Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Schuylerville/Victory Board of Water Management held a meeting on January 29, 2008 at 7pm in the Village of Victory Community Center.


Present: Commissioners Kori Siciliano, Whitney Colvin, Douglas Pink, and George Kahnle.

Recording Secretary Buchanan, Mayor Sullivan, Chief Water Operator Mark Dennison, and Trustee Dennison from the Village of Victory.


Commissioner Siciliano led the meeting and started with the Pledge.




It was determined to have the February Meetings on Tuesday, February 12, in Victory at 7pm and Tuesday, February 26th, in Schuylerville at 7pm.




The January meeting minutes will be available February 12th for approval.


Chief Water Operator’s Report:


Mark Dennison reported the UV problem will be looked at by a Tech next week.  He explained a 6” PVC Pipe broke and they had some parts overnight and they got the problem fixed temporarily.  He reported that Filtreck came for the #2 housing.  He was recommending paying the bill to Ross Value, the repairs have been done and thing are doing good.  He explained that the President of the company responded to his letter that he sent in regards to this problem.  Mr. Dennison explained about some new rules and procedures that will need to be followed, required by DOH.  He presented the board with a listing of the alarms for the month.  Commissioner Colvin asked that he present this report each month.  It was also reported that its time to think about doing a membrane cleaning and it is about $46,000 in chemicals to do so, this is usually done once a year.

Commissioner Colvin stated that he was aware of some sampling that was not done and he asked Mr. Dennison to give a reminder call around noon if the sample is not received by then.



Old Business:


Delta Construction Group request:  The letter that the Attorney wrote on behalf of the water board was read and discussed.  Mayor Sullivan explained that he spoke with Attorney Dixon and asked that he includ the Town in the meeting that should occur and asked that this be put in the letter going to Delta.  It was reported that Mark Dennison also reviewed the letter and it was recommend by the board to send the letter after the additions were included.









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New Business: 


CWO Mark Dennison reported that he is out of Ink and jet paper.  These are operational expenses at about $100.00 that he needs.  Commissioner Colvin stated that as long as this is in the budget he doesn’t need to get permission for each purchase.  Mayor Sullivan also suggested he have extra parts on hand for emergency repairs. 


Commissioner Colvin asked Mark Dennison if he would be able to do a presentation to the public about the water plant as some point.  Mr. Dennison stated he at one time started putting together a power point presentation, but other things have come up.


Mayor Sullivan brought up a topic about the incident he heard about involving a fire hydrant.  He explained that an employee of Earthtech and the Mayor of Schuylerville hooked a fire hose to a hydrant and put it in the sewer to try to unclog a sewer problem.  He explained that this is a cross connection and that should not have happened and what will we do to be sure it does not happen again.  Commissioner Colvin stated he was not aware of this problem and he would look into this and bring back a report to the February 12th meeting.  Mayor Sullivan suggested the water board send a letter to both villages explaining they are not allowed to open fire hydrants with out board approval for any reason. (Firemen for fire purposes not included)  Again Commissioner Colvin stated he wanted an opportunity to look into this issue and report back at the next meeting.


Personal Manual Review:  Tabled


Executive Session: 


Commissioner Colvin made a motion to go into executive session for matters leading to the appointment, employment, promotion, demotion, discipline, suspension, dismissal or removal of a particular person or corporation, where as there may or may not be any action taken, and it was seconded by Commissioner Siciliano, all ayes, motion passed.


After returning from Executive session Commissioner Siciliano made a motion to resume the regular meeting, it was seconded by Commissioner Colvin, all ayes, motion passed.


There was some discussion on weekend requirements for the water plant.  Mark Dennison explained that they do testing, sampling and fill tanks with chemicals.  He explained you are on call all weekend and must respond to any alarm within a few minutes, which is required by DOH.  He explained that on Holidays he tries to schedule Ted to save on some money.  Mayor Sullivan asked about Village employees helping to deliver the samples so there is less travel out side the water plant for him.  Mr. Dennison explained that would be a help at the plant.  He explained that the samples go to Ballston Spa and Rt. 5 in Albany and some of these samples are time sensitive.  Mayor Sullivan asked if we could ask Corey Helwig in the Village of Victory to help on these deliveries.  Mayor Sullivan stated he would speak to Corey.


Commissioner Colvin stated he would like a letter to go to Don Sherwood to thank him for his help and support down at the plant when Mark had the emergency last week.





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Commissioner Colvin also stated that Mr. Dennison is no longer required to attend the monthly meetings, but would like to see a monthly report at the meetings.  If at any time the board does request him to attend, at that time they will pay him to be present.


It was determined to add an additional meeting on February 19th at 6:30pm to discuss the personnel manual only.




Commissioner Kahnle made a motion to adjourn the meeting and it was seconded by Commissioner Siciliano, all ayes, motion passed.





Respectfully Submitted





Brenda S. Buchanan,

Recording Secretary