
Board of Water Management

March 10, 2009



The Schuylerville Victory Board of Water Management held a meeting on Tuesday March 10, 2009 at 7pm in the Village of Schuylerville.


Chairman Colvin led the meeting.


Present:   Chairman Colvin, Commissioners Kahnle, Lloyd, and Pink,

Recording Secretary Buchanan



April Meetings:   It was determined to only have one meeting for the month.

Tuesday, April 14th in Victory at 7pm.



February 10, 2009

Commissioner Kahnle made a motion to approval the February 10 th, 2009 meeting minutes and they were seconded by Commissioner Pink, all ayes, motion passed.


Treasurer’s Report:

Balances in the accounts were read.



There was a resolution #2008.2009-18 presented to transfer $20,000 to apply to the outstanding vouchers, payroll and for those miscellaneous expenses this month and prior to the next meeting for the water department.  This is to authorize the transfer from the water savings account to the water checking account.  Commissioner Lloyd made a motion to approve and sign this resolution #2008.2009-18 to transfer $20,000 from Savings to Checking, and it was seconded by Commissioner Kahnle, all ayes, motion passed.


Operational Items:  None


Capital Improvement Project:

The water board received a letter from Gil Albert the town Code Enforcement officer.  It was referred back to the attorney.  It was explained that we have a letter from the previous code enforcement officer saying we do not need any permits, a copy of this letter will be forwarded on to the attorney also.


Foreman’s Report:


Gas operated pumps: Foreman Dennison stated he provided the quotes to Chairman Colvin.  Mr. Colvin stated he would look them over for discussion at the next meeting, he has not been able to provide an update at this meeting.



March 10, 2009

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Mr. Dennison explained that there was a water break last week, they had a water boil advisory along with this and it has been since lifted.  The Reverse 911 was used and notices were put on the doors of people that would be affected.  The papers were also notified. 


Chief Water operator Dennison explained that Ross valve came back, to look at the bypass valve and had to repair it again.  He explained he replaced the stainless steel doors for the clear w`ells.  DOH was there and all requirements are being met.


Flushing schedule:  going out in billing.  Signs will be put out.  He is requesting new signs for this. 

Commissioner Lloyd made a motion to approve the purchase of 50 signs, and it was seconded by Commissioner Pink, all ayes motion passed.


Victory Plant: 

H&T stopped and changed some software and improvements were made on the chlorine dosage.


Old Business:

Units in question: Broad Street- There was a discussion on a section of Broad Street that should have an evaluation for units.  Chairman Colvin stated he spoke give Gil Albert and he agreed with the number of units currently being charged.

We also received a request from the property owner to decrease the units because of vacancy.  There was a discussion on if it was rentable.  Our base is based on availability, not tenants.  Commissioner Kahnle made a motion to deny his request,

and it was seconded by Commissioner Pink, all ayes, motion passed.


Pechette: There was a discussion on the second unit and Chairman Colvin reported that there was only one entrance, along with a small kitchen, one bathroom.  It is not up to code, and would probably not pass an inspection.  They sent a letter stating they would not be using this unit and would like to decrease the units to that property.   Commissioner Kahnle made a motion to granted their request, based they will not be renting it, and it was seconded by Commissioner Lloyd with no refund as of today, all ayes, motion passed.


Security Camera’s Grants through Home Land Security-update. Chairman Colvin stated he has a meeting with Wells communications on Thursday. He will report back next month.  He stated that Lee Beck had looked at both plants, he will get back to Chairman Colvin soon. This is for Cameras for both plants and the water tower.


Personnel policy was discussed and Chairman Colvin stated he will try to get it done for next month.



March 10, 2009

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New Business:  none


There was a discussion on an inspection for the water tank that is required by DOH.  This must be done every 5 years, and the quote for the inspection was $2,349.00, there is an additional cost for the report and seal, which is $150.00.  Chief Water Operator suggested this to be a good idea. 

Commissioner Lloyd made a motion to approve the inspection and the quote of $2,349.00 and the additional $150.00 for the report and seal, it was seconded by Commissioner Pink, all ayes, motion passed. 


Public Comment:


Leslie Dennison asked about grant money from the stimulus money for upgrading the system that needs rehab.  Possibly for meters or lines that need to be addressed.  Mayor Sullivan stated that this stimulus money is for shovel ready projects, and this would not be shovel ready.  Attorney Dixon stated that there is also energy efficient money possibly available.


Wendy Lukas presented a sample of stuff which she stated comes from her water and she was inquiring on what it was and why.  She also asked, when do you tell residents of a water leak.  It was stated that it is advertised and residents that are affected directly are notified. She stated she would like it on record that the reverse 911 system is not fool proof.  That there is a lack of communication and there needs to be more signs around.  Ms. Lukas asked about the flushing hydrant schedule and when the Schuylerville plant runs verses the Victory plant.  Mark Dennison stated that the Schuylerville plant runs when the storage tank gets to a certain level and it runs about 4 hours a day.  She asked about the water tower for the pressure in morgans run and where this stood.  It was stated that this will be on the agenda for future meetings.  Ms. Lukas asked about the issues with Laberge.  Chairman Colvin stated that there is nothing to report at this time.  She also asked when the project manager will close out.  The end of the project is yet to be determined.


Executive Session: none



Commissioner Kahnle made a motion to adjourn the meeting and it was seconded by Commissioner Pink, all ayes, motion passed.


Respectfully submitted,




Brenda S. Buchanan

Recording Secretary