June 27, 2007 - 7:30 PM



Chairman Ian Murray called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.


Clerk Linda McCabe called the roll.  Chairman Ian Murray – present, Robert Park-present, Patrick Hanehan-present, , Paul Griffen – present, Laurie Griffen – absent, Ralph Pascucci-absent, Robert McConnell-absent, Jennifer Koval-present. 


Also attending: Town Engineer Ken Martin, Town Clerk Ruth Drumm, and many local residents (sign-in sheet is on file in the Minute Book).  


Due to the absence of a couple Board members, Chairman Ian Murray recognized Alternate Member, Jennifer Koval, eligible to vote.


Approval of Minutes: All board members present had read the minutes of the May 30, 2007 meeting.  A motion was made by Robert Park to accept the minutes of May 30, 2007 as written, and Paul Griffen seconded it.  Chairman Ian Murray – aye, Robert Park – aye,

Paul Griffin – aye, Patrick Hanehan – aye, Jennifer Koval – aye.      Carried 5– 0.


Board Member Laurie Griffen arrived at 7:37 p.m.


Order of Business:




Saratoga Farms, Inc./Taras, Applicant

173 Co. Rd. 69

Schuylerville, NY  12871

S/B/L 182.-2-23


Returning Applicant proposes a 35 unit subdivision of single family homes on County Road 69 and Casey Road.  Thirty four lots will range in size from approximately 1 to 3 acres.  The thirty fifth lot; the estate lot, will be approximately 58 acres in size, with a defined building envelope of 5 acres.  The remaining lands within that lot will be deed restricted and preserved as open space. Public Hearing


Attorney Robert Pulsifer and Brian Ragone of Environmental Design Partnership, LLC appeared on behalf of the Applicant.  Mr. Pulsifer addressed the Board and quickly recapped the proposal.  He stated they were here for the Public Hearing, in fact, had already been to two and this is now their third Public Hearing. He realizes there had been some procedural issues with the preliminary approval, hence, that approval had been rescinded.   They were here to answer any questions the public may have and address two or three issues. 



Proof of Notice having been furnished in The Saratogian, June 20, 2007, Chairman Ian Murray opened the Public Hearing at 7:38 p.m.


Andrew Sheeran requested his well be on the map and included for testing.  Andrew Sheeran voiced his concerns of the wetland problems, asking if there are NYS DEC guidelines to follow and about the mitigation in the estate area. He is also concerned that the soil cannot support the number of homes going in this development.


Mr. Ragone stated he did not believe Mr. Sheeran’s well would be included because they do this for adjacent properties and Mr. Sheeran’s is across the road; they are following town code.  As to the area of mitigation, it will not affect the number of lots in the subdivision.  There is more than enough acreage, even with the larger wetlands, as there is 7 acres to spare in the estate lot.


Jamie Piraino, Casey Rd., voiced her concern with the drainage situation with this project.  Her lot collects all the water from Casey Rd.  This has been an ongoing problem with the previous builder; 2 years now and still waiting.  Jamie asked what the time frame for fixing this problem is, needs to be prior to the land freezing again.  This is a real problem with real time constraints.  She also had questions about the woods at the corner lot.


Mr. Pulsifer stated he is aware of the problem.  His client did site work before approval and he was wrong.  His client was told he can not do anything on any projects until things are worked out with the Board.  We want it cleared up here with the Board and then address that problem.  We are trying to look at it all in the context of this project.  When we get this project done, that’s when we he’ll be able to do that kind of work.  He really can’t do it before then.   He explained the wooded corner lot is a preserved area, no trees will be removed, it is a no cut area.  They will be working with Town Engineer Ken Martin to prevent contributing to her problem.


Timothy Raymond, Casey Rd., voiced his concerns that engineering, grading and storm water plans need to be addressed and updated before this project goes further.  He also stated his concern that he was not notified of the Public Hearing.  He asked the Board to keep the Public Hearing opened when they adjourn the meeting and not to close it so that neighbors could send in written concerns.   


Mr. Pulsifer addressed Mr. Raymond’s grading concerns and told him they cannot do grading plans until the project is underway.  Mr. Pulsifer would like the neighbors to see the Stormwater Plan and get their input.


Chairman Ian Murray explained to Mr. Raymond that the Planning Board approved the four lots for subdivision.  The Planning Board did not set the elevations of existing homes.  This was an error/mistake on behalf of the builder and the responsibility lies there.


Vance Albertson, Hanehan Rd., asked about the 58 acres of open space, the estate lot, with the building envelope of 5 acres.  He wanted to be certain that the estate lot remains open space and that only 1 house and 1 building stay in the 5 acres building envelope.  He asked if it needs perc testing, and who will be building the homes?


Chairman Ian Murray replied that the soils have to perc; if they do not, an engineered system must be submitted and approved before a building permit would be issued.


Mr. Pulsifer said the B & H Group is the builder; they’re a larger group and better builders.


Jamie Piraino asked the square footage and price range of the new homes and was told by Mr. Pulsifer $350,000 - $400,000.


Chairman Ian Murray asked if there were any more questions.  He then explained that the Board cannot take SEQR action if the Public Hearing remains open.  The Board discussed closing or keeping the Public Hearing open. 


Attorney Pulsifer requested that the Public Hearing remain open, the application be tabled and no determination on SEQR at this time.  This would allow time for their engineers to communicate and discuss required information from the Board.


Paul Griffen made a motion to table the application and leave the Public Hearing open for the next meeting, seconded by Laurie Griffen with the request that neighbors who weren’t properly notified, be notified.  Chairman Ian Murray-aye, Robert Park-aye, Patrick Hanehan-aye, Paul Griffen-aye, Laurie Griffen-aye, Jennifer Koval-aye.  Carried 6-0


Old Business:


New Business:  Clarence Fosdick asked if he could present his new map and get comments from the Board at next month’s meeting.


Next meeting will be held July 25 2007.


A motion to adjourn was made by Paul Griffen, seconded by Laurie Griffen at 8:29 p.m.  Chairman Ian Murray-aye, Robert Park-aye, Patrick Hanehan-aye, Paul Griffen-aye, Laurie Griffen-aye, Jennifer Koval-aye.  Carried 6-0



Respectfully submitted,


Linda McCabe

Planning Clerk


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