June 29, 2005 - 7:30 PM



Chairman Ian Murray called the meeting to order at 7:33 p.m.


Clerk Catherine Cicero called the roll.  Chairman Ian Murray – present, Susan Cummings  – present, Ralph Pascucci – absent, Albert Baker – present, Paul Griffen – present, Robert Park – present, Laurie Griffen – present, and alternate Patrick Hanehan – absent. 

Also attending: Town Engineer Kenneth Martin, Supervisor Thomas Wood, and many local residents (sign-in sheet is on file in the Minute Book).  


Approval of Minutes: All board members present had read the minutes of the May 25, 2005 meeting.  A motion was made by Robert Park to accept the minutes of May 25, 2005 as written, and Laurie Griffen seconded it. Chairman Ian Murray – aye, Susan Cummings  – aye, Laurie Griffen – aye, Albert Baker – aye, Robert Park – aye, Paul Griffin – aye. Carried 6– 0.



Order of Business:






Saratoga Builders, LLC                                    Peter & Sue Grassi, Owners

8 Campion Lane                                        394 Burgoyne Rd.

Saratoga Springs, NY 12866              Saratoga Springs, NY 12866

S/B/L 168.-2- 24 & 25  Rural District


Sam Palazzole, Mike Brooks, and Dan Barber appeared before the Board regarding a conventional subdivision of 38 +/- acres consisting of 13 building lots on a new road off of Burgoyne Road. The returning Applicant submitted additional information in the form of a new site plan, wetland documentation, and a stormwater management report.  The Planning Board did a second walk-through of the property on June 23.  As a result of the walk-through, Mr. Palazzole stated that photos were taken of the proposed north entrance of the property, which is owned by Mr. Grassi.  Therefore, measures can be taken to cut and trim vegetation and excavate some of the soil to improve sight distance on the road.  Applicant has further designed the locations of the proposed homes, wells and septic systems.  All houses will be set back from Burgoyne Road by at least 600’, so they will not be seen from the road.  Applicant has reduced the number of proposed houses to 12.

There followed a brief discussion regarding the wetland setback, and its designation by the Army Corps of Engineers, which does not require a 100’ setback. 

Susan Cummings raised the issue of a proposed stone wall that should be discussed with Town Highway Superintendent Grant Seymour. Chairman Ian Murray stated that he still has questions concerning the Creighton-Manning traffic report.  He asked that the Applicant schedule a meeting with a representative from Creighton-Manning and Town Engineer Kenneth Martin to resolve questions about posted speeds versus design speeds used in its traffic report.

He also raised questions about the sight-distance at the south end of the subdivision, which would eventually become private property, and would also be a part of the proposed buffer area.  Mr. Palazzole replied that the area could be deed-restricted to resolve those problems.  Chairman Ian Murray added that the issue of maintenance on that area would also need to be addressed.  He asked that further work be done on the stormwater measures on the shale outcropping of the parcel and that more calculations be done.  Mike Brooks discussed his plan for water overflow.  Town Engineer Martin asked that the calculations from the stormwater report be explained. There followed a brief discussion on stormwater management measures.  Chairman Ian Murray raised concerns about stormwater outflow to Burgoyne Road and a nearby culvert.  Mr. Brooks stated that all overflow is designed to be contained in the wetland area of the subdivision.

Ms. Susan Cummings noted the presence of several steep driveways in the proposed subdivision and wanted to be sure that emergency vehicles would be able to access all the homes.  Mr. Brooks replied that the maximum grade allowable is 7-8%, the same grade as the road, and that no driveways would be steeper than that.  

Chairman Ian Murray made a motion, seconded by Robert Park, to accept Part I of the EAF filed by the Applicant and to designate the Planning Board as the lead agency for the SEQR review. Chairman Ian Murray – aye, Susan Cummings  – aye, Laurie Griffen – aye, Albert Baker – aye, Robert Park – aye, Paul Griffin – aye. Carried 6– 0.


Chairman Ian Murray noted that the Planning Board would mail the requisite papers to the appropriate agencies, which would begin a timeline for review.  A public hearing will be scheduled for the July Planning Board meeting.  Applicants reiterated that they would schedule a meeting between Creighton-Manning and Town Engineer Kenneth Martin and that they would provide a complete set of their plans to the Town Engineer to send to other agencies.  RETURNING


Albert Baker, Applicant

84 Sweet Road

Stillwater, NY  12170

S/B/L 194-1-17  Rural


Returning Applicant proposes to subdivide 3-4 acres from a 109 acre parcel along Sweet Road to build a single family dwelling.  Mr. Baker reported that he recently had property conveyed to him from his neighbor after a discovery by the surveyor that a field road used by his family for years was actually on the neighbor’s property.  A new deed will be written to reflect that transfer.

The deep hole test and perc tests have been completed, which yielded 20 gallons per minute. Mr. Baker intends to use a conventional septic system.  Mr. Baker also notified all his neighbors and provided proof of that notice for the file.  A short form EAF was submitted with the original application.


Proof of Notice having been provided, the Public Hearing was opened.  Chairman Ian Murray asked that people state their name, address, and whether they were for or against the project.


Stephen Bodnar, 176 Hanehan Rd., Schuylerville—For.


All those wishing to speak having done so, the Public Hearing was closed at 7:58 p.m.


Chairman Ian Murray then reviewed the short form EAF.  He made a motion, seconded by Laurie Griffen, to determine that the EAF was complete, and to make a negative declaration. Chairman Ian

Murray – aye, Susan Cummings  – aye, Laurie Griffen – aye, Robert Park – aye, Paul Griffin – aye. Carried 5– 0.


Chairman Ian Murray stated that the application process had been completed, and all plans had been reviewed by Town Engineer Kenneth Martin.  Paul Griffen made a motion, seconded by Laurie Griffen, to approve the application. Chairman Ian Murray – aye, Susan Cummings  – aye, Laurie Griffen – aye, Robert Park – aye, Paul Griffin – aye. Carried 5– 0.  GRANTED


James M. DeGregory, Applicant                    John & Josie DeGregory, Owners

31 ½ Hudson St.                                            378 Co. Rt. 68

South Glens Falls, NY  12803              Saratoga Springs, NY  12866

S/B/L  168-2-59.1  Rural


Returning Applicant proposes to subdivide 4.09+/- acres from a 224.83+/- acre parcel of land belonging to his parents, which straddles County Rt. 68.  James DeGregory addressed the Board, reporting that the deep pit and perc tests had been performed by Town Zoning Officer Robert Hathaway.  No shale or bedrock was found.  Mr. DeGregory will include the results of those tests on the site map.  Chairman Ian Murray advised Mr. DeGregory that he would have to notify the neighbor located across the road from the proposed site by certified mail.  Mr. DeGregory stated that there were no other neighbors closer than 800’.  He will submit the short form EAF and an agricultural statement for the next meeting.  Ms. Susan Cummings asked Mr. DeGregory to submit a building envelope and the driveway location.  She asked if there were any sight obstructions to the driveway.  Mr. DeGregory said that there is a hedgerow along the property line, which will be bulldozed.


Proof of Notice having been provided, the Public Hearing was opened.  Chairman Ian Murray asked that people state their name, address, and whether they were for or against the project.

No one appeared to speak either for or against the proposed subdivision; therefore, the Public Hearing was closed at 8:13 p.m.



James Burke, Applicant                               

172 Co. Rt. 67                                                           

Stillwater, NY  12170                                     

S/B/L 195-1-16.1  Rural District


Returning Applicant, represented by James Vianna, proposes to subdivide the 9.97+/- acre lot into four single family residential lots on Hanehan Road.  Two lots will be approximately 2 acres in size, and two lots will be approximately 3 acres in size.  Mr. Vianna reported that the survey showed the actual size of the property to be 9.82 acres.  He also said that a neighbor to the north of the parcel, Jake Mikkelson, would be assisting in handling the drainage issue on the property.

The owner has made a contract with someone to perform the archaeological Phase I study.  Mr. Vianna stated that the results of the study should be available for the July 27th Planning Board meeting.  He has also sent a drainage plan to the County for review but has not heard back yet.

Mr. Vianna questioned the need for an archaeological study, which had been requested by Town Historian Sean Kelleher.  Ms. Susan Cummings responded that there was a local legend of an Indian burial ground located somewhere in the area.  Mr. Vianna said that this particular parcel has been farmed and tilled for a couple hundred years. 

Dave Myers reported to the Board regarding the stormwater management plans for the property, submitting the deep hole data and the perc tests.  He said that 11 tests had been done on the parcel: at least 2 on each individual lot, and additional explorations where the retention basins would be located.  The tests showed the property was good for drainage and septic. 

He added that an abutting neighbor has contacted the County soil and water office regarding a 24” drainage pipe that empties onto his property.  Stormwater travels from this pipe to the Burke property through an 8” buried pipe, which was not maintained and which is the reason for the current flooding on the property.  Mr. Myers stated that a vegetation swale should resolve the problem. He then explained his design for handling post-development stormwater on the property.  Chairman Ian Murray asked whether the Town would need an easement to maintain the proposed infiltration system since it would be located on private property.  Mr. Vianna stated that the deeds would reflect that the owners would have to maintain the infiltration units.  None of the units would be shared by more than one owner, and maintenance would consist primarily of mowing. 


Proof of Notice having been provided, the Public Hearing was opened.  Chairman Ian Murray asked that people state their name, address, and whether they were for or against the project.


Stephen Bodnar, 176 Hanehan Rd., Schuylerville—Against.  Mr. Bodnar stated that the proposal would change the character of the area.  He noted that the parcel had originally been sold as a horse farm, which would have been more in keeping with the agricultural nature of the area, and that even a 3 house development would be preferable to the current proposal.  Population, traffic, pollution, noise, and activity would all increase due to the additional houses.  He asked that the Planning Board look into the issue of tires that were dumped on the property and questioned the effectiveness of the proposed drainage system.  He added that current landowners in the area are experiencing brown-outs, and questioned the ability of the existing power system to serve an additional load.  He named several family members who were concerned about the future of his dairy farm.

Marilyn Zaborek, 387 Burgoyne Rd—Against.  Ms. Zaborek noted that the Planning Board currently does not review deeds, but that it should, and that a title search should be made on each parcel of land under review.  She supported Mr. Bodnar’s statements and added her concern for the future of his dairy farm, and for other agricultural businesses in the Town.

 Penelope Benson-Wright, Burke Rd—Against.  Ms. Benson-Wright spoke in support of Mr. Bodnar’s statement and said that the Town’s land use plan should be adhered to.

Aimee Priest, 165 Hanehan Rd—Raised concerns.  Ms. Priest asked Mr. Vianna how the deed would operate to require owners to maintain the drainage system. 

Peg Adams, (by letter, which was read aloud by Chairman Ian Murray.  The letter has been made a part of the permanent file for this application)—Raised concerns.  Ms. Adams was concerned that the development would have a negative effect on the water flow to her property, which lies behind Burke’s property. 

Marianna Jenson, 370 Burgoyne Rd—Against.  Ms. Jenson spoke in support of Mr. Bodnar’s statements and voiced her concern for the loss of agricultural land in the Town of Saratoga.


Chairman Ian Murray advised any interested parties that they could also submit written comments for review by the Zoning Amendments Advisory Committee ZAAC).


All those wishing to speak having done so, the Public Hearing was closed at 8:46 p.m.

In answer to questions raised by the audience, Chairman Ian Murray stated that all members of the Planning Board, with the exception of one person, were farmers and all understood the importance of the agricultural industry in our community.  He added that it was the Planning Board’s responsibility to enforce the zoning regulations of the Town, to which this Applicant has conformed, and not to practice real estate law, or to prepare title searches. As to the issue of sufficient power for the new development, Chairman Ian Murray stated that was not part of the Planning Board’s jurisdiction and would have to be addressed by the local utility.  Short of declaring a building moratorium, he said there was nothing the Planning Board could do to stop subdivisions of land in the Town that meet current zoning regulations.

Paul Griffen stated that agriculture as an industry is declining in the Town.  No new dairy farms will be coming into existence.  Instead, farms will become bigger and more corporate in nature, with more and larger trucks and machinery, and not in character with what people might expect from a farm. Moreover, in the last 2 years, the Town has lost either 2 or 3 large farm operations because the families did not want to continue in that business.  Open areas continue to be held by several landowners, who are not farming the land, but want to enjoy the undeveloped land despite the tax burdens.  However, they would use their assets as needed and could not guarantee what their children would do with the property.  He recommended that if people wanted to keep land in the Town open and undeveloped, they should pool their resources and buy the land.

Town Supervisor Tom Wood spoke about the current Zoning Amendment Advisory Committee (ZAAC), which is co-chaired by Charlie Hanehan and Fritz Drumm.  The Committee has broken into subcommittees and those meeting dates and times will be posted on the Town’s website.  

Chairman Ian Murray stated that written comments regarding related issues should be sent to that Committee.

Albert Baker noted that, although large landholders in the Town enjoy the farm atmosphere and continue to maintain their open spaces, there is no monetary incentive to do so.  He added that there is a tax burden on keeping the land, which he believes to be unjust. He said the problem goes beyond a local issue to the state and federal levels.  These tax burdens force landowners to sell their land a little at a time.  He said the Planning Board would like to keep the land open, but can’t prevent land owners from using their property.

Town Supervisor Tom Wood interjected that at 3:00 p.m. on June 30 in the stallion barn at the McMahon Farm, the New York State Assembly Subcommittee on Agriculture would be conducting a meeting for the very purpose of listening to the concerns of local farmers.  Initially, the meeting was advertised through the NY Farm Bureau.  This meeting is a result of efforts by Washington and Saratoga Counties.  The group would be spending the morning in Washington County, eating lunch at the Hanehan Dairy Farm, then moving on to meet at the McMahon Farm at 3:00 p.m.  The group intends to gain information to make agricultural interests more viable, not only in Washington and Saratoga Counties, but throughout the State.


Returning to the subject of the subdivision proposal, Susan Cummings stated that she had a concern with the tire dump that had been located on the property.  Town Engineer Kenneth Martin stated if the tires are found as a result of building excavation, it becomes a State clean-up site, and that the clean-up could become part of the approval process at that point.

Mr. Bodnar stated that literally thousands and thousands of tires were dumped at the site by the same people who dumped tires at the national cemetery, which had to be cleaned up by local volunteers.

Mr. Vianna said that they had not encountered any tires when the soil investigation was done.  His opinion was that the site of the supposed tire dump was nowhere near any of the wells or leech fields of the proposed houses.  He added that there were tires on the property of the neighbor to the east of Mr. Burke’s parcel.

Dave Myers stated that the tires were probably initially used for slope protection, and noted that they were in the direction of the original flow of water on the property.  An 8’ test pit had been performed at the related corner of the Burke property, and no tires were discovered. 

Chairman Ian Murray stated that the New York State disclosure form mandates that liability reverts to the prior owner in such cases, if tires were to be found in the future.  He said that he would speak with Town Attorney William Reynolds on the matter.

Chairman Ian Murray then questioned Mr. Bodnar regarding buffering along the site, particularly along the sharp bend on the corner.  Mr. Bodnar was concerned about flooding in the area.  He stated that the property had previously had a large ravine and many trees on it, which were bulldozed down to fill the ravine. He added that previous owners had crushed the drainage pipe as they drove back and forth over it and after that the tires had been brought it. He blames some of the flooding problems on the slope of the road. Dave Myers said that the culvert in that area can be made to operate more efficiently.  Currently, the water is running from a 24” pipe to an  8” pipe, which had been plugged.  Chairman Ian Murray said that the swale area would probably alleviate some of the problem, but suggested that another swale area be incorporated at an upstream site.  Town Engineer Kenneth Martin was concerned that the area contains highly erodible soil, and cautioned Mr. Myers on the direction of the water flow.  Chairman Ian Murray asked Town Engineer Martin to meet with Town Highway Superintendent Grant Seymour to alleviate flooding on the road.  Mr. Bodnar added that the east side of Hanehan Road is somewhat lower than the west side, contributing to the problem.

Susan Cummings noted that there was a large section of wetlands on the property. Chairman Ian Murray asked Mr. Vianna to plot out some trees on each lot as visual buffers. 

Robert Park asked Mr. Vianna to put the driveways close together so they wouldn’t be strung out along the road.

Town Engineer Kenneth Martin asked that the proposed Town water regulations, which were incorporated into the Southard Road subdivision, be included as a requirement for this subdivision.  He will forward a copy of that document to Mr. Vianna.  RETURNING



Sketch-Plan Conference



Dr. Leon Reed, Applicant                                            Nate Darrow, Owner

Schuylerville Central School                         Saratoga Apple, Inc.

14 Spring Street                                                  P.O. Box 171

Schuylerville, NY  12871                                           Schuylerville, NY  12871

S/B/L  157-1-21.12  Rural Residential


Terry Humiston, Land Surveyor, addressed the Board on behalf of the Applicant, seeking a lot line adjustment for property adjacent to the school campus on the west side of Rt 4, 500’ north of the Village of Schuylerville. He explained the consequences of the transfer of property to the Board.  Chairman Ian Murray stated that the application would be considered a lot-line adjustment.  Mr. Humiston will submit the necessary documentation and maps to the Planning Clerk for Town Attorney William Reynolds’ review.  Mr. Reynolds will then discuss the matter with the school’s attorney.  NO ACTION NECESSARY






Dr. Leon Reed, Applicant                                            Bill Peck, Owner

Schuylerville Central School                         West River Road

14 Spring Street                                                  Schuylerville, NY  12871

Schuylerville, NY  12871                                          

S/B/L 157-1-21.2 Rural Residential


Terry Humiston, Land Surveyor, addressed the Board on behalf of the Applicant, seeking a lot line adjustment for property adjacent to the school campus on the north side of Rt 29, 100’ west of the Village of Schuylerville line. He explained the consequences of the transfer of property to the Board. Chairman Ian Murray stated that the application would be considered a lot-line adjustment.  Mr. Humiston will submit the necessary documentation and maps to the Planning Clerk for Town Attorney William Reynolds’ review.  Mr. Reynolds will then discuss the matter with the school’s attorney.  NO ACTION NECESSARY


Steve Gilman, Applicant

130 Ruckytucks Rd

Stillwater, NY  12170

S/B/L 194-2-38 Rural


Mr. Gilman addressed the Board, proposing to create a flag lot comprised of 4.3+/- acres with 120’ of road frontage from his 47.06+/- acre parcel. After a brief description of the parcel by Mr. Gilman, Chairman Ian Murray explained that the proposal did not meet the current zoning regulations for the Town nor did he meet the criteria necessary to create a flaglot. In this instance, he explained that the Planning Board would have to deny the application and refer the issue to the Zoning Board of Appeals.  There followed a brief discussion among the Board members and Mr. Gilman as to the practical usage or division of the property.  Laurie Griffen made a motion, seconded by Paul Griffen, to deny the application as presented and forward the application to the Zoning Board of Appeals.  Chairman Ian Murray – aye, Susan Cummings  – aye, Laurie Griffen – aye, Albert Baker – aye, Robert Park – aye, Paul Griffin – aye. Carried 6– 0.  DENIED

In a second application, Mr. Gilman proposes to transfer a woodlot of approximately 14 acres to an adjoining landowner.  Chairman Ian Murray stated that the application would be considered a lot-line adjustment. The area would have to be surveyed; then Mr. Gilman would need to submit a rewritten deed to the Planning Clerk for Town Attorney William Reynold’s review and approval.  NO ACTION NECESSARY


Gordon P. Nicholson, Applicant                                Walter J. Taras, Owner

900 Rte 146                                                                173 Co. Rd 69

Clifton Park, NY  12065                                           Schuylerville, NY  12871

S/B/L 182.-2-15.11  Rural


Gordon Nicholson and James Vianna addressed the Board regarding Phase II of a planned development, consisting of a 38 unit subdivision of single family homes on 121.82+/- acres. Two different site plans were submitted to the Board for review. Mr. Nicholson explained a revised conservation plan for the subdivision, which included the intended preservation of a stand of trees to be used as part of a 50’ no-cut buffer.  The proposed minimum lot size would be 40,000 square feet and part of the parcel would be deed-restricted to remain forever wild.  He intends to put test wells on every 5 lots.  This placement would help determine whether there is a sufficient water supply for the proposal.  Soil borings would also be performed on every 3-4 lots.

Chairman Ian Murray stated that he was not enthused about either of the plans, and did not believe that they represented a true conservation subdivision.  He understood the owners desire to develop the property, but was looking for more creativity in the plans.  Mr. Nicholson stated that the plans could be adjusted to reflect some of his concerns.  Chairman Ian Murray also questioned the calculations determining the amount of wetlands.  Mr. Gordon responded that there are 10 acres of wetlands on the property, which does not include the 100’ buffer.  That leaves roughly 52 acres for development, which he believed was close to the maximum density allowed for housing.  Chairman Ian Murray considered the density to be too high.  Susan Cummings noted that the parcel contains 2 types of soil: one very sandy and the other a heavier soil, which would allow fewer houses.

Paul Griffen stated that the same density could be achieved on both soils by using raised septic systems.  Mr. Nicholson stated that larger lots might be necessary to accommodate raised systems.

Mr. Paul Griffen stated that he prefers a tighter cluster to “sprawl.”  He also prefers a more severe setback.  Ms. Laurie Griffen asked Mr. Nicholson to explain the 5 acre estate lot.  Mr. Nicholson stated that the lot didn’t have to be there; he was just using up the balance of land used for a set-aside.

Ms. Susan Cummings noted that the flag lot on the site plan did not meet the Town’s zoning requirements. 

Town Engineer Kenneth Martin asked to see the calculations used for the number of lots that were determined.

Mr. Paul Griffen asked the value of the houses to be built.  The answer was approximately $250,000.

Mr. Paul Griffen noted that these were more affordable than other housing being built in the Town.

Mr. Nicholson asked whether the road pattern was acceptable.  Chairman Murray stated that the road patterns should be submitted to Town Highway Superintendent Grant Seymour for approval.

Ms. Laurie Griffen stated that she would like to see more buffer all the way around the proposal, eliminate the flag lot, and reduce the number of homes by about a half dozen.  She asked whether a park could be included instead of the forever-wild area, similar to that in the Terrel Hills development in Northumberland.  It was Mr. Nicholson’s intention to deed-restrict the property as forever-wild open space, which could also be used as a play area for children.

Mr. Vianna prefers that the set-aside land be used as a working horse farm. If that becomes the case, the owner might want to use the set-aside lot for a private residence.  He stated that the wetlands provide the best buffer on the property, and added that the land was best suited to the plan currently proposed.

Chairman Ian Murray stated that, with the amount of excavation that has been done to the property by the owner, quite a bit of landscaping and screening will be necessary to enhance it or the development will be too stark.

Ms. Laurie Griffen wanted to see the site plan after the increased buffers and setbacks have been incorporated. 

Mr. Paul Griffen would like to see a sketch of the perspective from the road once the trees and the berm are in place.  Mr. Nicholson stated that more mature trees could be used, and areas could be flagged where trees need to be left more dense.

Chairman Ian Murray stated that the Board would do a walk-through of the site as the application progresses.  RETURNING







David Clark, Applicant                                            Carol LaRouech, Owner

Prudential Manor Homes                                                670 Co. Rt 70

376 Broadway                                                            Stillwater, NY  12170

Saratoga Springs, NY  12866

S/B/L 207-1-31.111 Rural


David Clark addressed the Board regarding the proposed subdivision of the 6.54+/- parcel into two lots:  Lot 1 approximately 2.8+/- acres with 200’ of frontage, and Lot 2 approximately 3.65+/- acres with 263’ of frontage.  The owner currently occupies a mobile home on the south portion of the property.  No survey has been performed as yet.  Chairman Ian Murray directed Mr. Clark to perform a survey, a deep hole and perc test, the short form EAF, and neighbor notification. RETURNING


James Doyle, Applicant

175 Church St.

Saratoga Springs, NY  12866

S/B/L 157.-1-2 Rural Residential


James Doyle addressed the Board regarding his proposal to develop his property, which straddles the Town lines of Saratoga and Northumberland along Rt 32.  He proposes to use the Northumberland portion of his lands for industrial use and to subdivide the Saratoga portion of his lands into 24 lots of various sizes for single family use. The Applicant submitted both a conventional and a conservative plan.  Paul Griffen did not believe a combination of farms and residences in the same development would be feasible.

Mr. Doyle related that his negotiations with the Schuylerville School District for the school’s purchase of his property have been inconclusive to date, so he would like to pursue other avenues  to develop his property. 

Paul Griffen stated that the Planning Board has never worked with other planning boards on land located along Town lines.  Chairman Ian Murray stated that the Planning Board would only look at the proposal with respect to the property located in the Town of Saratoga.  He questioned the feasibility of the proposed infrastructure, based on the nature of the soils on the parcel.

Susan Cummings stated that much of the property is not buildable due to the presence of deep ravines in the area and the slope of the property.

Chairman Ian Murray directed the Applicant to provide a conservation subdivision plan, and stated that the Board would not review the plans until the Applicant submits a survey and a topographical map.  The plans should also disregard the Town of Northumberland and focus on the property within the Town of Saratoga.  The Applicant also should do test pits on the property for soil samples, and put that information on any maps.  RETURNING



Special Use Permit 



General Schuyler Emergency Squad, Inc., Applicant

P.O. Box 111 Ferry St.

Schuylerville, NY  12871

SW/B/L 155-1-74  Rural Residential


James Vianna addressed the Board on behalf of the Applicant, who is seeking a special use permit to construct a professional office building; the new home of General Schuyler Emergency Squad.  Applicant has completed the short form SEQR, the County has approved the project, and neighboring farm operations have been notified of the project.  Mr. Vianna advised the Board that a survey and topographical map of the property have been performed.  The proposed building will be 6500 square feet, and its parking lot will have 28 parking spaces, plus 2 handicapped parking spaces.  The lot can be expanded in future if necessary.  The lighting on the building will be downcast in both front and rear.  The signage will be 26 square feet, the maximum allowable in the zoning regulations, with lighting on either side, covered by an awning.  Mr. Vianna reported that the Department of Transportation prefers one entrance, and is in favor of the proposal, but will not act on it until the project gets Planning Board approval.  The County has already granted approval.

The Squad has 15 paid employees and has expanded its area of operations to the Town line on Rt 32.  It also serves Northumberland.  The building will be a professional office, not a medical facility.  It was noted that the Squad is a full-time, non-profit organization.

Mr. Paul Griffen noted that the plans appear to show a lot of garage, and wondered if berming would be incorporated into the landscaping plans.  Chairman Ian Murray asked if that would become a safety issue with trucks leaving the building to go onto Rt 29.  There are currently no plans to put in a traffic light.

Dave Myers reported that the soil and perc tests have been done.  The soil is deep sand.  He described his plans for stormwater management, and stated that the infiltrator units would be located under asphalt.  The east and west side lawns would be used for water retention.  There will also be a conventional septic system.  He noted that a Phase I archaeological study has been ordered. 

Chairman Ian Murray stated that, although he prefers to do a short for EAF, State guidelines may require the long form. That would mean that the Planning Board may not be able to take action on this item at its July 27th meeting. Town Engineer Kenneth Martin will do some research on this issue.

Robert Park stated that he prefers 2 garage doors facing Rt 29, as opposed to the 3 depicted in the plans.

Dave Myers explained that the building contains a kitchen and bedrooms, similar to a home. The building also contains meeting rooms. There is one permanent employee, but during busy times of the year, 2 employees are stationed on duty 24/7. 

Town Engineer Kenneth Martin asked if this would be a public water supply, which would necessitate DOH involvement.  Mr. Vianna stated that it was a private building, and its use would be of a private nature.

There are no plans for a communications tower at present.  Currently, the Squad uses a dedicated telephone line through Northumberland.


Proof of Notice having been provided, the Public Hearing was opened.  Chairman Ian Murray asked that people state their name, address, and whether they were for or against the project.


Bonnie Vidnansky, 5 Louden Rd—Raised concerns.  Ms. Vidnansky stated that she owns the property next door to the proposal & asked if anything was planned between the parcels to buffer noise or screen the building.  She raised concerns about traffic safety, given the busy nature of Rt. 29.  Mr. Vianna responded by saying that the landscaping will deal with her concerns, and that there will be no sirens on the building.  A representative of the Squad said that it has been located at its current location for 30 years with no complaints from its neighbors.

All those wishing to speak having done so, the Public Hearing was closed at 10:34 p.m.


Chairman Ian Murray stated that the stormwater management plan was still had to be submitted, and that the SEQR process had to be completed.

Paul Griffen asked that they consider changing the design to 2 garage doors instead of the proposed 3.  Laurie Griffen asked that the building be softened by design or landscaping to appear less industrial in nature. 


Chairman Ian Murray made a motion, seconded by Robert Park, to make the Planning Board the lead agency in the SEQR process. Chairman Ian Murray – aye, Susan Cummings  – aye, Albert Baker – aye, Laurie Griffen – aye, Robert Park – aye, Paul Griffin – aye. Carried 6– 0.  RETURNING


Pember Dupras, Applicant                                Michael & Shawna Bannon, Owners

175 Louden Road                                       366 Puritan Road

Saratoga Springs, NY  12866              Gansevoort, NY  12831

S/B/L  156-1-38.32  Rural Residential


David Mansfield addressed the Board for returning Applicant who is seeking a special use permit to move his business, Rain or Shine Tent Co., Inc., to a new location on property located 600’ west of Beaver Street on the south side of Rt 29. He has outgrown his existing location at 1061 Rt 29 in Grangerville. The proposed parcel consists of 5.44+/-acres.

Mr. Mansfield stated that some changes had been made to the last proposal.  The building has been moved closer to Rt 29 to allow more turning room in the back.  There are buffer areas on the front, and the driveway has been shortened.  The Phase I archaeological study is being done. 

Chairman Ian Murray said that he would check with the State on whether the long or short SEQR form has to be used.  He plans to hold a public hearing on this matter at the July Planning Board meeting.  Town Engineer Kenneth Martin reminded the Applicant that a stormwater management plan was needed.

Mr. Mansfield stated that there will be a rendering of the building by the time of the public hearing.  The plans are for a very simple, all metal warehouse building with an overhead door at the rear.  There will be no doors or windows on the road or front side of the building.

Chairman Ian Murray, Laurie Griffen, and Susan Cummings asked that landscaping or even fake windows be added to soften the look of the building.  There followed a brief discussion on ways to soften the plans and make them more aesthetically pleasing.

Mr. Mansfield stated that there would be a couple of cupolas on the roof.

Mr. Dupras said that no fence is planned around the property, but there will be 12-15 propane tanks stored in the back that have to be secured.  That area might also incorporate a dumpster during the summer season.  Chairman Ian Murray stated that both the dumpster and the propane tanks should be concealed.  Mr. Dupras said there would probably be a gate at the driveway entrance.  He added that there are no plans for lighting on the building, or parking lot lighting, but there will probably be a motion sensor light in the back for security.  There will only be one small sign near the road for deliveries. 

Mr. Mansfield explained the placement of the septic and well system.  There had been concern about having the well at a higher grade than the septic, and their placement in relation to the neighbor’s well and septic.

There followed a discussion on the timing of the archaeological report. Chairman Ian Murray stated that the Planning Board is comfortable with the conceptual plans of the Applicant, but that it must follow procedures before voting on the application.


Chairman Murray made a motion, seconded by Laurie Griffen, appointing the Planning Board lead agency in the SEQR process.  Chairman Ian Murray – aye, Susan Cummings  – aye, Albert Baker – aye, Laurie Griffen – aye, Robert Park – aye, Paul Griffin – aye. Carried 6– 0. RETURNING


Pre-submission Conference


Michael Giovanone

156 Sparrowbush Road

Latham, NY  12110

S/B/L  103-1-2  Lake Commercial


Applicant is seeking a special use permit for a boat storage facility on Route 9P, south of Lee’s Trailer Park.  Attorney Matt Jones spoke for the Applicant, stating that the plans for the 9 acre parcel were arrived at given the fact that there is no septic available for the site.  Jim Miller explained the plans, stating that the existing well and septic will be used for an office.  There will be no lights or doors on the back sides of the buildings.  All lighting would be on the inside of the facility, not around the periphery.  Any activity on the site would be screened by the buildings themselves. The view from 9P will be of a masonry kneewall, some vinyl siding in earth tones, and possibly some windows and shutters.  There are no plans for a chain link fence at present since all storage will be on the interior. The existing trees around the property, and particularly in the front, would remain.  There will be a tree-lined driveway to the office.  He noted that water on the property drains in a southerly direction into a wetland area.  The stormwater management plan remains to be done, but Mr. Miller outlined some basic plans for drainage from the front into basins and towards the back of the property.  It was clarified that this would be strictly a boat storage facility.  It is anticipated that boats would be stored there year-round.

Chairman Ian Murray compared this application to the SUP held by Tom Carringi, who owns a nearby boat storage facility on the lake. However, Mr. Carringi’s facility is strictly for winter storage. It was noted that Mr. Carringi is not allowed to store anything outside of his buildings. The same rules and regulations would apply to both facilities.  Susan Cummings added that Mr. Carringi is subject to strict timeframes for having his boats moved in and out of storage. 

Mr. Jones stated that the intention for this facility is that boats will be moved in and out year long as owners use them. People will retrieve boats from storage, launch them, then return them when done using them.  He stated that there would be no fuel pumps or washing of boats at the site.  He understands that traffic will be an issue. 

Chairman Ian Murray said that fire protection would be an issue as well.

Susan Cummings asked how many boats the facility could accommodate.  Mr. Jones said that he would get that figure.  Susan Cummings then asked that a traffic study be performed.  Mr. Jones stated that a study would be performed over the July 4th weekend and at other peak times on the lake.

Robert Park asked about the width of the entrance, which is critical for getting boats in and out of the facility.  He also asked about the space around the buildings, where boat trailers would have to be maneuvered.

Mr. Jones said that they would provide more information at the next Planning Board meeting.



Old Business:  The Board discussed a recent letter from Town Engineer Kenneth Martin to Mark Jakubiak regarding stormwater issues at the recently approved Southard Rd. subdivision.


New Business:  None


The next meeting is scheduled for July 27, 2005.


A motion to adjourn was made at 11:20 p.m. by Paul Griffen and seconded by Chairman Ian Murray.  Chairman Ian Murray – aye, Susan Cummings  – aye, Albert Baker – aye, Robert Park – aye, Laurie Griffen – aye, and Paul Griffen—aye. Carried 6-0.


Respectfully submitted,


Catherine E. Cicero



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