Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Schuylerville/Victory Board of Water Management held a meeting on July 22, 2008 at 7pm in the Village of Schuylerville.


Present: Chairman Whitney Colvin, Commissioners Kori Siciliano, Douglas Pink, and George Kahnle.


Chairman Colvin led the meeting.




The meetings for August will be Tuesday, August 12th in Victory at 7pm and Tuesday, August 26th in Schuylerville at 7pm.




The June 24th meeting minutes were provided and Commissioner Siciliano made a motion to approve the June 24th meeting minutes and it was seconded by Commissioner Pink, all ayes, motion passed.


The July 8th meeting minutes were provided for review.


Treasurer’s Report:


There was a resolution #2008.09-4 presented to transfer $15,000.00 to apply to the outstanding vouchers, payroll and for those miscellaneous expenses this month and prior to the next meeting for the water department.  This is to authorize a transfer from the water savings account to the water checking account.  Commissioner Siciliano made a motion to approve and sign this resolution #2008.09-4 to transfer $15,000 from Savings to Checking, and it was seconded by Commissioner Pink, all ayes, motion passed.


There was a resolution #2008.09-5 a budget amendment is required in order to transfer money between appropriations to balance the budget for the payment due February 2009 in the amount of $88,651.00 as related to the borrowing from the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Program.  The water board has appropriated $74,876.00 already for this appropriation in the current fiscal year 2008.2009 budget.  An additional $13,775.00 needs to be transferred to the debt service appropriation so that this payment can be made and the debt service principle appropriation is not overspent.  From 8340.4, Transmission & Distribution, Contractual $13,775.00 to 9750.6, Debt Service, Principle $13,775.00.  Commissioner Pink authorized the treasurer to amend the budget as stated to reconcile the appropriations and it was seconded by Commissioner Siciliano, all ayes,  motion passed.


Operational Items:  


Procurement Policy:   This has been forwarded to Phil Dixon for his review and input to the water board, as requested by Chairman Colvin.






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Capital Improvement Project: 

New Contract for Laberge Group:   Steve Adams is working on the new contract and hopes to get a draft form out by next week.  As always the contract will be forwarded to Phil Dixon for his review and comments prior to the board’s approval.  No invoices have been paid for the new contract period and all invoices will remain on hold until the new contract is in place.


Interim Project Report from Laberge Group:  a summary has been provided on each of the three contractors for the Victory Water Plant Improvements.  See attached.


Project Identification Plaque:  Of urgency, to determine the final wording on the plaque for the Victory Water Plant Improvement Project.  The contract specs outline the plaque to be mounted on a pedestal.  The location has yet to be determined.  As you may recall, the Fort Hardy Plaque was eventually mounted on the building with a credit received for not mounting on the pedestal.  However, the water board should determine the wording and the location of the pedestal unless it is determined to mount the plaque on the building.  The credit is not known what would be offered by Contract #1 (Schultz).  The plaque order needs to be placed as it may take up to 10 weeks to get.  That date is September 30th well after the September 1st deadline.  An approval may be necessary to grant the extension of the contract completion date.  There was some discussion on the plaque being mounted on the building verses the pedestal.  Commissioner Kahnle made a motion to mount the plaque on the building and it was seconded by Commissioner Siciliano, all ayes, motion passed.


DEC:  a permit modification has been requested and approved for the installation of a culvert structure over and across the sewer force main and water main (DEC permit # 5-4150-00161/00004)


EFC:  notification of the transcript of documents (closing documents on the DWSRF program) was received with attachments sent to all legal counsels.  A reminder of our payment to EFC for the borrowing of money through the DWSRF program (0%) on or before February 15, 2009 in the amount of $88,651.00.


Chief Water Operator’s Report:


Mark Dennison was present and he reported he had some concerns on installing some valves before DOT start paving Broad Street.  These valve insertions are cheaper than line stops.  This would be so there is no water interruptions, in the case of any repairs needed.  One is proposed for north of Burgoyne on Broad and the other is above 120 Broad Street, south of Ferry Street.  They are about $4,500.00 each.  He was requesting that if these are done we bring in a contractor for the excavating and use our equipment to save costs.  He also was requesting a contractor to do the valve insertions.  There was some discussion on the contractor being covered under our insurance if using our equipment.  It was discussed if it needed to go out to bid.  Attorney Dixon stated that if the job is under $20,000 it does not need to be bid out.  He also explained that it is the cost of the entire job not just equipment.  Commissioner Kahnle asked why our guys couldn’t do the job.  Mr. Dennison explained that man power is our problem.  On the state road it is required to have each corner covered.  Mayor Sherman also stated he felt we don’t have a qualified backhoe operator.  Chairman Colvin asked if Mr. Dennison would be on the job site the entire time of the insertions.  He explained that he would be there the entire time.  Mr. Dennison also explained that they will have to replace a curb box at the apartment building at Burgoyne and Broad, but the village crews will be able to do this work.  Commissioner Siciliano asked that we get some estimates on this work and Chairman Colvin asked that we check with our insurance company to see if an outside contractor is covered on our insurance for use of equipment.



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Emergency Response Plan:  Mr. Dennison was requesting an amount of money set aside for an emergency provision, which was required by DOH.  He was looking for about $2,500.00.  This was tabled from the last meeting.  Chairman Colvin stated he still needs to speak to the treasurer before any amounts were approved.

Mr. Dennison stated that this report is in draft form and waiting for the victory plant to go on line before it will be completed.  Chairman Colvin asked Mr. Dennison for a draft copy of this report. 


Victory Plan:


Paving of Road at the Victory Plant:  -update- Mayor Sullivan asked if there has been any progress on the discussion on the paving of the Victory Plant.  He explained that a fund balance transfer can be made to pay for this.  He explained that when they are prepared to get the road ready that would be the time to do the paving.  If it is not done the winter could damage what is done and this could cost a lot more down the road.  Chairman Colvin stated he was told that we didn’t have to do the whole road, just the hill and a pad.  He stated he didn’t believe we had the money to pave this whole road.  Mayor Sherman objected to this paving because the Schuylerville plant was not paved and they wanted it paved. It was explained that the Fort Hardy plant is a public access road owned by the Village for other uses.  The Victory plant is a driveway to the plant only; it is not a public access road.  Mayor Sullivan explained that the Victory Plant has many soft spots and it is bad in the winter and is very wet, he explained that paving would let the water drain.  Commissioner Kahnle asked if there were specs on this job and it was explained that there were, because this was actually in the plans at one time and taken out.  Commissioner Kahnle also asked if we could get some prices on this work and discuss this issue again.  Chairman Colvin agreed to get some prices.  He stated he would speak to the current contractor (Shultz) on a quote.  It was stated that it was about $30,000 in the original contract.  This was tabled until we get some quotes to discuss.


Old Business:

Personnel Manual:  no update


Hiring of Employee:  no update


New Business: 




Public Comment:


Martin Mittelmark wanted to state that he knows a guy with experience in the paving industry and he believes it is cheaper to use concrete, and he suggested that the board look into this for the Victory Plant paving proposal.  Mr. Mittelmark also inquired about his application for hookup to his property on Tow Path Road in Schuylerville.  It was explained to him that there are no mains in the area to connect too.  The fire hydrant near the water plant was also discussed as a possibility to hookup to.  Chief Water Operator, Mark Dennison stated that it is not suggested to run a line off of a hydrant.  The issue of private property was discussed again as being a problem.  They explained that SHPO would most likely need to be brought in because this is on historical property.





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Mr. Sifert from 190 Broad Street was present.  He explained that he put in a request to reduce his units from 2 to 1 as the building has been converted to a one family.  He explained that the meter has been removed and that the Schuylerville Code Enforcement Officer, Gil Albert had been there to inspect the property.  Commissioner Kahnle stated he spoke with Mr. Albert and that the changes have been made, and a letter was coming to verify the changes.  Chairman Colvin stated that after we get the letter we would adjust his units and this current water bill to reflect the change.


Wendy Lukas from Green Street was present.  Ms. Lukas asked Chairman Colvin if he had seen the distribution licenses that the employees of the Village of Schuylerville hold.  He explained he did.  She was inquiring if there were a minimum number of licenses that need to be held to operate the plant.  Mr. Dennison stated that as long as there is one person on the site of a repair that is all that is required.  She was asking about the contract that we are waiting for from Laberge, if this was a new contract or an addendum.  Attorney Dixon explained that this is just an addendum.  Ms. Lukas asked where the hiring of the employee stood.  Chairman Colvin stated that issue will be discussed in executive session.  Ms. Lukas asked about the annual update documents that are required to be submitted to the state.  She stated that they have not been submitted in the past few years and she was inquiring about the status of them.  She stated that the comptroller office does not have them and they should be available to the public.   Chairman Colvin stated that he would look into this, to see what the status was.


Commissioner Kori Siciliano stated she has given her resignation from the water board to the Mayor of Victory last night, effective immediately.  This will be her last meeting.



Executive Session: 

Commissioner Siciliano made a motion to go into executive session for matters leading to the appointment, employment, promotion, demotion, discipline, suspension, dismissal or removal of a particular person or corporation, where as there may or may not be any action taken, also to discuss a pending litigation with Thomas Derby 13, Ferry St. Schuylerville, and it was seconded by Commissioner Pink, all ayes, motion passed.



After returning from Executive session Commissioner Siciliano made a motion to resume the regular meeting, as no action was taken in executive session, it was seconded by Commissioner Pink, all ayes, motion passed.



Commissioner Siciliano made a motion to adjourn the meeting and it was seconded by Commissioner Pink, all ayes, motion passed.



Respectfully Submitted




Brenda S. Buchanan,

Recording Secretary


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