Tuesday, July 8, 2008
The Schuylerville/Victory Board of Water Management held a meeting on July 8,
2008 at 7pm in the Village of Victory.
Commissioners Kori Siciliano, Whitney Colvin, Douglas Pink, and George Kahnle.
Commissioner Siciliano led the meeting.
The second meeting for July will be Tuesday, July 22nd in Schuylerville at 7pm.
The June 24th meeting minutes were provided for review.
Treasurer’s Report:
There was a resolution
#2008.09-3 presented to transfer $15,000.00 to apply to the outstanding
vouchers, payroll and for those miscellaneous expenses this month and prior to
the next meeting for the water department.
This is to authorize a transfer from the water savings account to the
water checking account. Commissioner Colvin made a motion to
approve and sign this resolution #2008.09-3 to transfer $15,000 from Savings to
Checking, and it was seconded by Commissioner Kahnle, all ayes, motion passed.
Operational Items:
Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund (LGRMIF): There was a summary given to the board as a follow up from the last meeting, offering the reasoning behind why the application was not approved for funding this year. This summary was forwarded to CT Male for their review also.
Procurement Policy: There was some discussion on the Village of Victory policy, which is attached and outlines how purchases are to be made and when estimates will be required. It was discussed if the water board wanted to adopt their own procurement policy. Commissioner Whitney stated that they also have been talking about open-ended PO’s. He stated he will be speaking with the Treasurer to come up with a list for the board for the PO’s and about the procurement policy. This was tabled until next meting.
Capital Improvement Project:
New Contract for Laberge Group: It was noted that there still has been no further correspondence or discussion on when the water board can expect to get a contract from Laberge Group.
Chief Water Operator’s Report:
Mark Dennison was present and he had a report:
Pending bypass filter order: It stated that any further delay may jeopardize the operation of this plant. We are out of the one micron absolute filters. Filter costs may increase as well due to increasing production/delivery costs. Commissioner Colvin stated he met with Mr. Dennison and they need 30 filters each time they are changed and he was looking to order 120. They are cheaper to buy bulk and these should be enough for the year.
July 8, 2008
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RO Pre Filters: It was requested to order 240. Each canister holds 32 filters. These should last most of the fiscal year. Commissioner Colvin asked if these were the filters that we had an ant problem with before. Mr. Dennison stated that they are, but he inspects each case when they come in, he then repackage them and he seals the boxes completely and they are now stored in the water plant, not in the shed.
Commissioner Colvin
made a motion to approve the purchase of the 2 filter orders that have been
requested by the Chief water operator, bypass water filters at $17,769.99 and
the RO Pre Filters at $4,4327.20 and it was seconded by Commissioner Pink, all
ayes, motion passed.
Brown/Black Water complaints: It was reported that he has received numerous complaints of brown water on the north end of Herkimer St. Friday eve. the 27th of July. He stated that the hydrants were flushed in that area that evening and advised Bill Lloyd to flush Gates Ave. on Saturday morning as he was receiving complaints in that area also.
Complaints of black water: Ted Derby received complaints on July 2nd for the area north of Spring St. This area has not been flushed. Problem cleared up but area should be flushed in near future. (Hydro-Hitch would have been applicable for this area) Manganese continues to be the main cause of complaints in this area. The bypass filtration system is not designed to remove this. This problem will not remedy itself and Mr. Dennison would recommend that the board start looking for design modifications that would eliminate or reduce the amount of manganese that is entering our distribution system. Mr. Dennison explained that an engineer must design a plan for the manganese problem, as this was not done in the beginning. He explained that this will not be a problem for the Victory Plant as it is a green sand system, which is designed to take care of manganese.
Bypass Filter Housing Valves: Mr. Dennison stated that the valves are leaking and need to be replaced as soon as possible. It was stated that he is still waiting to hear from Victaulic on pricing and/or warranty compensation. This problem will increase demand on our bypass filters which will result in the need to purchase additional filters if not corrected soon. Commissioner Colvin stated he wanted to wait for any approval until the costs were provided.
Central Control Panels: This has been tabled from previous meetings. There was a discussion on a surge protection system. Mr. Dennison stated he spoke with Leo Pearce from GE Osmonics about this issue. It is Mr. Pearce’s opinion that this would not help that much as our problems are caused by high voltage lightning strikes which is transferred through the ground. Install a ground fault would be very expensive and would shut everything down if that failed and be more costly to replace. It would be more cost effective to keep a list of spare parts on hand. Mr. Dennison presented the board with a recommended parts list from GE. He stated that Horizon is less that the GE’s list. The quote that was previously submitted for most of the parts was recommended by GE. There was some discussion on the ground fault system and the procedure and if this would happen each time a storm hit. Mr. Dennison stated he would speak with Horizon, but didn’t think this would happen each time, but each storm does have its effects on this. Commissioner Siciliano made a motion to approve the requested parts from Horizon and it was seconded by Commissioner Colvin, all ayes, motion passed.
Emergency Response Plan: Mr. Dennison stated he has to come up with an emergency response plan and it must be approved by DOH. One element that this plan must have is an amount of money set aside for an emergency provision. He was looking for about $2,500.00. This amount would be in the budget and be earmarked for the ERP. Commissioner Colvin stated he wanted to speak to the treasurer before any amounts were approved.
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Hook-up Request: Mittelmark 37 Towpath Road,
Schuylerville- After a discussion on where the mains run and the hookups in the
local area, it was determined that we do not have a main that goes down Tow
Path Road. Commissioner Colvin made a motion to deny the request for hook-up for
37 Towpath Road and it was seconded by Commissioner Kahnle, all ayes, motion
Old Business:
Personnel Manual: no update
Hiring of Employee: no update
Lap-top: This was tabled from last meeting for
further discussion. Commissioner Colvin
stated he spoke with his computer expert and he stated that the Dell Vostro
1500 (XP) would be a better buy for $1,289.20.
He also stated he spoke about the printer that was tabled from last
meeting and it would be a better buy for the HP P2015dn Laser Jet Printer for
$499.98. After a discussion on the use
of these machines, Commissioner Kahnle
made a motion to approve both the lap-top and the printer and it was seconded
by Commissioner Siciliano, all ayes, motion passed.
New Business:
Unit change request-190
Broad Street requesting an inspection to change from 2 units to a single
family. There was some discussion on
the process from going from 2 family to a single family. Commissioner
Colvin made a motion to deny the request until the completion of the conversion
and it has been confirmed by the Schuylerville Code Enforcement Officer, after
going through the building permit process and it was seconded by Commissioner
Siciliano, all ayes, motion passed.
Siciliano made a motion to appoint Commissioner Whitney Colvin Chairman of the
Water Board and to authorize him to sign all voucher and necessary paperwork on
behalf of the S/V BOWM and it was seconded by Commissioner Kahnle, all ayes,
motion passed.
Executive Session:
Commissioner Colvin
made a motion to adjourn the meeting and it was seconded by Commissioner
Siciliano, all ayes, motion passed.
Respectfully Submitted
S. Buchanan,
Recording Secretary