worthy and will provide funding to permanently preserve the Ritson parcel for agricultural uses only; and

WHEREAS, the Town is an eligible applicant under the grant program and may hold and monitor the conservation easement; now, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Town of Saratoga fully supports this application and shall act as the applicant, holding a conservation easement consisting of the development rights of the Ritson parcel, and shall periodically monitor conformance with the terms of the easement, and be it

FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Supervisor is hereby authorized to contract with the State of New York and execute any documents necessary to accept and redistribute Farmland Protection implementation Grant funds, should the grant application be successful.

Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Fred Drumm – aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan – aye, Councilwoman Betty Koval – aye, and Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye.  Carried 5 – 0.


Resolution #06-47 – Local Law #1 of 2006 - Water Regulations was introduced by Councilman Charles Hanehan and seconded by Councilman Fred Drumm as follows:

WHEREAS, the Town Board with advice from the  Planning Board and the Town Engineer of the Town of Saratoga has reviewed the need for water regulations to assure an adequate water supply for new residential construction; and

WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Saratoga has held a public hearing and received input from the townspeople, now therefore be it,

RESOLVED by the Town Board of the Town of Saratoga to adopt Local Law # 1 of 2006, amending ARTICLE IV OF THE ZONING ORDINANANCE OF THE TOWN OF SARATOGA (LL#1 OF 1981) by adding a NEW SECTION 9 – WATER REGULATIONS.  (The full text of Local Law #1 of 2006 is in the Local Law Book in the Town Clerk’s Office).

Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Fred Drumm – aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan – aye, Councilwoman Betty Koval – aye, and Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye.  Carried 5 – 0.


 Resolution #06-48 – Local Law #2 of 2006 – Mass Gatherings was introduced by Councilwoman Betty Koval and seconded by Councilman Fred Drumm as follows:

WHEREAS, the Town Board wishes to protect public health, welfare, safety, peace and tranquility by regulating mass gatherings within the Town of Saratoga, now therefore be it,

RESOLVED by the Town Board of the Town of Saratoga to adopt Local Law # 2 of 2006, Mass Gatherings.   (The full text of Local Law #2 of 2006 is in the Local Law Book in the Town Clerk’s Office).

Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Fred Drumm – aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan – aye, Councilwoman Betty Koval – aye, and Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye.  Carried 5 – 0.  


Resolution #06-49 –Award of  New Town Hall Project Architectural Services - Request for Proposal (RFP) Phase 1 -  Pre-Design Services for Site Selection – was introduced by Councilman Charles Hanehan and seconded by Councilman Michael McLoughlin as follows: 

WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Saratoga recognizes the need to investigate the site options for a new Town Hall; and

WHEREAS, the proposal by SD Atelier Architecture, L.L.C., 510 Broadway, Suite 33, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866, was the lowest proposal at $39,500; now therefore be it

RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the Town of Saratoga that the proposal from SD Atelier Architecture, L.L.C. be accepted at $39,500, to be paid from the Building Reserve Fund #H1620.4.  This expenditure is subject to requirements of Permissive Referendum rules and procedures.   

Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Fred Drumm – aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan – aye, Councilwoman Betty Koval – aye, and Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye.  Carried 5 – 0.  


Councilman Charles Hanehan noted that the option of rehabilitating the current town hall building and adding on to it has been dropped from the Phase 1 Architectural Services for site selection due to its age and poor construction.  It is expected that this will save up to $5,000 of the pre-design costs.  The options that will be pursued are purchasing the prior school building, demolishing the current building and building a new building on the site, and building on the Rt. 32 Highway Garage site. 


Supervisor Thomas Wood reported that the building owned by Calvin Gong at 1390 Rt. 9P is still in an unsafe condition and unsightly.  A motion was made by Supervisor Thomas Wood and seconded by Councilman Fred Drumm to authorize Town Attorney William Reynolds to initiate legal court action against Calvin Gong if the damaged building is not repaired and the premises are not cleaned up by April 1, 2006.  Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Fred Drumm – aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan – aye, Councilwoman Betty Koval – aye, and Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye.  Carried 5 – 0.  


Supervisor Thomas Wood reported that we have had numerous complaints regarding the building built in Coveville, owned by Kim Wilbur, and her failure to obtain the necessary Building Permit.  A motion was made by Supervisor Thomas Wood asking Town Attorney William Reynolds to initiate legal action against Kim Wilbur of Coveville for failing to comply with the Town of Saratoga’s Building Code procedures.  Supervisor Thomas Wood - aye, Councilman Fred Drumm – aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan – aye, Councilwoman Betty Koval – aye, and Councilman Michael McLoughlin – aye.  Carried 5 – 0.  


Supervisor Thomas Wood and Village of Schuylerville Mayor John Sherman reported that CDTA is planning to discontinue the bus route to the village in one year due to lack of use.  After that residents could use the Dial-A-Ride service and if available, a ride will be provided.  Supervisor Thomas Wood stated that one good reason why it is not used more is that the bus route schedules are not provided.  Mayor John Sherman added that if someone from Saratoga Springs takes the bus to Schuylerville a return trip is not provided.  CDTA will hold a public hearing on the proposal on March 21st from 3:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Saratoga Springs Train Station.  Additional input from the public will be accepted until April 4th.  Mayor John Sherman has presented CDTA with a petition with over 100 signatures against the discontinuance of the route and will meet with them to discuss the situation.  He added that Saratoga County provides 40% of the money for the CDTA transportation. 



Byron Peregrim, Turning Point Parade Chairman, wrote to invite the Town Board to once again participate in the Twelfth Annual Turning Point Parade scheduled for Sunday, August 6th in the Village of Schuylerville.  The board agreed to participate.  This year’s theme is Our Hudson River Heritage. 


A concerned resident wrote to suggest that in light of the revamping of our Zoning Regulations and the increase in development in the town that increased demands are being made on the building inspector and that it would be an excellent time to add a full time building inspector to work with our part time inspector.  He also suggested that we enact an ordinance to prevent steep driveways so that access by emergency responders can occur.  


The Assembly of the State of New York has recently adopted a Cadet Appointment Program which enables the Governor, State Senators, and the members of the Assembly to nominate eligible students to attend the State University of New York Maritime College as part of its prestigious Regiment of Cadets.  The application deadline is March 15, 2006 and further details are available on their website at http://www.sunymaritime.edu/.


Time Warner Cable has notified the town of a rate increase.  Starting April 1st, the rate for Basic with Standard service will change from $45.35 to $48.25.  Basic service will remain unchanged and customers with packaged pricing for multiple services are not affected by this change.


A DOT Rt. 9P Bridge Replacement Information Meeting will be held on Thursday, March 30, 2006 @ 6:00 p.m. 474 Broadway, Saratoga Springs. 






Privilege of the floor:

Dennis deJongne, 470 Broadway, Saratoga Springs, thanked the board for recognizing the Regattas and asked that the Mass Gathering application fee be waived as they are Not-For-Profit.  He also suggested that a member of the National Guard or Military be asked to serve on the Disaster Plan Committee. 

Mayor John Sherman reported that they will be having Youth Week again this year and the dates are yet to be determined. 

Stephen Bodnar commented on the Time Warner Rate Increase and asked why they can’t make cable available to everyone in the town.

Mayor John Sherman added that unless the density of homes is there, Time Warner will not consider extending the cable service anymore.

Upcoming meetings:

a.      Agenda meeting – Thursday, April 6, 2006 at 7:00 p.m.

b.      Regular town board meeting – Monday, April 10, 2006 at 7:00 p.m.   


Audit the Bills: Per abstract for the period 3/13/2006 (3G): General A $12,883.84, General B $7,444.96, Highway Outside $11,722.96, for a total expense of $32,051.76.


A motion to adjourn at 9:37 p.m. was made by Councilman Michael McLoughlin        and seconded by Councilwoman Betty Koval.  Supervisor Thomas Wood – aye, Councilman Fred Drumm – aye, Councilman Charles Hanehan - aye, Councilwoman Betty Koval – aye, and Councilman Michael McLoughlin - aye.  Carried 5 – 0.



Respectfully Submitted,



Ruth Drumm

Town Clerk

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